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Trump salutes Carrier _ and himself _ for saving jobs


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Trump salutes Carrier _ and himself _ for saving jobs



INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Donald Trump saluted workers, owners and himself Thursday at a Carrier plant in Indiana, declaring that a deal to keep a local plant open instead of moving operations to Mexico was only the first of many business victories to come in the U.S. with him as president.


Trump's stop at the heating and air conditioning giant's plant, his first major public appearance since the election more than two weeks ago, marked the opening of a victory tour to states that helped him win. He was appearing at a big rally in Cincinnati Thursday night.


His speaking style, while calmer than on the campaign trail, was similar to the seemingly stream-of-conscious efforts of the past year. While focusing on the hundreds of jobs he said he had saved from moving to Mexico, he also found time to talk about his Hoosier state primary performance, former Indiana University basketball coach Bob Knight and the wall he has promised to build along the U.S.-Mexico border.


Some questions remain about the extent of the victory at Carrier, which announced this week that it will keep an Indianapolis plant open. In February, the heating and air conditioning company said that it would shut the plant and send jobs to Mexico, and video of angry workers being informed about the decision soon went viral.


"We're going to build the wall," Trump said, repeating his vow to construct an impenetrable southern border. "Trust me: We're going to build that wall." In other recent remarks, he has suggested that he might actually go for a fence along some portions of the border.


"The Rust Belt is so incredible but we're losing companies, it's unbelievable. Just one after the other," Trump said to workers at the Indianapolis plant. "Companies are not going to leave the United States anymore without consequences. It's not going to happen. It's simply not going to happen."


During the campaign, he had often pointed to the Indiana plant's moving plans and a major result of poor Obama administration policies, and he pledged to revive U.S. manufacturing. Officials said this week that Carrier had agreed to keep some 800 union jobs at the plant but Trump suggested Thursday that it could exceed 1,100.


A call to a Carrier spokesman to clarify was not immediately returned. Earlier Thursday, Seth Martin, a spokesman for Carrier, said that Indiana offered the air conditioning and furnace manufacturer $7 million in tax incentives after negotiations with Trump's team to keep some jobs in the state. Chuck Jones, the head of the USW Local 1999 union that represents the workers, said the additional jobs in Trump's count were previously set to be saved.


The company's decision is something of a reversal, since earlier offers from the state had failed to sway Carrier.


Trump said he personally called Greg Hayes, the CEO of United Technologies, Carrier's parent, to seal the deal, jokingly asking Hayes, "If I lost would you have picked up the phone?"


The president-elect threatened during the campaign to impose sharp tariffs on any company that shifted its factories to Mexico. And his advisers have promoted lower corporate tax rates as a means of keeping jobs in the U.S.


Trump repeated both ideas on Thursday.


He toured the factory with his running mate Mike Pence — who, as the outgoing governor of Indiana, was well-situated to aid negotiations — and shook hands with several workers whose jobs would be preserved. Trump pointed to one and yelled at reporters "He's going to have a good Christmas."


Though hundreds may keep their jobs, others apparently will not, since roughly 1,400 workers were slated to be laid off — and many workers have not yet been told their fate. While Trump received some cheers during his appearance, the response was not overwhelming, perhaps a reflection of that uncertainty.


Trump's deal with Carrier may be a public relations success for the incoming president but also suggests that he has unveiled a new presidential economic approach: actively choosing individual corporate winners and losers — or at least winners. To critics who see other Indiana factories on the verge of closing, deals like the one at Carrier are unlikely to stem the job losses caused by automation and cheap foreign competition, and the prospect that the White House might directly intervene is also a concern to some economists.


The other victory Trump is celebrating is far more clear-cut: his own on Election Day.


Trump, who has long spoken of feeding off the energy of his raucous crowds, first floated the idea of a victory tour just days after winning the election but has instead prioritized filling some Cabinet positions.


The rally in Cincinnati, which Pence also will attend, will take place in the same downtown sports arena where Trump appeared in late October and drew about 15,000 people in what was one of his loudest — and most hostile to the media — crowds of the campaign. Trump, who convincingly won Ohio, is also expected to hold rallies in battleground states including Pennsylvania, Florida, North Carolina and Michigan in the coming weeks, though details have yet to be announced.


Associated Press writer Brian Slodysko contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-12-02
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I predict there will be protests at the self-congratulatory rallies Trump is putting on for himself.


