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4 months! and useless!


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4 Months we have waited for the new Thai Visa Classifieds!

Now the ads have started to appear there seems to be only one slight problem.....you have to tick a box agreeing that you abide by the conditions.


This really would normally not be much of a problem except that YOU CANNOT TICK THE DAMN BOX!!!!


WIN 10 X64, EDGE.


Who writes your code? Who checks your code? Who signs it off as WORKING? They need to be sacked!


If there is a mod out there with a bit of nouse, please let Toby know I want to buy his keyboard, but the horrendous Classified Ad site doesn't allow me to check the box to reply to him....his keyboard will remain unsold and in the ether! Unbelievable, just pure sloppy coding.


Maybe these are the same guys that wrote the code for the 90 Day immigration report online site? Another HORROR that is not fit for purpose!

Edited by Generalchaos
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9 hours ago, DepDavid said:

I bet most people bailed on the classifieds and look elsewhere.


I bailed on it a long time ago, Its always been a terrible site.


There is no need for me to look to see if it has improved.



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8 hours ago, A1Str8 said:

You are a windows user and you complain about stuff that doesn't work. That's odd, you should be used to it. 



What a ridiculous reply. 90% of computer users in the world are windows users...



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4 hours ago, Tech Doctor said:

 - Can you let me know browser and screen resolution you are using classifieds on? I can check the box with no issues, but would like to help further. TD

It cannot tick the box in Win 10 X64 using Edge and Explorer, the box will tick using Chrome! Useless junk! Screen resolution is 1920 x 1200, not that I would have though that made a difference as I can tick the box in Chrome with exactly the same resolution - it is just down to SHIT WORK!


For a site like Thai Visa to put this junk out after a 4 month break is ridiculous, they should be ashamed as should the fools they employed to code this garbage! Who on earth is going to pay for a Premium Ad on this site after they have made it patently clear they do not give a shit about their users.


Did it really take 4 months to setup a classifieds section that doesn't work? As I said before, they couldn't code this worse than the Thai Immigration 90 Day Report if they tried. Maybe the guys they employ are using Windows 3.1?

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10 hours ago, asiaexpat said:

And I though I was the only one that found the classified section worthless. Gave up and went to a usable site.

Trouble is, there are people out there selling and people out there wanting to buy. The sellers think they have placed a decent ad. that they can get a bit of cash for and the damn buyers cannot even get in touch!


And a lot of us on here moan about the Thais for being stupid and incompetent....well if the shoe fits! 4 months and they cannot even build a simple web page with a database...the original offering had all of the adverts arse about face, all the new listings were at the bottom of the page! How dumb can you get?

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13 hours ago, Henryford said:

I tried to use them for a condo sale ad and they required me to pay exactly 149.28 baht. A bit difficult as Thailand doesn't have a 28 satang coin.

You could use a pair of tin snips and clip off a little from a 50 satang coin!


As a side question, does anyone know how to turn off the ridiculous audio that bleeps and annoys whenever you open a post here? It really is an unbearably stupid addition, and so pointless. If you leave a page open every few minutes you get this stupid BLOOP sound announcing someone has made a reply! Surely it can be turned off? Strangely, it only effects the first open page that you keep open. Probably another Wet Dream Circle Jerk from the fools that encoded the new site. I hope George didn't pay these fools more than 20 Baht for the destruction of the new Thai Visa Web Site...if he did he was robbed!

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4 hours ago, Tech Doctor said:

 - Can you let me know browser and screen resolution you are using classifieds on? I can check the box with no issues, but would like to help further. TD

What browser are you using then? Like I say it can be made to work in Chrome, but not in Explorer or Edge...and Chrome has just pissed a lot of people off by dumping Flash, so the audience is obviously limited.

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On ‎09‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 9:13 AM, Tech Doctor said:

@Generalchaos - I cannot get the check box to be unclickable in any browser, i tried edge, ie, opera, chrome and firefox. The only thing i can think of is it could be down to screen resolution and css breakpoints. Can you confirm your resolution for me please?



Dell U2412UM, 1920 x 1200. As I said earlier, the resolution in Chrome is exactly the same but it works. Explorer and Edge do NOT work! No idea what "CSS Breakpoints" are but whatever they are, along with resolution, you would have though someone would have tested it! Surely I am not the only person running Edge X64 at 1920 x 1200 who also has no idea what a CSS Breakpoint is?

Well, there is definitely something amiss, tried again today, even using my laptop which is 720 resolution and Edge and IE do not allow you to click that dumb box!

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I still use XP and whenever I had an issue George would respond that they do not support that old platform.  I'm sure that someone will be along soon and tell you that they do not support that new platform!

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5 hours ago, wayned said:

I still use XP and whenever I had an issue George would respond that they do not support that old platform.  I'm sure that someone will be along soon and tell you that they do not support that new platform!



Who is crazy enough to use this anyway...



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6 minutes ago, autoc said:



Who is crazy enough to use this anyway...



If "this" in your statement above means XP, it should it should be obvious that I'm the crazy one as I stated that I use it.  You can click on my Avatar to see who I am since my login name doesn't seem to be enough . I live in a remote area and it is still the preferred version used by businesses and private individuals mainly it works and no one wants to pay the cost of the upgrades necessary to run later versions.  Where I live, last house on a dirt road in the middle of corn and sugar cane fields, my internet connection is ADSL and if I get 5M download it's a good day.


If  "this" in your statement above means this forum and Thai Visa, then me, you and a lot of others are crazy.

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