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Thai man who beat woman with a barbell is a suspected murderer


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I'll give the reliouse community here a free go.


is the saying "treat others as you would want them to treat you"  a bible concept?


i ask as it seems that wife beating seems a more popular pastime in non Christian countries.... which is not to say that it doesn't happen in those countries, but it does seem to happen less frequently.


that said, IMHO, in the "west", violence against women started dwindling after the Great War, when women had to start taking on male roles, to keep the home countries running, because it wasn't that long ago that a wife was considered the property of the husband, to use and abuse, in western culture.


and as already observed above, things are changing... but change takes time... so perhaps in another thirty years, beating those weaker than oneself, will also be vilified here

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6 hours ago, rkidlad said:

I agree. Alcohol brings out the real you. I knew a guy who was too nice and submissive when sober, but would get angry and pick fights when drunk. I told him that he needed to be more assertive when sober. Not in a bad way, but learn to put your foot down and get good at saying no. Unfortunately, not being too bright he couldn't bring himself to adapt. I guess the only smart thing he did was to avoid drinking and especially avoid binge drinking. I don't see him anymore as on the rare occasion he did drink he felt the need to tell me about all the people he'd like to throttle. 


If you really wanna know someone, get drunk with them. 





you base your conclusion on observing the behavior in in 1 person. how very scientific .  in no way am i defending the thai in the story but heres a slightly (lol) more accurate depiction


 Personality changes. Alcohol abuse can cause big changes in your personality. Normal personality traits can disappear during intoxication and be replaced with selfish, angry and egotistical behavior. Aggression and mood swings are very common as well as a general deterioration of morals. Alcohol slows your brain’s synapses and chemically alters your body by affecting serotonin levels, the chemical responsible for transmitting signals of mood to your brain. These physical changes cause your emotions to get out of control and cause your do say and do things you normally wouldn’t do.



Edited by atyclb
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6 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Nope. Going to agree with Bluespunk on this one.

Alcohol brings out your true nature, or at least what you would like it to be without inhibitions.

Your quotation largely points to enablers and to the speed of onset.

Personally I tend to sit in the corner and smile at the silliness of life.

ps: Is it Blues Punk, or Blue Spunk? Hopefully if the latter then medical intervention is being sought.  :smile:

not necessary the TRUE nature just another nature, another mix ....mind is in a constant flux a permanent ongoing change dictated by the chemical flow inside ones body abd several other influxes and ones reactions to it...add a chemical from outside / drug,medicine,food, alcohol etc / it changes the structure and voila there u are ...abuse a substance a longer time more noticable longer lasting changes appear...often can be seen on the body as well....so in real there is nothing like a true nature unchanging self

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45 minutes ago, atyclb said:


you base your conclusion on observing the behavior in in 1 person. how very scientific .  in no way am i defending the thai in the story but heres a slightly (lol) more accurate depiction


 Personality changes. Alcohol abuse can cause big changes in your personality. Normal personality traits can disappear during intoxication and be replaced with selfish, angry and egotistical behavior. Aggression and mood swings are very common as well as a general deterioration of morals. Alcohol slows your brain’s synapses and chemically alters your body by affecting serotonin levels, the chemical responsible for transmitting signals of mood to your brain. These physical changes cause your emotions to get out of control and cause your do say and do things you normally wouldn’t do.



Yes, my point was how it can amplify feelings. I never said anything I had observed was scientific. It was merely an observation and a good example.


Ever noticed how when you get absolutely melted that your urges become very basic? You wanna eat, have sex or simply fall asleep. That's an amplification of us being animals and regressing back to our primal urges. People who are for the most part happy won't get angry or violent when drunk. It's not in them. 


Often people say I don't smile very much (my culture) or that I'm negative or cynical (my definition is a realist) yet I've never got angry or abusive when drunk. I simply become more social (often I'm reserved, so I know deep down I'd like to be more sociable) and then regress into the hungry, horny and sleepy stage. I know deep down I'm a very contented person and don't feel the need to hide behind a 'positive demeanor'. Like I said before - you can tell a lot about a person when they're drunk. 

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I think the social problem (violence against women) goes deeper than the need to teach males to not hit women. Assaults (of any sort) against women occur because too many males don't see females as human beings like themselves. They view them rather as "things" they can possess, own or dominate, do with as they please. So many boys never grow out of the idea that they are "special" with privileges based solely on their gender . Many males of any age, for instance, can't deal sensibly with the prospect of a female who rejects their advances, or doesn't appreciate their crude, twisted signals of admiration; they seem to think they have the right to social "ownership" of a female just because.  How many times do stupid young men get into a fight about "right of access/use/ownership" of a young girl, regardless of what the young girl's preferences might be? All part of the same problem: the inability to recognise or accept that a female is an individual with the same rights and expectations as anyone else - of either gender - in a society.  Too many men see a female as simply a vagina, without a brain, heart or soul of her own.  The same problem (or fallacies) exist in many cultures, all growing out of the barbaric, dated concept that physical might is the only worthy measure of humanity.  I liked to think once that rape was an activity in which only the human species participated.  after years of observation I've come to the conclusion that rape is very common in the animal kingdom - it is one of many behaviours  humans learned from the beasts and adapted as their own - as tho anything that occurs in Nature - violence included - is ok because it's a fact of life.  The concept doesn't sit well with the idea that humans are a step or two above the beasts of the world.  We ought to be better than that, otherwise we may well be doomed, like so many other species on this planet.