Here's a little tidbit:  Romney and Trump went to a high class restaurant to talk.  As usual, Trump forbids press corps from covering his activities.  He only wants press coverage when it lavishes him in praise, hence the crafted set pieces like the air conditioning company showcased in this topic.


While at the restaurant, both Romney and Trump ate frog legs.  Yes, Trump is draining the swamp, and eating what squiggles around in the mud.

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16 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Bernie Sanders:   “Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States. Why? Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives.”

I thought this as soon as I read the news yesterday about Carrier. Trump thinks he is clever, but I am not sure there is much between his ears.

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36 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Bernie Sanders:   “Trump has endangered the jobs of workers who were previously safe in the United States. Why? Because he has signaled to every corporation in America that they can threaten to offshore jobs in exchange for business-friendly tax benefits and incentives.”


You'd think that would have seemed obvious.


I think in this particular case the stick would have been more appropriate than the carrot.



Edited by lannarebirth
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5 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

I thought this as soon as I read the news yesterday about Carrier. Trump thinks he is clever, but I am not sure there is much between his ears.

I agree with your post but would add that Trump doesn't care two hoots about American manufacturing jobs just so long as he can control the way the media portrays the situation and the way the media portrays him. So the key for him is to suppress news relating to job losses and drown them out in over-the-top self-congratulatory press coverage of the odd "Carrier-type" situation. I am afraid to say he seems to have been very successful in controlling media coverage and suppressing facts.

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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

I predict there will be protests at the self-congratulatory rallies Trump is putting on for himself.


Here's a little tidbit:  Romney and Trump went to a high class restaurant to talk.  As usual, Trump forbids press corps from covering his activities.  He only wants press coverage when it lavishes him in praise, hence the crafted set pieces like the air conditioning company showcased in this topic.


While at the restaurant, both Romney and Trump ate frog legs.  Yes, Trump is draining the swamp, and eating what squiggles around in the mud.


More predictions?


LOL> That was hardly a tidbit. It's been all over the news for at least a day, including what they ate. Hey, here's a tidbit: Their meal cost over $1000. Who paid that?



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14 minutes ago, tropo said:

More predictions?


LOL> That was hardly a tidbit. It's been all over the news for at least a day, including what they ate. Hey, here's a tidbit: Their meal cost over $1000. Who paid that?




Who paid? Try the US Tax Payers. Oh, and guess who profits?


"... the president-elect, Trump’s transition costs are paid for via $7 million in Congress-appropriated funds. If he picked up the check, the answer to who really paid the bill is a simple one—US taxpayers."


When Donald Trump has a $600 work dinner at a Trump property, who pays? And who profits?



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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Though hundreds may keep their jobs, others apparently will not, since roughly 1,400 workers were slated to be laid off — and many workers have not yet been told their fate.


Psych!  We are going to save your jobs...oh, but not yours.


2 hours ago, webfact said:

The other victory Trump is celebrating is far more clear-cut: his own on Election Day.


Soon he will be going out on his victory thank you tour. He must miss the mass adoration of his loving fans. Probably needs a recharge.


Trump’s ‘Thank You Tour’ Said to Start in Ohio on Thursday




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While I'm glad that American jobs have been saved thanks to the taxpayers of Indiana, I wonder what else was involved in the latest negotiations as Carrier had already turned down incentives from the state previously. What carrot or what stick was used that has not yet been reported?

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Will be a Merry Christmas for the 1000 folks whose jobs were saved.  Good on Trump continuing to keep his campaign promises.  Now just where has Obama been the last 8 years while jobs were exported?


But guess that immigrants are still taking jobs from born Americans:




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3 minutes ago, kamahele said:

While I'm glad that American jobs have been saved thanks to the taxpayers of Indiana, I wonder what else was involved in the latest negotiations as Carrier had already turned down incentives from the state previously. What carrot or what stick was used that has not yet been reported?


Simple really,  Parent company of Carrier is United Technologies which has a lot of government contracts.  So all that was needed was a little horse trading for future government contracts 


Unfortunately that won't work with companies such as Apple, who could care less about defense contracts 

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It only cost the state of Indiana $7 million to save 1000 jobs. Fair trade, eh? Now other companies can line up and ask for their share.


Carrier is getting a modest $7 million in financial incentives over the next 10 years from the state of Indiana to keep 1,000 jobs at an Indianapolis plant...


