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Pol Gen Srivara disagrees with searching Dhammakaya now


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IMHO this saga will not end soon and even whole of next year. It will be procrastination until the next elected government and Prayut will be happy to wash his hands from this messy case. I am sure his master think the same way. The holy man will then be glad to surrender to an elected government, got bail and long long court case and acquitted.  

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The BKK post's today editorial has echoed my suggestions from few days ago

 to bring about pressure on the temple

and it's leader by shutting down all services and utilities, let's see how they will

last without electricity or water....

The problem is that no big brass want to be associated and be seen giving the final order

to start in invasion knowing full well that this might come to bite them back one day

when they're not in office anymore.....

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Pol Gen Srivara said:


Without the presence of forensic police in the search, the mission is bound to be a flop, said the deputy national police chief.


You see, if we omit the first 9 words of his statement, it is clear that he understands the situation perfectly and is already planning for it, 

although the end result will naturally be claimed as a master stroke at avoiding any violence, even though the Abbott will no doubt still be at large and possibly enjoying  (in his eyes) a well-deserved holiday abroad.  I just hope that the Abbott's recent appeal to a higher authority does not bear fruit, as were it to do so, the country and all those in authority would be regarded in an even less favourable light here and abroad. In my opinion, that would be the worst possible outcome for everyone except, of course, for  the people who benefitted from this ongoing scandal.

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4 hours ago, brommers said:

This whole thing is an utter travesty. The case just shows that the security authorities are sh*t scared of the Buddhist hierarchy that is rotten to the core. A little old man in Chiang Rai who gives a flower to a protester earlier this year was subjected to enormous pressure and threats. But a saffron robed crook has given the whole government the run around for months if not years. 


The PM demands that we show respect to him and the whole security apparatus but fails to see that the shambling incompetence of his lily livered securocrats and their underlings in this case simply shows us that as long as you are a common person you will be treated to corruption and harsh treatment, but if you are in any structure that claims to be Buddhist or are an "elite" you will be treated with kid gloves or even exonerated.


Shame on you mister PM and your so called security apparatus.

Maybe the forensic police don't want to miss out on brown envelopes?

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1 minute ago, nikmar said:

Nobody wants to touch this with a 10ft pole. it shows where the real power is when the PM meekly asks him to surrender and the  monk doesnt even give a reply.

Those were the days in old England, ''Who will rid me of this troublesome priest''

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A few comments regarding this perpetual dog and pony show:


The planned joint operation between the police and the Department of Special Investigation (insert here "and forensic police" ) officials to search Wat Dhammakaya this week appears to have hit the snag as forensic police are not ready for the operation.


Asked by a reporter at a press conference about whether the search will be conducted this week or not, Pol Gen Srivara Rangseepromnakul, the deputy national police chief said that it would depend on the timing and the opportunity and on DSI chief Pol Col Paisit Wongmuang. In other words the above reference official now relinquishes responsibility as he has clearly done his job.


He disclosed that all parties concerned, including the police and the DSI, were ready for the search mission except forensic police. He said that if all except forensic police launched the search probe and forensic officials were not available to collect evidences, how could he explain to the court if another search warrant would be required and, this time, with forensic police joining the search. How is he going to explain to the court that everyone involved neglected to inform  the forensic police that their services were required to be included into this farce. OMG and the embarrassment to go crawling back to request ANOTHER warrant.


The deputy national police chief insisted that even if the search was to be postponed, it would have no effect on the court case. In other words again I have done my job. therefore I cannot be blamed for any delay in serving justice. Nor delaying or affecting the court date. After all, how can you proceed to court without the  search, forensic evidence, arrest of alleged  defendant etc.. I guess the Monk in question could be charged in absentia.


"loss of face" is like a giant cardboard cutout  allowing an endless array of excuses and dodging responsibility and accountability.


Global loss of face. In civilized culture it is called embarrassment and people note it in the bog book of lessons learned, apply them and move on. And they do not even recognize it. Grow some and go big or go home (back to your kiosk or inactive posts) and check your Facebook likes.



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Just about every possible comment to express disgust at this farce have almost been used so it looks like we'll have to start at the beginning again. This disgraceful situation is going to be around for a long time although I'd think the powers that be are putting a lot of effort in thinking how it can be buried.

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One wonders if the people responsible for arresting this wayward monk have a vested interest in this so called temple? Only yesterday a policeman responsible for overseeing alcohol control was exposed for taking money from alcohol producers.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

hit the snag as forensic police are not ready for the operation.

Like making a movie Take 75. Hit a snag what an understatement. Come on ladies get ready for the operation you have had endless months to prepare. Do your hair and have at it. 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Police abort raid on temple




Latest deadline ditched as police wait for special personnel in bid to arrest Phra Dhammachayo


BANGKOK: -- THE HIGH-PROFILE operation to arrest Phra Dhammachayo, the fugitive former abbot who has been ensconced in Dhammakaya Temple for months, has been aborted due to “lack of preparedness”, deputy national police chief Pol General Srivara Ransibrahamakul said yesterday.


Following a five-hour meeting to prepare for the raid that was scheduled for today, the latest deadline for the monk to surrender, Srivara said police still needed forensic science and technology personnel to ensure transparency if and when the case goes to court. The personnel would record evidence for the court in the event of resistance or obstruction during the raid.


Srivara declined to confirm if the operation would be conducted this week, saying it depended on the right timing. The court-issued search warrant authorising the raid is valid until December 16.


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30301980

-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-12-13


This country really is doing its best to be the number 1 Laughing stock of the World.

Well done Thailand.

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Can't that 'temple' just lift off and return to Orion Nebula (may or may not be a place), or what have you? This guy must be a reincarnation of Bruce Lee, as well. Neither police nor militia seem to be able to get a glove on him. Entertaining as all get out. Certainly popcorn worthy.

Edited by Songlaw
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