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Do i have to serve in the Thai military?


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11 hours ago, robblok said:


Not a fan of the army or conscription. If you are talking that i like the junta .. its more a matter of disliking them less than the previous groups. 


Professional armies are different.. then its a career choice.. somewhere the people that joined want to be and are motivated. Conscription.. not so much motivation or even usefulness. 


I always have to laugh at the old timers that think that serving in the army turns someone into a man or teaches them discipline. Those things are either in you or they are not. 

My three years  (1966-69)of US army time (conscripted but enlisted for three) helped me to grow as a person,  learn how to the care of myself in many ways and turned me into a world traveler.  I didn't want to do do it but happy I did. Consider my military time as time well spent.  Personally I think some form of national service should be required for every young person, male and female.


Re the OP's question.  I have heard of persons in his situation arriving in Thailand and being sent straight to the army for his national service.  I believe there was a news article in the BP a few years back.  He should do a Google search on this topic.  And get a new passport in a different nationality.

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OP, I'd ignore most of what's posted here and, as Blind Magic says, have a Thai lawyer check it out for you.  If you're a male Thai citizen (sounds like it from your original post), then I can't think of a reason you don't have the same legal obligations (registering for the draft and participating in the draft) as any other male Thai citizen.  While it might seem that maybe you wouldn't be caught up in the issue once you're here, the real question is whether you want to take that risk for a vacation here.  Good luck however you handle it.

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12 hours ago, robblok said:


Not a fan of the army or conscription. If you are talking that i like the junta .. its more a matter of disliking them less than the previous groups. 


Professional armies are different.. then its a career choice.. somewhere the people that joined want to be and are motivated. Conscription.. not so much motivation or even usefulness. 


I always have to laugh at the old timers that think that serving in the army turns someone into a man or teaches them discipline. Those things are either in you or they are not. 

 Armys are not healthy,mentally or physically and they teach you to kill.That can't be normal.Just a power trip for some.

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12 hours ago, sotonowl said:

what a load of cobblers,discipline is seldom found in youth, it has to be instilled


'The youth these days have no discipline blah, blah'....'discipline needs to be instilled blah, blah'.......'not like back in my days, blah, blah'..... 'I despair at the youth, blah, blah'

You do realise that every single old git since time immemorial has said these exact same words? In fact I'm willing to bet these exact words were spoken about you by the old gits of your time. 

You're a cliche. 


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12 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes old guys often say that.. its funny. 


Nobody ever taught me discipline and i seem to have turned out ok. Some would say I am quite disciplined in my workouts and normal work. I know of many others.. no problems either and I know of those who have been in the army and turned out bad.. just a fairy-tail that people need to be in the army to get discipline.   

Ask any old guy that has actually been to war and they all say,don't go.War is just a tool for the rich to take and make money at the youth and poor's expense.And the taxpayer pays.Just wealth transference to the wealthy.

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12 hours ago, robblok said:

Yes old guys often say that.. its funny. 


Nobody ever taught me discipline and i seem to have turned out ok. Some would say I am quite disciplined in my workouts and normal work. I know of many others.. no problems either and I know of those who have been in the army and turned out bad.. just a fairy-tail that people need to be in the army to get discipline.   

You being Dutch I can understand your views, however what you consider to be disciplined I may view as slackness. Your attempt to get to the "old guys" is a clear indication that you lack respect to others and by expressing that contempt you show your lack of discipline. To convince yourself that you are disciplined because you workout is so funny its beyond words. Discipline of the mind is much more hard to achieve than physical discipline, you may have mastered the one but the other are lacking indeed. 

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12 hours ago, fruitman said:

I guess you speak a european language as well, you can come to thailand and ONLY speak that language to any official. In that case you must be useless to them i would think.


But it doesn't hurt to be in the army, makes you a real man.

5555,best laugh of the morning.Teach men and women to kill and abuse others.Usually men learn this quickly and abuse their fellow female recruits.If that is areal man,well i must just be an ordinary man.I think sport teaches us all the disipline you need,especially team sport.

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33 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

 Armys are not healthy,mentally or physically and they teach you to kill.That can't be normal.Just a power trip for some.


