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Iran won’t let Trump tear up nuclear deal, says Rouhani


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Iran won’t let Trump tear up nuclear deal, says Rouhani




TEHRAN: -- Iran’s president Rouhani has said he will not let US President-elect Donald Trump tear up the global nuclear deal agreed with several world powers, warning of unspecified repercussions if that happens.


Describing it as “the worst deal ever negotiated”, Trump said during the election campaign that he would scrap the pact under which Iran agreed to curb its nuclear programme in return for lifted sanctions.


Speaking at the University of Tehran on Tuesday, Hassan Rouhani said:


“Some man has been elected in the US. Any plans he might have will be revealed later on. We will continue our own path. He may desire many things. He may desire to weaken the JCPOA (the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action); he may desire to rip up the deal. Do you suppose we will allow that? Will our nation allow that?”


The deal reached in Vienna in July 2015 represents an important part of President Obama’s legacy in foreign policy.


The US Congress recently authorised making it easier for Washington to reimpose sanctions if the agreement is contravened.


Trump made no mention of it when outlining what he plans to do in his first 100 days in office.


Analysts have warned that if Trump’s comments do reflect a harder line taken by the US on Iran – it could in turn encourage hardliners in Iran to come to the fore.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-12-07
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Iran is at the heart of the problems in the Middle East. 



Analysts have warned that if Trump’s comments do reflect a harder line taken by the US on Iran – it could in turn encourage hardliners in Iran to come to the fore.


LOL.  I thought hardliners were already at the fore!



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Iran was, is and always will be truly the chef main axis of super evil,

meddling, stirring, financing and taking active parts in many hot spots

around the world with impunity and thumbing it's noses at any and all

so called Super powers, so any thing that Trump will do to put those

scumbags merchants of death and destruction  in their rightful place,

is a step in the 

right direction.... 

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Worth a read.  Especially for those who think the West is to blame for all the problems there:






The cold war between Saudi Arabia and Iran that's tearing apart the Middle East, explained

The supposedly ancient Sunni-Shia divide is in fact very modern — and it's not really about religion.



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19 minutes ago, bark said:

Trump versus Iran.  Chess vs Checkers

One thing Iran has going for them, no bureaucracy.  The leader there can do almost anything they want.  Unlike the US where it's much more complicated to get things done.  Luckily!

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1 hour ago, craigt3365 said:

One thing Iran has going for them, no bureaucracy.  The leader there can do almost anything they want.  Unlike the US where it's much more complicated to get things done.  Luckily!

The U.S. president actually has MASSIVE war powers. 

A bit of irony here as the trump brand in the election was much more ISOLATIONIST than Hillary Clinton's brand, which was to the right of Obama.

But trump isn't normal. He's a BLACK SWAN.


“The likelihood of military conflict with Iran, whether that’s an American attack or an Israeli attack, goes up significantly with a Trump presidency,” says Sadjadpour. Once that happens, the scenarios become much more dangerous and much harder to predict.




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2 hours ago, ezzra said:


Iran was, is and always will be truly the chef main axis of super evil,

meddling, stirring, financing and taking active parts in many hot spots

around the world with impunity and thumbing it's noses at any and all

so called Super powers, so any thing that Trump will do to put those

scumbags merchants of death and destruction  in their rightful place,

is a step in the 

right direction.... 

It's truly bizarre. The same people who the most alarmist about terrorism attacks in the West - an entirely Sunni radical phenomenon - somehow manage to blame Iran for terrorism.  Where would Isil be now if Iran wasn't battling it in Iraq? They'd probably be in Baghdad. And where would Isil and the Talban and other radical Sunni muslim terrorists be now if it weren't for the backing of Saudi Arabia and the Sunni Arab Gulf states? Nowhere.

Where this hatred of Iran really comes from is the humiliation we received at their hands or through their proxies in Lebanon, Iran itself, and Iraq.  It has nothing to do with the current terrorist or Sunni configurations like Isil, the Taliban, Al Nusra etc.  


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18 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

It's truly bizarre. The same people who the most alarmist about terrorism attacks in the West - an entirely Sunni radical phenomenon - somehow manage to blame Iran for terrorism.  Where would Isil be now if Iran wasn't battling it in Iraq? They'd probably be in Baghdad. And where would Isil and the Talban and other radical Sunni muslim terrorists be now if it weren't for the backing of Saudi Arabia and the Sunni Arab Gulf states? Nowhere.

Where this hatred of Iran really comes from is the humiliation we received at their hands or through their proxies in Lebanon, Iran itself, and Iraq.  It has nothing to do with the current terrorist or Sunni configurations like Isil, the Taliban, Al Nusra etc.  


Your post is a bit confusing.  Something to read:



They are in it up to their neck.

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

One thing Iran has going for them, no bureaucracy.  The leader there can do almost anything they want.  Unlike the US where it's much more complicated to get things done.  Luckily!

Lets remember who will have his finger on the Nuke button in 2 months !

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Your post is a bit confusing.  Something to read:



They are in it up to their neck.

I looked at that Wikipedia entry and first off, much of it is about incidents that happened long ago.  And none of it is about terrorism that occurred in the west. This is a case of not seeing the forest for the trees. 99+ percent of terrorism in the west is because of Sunni fanatics.  The money behind these people overwhelmingly comes from the Sunni fanatic states of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. Saudi Arabia is openly spreading its insane and vicious version of Islam. There is very little difference between the Saudi version of Islam and Isil's. It's only by cherry picking small incidents that you can twist the focus and blame for Sunni fundamentalist terrorism and assign it to Iran.  

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4 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Your post is a bit confusing.  Something to read:



They are in it up to their neck.



Alleged, allegedly, allegations, suspected, ... I see lots of these words in that Wikipedia article.

