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Thai Health Min urges against taking icy cold shower in winter


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Health Min urges against taking icy cold shower in winter


BANGKOK, 14 December 2016 (NNT) – As upper parts of Thailand are experiencing wintry conditions, the Ministry of Public Health has advised people in those areas to avoid taking a cold shower due to possible adverse health effects. 

Permanent Secretary for Public Health Sophon Mekthon pointed out that the cold weather is currently drawing many visitors to natural sites and places of high altitudes around the country. Ahead of their trip, he said the travelers should prepare themselves physically and make sure they have adequate winter clothing to wear. 

While there, Mr Sophon insisted that the visitors are strongly discouraged from showering in extremely cold water. He explained that the abrupt change in temperature could trigger strong neurological responses in the body, possibly leading to shortness of breath, contraction of blood vessels, swinging blood pressure, shock and unconsciousness. In some cases, the conditions could result in death from hypotension. 

As a safer approach, the Permanent Secretary suggested wiping the body with a damp cloth in order to allow the body temperature to come down slowly before showering. Warming the body immediately afterwards is also highly recommended.

-- nnt 2016-12-14
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Thai Health Min urges against taking icy cold shower in winter


He also advised that thai women in bikinis should not take chocolates or candy into direct sunlight.

He said this could double the risk of the prevailing elements:licklips: which could leave them in a 

sticky situation..

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21 minutes ago, freebyrd said:

Do poor people really have a choice?

Indeed, many don't. Commentors on this article appear to not have a clue that some (many) people in Thailand do not have hot showers because they are poor. Some don't even have running water. But commenters here, well, you get the picture.

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25 minutes ago, does said:

Indeed, many don't. Commentors on this article appear to not have a clue that some (many) people in Thailand do not have hot showers because they are poor. Some don't even have running water. But commenters here, well, you get the picture.



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Taking icey showers in the winter???

Pussies,where is it winter in Thailand? Winter to me is degree's below Celsius,wiping the ice off the inside of your windows.When the bed sheets are like boards,when your mum hung them out over night.When the school milk froze in its little glass bottles.

Aye! those were t'days,when we lived in a shoe box on't side of road.Me ma making marmite sandwhiches for us tea.When we had to get up before we went to bed,When grandad sat in his chair with a polo mint on his tongue and we all put our hands in front of it.When da came home from t'pub and give us all a good thrashing wit' belt.Aye and we were grateful for it.Sraping t'ice from the cats arse so she could sit down.

The showers are never really cold here.I live in the North,and its meant to be cold here now,i see mu mrs with her coat on and all the villagers walking around in heavy coats and ski masks.I am aclimatised to it here,but i never feel cold,or have to have a hot shower.

Winter ? me arse!


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4 hours ago, does said:

Indeed, many don't. Commentors on this article appear to not have a clue that some (many) people in Thailand do not have hot showers because they are poor. Some don't even have running water. But commenters here, well, you get the picture.


Just like many commenters have poor reading skills and feel like they need to be SuperFarang, protector of Thainess.  Here's a quote:


"While there, Mr Sophon insisted that the visitors are strongly discouraged from showering in extremely cold water."


The article, as quoted, was talking about people visiting colder parts of Thailand.  Presumably if they have enough money to travel they have enough money to choose accommodations with hot water.  


Do people really need to be told not to bathe in cold water?  I mean, how did human beings survive for tens of thousands of years without jackholes like this informing them that they shouldn't do something which is physically discomforting?  


Have you ever showered or washed yourself in cold temperatures without hot water?  Does someone really need to warn you that this isn't a good idea?  


Does that mean people won't do it, despite the massive objection of their own body?  Of course.  There are plenty of stupid people in the world and, believe me, telling them not to do it isn't going to prevent it from happening.  







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10 hours ago, HiSoLowSoNoSo said:

" Taking icy cold shower in winter "  ???

Is common sense missing here or what?

So, what's so unusual about taking a cold shower...winter or any other season? I've been taking cold showers ( and sometimes cold shoulders from certain women, but that's another story ) for at least sixty five years. I usually start with a warm shower, and finish the shower with water as cold as it gets.  Good for the heart and health in general....www.menprovement.com/benefits-of-cold-showers.

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6 minutes ago, UPDEHSOI said:

So, what's so unusual about taking a cold shower...winter or any other season? I've been taking cold showers ( and sometimes cold shoulders from certain women, but that's another story ) for at least sixty five years. I usually start with a warm shower, and finish the shower with water as cold as it gets.  Good for the heart and health in general....www.menprovement.com/benefits-of-cold-showers.

True. And b@nging virgins is also good to cure aids ???

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1 minute ago, UPDEHSOI said:

So, what's so unusual about taking a cold shower...winter or any other season? I've been taking cold showers ( and sometimes cold shoulders from certain women, but that's another story ) for at least sixty five years. I usually start with a warm shower, and finish the shower with water as cold as it gets.  Good for the heart and health in general....www.menprovement.com/benefits-of-cold-showers.


Well, people getting sick showering in cold water that's why. During my visits to the Karen areas (Christian villagers)  in Mea Hong Son province in the cold period, all families boiled water in big steel jars and mixed it with cold water and used this for their showers, I think there was a reason for this. They used wood for the fires, so you don't need electricity for getting warm water for your showers. Maybe the authorities should tell the poor people in the North and North East to do the same if they got no electricity.  

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1 hour ago, lungnorm said:

He should check his facts before opening his trap. I was just reading an article yesterday which Doctors advised that it was good to take cold showers the colder the better as they have discovered its another way to improve your immune system.

Been waiting for this response which I have known about for at least 20 years!

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