31 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

By parents,not by strangers with a big stick.By 18-20 it is to late anyway.


15 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

Ask any old guy that has actually been to war and they all say,don't go.War is just a tool for the rich to take and make money at the youth and poor's expense.And the taxpayer pays.Just wealth transference to the wealthy.


11 minutes ago, louse1953 said:

Rubbish.It is brainwashing pure and simple and many don't recover.


Um, you realize that you would be speaking German right now if it wasn't for the "rubbish" "brainwashing" nonsense you are speaking of currently. 


Amazing how quickly you guys forget. Its not like it was that long ago either. 


As for OP, I highly doubt he needs to worry about being drafted/conscripted. 

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18 minutes ago, SOUTHERNSTAR said:

You being Dutch I can understand your views, however what you consider to be disciplined I may view as slackness. Your attempt to get to the "old guys" is a clear indication that you lack respect to others and by expressing that contempt you show your lack of discipline. To convince yourself that you are disciplined because you workout is so funny its beyond words. Discipline of the mind is much more hard to achieve than physical discipline, you may have mastered the one but the other are lacking indeed. 

Obviously you have never exerted yourself physically.Self motivation is all about the mind and is needed in physical activities,especially if you want to succeed.Ask any coach and he will tell you it is 90% between the ears.

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I too,am confused as to why you never applied for a passport for your country.As you say that you have been in your country of residence for 22 years.Surely by now,if all the criteria has been followed, you would be a citizen.The very fact that you would hold a European pp would prevent your induction into a now foreign army.I would check with the Thai embassy at home before you come here.If you barley speak Thai,i would think that would be a problem more for them than for you.I dont think they would be able to teach you Thai quickly enough for you to be a participating soldier.Maybe they would stamp you as exempt even if they did try to enlist you. Do you have any living relatives here other than your father.If you have not,i think this may be to your advantage.I cant see the Thai authorities inducting what is virtually a pp holding foreigner.

Good luck.

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My son, age 22, who is half thai but has lived his entire life in the USA, traveled to Thailand on his Thai passport, stayed 3 weeks, got his Thai ID card while here, and bought land.  No problem with military.  I asked my Thai lawyer before he traveled and my lawyer said that the immigration and armed services draft people do not communicate with each other - so no problem at all.


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Back on Topic; If the OP enters on his EU ppt I can't see a problem.


My sons are eligible too but will be in a proper Army elsewhere on terms and conditions that are considerably more favorable than they'd expect here. After that who knows, but plod or spooksville are attractive to any with their/your language skills?


You can draw your own conclusion re which contributors come from a military background & those whose dad preferred Woodstock :)

Edited by evadgib
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4 minutes ago, evadgib said:

Back on Topic; If the OP enters on his EU ppt I can't see a problem.


Except for visas, reporting, cash in thai bank, visa runs, tourist visas, etc... depending on how/why he chooses to come in with the EU passport. 


I mean the fella has a Thai Passport. He's Thai. Makes no sense to come in on another passport. 

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1 hour ago, louse1953 said:

5555,best laugh of the morning.Teach men and women to kill and abuse others.Usually men learn this quickly and abuse their fellow female recruits.If that is areal man,well i must just be an ordinary man.I think sport teaches us all the disipline you need,especially team sport.


No you're the perfect example of a katoey.


Soldiers also help during floodings/droughts and i was very happy with there help when we couldn't reach our house during the big flooding.


Being in the army makes men strong and teaches them many things of life they wouldn't have learned when doing homework in the mac donalds.

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Just now, evadgib said:

None of which apply re an intended 3 week holiday!


Fair enough, doesn't even need a visa either, just a 30 day exempt stamp. 


But who knows, maybe he will want to stay longer once he gets here. 


Imho Id come in on the Thai PP and would not worry one single bit about the army. He may be Thai, but Thailand doesn't even know who he is really. I just don't see any reason not to use the Thai PP

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32 minutes ago, Strange said:


Except for visas, reporting, cash in thai bank, visa runs, tourist visas, etc... depending on how/why he chooses to come in with the EU passport. 


I mean the fella has a Thai Passport. He's Thai. Makes no sense to come in on another passport. 