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8 hours ago, DoctorG said:

Nope. Going to agree with Bluespunk on this one.

Alcohol brings out your true nature, or at least what you would like it to be without inhibitions.

Your quotation largely points to enablers and to the speed of onset.

Personally I tend to sit in the corner and smile at the silliness of life.

ps: Is it Blues Punk, or Blue Spunk? Hopefully if the latter then medical intervention is being sought.  :smile:

Nope, I disagree with Mr BS and you also. You say  "alcohol brings out your true nature." My  question - what about a spliff? Cocaine? Mushrooms? Too much chocolate/video games?

This guy is who he is without the excuses.

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1 hour ago, George Graham said:

Nope, I disagree with Mr BS and you also. You say  "alcohol brings out your true nature." My  question - what about a spliff? Cocaine? Mushrooms? Too much chocolate/video games?

This guy is who he is without the excuses.

I repeat.


Someone who turns violent under the influence of alcohol is merely holding their violent tendencies back while sober.


Alcohol does not make someone violent, the violence is always there.

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When Pavena first stepped out of politics to start this foundation about 20 years ago, I admit I was cynical. I thought she was in it for the photo ops and a pathway back to parliament. But she dove in deep and built an institution that Thai people, especially women, know and trust and turn to for help. That's maybe the only light in this otherwise dark story of violent, feckless stupidity.




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11 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Just another case of a boy being raised thinking the was special. The normal rules of society do not apply to him, because he was from the half of Thai society that is so far above the other half. And the truth is that the women here are so far superior to most of the men. On so many levels. They keep this country from grinding to a complete halt, on a daily basis. That is what Thai boys need to start hearing, from a very early age. You just do not amount to much at all, until you prove yourself.

Unfortunately the normal rules of society in Thailand do apply to him.

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Well, maybe she didn't deserve such a serious beating. This guy must have problems, and if he is proven to have murdered before then he should be locked away forever.

As an aside though, there are many men that suffer verbal abuse from their wives and girlfriends day after day, week after week for years on end, and a surprising number that are regularly physically attacked by their spouse, but cannot defend themselves for fear of being called a "wife abuser" when the very opposite is true.

A point all should consider.

How much nagging does it take to send you down the pub?

I am not judging this case, only making an observation.


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24 minutes ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Well, maybe she didn't deserve such a serious beating. This guy must have problems, and if he is proven to have murdered before then he should be locked away forever.

As an aside though, there are many men that suffer verbal abuse from their wives and girlfriends day after day, week after week for years on end, and a surprising number that are regularly physically attacked by their spouse, but cannot defend themselves for fear of being called a "wife abuser" when the very opposite is true.

A point all should consider.

How much nagging does it take to send you down the pub?

I am not judging this case, only making an observation.


It does seem to be quite a judgemental observation though.


This guy is scum and deserves gaoling for his cowardly thuggery.


There is no excuse for violence such as this.


This victim of his violent tendencies deserved no beating at all.

Edited by Bluespunk
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On 12/8/2016 at 8:03 AM, DoctorG said:

Nope. Going to agree with Bluespunk on this one.

Alcohol brings out your true nature, or at least what you would like it to be without inhibitions.

Your quotation largely points to enablers and to the speed of onset.

Personally I tend to sit in the corner and smile at the silliness of life.


I agree. That explains why normally I've got a memory like an elephant and poke fun then can get aggressive over pettiness and semantics when I don't drink, but consider myself too silent after one drink 

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On ‎08‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 7:40 AM, ezzra said:

This sort of wife, spouse beating is going on a daily bases and everywhere

in huge numbers, 99.9% are not reported, just another day, another

battered woman, will it ever change? not by a long shot.....

What a load of nonsense. In the west men and women are about equally responsible for perpetrating domestic violence. The most violent households (75%) are lesbian households. Let's get the facts straight eh . . . instead of leaning on a liberal/feminist narrative about all men being toxic wife beaters! DV is a violence problem, not a gender problem

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6 hours ago, George FmplesdaCosteedback said:

Well, maybe she didn't deserve such a serious beating. This guy must have problems, and if he is proven to have murdered before then he should be locked away forever.

