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"Thai people only"


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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:


...and paying sales tax in any state in the US doesn't entitle you to American citizenship either.


I am guessing that everyone in the States, American or not, is treated the same, and when they shop they are also not seeking to become US citizens. Not that this has anything at all to do with the States. We are talking about dual pricing in Thailand. If you're fine with it, okay. Be taken advantage of while they laugh behind their back at the stupid farang for accepting it.

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Dual pricing in Thailand is down to the Falang who are too lazy to learn the culture so from the thai pov they are idiots throwing money into the air like there's no tomorrow.



Stealthily find out the real/thai price, then don't ask how much it costs, just confidently hand them the exact money and thank them in Thai.

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2 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

If the sign didn't state clearly that Thai people only then nobody cares about their lame excuse. They have to give the promised discount. 

Compelling a Thai person to give something free of charge to a farang would likely cause their heads to explode. Going from charging double to free of charge? They would lose their minds!

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27 minutes ago, cncltd1973 said:

Compelling a Thai person to give something free of charge to a farang would likely cause their heads to explode. Going from charging double to free of charge? They would lose their minds!

Can't argue with that. 

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I confess some difficulty in understanding why anyone would go to The Pizza Company for pizza. The best pizza in the Chiang Mai area is probably 'Pizza n' Pasta's New York Style Pizza in the Hang Dong area, near the Big-C on Ring Road 1. 




But there must be 20-30 other shops in Chiang Mai with pizza you don't have to smother in ketchup to enjoy... I mean, try the 79 Baht hot dog pizza available in the front of Tesco Lotus, maybe. Seafood if you're brave enough. Maybe not all that great, but at least it's priced where it should be, unlike, say, those "pizza" shops that give you a small pizza, a bunch of salad, two bottles of soda products and a half dozen chicken wings all for the low, low price of maybe 429 Baht.


Best pizza in Nan used to be at Tony's Place, but Tony passed away. Not sure if his wife Wan is still making it or not. Gonna have to go check.


As for the more southern parts of Thailand, I can't say. But there are surely a great many pizza shops around down there.


I can't think of any reason to patronize a pizza place that doesn't really sell pizza.

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8 hours ago, Bangkok Barry said:


I am guessing that everyone in the States, American or not, is treated the same, and when they shop they are also not seeking to become US citizens. Not that this has anything at all to do with the States. We are talking about dual pricing in Thailand. If you're fine with it, okay. Be taken advantage of while they laugh behind their back at the stupid farang for accepting it.


You are the one that brought up the irrelevancy of foreigners paying VAT. You seem to have issues about the locals 'laughing behind your back' and being considered 'stupid'.


8 hours ago, onthesoi said:

Dual pricing in Thailand is down to the Falang who are too lazy to learn the culture so from the thai pov they are idiots throwing money into the air like there's no tomorrow.



Stealthily find out the real/thai price, then don't ask how much it costs, just confidently hand them the exact money and thank them in Thai.


Ahhh, grasshopper.... you are only an idiot if you worry about what they think... like Barry.


7 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

If the sign didn't state clearly that Thai people only then nobody cares about their lame excuse. They have to give the promised discount. 


No they don't. Even in the more educated and culturally more advanced west there's always the 'small print', the legalese that clearly states that any special offer can be denied or rescinded as and when the party offering it says so.


How do they say "Terms and Conditions Apply" in Thai?

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22 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

It is fine, their country after all; plus it is their centuries old culture. If I was the waitress I'd of given her the pizza but spit on it in the back room. The OP got off lucky, as bad as the pizza may be the cooking and delivery to the table could really ruin your day.


I visited Rome one day, the little thieves at the collisium only pick pocketed falang and they weren't even Thai. Go figure, huh. The aliens wouldn't be racist I bet, maybe anti-huminoid ?


Waitress spit?  I pay extra for that!  And it doesn't go on my pizza, it goes on my hot dog.  And by hot dog, I mean my penis.

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On 12/6/2016 at 0:05 PM, jay1980 said:

They did you a favor IMO if you want Pizza for your birthday meal, there are way nicer pizza options in Thailand than the cr@p the offending company produce.

They used to have horrible Pizza, but the new thin crust ones are pretty good and if you buy a membership card for three hundred baht, you get two for one on carry outs. Watch the membership though as I think they are annual. I bought mine in may and it expires Dec 22.

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12 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

Compelling a Thai person to give something free of charge to a farang would likely cause their heads to explode. Going from charging double to free of charge? They would lose their minds!


If it makes you feel better to think that, go right ahead.

If I'm being overcharged, I have two really obvious choices - take it or leave it.

