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What can I do to make Thailand great again?


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There is an orphanage in Pattaya, and I'm sure several throughout the country. Establish a scholarship fund to send worthy students (particularly girls) to school in Thailand and abroad. You would affect generations of people, even if you only help one person.  That's my plan.

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3 minutes ago, realenglish1 said:

Teach people critical thinking in Thailand so it can become an inventive state

Most of the Thais I know everything far much better than any falang including of course me. To teach them anything is hard, because first they ought to realize what they do not know. 


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Great 'again'? On what basis do you assert that Thailand has ever been 'great'?


Oh.....is it on the level of criminals that freely commit their ruthless crimes against decent law-abiding people? Is it is on the abysmal legal system that fails to protect victims of those crimes? Or is it on the corrupt government authorities, police and courts that not only allow criminals and criminal activity to exist in Thailand - but openly encourages and assists them?


In which case - Thailand already IS great and doesn't really need to change!!



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13 minutes ago, Honthy said:

Most of the Thais firmly believes that Money = Happiness.

And a lot of farangs too 55555

Then people are clearly fooling themselves which is what my point is. Believing and knowing are different things.

All said and done its money first, happiness secondary.

Theres smiling homeless and suicidal rich pigs.

Money really has nothing to do with it. Just good to have and can mask some depressing realities some people may have but it works both ways.

Happiness comes from with in. Its a mindset.

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I'd like to know what you mean by 'Make Thailand great again'.  When was it 'great'? For that matter, define 'great'.  


Mate, don't worry about the grandiose wording, just do the best you can do within your means for those you can reach.  Even 'just' paying for your adopted child's education, supporting and encouraging his or her learning makes Thailand 'great' for one kid, one family and you. 

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1 hour ago, Honthy said:

Most of the Thais I know everything far much better than any falang including of course me. To teach them anything is hard, because first they ought to realize what they do not know. 



Don't you know the world revolves around Thailand? :whistling: :wai:

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No one in Thailand is interested in your egomaniacal Western notion of "legacy".


Thailand is one of the lands of "Impermanence". 


They proliferate in the East.


Maybe you have enough time left to find out what it means?


Or you might see if you can make sense of this:


"I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”
Ozymandias, Percy Bysshe Shelley. 




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6 hours ago, malt25 said:

Get out of bed on the wrong side, did we ?

The difference between me and you is I got out of bed on the wrong side In country that I like. You on the other hand, get out on the wrong side of the bed everyday in a country that you probably hate. So better move your bed back to your home country the same as Nick

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On 04/12/2016 at 6:20 PM, sandgroper2 said:

I honestly believe this is the most ridiculous post ever. At the barest minimum, go home and make your country great.

When he goes home he becomes a nobody, please I don't mean to insult.

You could teach English for free to Thais.

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Build  a  shiny palace  to a fantasy and ask (pressure from birth)the community  to contribute to increase the size of said  shiny palace, rinse repeat.....whatever  you do dont fix  the roads or spend the money on something even mildly useful

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On 12/5/2016 at 0:19 PM, Ladek said:

Do something for thai nature and environment like help to establish separating of plastic wraps, hm.

Yep, cannot do without WP  ... :(Prooved 

Otherwise, The idea is good and I separated the garbage and the recycling very carefully and put them in the yellow, green etc. bins until I saw with my own eyes, that the garbage truck poured them into one container. 


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On 12/5/2016 at 0:25 PM, bsdthai said:

Another thing to point out here is corruption needs to cease. Without this true happiness is a fairytale.

I cannot help, but I started to believe that happiness is just a fairytale, as many other kinks.

I can't forget  when I collected a brochure at  a cashier box about corruption and the cashier asked me under table money to get the last bus ...

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On 5.12.2016 at 0:20 PM, gios50hk said:

Great 'again'? On what basis do you assert that Thailand has ever been 'great'?


Oh.....is it on the level of criminals that freely commit their ruthless crimes against decent law-abiding people? Is it is on the abysmal legal system that fails to protect victims of those crimes? Or is it on the corrupt government authorities, police and courts that not only allow criminals and criminal activity to exist in Thailand - but openly encourages and assists them?


In which case - Thailand already IS great and doesn't really need to change!!




Thailand IS great indeed, why else would we come here in the first place ?

To all those criticasters...;

If you think home or any other place is better... then take your hat and... get another beer...

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2 hours ago, kovaltech said:


Thailand IS great indeed, why else would we come here in the first place ?

To all those criticasters...;

If you think home or any other place is better... then take your hat and... get another beer...

As I asked in my original post - 'upon what basis can Thailand be considered as great'?


Your response is remarkable in that it barely answers the question (or offer examples) and then goes on to arrogantly state that it's great because you are here! You then simplistically challenge me to name somewhere else that is better - which is completely unrelated to my question.


To repeat (and I will say this slowly so you can understand) ON WHAT BASIS WOULD YOU DEFINE THAILAND HAS BEING GREAT? OK - GOT IT NOW?

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12 minutes ago, gios50hk said:

As I asked in my original post - 'upon what basis can Thailand be considered as great'?


Your response is remarkable in that it barely answers the question (or offer examples) and then goes on to arrogantly state that it's great because you are here! You then simplistically challenge me to name somewhere else that is better - which is completely unrelated to my question.


To repeat (and I will say this slowly so you can understand) ON WHAT BASIS WOULD YOU DEFINE THAILAND HAS BEING GREAT? OK - GOT IT NOW?

i am confused now.... who's OP ?

But to answer your question slowly in case you can not coop with fast thinking...


"Thailand IS great indeed, why else would we come here in the first place ?"


If Thailand wasn't great we would not come here.... and it is not great coz of the farang being here either...


If this does not answer your question, then... get a beer and a life...


Thailand IS great period 




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