As an aside though, there are many men that suffer verbal abuse from their wives and girlfriends day after day, week after week for years on end, and a surprising number that are regularly physically attacked by their spouse, but cannot defend themselves for fear of being called a "wife abuser" when the very opposite is true.

A point all should consider.

How much nagging does it take to send you down the pub?

I am not judging this case, only making an observation.




Not sure how to even respond to that quote. No amount of verbal abuse deserves a beating. It begs the question. Why on earth would a man remain with a woman who berates him daily? What gives? Sounds like a horrific relationship. If there is not kindness an support, why be there? We have too many choices. If it ever disintegrates to that level, just get the hell out. Tomorrow. Don't wait. Just leave. Goodbye woman. You used to be a decent person. You have become a witch. See ya, but I wouldn't want to be ya. 

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18 hours ago, sandemara said:

I think the social problem (violence against women) goes deeper than the need to teach males to not hit women. Assaults (of any sort) against women occur because too many males don't see females as human beings like themselves. They view them rather as "things" they can possess, own or dominate, do with as they please. So many boys never grow out of the idea that they are "special" with privileges based solely on their gender . Many males of any age, for instance, can't deal sensibly with the prospect of a female who rejects their advances, or doesn't appreciate their crude, twisted signals of admiration; they seem to think they have the right to social "ownership" of a female just because.  How many times do stupid young men get into a fight about "right of access/use/ownership" of a young girl, regardless of what the young girl's preferences might be? All part of the same problem: the inability to recognise or accept that a female is an individual with the same rights and expectations as anyone else - of either gender - in a society.  Too many men see a female as simply a vagina, without a brain, heart or soul of her own.  The same problem (or fallacies) exist in many cultures, all growing out of the barbaric, dated concept that physical might is the only worthy measure of humanity.  I liked to think once that rape was an activity in which only the human species participated.  after years of observation I've come to the conclusion that rape is very common in the animal kingdom - it is one of many behaviours  humans learned from the beasts and adapted as their own - as tho anything that occurs in Nature - violence included - is ok because it's a fact of life.  The concept doesn't sit well with the idea that humans are a step or two above the beasts of the world.  We ought to be better than that, otherwise we may well be doomed, like so many other species on this planet.

I'm sorry but this kind of liberal narrative is partly responsible for the corrosion of western society.

Sandemara, you clearly do not believe the views you suggest 'males', 'many males' 'young men' hold. Why then do you imagine that many or most other men do hold such views that render them unable to cope with rejection by women or imagine that women are not human. The pathology in evidence should someone believe such things would be all too visible.

All men have mothers, sisters, female friends and relatives whom most of them love and cherish. Men are conditioned to take care of women and even sacrifice themselves to ensure the safety of women. Any major tragedy throws this tendency into view. Suggesting that these same men, in large numbers, hate women or regard them as property is not only ridiculous, stupid, verging on the insane, but also dangerous as it plays into the radical feminist lies that force courts to take children away from fathers, prosecute young men on false rape charges and penalise men far more than women for the same crimes. (all of these events/tendencies are verifiable with a little unbiased research) 


Violent crime and rape against women is at a historic low in the western world despite extremist lies (falsely interpreted statistics). In general women have far more power than most men; power of purchase and power of censure (the attempt to raise male related issues like overpowering numbers of male suicide in parliament even on international men's day was scoffed at)

The stereotype of a man who comes home drunk and throws his dinner up the wall then beats his wife accounts for a tiny proportion of domestic violence. Recent, credible studies demonstrate that domestic violence happens most in violent households in which both male and female are regular participants in that violence and women are just as likely to be perpetrators as they are victims. Women are also 4 times more likely to harm children in their care.


I agree, telling men 'not to rape' will not stop rape anymore than telling women not to shoplift will stop shoplifting but certainly, as far as rape is concerned, society censures and is very partisan about rape and violence against women. Men who commit such acts are ostracised, imprisoned and metaphorically daubed with the 'mark of cain' forever.

Men are routinely arrested by the police who attend domestic violence incidents even when the men are the victims because of police protocols designed to protect women and persecute men. A 6ft tall man will get zero sympathy after he receives multiple blows from a 5ft woman if he, in defending himself, strikes her even once.


A man should be able to defend himself appropriately and further one cannot pretend that some women do not predicate violence by their behaviour and verbal assaults. Emotional and verbal abuse is just as damaging and some women are expert at this kind of behaviour knowing exactly which 'buttons to press'. An ex girlfriend told me that her ex husband had punched her in the eye after he discovered that she had wilfully destroyed the only picture he had remaining of his dead mother with whom he was very close. When I asked her why she had done it . . .she was shocked that I would even ask . . . .such was her sense of entitlement and empowerment. She believed she could do anything she wished with no consequences. Fairly swiftly after this revelation she became an ex girlfriend.


Let's get real.

