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Which Laundry Detergent?

durian explorer

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I'd like to buy some laundry detergent, probably at the Lotus Tesco, but the markings are only in Thai, so I don't know which one to get.  I'd like to get either a liquid or powder that I can use in my laundromat top loading washing machine, in a bottle or jar that I can carry on my motorbike (that is, not a pouch that cannot be resealed well). I wash white and colored clothing together, my clothes aren't terribly dirty, and I try to avoid strong scents.


Attached is a photo of some detergents from the Tesco, and it was suggested to me to get either the 2nd or the 4th one from the left. I opened the containers to smell them and found that they were only filled 2/3 to 3/4 of the way.  Surprised and a bit annoyed, I thought maybe I should be open to other brands too. Any suggestions?


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lol this is a subject I do have to ask the wife about. I usually get the powder soap, and the little sachets of softer. 


All those bottles (according to the wife) are clothes washing machine soaps, of the same brand, with different scents. 


Again, if it was just myself, I get the powder soap and little sachets of softener. 


Also is it common for you guys to wash whites and colors in the same wash? No way I would do that. 

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Most use powder detergent here and Pao brand (currently called Silver Nano) is made for the Japanese style top loader design used here (without agitator blades) - wife has been using for last 20 years without any issues - previously used US brands which never dissolved completely.


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:cheesy:  best laugh I've had today. Sorry OP .... I know it's a serious issue.


My wife says the pink one is fine ... guaranteed to remove the harshest skidmarks.


Did you feel just a little bit conspicuous standing in Tesco taking a picture of laundry detergent ?


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My apologies, Don.   It sounded a bit condescending.   Is the picture on the detergent or on the washing machine?   I had the same problem in the past when my usual brand was out of stock.   I had no idea what to use.  

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24 minutes ago, Scott said:

My apologies, Don.   It sounded a bit condescending.   Is the picture on the detergent or on the washing machine?   I had the same problem in the past when my usual brand was out of stock.   I had no idea what to use.  


Thats why I always get the powder. No confusion. 

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30 minutes ago, Scott said:

My apologies, Don.   It sounded a bit condescending.   Is the picture on the detergent or on the washing machine?   I had the same problem in the past when my usual brand was out of stock.   I had no idea what to use.  

op's post pics  bottom left corner. picture of top or front loader is a good indicator of what machine the liquid s suited for.

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Indeed the third from left seems intended for front loader (warm water?) machines.


I guess (and only guess) that leftmost is least scented (for the boys with the dirty sports clothes).

I can't find it in the descriptive text though.

You can be sure that you will smell like a bed of roses if you use 2nd from left :biggrin:

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39 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

op's post pics  bottom left corner. picture of top or front loader is a good indicator of what machine the liquid s suited for.


11 minutes ago, KhunBENQ said:

Indeed the third from left seems intended for front loader (warm water?) machines.


I guess (and only guess) that leftmost is least scented (for the boys with the dirty sports clothes).

I can't find it in the descriptive text though.

You can be sure that you will smell like a bed of roses if you use 2nd from left :biggrin:


Just checked with the wife again, they are all for "washing machines" but 3 are for "hand washing" also. 


But really, in all honesty, they are most likely exactly the same and the same price. Just little gimmicks to get people to buy it. 


Id just do the sniff test and see what was the most appealing & dump that in. 

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@strange – Back home I have a washer and dryer in my apartment and always wash colors and whites separately. Here in CM I have a much smaller load, and the whites are only underwear and socks, so I’ve been washing them together. So far, no problems with that – I just can’t use bleach.


@electric ­  I guess I would have looked odd to anyone watching, but I didn’t really care. I even had to move the bottles to stage the photo. ;)


@Don mega – Your suggestion to look at the small icons at the bottom of the bottle was helpful. They were small and I wrongly assumed there would be no useful information there.  However, there were 3  of the 4 bottles with the front loading machine, 2 of which were the ones I was planning to choose from anyway, so it wasn’t super helpful in my particular case. I did appreciate the thought though – until I read the part that said something like “don’t ya think”, which I assumed (was I wrong?) was code for “you’re an idiot”. If it was innocent, I apologize – it’s just that I’ve seen so much unnecessary negativity and nastiness here. Putting people down is a junk food type exercise of power – it may feel good at the moment but is ultimately self destructive for the giver – not to mention the toxicity of the negativity and nastiness that the recipient and other readers need to filter out. Isn’t there enough bad stuff in this world already without having to add even more? I met a man this weekend who created a park over time by patiently cleaning up an area of town and planting gardens there. We should all live up to that standard of selflessness and service – that is true personal power, to change the world for the better. In contrast, it takes no skill, effort, or talent at all to put someone down.


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6 minutes ago, Keith Bennett said:

it’s just that I’ve seen so much unnecessary negativity and nastiness here.


Dont let it bother you. You just read through the junk and look for the good stuff. Cant be too sensitive or people will see you as a target and dig right in. 


Its all good, hopefully you got the detergent thing sorted out. 




If not, let me know and I can ask the wife or something for ya. 

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