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bad luck


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It is irrational i know but i am starting to think that there really is such a thing as having a run of bad luck.

The air-con in the living room has been giving trouble for a long time so the internal unit was replaced,two days later the air-con in the bedroom broke down and was repaired. I had a root canal done,something isn't quite right, i now have intense pain and face swelling 5 days later. The water pump in the garden broke down, the base was rusted and the pump had to be replaced so i went to the ATM to pull some money from my account in Germany only to receive an ATM message 'invalid code, contact your bank'. I tried to send an E-mail to my bank but the modem gave up the ghost. I had a new modem put in and contacted my bank over their contact button on their web site, nobody replied so i wrote an E-mail to the bank manager, i'm still waiting. Sometimes it isn't wise to get up in the morning.

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1 minute ago, A1Str8 said:

Hint: the meaning you give to it, is the effect you get it out of it - Simple energy physics. 

I agree, i believe in a positive life flow if you trust in it, ie. even the bad things eventually turn out to have been for your own good later. In retrospect i can appreciate many of my life's catastrophe's as having been positive in the long run. When you are stuck in the middle of a bad time though it's difficult to sing 'don't worry be happy' 

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2 minutes ago, Thaiwrath said:

Just think of the run of good luck you are due when this bad luck run is over !

All positive.

Good luck is a background program that runs unappreciated, like being healthy, having a roof over your head, never having known hunger, having beautiful healthy children and being able to find happiness in simple things. 

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1 minute ago, Boycie said:

Take a deep breath, it's just a bad week not a bad life. 


At this moment in time thou, i would not expel that deep breath from your anus, it may contain lumps.:ohmy:

It seems to be getting better, my bank has written that they have turned my card back on, the new water pump is working well and i am off to the dentist today to see why my face has decided to become a balloon, some decent pain killers wouldn't come amiss either. 

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Reminds of a saying a guy use to use on here :-

" When shight happens it happens and there's nout you can do about it ".

or something like that.


My dad use say " Life has it's ups and downs ".  it for sure does. :laugh:

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6 hours ago, oldgent said:

Soalbundy i would say it was,nt bad luck just a case of maintaining things.

glad you got the bank sorted

Everything has it's sell by date, the air-con gets a professional cleaning every 6 months and the water pumps life,so i am told, is around 10 years,we have had it for 11. As for my tooth problem, well even we have a sell by date.

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