What I find really funny is that a country brings their troops, air force, weapons thousands of kilometers to another continent and arms random people in the name of supporting democracy (!!!) and they're called peace lovers (guess which country I'm talking about). Another country (allegedly) meddles in their terrorist-funding neighbors' affairs (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State-sponsored_terrorism#Saudi_Arabia) to protect its own safety and interests in its war-ridden NEIGHBORHOOD and it's called "state-sponsored terrorism" and "axis of evil". How screwed the world is!

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9 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

Iran is at the heart of the problems in the Middle East. 



LOL.  I thought hardliners were already at the fore!




I thought hardliners were already at the fore!



Edited by Morch
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The US has messed up relations with Iran since 1953 when the US backed a coup and put that awful Shah in power. Seems like people don't want to go that far back in history to realize why Iran is the way it is. They only want to see the current regime. Go on, take a look at why US backed a coup in Iran in 1953. I'll give you one guess and a major hint...Oil! Yep, it is always about the oil folks. Iran wanted back rights to their own oil from foreign companies but that just didn't fly. So the US put in a puppet ruler (the Shah). Well, the Iranian people didn't much care for the fascist ruler and overthrew him (Iranian hostage crisis anyone?) and here we are. So do you expect the Iranian government to trust the US? Yeah, sure. Goes both ways.

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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

I looked at that Wikipedia entry and first off, much of it is about incidents that happened long ago.  And none of it is about terrorism that occurred in the west. This is a case of not seeing the forest for the trees. 99+ percent of terrorism in the west is because of Sunni fanatics.  The money behind these people overwhelmingly comes from the Sunni fanatic states of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states. Saudi Arabia is openly spreading its insane and vicious version of Islam. There is very little difference between the Saudi version of Islam and Isil's. It's only by cherry picking small incidents that you can twist the focus and blame for Sunni fundamentalist terrorism and assign it to Iran.  

You'll need to provide a link for me to read that says 99% of terrorism in the west is because of Sunni fanatics.  I'm not so sure about that, as some are just nut jobs.


But yes, Saudi Arabia is pretty bad at funding terrorists.  Iran funds Hezbollah.  With incidents that are happening now (Syria).

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44 minutes ago, Silurian said:

The US has messed up relations with Iran since 1953 when the US backed a coup and put that awful Shah in power. Seems like people don't want to go that far back in history to realize why Iran is the way it is. They only want to see the current regime. Go on, take a look at why US backed a coup in Iran in 1953. I'll give you one guess and a major hint...Oil! Yep, it is always about the oil folks. Iran wanted back rights to their own oil from foreign companies but that just didn't fly. So the US put in a puppet ruler (the Shah). Well, the Iranian people didn't much care for the fascist ruler and overthrew him (Iranian hostage crisis anyone?) and here we are. So do you expect the Iranian government to trust the US? Yeah, sure. Goes both ways.

You can go a bit further back than that.  Iran has a troubled history:





At the 1943 Tehran Conference, the Allied "Big Three" (Joseph Stalin, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill) issued the Tehran Declaration to guarantee the post-war independence and boundaries of Iran. However, at the end of the war, Soviet troops remained in Iran and local pro-Soviet groups established two puppet states in northwestern Iran, namely the People's Government of Azerbaijan and the Republic of Mahabad. Receiving a promise of oil concessions, the Soviets withdraw from Iran proper in May 1946. The two puppet states were soon overthrown following the Iran crisis of 1946, and the oil concessions were revoked.[130][131]


What was that about Oil? LOL  It's not just the US.

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Iran involvement with terrorism is next to nothing compared to these Sunni Jihadist nations:

While Saudi Arabia is often a secondary source of funds and support for terror movements who can find more motivated and ideologically invested benefactors (e.g. Qatar), Saudi Arabia arguably remains the most prolific sponsor of international Islamist terrorism, allegedly supporting groups as disparate as the Afghanistan Taliban, Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the Al-Nusra Front.[94]


The small Arab country of Qatar, bordered only by Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf, has long been accused of allowing terror financiers to operate within its borders. The country has been called “the Club Med for Terrorists”[1] and “most two-faced nation in the world, backing the U.S.-led coalition against the militants of the Islamic State while providing a permissive environment, in the words of one top American official, for terrorist financiers to operate with impunity.”[2]



ANd there's lots more where that came from but fair use rules prohibit me from quoting more.

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32 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Iran involvement with terrorism is next to nothing compared to these Sunni Jihadist nations:

While Saudi Arabia is often a secondary source of funds and support for terror movements who can find more motivated and ideologically invested benefactors (e.g. Qatar), Saudi Arabia arguably remains the most prolific sponsor of international Islamist terrorism, allegedly supporting groups as disparate as the Afghanistan Taliban, Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and the Al-Nusra Front.[94]


The small Arab country of Qatar, bordered only by Saudi Arabia and the Persian Gulf, has long been accused of allowing terror financiers to operate within its borders. The country has been called “the Club Med for Terrorists”[1] and “most two-faced nation in the world, backing the U.S.-led coalition against the militants of the Islamic State while providing a permissive environment, in the words of one top American official, for terrorist financiers to operate with impunity.”[2]



ANd there's lots more where that came from but fair use rules prohibit me from quoting more.

Wow.  I had no idea.  Unreal.  From your link:



Abdul Karim al-Thani, a member of Qatar’s royal family, ran a safe house for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the founder of Al-Qaeda in Iraq, the predecessor to ISIS. Al-Thani gave Qatari passports out and put $1 million into a bank account to finance AQI.[51]


Abd al Rahman al Nuaymi, a Qatari citizen, worked as a go-between of ISIS’s predecessor, Al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI), with donors to AQI from Qatar.[52]



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