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Pedophile English football coach raped Thai school boy, claims former footballer


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Pedophile English football coach raped Thai school boy, claims former footballer



Frank Roper, image Daily Mirror.


The sexual abuse scandal that has rocked English football has links to Thailand, according to reports in the British press.


Former Leeds United and Hull City player Jamie Forrester, who established a successful career in the lower leagues, said he witnessed pedophile football coach Frank Roper rape an 11 year old Thai boy during a tour of the Far East.


Forrester, now 42, told the Sunday People how Roper took him and other boys on an all expenses 5 day football tour of Thailand.


"One night during the trip we went out to watch Thai boxing, Forrester said.


"Roper had a young Thai boy, about 11 or 12, the same age as us, sitting on his knee.


"I can remember thinking at the time, 'What's going on?' but I was only 11, I didn't feel like I could say anything.


"The Thai boy came back with us to our hotel and because we were all staying in the same room he came in to the room and we all got into bed.


"The lights went out and the next thing Roper started molesting the Thai boy and then began having sex with him in the bed next to us."


"I was in the bed next to him and it happening two yards away. He was clearly having sex.


"It was terrifying and I felt like it was all completely out of my control. I was very scared.


"Me and the other boys all lay in ­absolute silence. There was no way any of us could have done or said anything.


"I felt like I had to pretend I wasn't there and it was like we were frozen ­statues. In the morning he was still laid there in bed with Roper."



Jamie Forrester playing for Lincoln City


Forrester claims that Roper was at the centre of a pedophile ring that preyed on young footballers.


"Roper used to talk very often about another man and his junior team", Forrester said.


"He would say things like, ‘You think you’re good? They’re better than you, they’ll kick your a***’. He was always talking about this guy, who I know now was a notorious paedophile.


"A match was arranged between the two teams. I played in the match with others who went on to be professional.


"Shortly afterwards the other man made contact with my parents to invite me to his house for the weekend.


"Thankfully my parents declined ­because of rumours about him".


Roper, who died in 2005, has been named at the centre of the abuse scandal.


A well known football coach and scout, Roper operated throughout the North West of England and ran Nova FC, a junior football team in Stockport, Greater Manchester.


He had close links to a number of professional football clubs and would often arrange overseas tours for his junior football teams.


Rumours of Roper’s vile behaviour were widespread, earning him the nickname of “Roper the Groper”, although he was never officially charged with any offence related to sexual abuse.


In the 1980s he left his native Stockport and is believed to have fled to Thailand after he became the subject of an investigation by authorities who probed his tax affairs.


He later returned to the UK where he spent his final years in a hospice suffering from prostate cancer. He died in September 2005, aged 69.


Last week, former England, Liverpool and Manchester City star Paul Stewart revealed how Roper sexually abused him every day for four years between the ages of 11 and 15.


Meanwhile, British police say they have now received almost 1,000 calls and that 350 people have approached police forces in the UK with allegations of child abuse at football clubs.


Some of the clubs connected to the abuse claims include Chelsea, Manchester City, Stoke City, Crewe Alexandra, Newcastle United, Leeds United and Blackpool.


Officials have said that every report will be investigated, despite some dating back decades.


The unfolding scandal comes just two years after revelations about child abuse involving some of Britain’s most prominent TV personalities, namely Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall.


-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-12-04
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What can one even say about this? Too bad Roper is already gone. And Eddie Heath. And Jimmy Savile. All swine. All responsible for destroying many, many lives of young boys. Hope they are able to find and prosecute some of the responsible parties, who are still alive. It appears to be alot bigger than any of us could have ever imagined. Thankfully, some very courageous victims are speaking out, finally. And I hope some of the clubs who have paid hush money face massive penalties, and that some of the officials who were complicit spend many, many years in prison, where they will be treated very well by their fellow inmates, and really made to feel at home. 

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1 hour ago, rooster59 said:

Meanwhile, British police say they have now received almost 1,000 calls and that 350 people have approached police forces in the UK with allegations of child abuse at football clubs.


It seems the British police have a history of ignoring or burying such accusations, sometimes for decades, until forced to act by media coverage. Even then the follow-up often gets bogged down in procedure and pressure not to dig too deeply.



Even the fiercest critic of Dame Lowell Goddard must admit she’s got a point. Earlier this week, Goddard revealed why she resigned last month as chair of the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse. She sent a 10-page critique of the setup of the inquiry to the home affairs select committee, saying it was too big, took in too many institutions (church, councils, schools, Westminster, Medomsley detention centre – to name but a few of its 13 strands), was too complex, went back too far (60 years), would take too long (possibly 10 years), and was underfunded.


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John McCabe says that he was raped repeatedly in his six months at Medomsley – by Husband and by other men who have never been prosecuted. But he will not get his chance to tell his story to the inquiry because he was 18 at the time. That is why he and other Medomsley victims have told their lawyers they will boycott the inquiry.

In Goddard’s memo this week, she said she hoped her resignation would provide the opportunity to reassess the remit of the public inquiry. McCabe is one of many former Medomsley inmates who want to see the detention centre separated and given a public inquiry of its own. “I cannot stand by and see victims, who were detained by the state and abused by the state at Medomsley, stand before an inquiry that is not fit for purpose,” he says. As far as McCabe is concerned, only once they have all had the opportunity to have their say can they start to repair themselves.

