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No charges over Aussie tourist injured in Patong parasail plunge


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No charges over Aussie tourist injured in Patong parasail plunge

Yutthawat Lekmak



Australian tourist Sally-Ann Popovic, 26, fell about five metres into the water below while parasailing at Patong Beach. Photo: Patong lifeguards


PHUKET: -- Police have yet to conclude their investigation into what caused Australian tourist to fall out of her parasail harness at Patong Beach on Wednesday afternoon (Dec 7).


Sally-Ann Popovic, 26, fell about five metres and landed in the water below while parasailing at the popular beach.


She suffered an ear injury and a sore neck, but has already been discharged from Patong Hospital, Lt Yingyong Chuykit of the Patong Police told The Phuket News today (Dec 9).


“I was told she was released from hospital yesterday evening. She is doing well and is going back to her country tomorrow,” Lt Yingyong said.


Full story: http://www.thephuketnews.com/no-charges-over-aussie-tourist-injured-in-patong-parasail-plunge-60169.php

-- © Copyright Phuket News 2016-12-09
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This is considered a dangerous sport, one needs an extended travelinsurance for that.


Why she fell out of the harnass? Because it wasn't locked properly i guess....and that's the fault of the instructor i would think so he's responsible. 



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16 hours ago, fruitman said:

This is considered a dangerous sport, one needs an extended travelinsurance for that.


Why she fell out of the harnass? Because it wasn't locked properly i guess....and that's the fault of the instructor i would think so he's responsible. 

You are not insured for doing dangerous activities of any kind, and definitely on a holiday travel policy.  We used to run a Parascending school in England and every flyer had to sign an indemnity.  Insurance cover was very limited except for public liability which was compulsory.  Never had any accidents or claims. Why ??  Cos we were thorough in our checks and operations. I have watched the Thai guys and it is scary sometimes. They havent got a clue.




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It is dangerous if you are not secured correctly into the harness. Otherwise not dangerous even if the tow line breaks you just float down to the water. I have been in a double one and it is pretty much a no brainer. After five minutes starts to border on boring.

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I watched an operator only yesterday on Patong beach, they had a lady tourist who by her look and dress was from India, her husband was filming on his smart phone, she looked in her 40s and not really dressed for parasailing (i.e. fully clothed with like a dress type garb on) my first thought was this could end in disaster as I could not see this lady being able to run the first few meters to launch, a few minutes later they signalled the speedboat to give it the beans and sure enough after two steps this poor woman was dragged face down in the surf for about five meters until the canopy inflated and she was airborne. was scary to watch and shows that these activities are totally dangerous and out of control with no regard for anyones safety (not just the people paying money to risk life & limb but the beach-goers going about their business)


Today the little monkey climbers were riding shot-gun with the victims being parasailed, right over the beach, has one ever fell off? This lad had his legs around the poor tourist and was all over the lines behind him - Amazing Thailand Be safe!


p.s. would have been okay though as the 2016 Surf rescue competition was being held there this morning, Hong Kong guy was first in from the swim a good 30 seconds in front of the next

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On 09/12/2016 at 4:57 PM, LivinginKata said:

No chance of any Thai making an improper securing of safety gear/harness ... oh no no ... must be the tourist's fault . Get real ... these young guys on the beach have no clue about safe procedures ..


Get real.  It said that the tourist was being blamed, did it?  Oh, no, it didn't.  What it did say was the investigation was not concluded

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On 12/9/2016 at 11:02 PM, Lokie said:

I watched an operator only yesterday on Patong beach, they had a lady tourist who by her look and dress was from India, her husband was filming on his smart phone, she looked in her 40s and not really dressed for parasailing (i.e. fully clothed with like a dress type garb on) my first thought was this could end in disaster as I could not see this lady being able to run the first few meters to launch, a few minutes later they signalled the speedboat to give it the beans and sure enough after two steps this poor woman was dragged face down in the surf for about five meters until the canopy inflated and she was airborne. was scary to watch and shows that these activities are totally dangerous and out of control with no regard for anyones safety (not just the people paying money to risk life & limb but the beach-goers going about their business)


Today the little monkey climbers were riding shot-gun with the victims being parasailed, right over the beach, has one ever fell off? This lad had his legs around the poor tourist and was all over the lines behind him - Amazing Thailand Be safe!


p.s. would have been okay though as the 2016 Surf rescue competition was being held there this morning, Hong Kong guy was first in from the swim a good 30 seconds in front of the next

Yep, have seen it all the time.  That Thai guy going tandem but completely unsecured.  And of course many if not most of the customers have no sail experience, are in poor shape, are not athletic, etc.  They have never parachuted, hanglided, hung over and out an open side door on a helicopter, etc.  Yeah, I have been in  Huey and lowered on the winch, I build my own hang gliders from scratch, etc.  Fun times.  Somewhat amazed I survived my teens and early 20s!

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On 12/10/2016 at 2:02 PM, Lokie said:

Today the little monkey climbers were riding shot-gun with the victims being parasailed, right over the beach, has one ever fell off? This lad had his legs around the poor tourist and was all over the lines behind him - Amazing Thailand Be safe!

Yes, though the Gazette's coverage was a little brief.





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Ahh so, two years ago was last time one fell off and broke his arm, lucky did not land on some poor person sunbathing. yep monkey climbers riding the lines over last few days... I walk the full length of Patong beach each morning from around 07.30 on way back today I counted 30 Jet-skies basically stationed in batches of five every 1/2 k about 2-4 being used at any one time, there is really a need for 30? Ban the bloody lot of them and the Parasailing, I think more tourists hate the damm things than enjoy

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