Until such time as a law is passed that makes dual pricing illegal, all the self-important, "I'm-from-an-equal-society" carping in the world isn't going to make the slightest bit of difference.

Accept that on many occasions, we're not seen as equal here - sometimes we're seen as superior (no one complains then, do they?) and other times, we're seen as inferior.

"Rough with the smooth" is the best strategy.

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I pay all half cheaper because it s all I got. Take it or leave it. condo have different price. But I fix the price because customer is king and if they don't like my prices. they have lost a sell. Too bad for them. Known the price and say how much u can offer. Yes or no. And bye bye if they say they want more because you are farang. I say I m Thai and I m a cheap Charlie, or piss them off by asking lot of question and then after an hour say u will look on Internet for better price .

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1 minute ago, onthesoi said:


You must be joking....

No have you had one,  They certainly don't match the worst pizza I could get in Chicago but I like em ok I guess.  I live in the jungle and its my only option inside an hour drive. I would say they are as good as a good frozen pizza back home, but you are right they would be very low end in the west.

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20 hours ago, Alainpm said:

Hmm is this exactly the perfect example of "discrimination" towards foreigners ? We can find  many examples, but here I dont know.. It can depend also on what tone the waitress said it to her.  I can understand her  feeling, if she was discriminated previously, which could be why  she overreacted (emotional tensions linked to a previous unsolved situation) -->"...Near ruined her day"...  Maybe she had not a lot of money and could not afford to buy this pizza if not at the reduced price in which case the attitude of the waitress is poor. In such instance, talking to the waitress about it in a kind way may have helped her change her mind and have her offer the special discount on the kingsize pizza.  

But if we consider, cold headed, that special case as example, I would say this kindly  to her that although she seems emotionally linked to pizzas (which I am too ! ), Thai people themselves are linked emotionally and symbolically  to their Late King, so if this "only for Thai people" promotion was offered to anyone regardless of nationality it would lose of its reason to be as just a little gift for Thai people at this Nation's time of mourning....  I'm not Thai but  I can understand that. And by the way, maybe this was a crypted message to her that she may be better feed on something else than pizzas (how much does she weight)? 

Whatever , if I were Thai, this post would make me see her as another farang whiner. Spilling hot oil on a pizza is a rich idea, but using it on a fire to extinguish it is not the right solution : even if her hope to get a juicy pizza slice at the bargain price offered was legitimate, I think  the effect on Thai people who read this story is just COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.  Better take the Mai Pen Rai attitude then go and get a pizza or something lighter elsewhere, the Thai way.  


More generally speaking, not necessarily linked with that case, if you want someone to improve his attitude toward you, there are 2 steps : get back to your inner Self first to  find peace or alternatively   indulge in a good rest(aurant). Then you can talk to the person gently without anger about the issue that affects you, but also   focus on the person's qualities and not his defects, even if you see them , as anger (coming from tirednessj distraction,frustration,...) cannot bring any productive results. Also, it's not about being right, it's about creating a friendlier attitude from others. Some attitudes of some Thais (and anyone on this planet) may be immature and ego(is)tic, but any harsh critic should be mitigated with some words on the good aspects of the people. That would make them happy and be better toward you. Thais are particularly sensitive to that. And is a law of nature. The mirror effect. This is deeply linked with emotions. Emotions are located in   the "second brain", in the abdomen, the seat of empathy, emotions (whichever ), one of the reason why people are so obsessed by food and filling up their stomach. To come back to the subject, Thai people read this forum as you know,  and I'm sure they talk with each other about the alleged grumpiness of some foreigners by reading their posts. Some will remain either   neutral or react negatively...  I know it can be hard to suppress.. Even if you feel/know you are right,  before writing  or saying anything, wait till any anger has faded because frustration makes us focus on the negative things. Don't underestimate the power of words in this world of fast transfer of information to anyone, anywhere... So choose them well. And get back to your inner Self away from outside interference and take your time before taking any important decisions or saying/writing anything to others, whether in real life or on the internet.

I'm outta here and back to Bangkok on dec 20. Yatta ! I invite you and your friend for a pizza and a drink.  Happy Birthday to her !   cheers  Al 

Thanks for the invite but unfortunately we'll be in Laos.

My that was a long write-up but I must clear up a couple of points.

It was my(the farang husbands) birthday.

"She", is my Thai wife.

"Near ruined her day", that was a light hearted quip by me as hers was mild irritation to be honest. My wife genuinely does believe it to be discrimination against me and doesn't like it.