It makes sense if he doesn't want to be drafted into the Thai Army. If he comes in on EU passport (since he is only staying 3 weeks ) he definately won't have any problems.

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Just now, Tony125 said:

It makes sense if he doesn't want to be drafted into the Thai Army.


The question is if being drafted into the Thai army is a legitimate concern or not. 


IMO its not. 


But yes you guys are right. 

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13 hours ago, Strange said:


Gotcha. I can see how it could be a waste of time on the Thai side, unless its a family thing and all the entitlements therein. 


Didn't know the feelings were like that for the Dutch conscription. 


Murica' its a good deal to get into the military at least for a couple years. Learn a trade & get a GI Bill. 


This thread is about Thailand, does Thailand have anything similar to the GI bill, is there any regulation or serious focus on Thai conscripts gaining a trade etc?

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45 minutes ago, bprhodes said:

My son, age 22, who is half thai but has lived his entire life in the USA, traveled to Thailand on his Thai passport, stayed 3 weeks, got his Thai ID card while here, and bought land.  No problem with military.  I asked my Thai lawyer before he traveled and my lawyer said that the immigration and armed services draft people do not communicate with each other - so no problem at all.


Excellent post with factual information, and lawyer information as well. 


Im quoting you to keep it fresh in the thread. 

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1 minute ago, scorecard said:


This thread is about Thailand, does Thailand have anything similar to the GI bill, is there any regulation or serious focus on Thai conscripts gaining a trade etc?


I don't know what the Thailand Army has other than massive corruption & nepotism. 


I was trying to get feedback from Rob on why he feels the way he does. 

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13 minutes ago, evadgib said:

I have heard of Thai ppts being questioned/delayed/prevented from leaving but not for a while and nor am I sure re credibility.


A twist, my Thai son went for the ballot and he picked whatever colour means not drafted.  A couple of years later he applied to attend uni. in Singapore and was accepted, and from there he quickly got the correct study visa for Singapore.


When he departed Thailand he (against my advice) showed all of this to the passport officer in Bangkok. This prompted the Thai passport officer to take a copy of the official document which proved he had attended the selection activity but was not required to enter the army. Luckily he had prepared a bag full of old documents just in case. 


Do they do that in very case? Who knows.

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

I speak from experience as I had a Thai wife and her 2 daughters. The mother gets a paper based on mariage and the kids based on their mother. After a few years say 5 or so they CAN get a Dutch passport (one of the 2 has done so) the other has not and can still stay as long as she has that card. 


Basically the same as how you stay in Thailand, only getting into the EU is harder (loads of paperwork and rules) but once you are in its easier and you got more rights. 


I still disagree on the army (conscription being a good thing and benefiting a country, its usually old people who think that way). Putting a group of unmotivated people in the army is a recipe for disaster and they wont learn a thing. Letting them study or doing normal work is far more valuable in the end. I have no problem with a professional army, there people are motivated and will want to learn and train. 


I was real happy that they stopped conscription back in my country, I had already studied for a long time (got my certificates and so on). Going to the army after that would have been a big waste of time. Now I could start in the field i studied for without interruption, making money paying taxes and learning more. Going a year in the army unmotivated learning skills i would never use or even develop would have been a waste. Thankfully our government thought the same about this and stopped conscription. The US government did the same thing I believe long ago. Seems people far smarter than you have seen the way long ago.  

The USA last drafted (conscripted) a person in 1973 but the law to register is still on the books. You must register for the draft at 18 and stays on the books till age 26. If you don;t register you cannot be employed in a Gov job or receive certain benefits like student loan. Dual nationals of the U.S. and another country are required to register, regardless of where they live, because they are U.S. nationals. ( If Thailand has that rule then yes they could draft him once here--- although unlikely since he never registered ) Even illegal aliens in US must sign up (their status is never reported to immigration) and if they serve and honorably discharged are given US citizenship.


The volunteer Armyb in US is really not working as too many are suffering PTS because of being sent into combat over and over again. At least during Viet-nam war  we served a maximum of 1 year in war zone unless volunteered for extra tour. These guys are seving over and over again in Afganistan, Syria, Iraq ect   Not healthy.

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