How Donald Trump got Carrier to stay



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20 minutes ago, Silurian said:

It only cost the state of Indiana $7 million to save 1000 jobs. Fair trade, eh? Now other companies can line up and ask for their share.


Carrier is getting a modest $7 million in financial incentives over the next 10 years from the state of Indiana to keep 1,000 jobs at an Indianapolis plant...


How Donald Trump got Carrier to stay



Watch the gravy train start now !

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50 minutes ago, kamahele said:

While I'm glad that American jobs have been saved thanks to the taxpayers of Indiana, I wonder what else was involved in the latest negotiations as Carrier had already turned down incentives from the state previously. What carrot or what stick was used that has not yet been reported?


Military defense contracts. Look at who owns carroier and how many billions in government defense contratcs are at stake.

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I voted for Obama and Hillary but I have to give Trump some credit- at least he picked up the phone and called the CEO and said let's deal. I don't think he can do that with every company but he can use the Presidency to set in motion a scenario of tax incentives; tax cuts; repatriation of wealth outside of the country and tariffs. I still think he is somewhat of a meglomaniac but so far I am somewhat impressed by his ability to actually get things done.

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3 hours ago, Silurian said:


Who paid? Try the US Tax Payers. Oh, and guess who profits?


"... the president-elect, Trump’s transition costs are paid for via $7 million in Congress-appropriated funds. If he picked up the check, the answer to who really paid the bill is a simple one—US taxpayers."


When Donald Trump has a $600 work dinner at a Trump property, who pays? And who profits?




This sounds like more "sour grapes" reporting by people still in mourning.


No problem, the $400,000 salary he's forgoing will cover some nice dinners... and don't forget he was using his private jet at a time an official government jet was available.



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15 minutes ago, tropo said:

This sounds like more "sour grapes" reporting by people still in mourning.


No problem, the $400,000 salary he's forgoing will cover some nice dinners... and don't forget he was using his private jet at a time an official government jet was available.




Nah, not sour grapes. I am having a great time shining the light on Don the Prez. He makes it so easy to do. This is much more fun than if Hillary got elected.


Oh, and about the private jet. Don the Prez owns TAG Air and you can bet he was using his campaign money to finance his trips which is pretty much taking money directly from the campaign fund and handing it over to his own company. Oh but wait there is an added bonus...the Secret Service also flies on the plane with the cost going to the taxpayer and the profits going to guess who?! Yes, Don the Prez's own TAG Air. Woohoo! He wouldn't make any money using the government jet now would he?





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4 hours ago, kamahele said:

While I'm glad that American jobs have been saved thanks to the taxpayers of Indiana, I wonder what else was involved in the latest negotiations as Carrier had already turned down incentives from the state previously. What carrot or what stick was used that has not yet been reported?

Try a reduction in wages and benefits for starters. Before long US workers will be following the model used by the Chinese Cosco company in Greece. As you know Greece's sovereign companies went up for fire sale prices and the Chinese bought up the dock works lock stock and barrel. A Greek dock worker (for the Chinese) must be on call to WORK 24/7/365. When the call to duty comes he must immediately report or be canned. Another tier of slavery is being assembled. 

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The risk being that  Carrier is good material, but the Japanese and Koreans do as well and cheaper if Carrier is to produce in the USA.

A so-called approach implies customs protections, followed of course by similar measures on the part of the trading partners
The European market, for example, will benefit to Asians.

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The Chinese model you presented is true. I actually have seen it in effect in the US where  a Chinese company buys up an American company, reduces wages and then adds on more responsibilities to the workers at reduced wages.  If the workers protest and tell them they will make a labor department complaint- the company says go ahead and states they will simply close the company and reopen under a new name with new workers.

I would hope a Trump Administration would never allow such goings on but I am fearful that the 'Chinese model' will be replicated time and time again. unless the Federal government puts into place hard labor laws that will be enforced- not much is going to change. One of the huge issues that will never be addressed is the one Bernie Sanders identified as the main source of problems in the Us economy and that was a complete imbalance in wealth generated. Company executives make huge profits and salaries yet refuse to pay the lowest workers a living wage. The Federal minimum wage is $7.25 and hour which is absurd.

In addition, the Us tax code rewards the wealthy by taking money from the rest. I don't see Trump changing that. He will give the middle class and poor some crumbs but nowhere near enough to actually put them on the road to wealth.