Amazing story.
Amazing suppression of the facts, at the highest levels. My guess is that too many people would be implicated, and many are in positions of power and wealth. You just do not want to call out the rich and powerful, now do you? Pretty atrocious stuff. Really an abomination, and a boil on the face of British culture and society, though plenty of this kind of abhorrent behavior seems to go on in the US, and many other places. 
Edited by spidermike007
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59 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

What can one even say about this? Too bad Roper is already gone. And Eddie Heath. And Jimmy Savile. All swine. All responsible for destroying many, many lives of young boys. Hope they are able to find and prosecute some of the responsible parties, who are still alive. It appears to be alot bigger than any of us could have ever imagined. Thankfully, some very courageous victims are speaking out, finally. And I hope some of the clubs who have paid hush money face massive penalties, and that some of the officials who were complicit spend many, many years in prison, where they will be treated very well by their fellow inmates, and really made to feel at home. 

Edward Heath? Was he convicted? I hope so if you put his name along with Jimmy Saville.

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Before getting started Trolls should perhaps note that this will surely prove prevalent in ALL sports/gatherings involving youths/young people & is unlikely to be restricted to the Island of Great Britain or football....



Edited by evadgib
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34 minutes ago, skippy said:

Dead guy - no thai boy - where is the story ?


Its true that it may be too late, in this instance.... but unearthing it, discussing it, and pursuing survivors, will hilight the dangers that our communities still face, enabling a better response than the previous decades of ignoring the boy that didn't cry wolf.

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There appears to be a disturbing trend to these kinds of articles. 


By the time the infamous nonce is named and shamed he's been dead and buried for a decade.  No opportunity to string him up by his bat and balls. 


 Justice delayed is...

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1 hour ago, attrayant said:


What's disgusting is how everybody just assumes the accusations are true.

I would have a half of reason to doubt the accusations if there was money involved but I'm guessing its hard to sue a dead guy. Why would somebody make up the story if not for money. These crimes have tormented these guys for years.  I'm sure these perpetrators were completely forgiven of their sins at confession every week, may have gotten a few tips there too. 

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11 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:


As CS Lewis observed, in British public schools, pederasty was treated as less serious than an improperly buttoned coat.

No doubt the Greeks and the Romans are really to blame for those liberal attitudes - and centuries of learning the classics in British schools.


Well, Britain now leads the world in stamping it out. Could it be that the change in attitude correlates to the decline in classical education?


Interesting observation.


but more importantly.... keep Rolf "the rock spider" Harris, in jail for us please.


kind regards

the colony

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3 hours ago, attrayant said:


What's disgusting is how everybody just assumes the accusations are true.


Yes, the concept of natural justice cannot be exercised from the grave. However there seems to be so many victims telling much the same story, independently of each other, they should be heard even without rebuttal.

I had believed, naively as it transpires, that the Canadian Catholic scandal exposed about 20 years ago was as bad as it could get. But each successive case exposed is ever more horrible.

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6 hours ago, evadgib said:

Before getting started Trolls should perhaps note that this will surely prove prevalent in ALL sports/gatherings involving youths/young people & is unlikely to be restricted to the Island of Great Britain or football....




I can not think of any other sport in the UK that would have given these vial scums easy access to so many young boys.

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27 minutes ago, Basil B said:


I can not think of any other sport in the UK that would have given these vial scums easy access to so many young boys.

Really? Swimming and Athletics have already had their cases, albeit smaller and they came to light years ago. No doubt now accusers are being believed and the police better equipped, through training etc,  more will come forward. I totally agree they are vile scum but the reason they get away with it is that they come across as 'normal'. No parent would allow their kids to attend any event with these pervs if they looked like a perv but what does a perv look like?

It's so sad that children are put through this but it's has been going on for years and in many cultures, it is even accepted. I'm not excusing it at all, I'd happily face life in jail to get my hands on one of them. It is slowly being dealt with, mainly by educating children, the authorities and the police which is why the west is leading it. Be sure it's not a British, European or an Asian problem. It's a human problem. And while some football fans [Sunderland had their share] still joke about it, we are not helping ourselves face the issue. 

It affects so many more than the children involved. My close friend killed herself a few months ago - she was abused by her grandfather from 9 and never believed by her own family.

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Wasn't anyone shocked at Forrester's comments?


I'd throw Forrester and his mates in jail [there's more I'd like to do]. They were next to him in the same room and they did nothing????? Unbelievable! How could anyone do that? Would a group of women allowed that to happen? Am I going mad or did he really admit to that?  All of them against 1 middle-aged man?


I hope they are prosecuted - they'll get a very warm welcome in any British jail.

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7 minutes ago, Bule gila said:

Wasn't anyone shocked at Forrester's comments?


I'd throw Forrester and his mates in jail [there's more I'd like to do]. They were next to him in the same room and they did nothing????? Unbelievable! How could anyone do that?


   Forrester was 11 years old at the time .

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2 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   Forrester was 11 years old at the time .

apologies - i tend to get a bit riled. I remember being 11 though, I'd like to think I'd have been different - especially with my mates around. Why did he leave it this long to tell. Their silence allows and even condones the behaviour of the 'people'.

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apologies - i tend to get a bit riled. I remember being 11 though, I'd like to think I'd have been different - especially with my mates around. Why did he leave it this long to tell. Their silence allows and even condones the behaviour of the 'people'.

You have no understanding of what it's like to be a victim of abuse.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk

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