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20 hours ago, atyclb said:


you base your conclusion on observing the behavior in in 1 person. how very scientific .  in no way am i defending the thai in the story but heres a slightly (lol) more accurate depiction


 Personality changes. Alcohol abuse can cause big changes in your personality. Normal personality traits can disappear during intoxication and be replaced with selfish, angry and egotistical behavior. Aggression and mood swings are very common as well as a general deterioration of morals. Alcohol slows your brain’s synapses and chemically alters your body by affecting serotonin levels, the chemical responsible for transmitting signals of mood to your brain. These physical changes cause your emotions to get out of control and cause your do say and do things you normally wouldn’t do.





I agree with the previous quote. Alcohol brings out the real you. All the above quote means, is some psycho babble. An expensive clinical study. Alcohol loosens the inhibitions. An <deleted>, who is able to be nice, when he is sober, becomes that same <deleted> once he starts drinking. I always like to watch someone I am getting to know, get drunk. Then you really know who you are dealing with. 

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:



I agree with the previous quote. Alcohol brings out the real you. All the above quote means, is some psycho babble. An expensive clinical study. Alcohol loosens the inhibitions. An <deleted>, who is able to be nice, when he is sober, becomes that same <deleted> once he starts drinking. I always like to watch someone I am getting to know, get drunk. Then you really know who you are dealing with. 



psycho babble "




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It is incredible to read how most accuse this type of behaviour to Thai nationals!

Does it never happen in your home country?

Never heard of paedophiles and other type of perverts?


These are traits of humans irrespective of their origines, one should comprehend.

Just my opinion...



Not seeing faults in your own backyard but always in your neiboursis  also a physiological problem.

Edited by ravip
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Rawbone Funksta: You've made some extraordinary claims based on ridiculous statistical evidence (eg, lesbian households the most violent in western culture). I understand that some men have not been well-armed in their family up-bringing to cope intelligently with the radical concept that females are entitled to be respected, even treasured, for their gender and the responsibilities it imposes on them.  I don't think you need to fear them; they're human, just like men. They're entitled to their foibles and personalities, same as men.   If men truly 'suffer' in a relationship with a particular female, why would they want to continue to maintain that relationship? There are millions to choose from out there. Absolutely no need to punish a female (or "teach them a lesson" through violence). Respect yourself as well. A real man can avoid imposing violence as a resort in dealing with any female.  It's a test/challenge to his humanity, not his manhood.

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5 hours ago, ravip said:

It is incredible to read how most accuse this type of behaviour to Thai nationals!

Does it never happen in your home country?

Never heard of paedophiles and other type of perverts?


These are traits of humans irrespective of their origines, one should comprehend.

Just my opinion...



Not seeing faults in your own backyard but always in your neiboursis  also a physiological problem.



absolutely does occur in any / all countries where there is alcohol / alcoholism. i dont think the topic is a comparison between various  countries with such a problem, but a discussion on the issue within thailand and the perceived mentality as such. its been documented even by thai academics that intellectual and emotional development is challenged therefore it shouldn't come as a shock to see posts relating to that.

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9 hours ago, silent said:

I agree. That explains why normally I've got a memory like an elephant and poke fun then can get aggressive over pettiness and semantics when I don't drink, but consider myself too silent after one drink 

I certainly still do not understand why you got so aggressive when I replied to your post. 


As for semantics, saying someone's personality changes and they become violent when drinking is nonsense. 


The violent tendencies are always there, it's just sobriety allows them to be kept under a measure of control. 


Hence, emerged is better than changes. 


No one changes into a violent person because of alcohol, the violence is always there. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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9 hours ago, RawboneFunksta said:

What a load of nonsense. In the west men and women are about equally responsible for perpetrating domestic violence. The most violent households (75%) are lesbian households. Let's get the facts straight eh . . . instead of leaning on a liberal/feminist narrative about all men being toxic wife beaters! DV is a violence problem, not a gender problem

Yeah, right...

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6 hours ago, ravip said:

It is incredible to read how most accuse this type of behaviour to Thai nationals!

Does it never happen in your home country?



 Its more incredible that the Thai apologists try to justify these disgusting acts. This is a Thai forum. If the thread is too negative for you then avoid it.

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14 hours ago, spidermike007 said:



Not sure how to even respond to that quote. No amount of verbal abuse deserves a beating. It begs the question. Why on earth would a man remain with a woman who berates him daily? What gives? Sounds like a horrific relationship. If there is not kindness an support, why be there? We have too many choices. If it ever disintegrates to that level, just get the hell out. Tomorrow. Don't wait. Just leave. Goodbye woman. You used to be a decent person. You have become a witch. See ya, but I wouldn't want to be ya. 

You should read Rawbone Funksta's post ID: 49...

Fact is many people in an abusive relationship just don't have the self esteem left to take the action needed and get outa Dodge.

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