Regarding Healthcare- there is only one real solution and that is a single payer system run by the government in which every person has access and is paid for by deductions from one's paycheck and free for those who don't work or are over 65.  Trump will repeal and revamp Obamacare but he will still allow insurance companies to control it as well as Big Pharma- both which will continue to overcharge the American public. Every other first World country in the World has a real national healthcare program that works except the US. The US hasn't figured out that Healthcare is a human right; not another business to see how much profit can be made off the populations suffering.

The problem in America is that the 1% control everything; their greed is unchecked and they won't give it up until someone takes it from them.  Bernie Sanders might have been able to start the process; Clinton would never have done it and Trump can't understand the concept because he is one of them.  HIs administration will buy some time...probably help the economy...put some people back to work.....raise the military budget (which we don't need)....and get some good trade deals.... but the underlying issues will remain. I will give him a chance but I will be hugely surprised if anything really changes except cosmetically.


Edited by Thaidream
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This really isn't a good precedent Trump is setting.  So these big companies can just threaten to leave and be given sweet deals to stay?


["We certainly don't want to take as our guide to creating jobs special tax breaks for a company that earned $7.5 billion in profits last year, got $6 billion in defense contracts, paid its top five executives $50 million, in order to preserve 1,000 out of 2,100 jobs," said Shapiro.

"It's essentially a transfer from the taxpayers of Indiana, who are providing these tax breaks, to the shareholders of United Technology plus those 1,000 workers. That's really not a model for creating jobs across America," he added.]




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38 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Nah, not sour grapes. I am having a great time shining the light on Don the Prez. He makes it so easy to do. This is much more fun than if Hillary got elected.


Oh, and about the private jet. Don the Prez owns TAG Air and you can bet he was using his campaign money to finance his trips which is pretty much taking money directly from the campaign fund and handing it over to his own company. Oh but wait there is an added bonus...the Secret Service also flies on the plane with the cost going to the taxpayer and the profits going to guess who?! Yes, Don the Prez's own TAG Air. Woohoo! He wouldn't make any money using the government jet now would he?





Conflict of interest and "lining of one's own pockets".   A dubious "theme" given the relative campaign comparison is Big Bucks Hillary "pay for play" Clinton.  LOL.  But, I get the point, even though it's diluted by the author's pathetic blubbering about post-election therapy.  Fer fux sake, get a grip already.:passifier:


Both campaigns paid for air services.  If Hillary's spending habits are any indication, she likely over-paid for hers.   Even though she was already paying for an aircraft, she (her campaign) spent $36,000 for her (and key staff I presume) for a short flight on Air Force One with President Obama, for their first, joint campaign rally.  IMV, that's a careless financial decision, but then again, she's admitted to acting carelessly in the past. 


Trump, on the other hand, ran a lean campaign and utilized his existing resources and assets - one being his private air service, which, same as Hlllary's campaign, was paid for services rendered.  If anything, Trump's operational costs would be lower, for superior service, so that's smart and far more efficient.   Trump billed the government $1 million LESS for reimbursable secret service protection, than Hillary.  Again, smart, cost efficient. 




If there's a theme here, ironically, it's the one Trump has been on about for a while.  Spend less and still win.  I don't like the guy and not inclined to accept spending less at any cost, but I'll give him a nod on this one (for now), and hope he can do more of that once he's actually sworn in to government service.   We'll shall see.

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Interesting or pathetic that so little attention is paid to the hundreds of thousands of jobs created in the US under the Obama admin. Talk a/b one sided hypocrites. The "reds" bitched and moaned at Obama's every turn and blocked almost everything he wanted to do. NOW they say gridlock must stop.... Oh my and so many are gullible and naive allowing this nonsense to continue.


The Groper only cares about himself; end of story and probably Democracy and civil rights in US.

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Why do Republicans get angry when taxpayer money is allocated to disadvantaged or disabled people etc but have no problem when taxpayer money is given to multi-billion dollar corporations and their backers? If Obama had done something along these lines, they would have been screaming 'tax hikes/protectionism/redistribution, shut down Washington!!!' (but in this case, re-distributed to a mega corporation on the backs of tax payers, so ok, no problem;). Now, the precedent is set for many more companies to follow suit across USA.

Next up, Trump & Co will water-down Dodd Frank Wall St reform regulations thus let big banks and Wall St go on another 'great' wrecking spree (again). 'Makin Murica great agin' has just begun y'all ! (please fasten your seatbelts as we descend  to  a hard landing, again...)

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