She'll argue the toss too when we visit a National Park, long after I've given up :)


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In Australia if you gain your citizenship then you are considered Australian by law, undetermined by what race you derive from. For example if you were of Thai decent and moved from Thailand to Australia, you would be referred to as a 'Thai-Australian'. But of course in Thailand if you come from any heritage other than a direct decendant of a Thai, then you will never be referred to as Thai in any way, shape, form or manner. Neither will you be referred to as a Australian-Thai etc. This in its very essence is racism by definition and of course it creates a mentality of; 'us and them', xenophobia, exclusionism, supremanistic identity etc. Naturally the promotion, and/or advocacy of exlusionism, supremanistic values etc, are sociopathic traits by nature and as such should be advocated against wherever possible, to prevent any potential for unnecessary civil unrest. But thankfully not all Thai embrace such anti-social values

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7 minutes ago, paradox4450 said:

In Australia if you gain your citizenship then you are considered Australian by law, undetermined by what race you derive from. For example if you were of Thai decent and moved from Thailand to Australia, you would be referred to as a 'Thai-Australian'. But of course in Thailand if you come from any heritage other than a direct decendant of a Thai, then you will never be referred to as Thai in any way, shape, form or manner. Neither will you be referred to as a Australian-Thai etc.


It's common in Thailand for Thais to say 'Thai-Falang' when talking about people with mixed parents.


So what you are saying doesn't really hold water....



Edited by onthesoi
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1 minute ago, onthesoi said:


It's common in Thailand for Thais to say 'Thai-Falang' when talking about people with mixed parents.


So what you are saying doesn't really hold water....



That is a completely different scenario. I am not referring to a person with thai and falang parents. I am referring to a person whom has moved to Thailand from another country to make Thailand there new home.

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1 minute ago, paradox4450 said:

In Australia if you gain your citizenship then you are considered Australian by law, undetermined by what race you derive from. For example if you were of Thai decent and moved from Thailand to Australia, you would be referred to as a 'Thai-Australian'. But of course in Thailand if you come from any heritage other than a direct decendant of a Thai, then you will never be referred to as Thai in any way, shape, form or manner. Neither will you be referred to as a Australian-Thai etc. This in its very essence is racism by definition and of course it creates a mentality of; 'us and them', xenophobia, exclusionism, supremanistic identity etc. Naturally the promotion, and/or advocacy of exlusionism, supremanistic values etc, are sociopathic traits by nature and as such should be advocated against wherever possible, to prevent any potential for unnecessary civil unrest. But thankfully not all Thai embrace such anti-social values


  Thailand has never been a Country that either wanted or encouraged immigration . Thailand is a Country for Thai people, it states clearly in the Thai national anthem

   Thailand isnt a Country where people from far off shores can decide to go and live and want to be Thai

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2 minutes ago, paradox4450 said:

That is a completely different scenario. I am not referring to a person with thai and falang parents. I am referring to a person whom has moved to Thailand from another country to make Thailand there new home.


But that is not what you said:


" But of course in Thailand if you come from any heritage other than a direct decendant of a Thai, then you will never be referred to as Thai in any way, shape, form or manner. Neither will you be referred to as a Australian-Thai etc. "


A person with Thai-Farang parents born in Australia is technically not a "a direct descendant of a Thai" that would require both parents to be Thai & if that person decided to come to Thailand to live then Thai people would refer to them as Thai-Falang.





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On 07/12/2016 at 7:16 PM, Alainpm said:

I think  the effect on Thai people who read this story is just COUNTERPRODUCTIVE.  Better take the Mai Pen Rai attitude then go and get a pizza or something lighter elsewhere, the Thai way.  


I m agree with everything that you write about "peaceful ways". However, it all start with the waitress creating a separation between "thai" and "non-thai".  We could say that the waitress could just take the order without telling the cashier that the customer is not thai...that would be a peaceful way as well...

So I believe that it s COUNTERPRODUCTIVE to just forget about it and go somewhere else when it s an issue that many "non-thai" want to "fix". And it s even more important when it comes from a well know thai company...

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On 07/12/2016 at 1:08 PM, IAMHERE said:

 If I was the waitress I'd of given her the pizza but spit on it in the back room.

Well if I was the waitress, I would take the order withut telling anyone that the customer is not Thai ! But maybe we don't have the same ethics...

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9 hours ago, paradox4450 said:

... This in its very essence is racism by definition and of course it creates a mentality of; 'us and them', xenophobia, exclusionism, supremanistic identity etc. ...


That just about sums up most of the foreigners that whine about being charged extra for park entry and missing out on pizza specials.


What's your Thailand pizza recommendation BTW?

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