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Bill Gates says Trump has the opportunity to be like JFK


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Bill Gates says Trump has the opportunity to be like JFK

Matthew J. Belvedere


President-elect Donald Trump has an opportunity to establish "American leadership through innovation," Bill Gates told CNBC on Tuesday.


"A lot of his message has been about ... where he sees things not as good as he'd like," the billionaire Microsoft co-founder said on "Squawk Box."


"But in the same way President Kennedy talked about the space mission and got the country behind that," Gates continued, "I think whether it's education or stopping epidemics ... [or] in this energy space, there can be a very upbeat message that [Trump's] administration [is] going to organize things, get rid of regulatory barriers, and have American leadership through innovation."


Gates said he recently spoke on the phone with Trump, and discussed the power of innovation. 


Full story: http://www.cnbc.com/2016/12/13/after-talking-with-trump-bill-gates-likens-president-elect-to-jfk.html


-- CNBC 2016-12-14



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Most of us pre-election didn't bother voicing our optimism about President Elect Trump because the far left screams and tosses out every slur under the sun calling us racists or homophobes.


Now Mr. Gates is being a good American and is behind our new President Elect Trump and is speaking about positive things. 


Would be nice if we returned to the same values we had under JFK.


I can only imagine the chaos our country would be in if that woman won.

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Most of us pre-election didn't bother voicing our optimism about President Elect Trump because the far left screams and tosses out every slur under the sun calling us racists or homophobes.
Now Mr. Gates is being a good American and is behind our new President Elect Trump and is speaking about positive things. 
Would be nice if we returned to the same values we had under JFK.
I can only imagine the chaos our country would be in if that woman won.

He's flattering the man baby. Gates is smart enough to realize that's the only way to get to him. Look how it works for Putin.
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Coool ! We are going back to the moon!


1 hour ago, Luckysilk said:

Now Mr. Gates is being a good American and is behind our new President Elect Trump and is speaking about positive things. 



What a pity the USA was not full of good Americans getting behind President Obama when he commenced office. What is a 'good American'? A white heterosexual right wing conservative?


1 hour ago, Luckysilk said:

Would be nice if we returned to the same values we had under JFK.


Keep the Blacks down?


1 hour ago, Luckysilk said:

I can only imagine the chaos our country would be in if that woman won.


Chaos that would have been caused by Trump supporters and Republicans.

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1 hour ago, Luckysilk said:

Most of us pre-election didn't bother voicing our optimism about President Elect Trump because the far left screams and tosses out every slur under the sun calling us racists or homophobes.


Now Mr. Gates is being a good American and is behind our new President Elect Trump and is speaking about positive things. 


Would be nice if we returned to the same values we had under JFK.


I can only imagine the chaos our country would be in if that woman won.

You mean like the majority of Republicans at one time who believed that Obama was born in Kenya and not eligible to be President. Or that he was a secret Muslim?

And as for the chaos were Clinton elected, that mostly would have come from Trump who refused to say whether he would accept the results of the election if he lost.

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17 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

What a pity the USA was not full of good Americans getting behind President Obama when he commenced office. What is a 'good American'? A white heterosexual right wing conservative?


No, just slightly conservative would be good. 


17 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Keep the Blacks down?


Do you keep all these meaningless one-liners in a folder somewhere? I mean really, whats that got to do what anything. 


19 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Chaos that would have been caused by Trump supporters and Republicans.


"Would have" meaning pure speculation. Historically, conservatives don't get on the streets and cry, moan, destroy stuff, get in peoples faces, assault people, and generally be a nuisance. I think even you can agree with that. Yeah we might bitch and complain, but chaos is not what "would have" happened.

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3 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Trump who refused to say whether he would accept the results of the election if he lost.


Dont know why people keep hanging on this statement. 


During the campaign, every poll and every media outlet had HRC winning. Trump campaigning, rallying, etc.... So many people thought HRC was gonna win. TVF the same. Basically the world, the same. 


The media, during all this, kept on poking the fire asking him if he would accept defeat, because everyone thought he was going to lose. 


Why, the shit, would you accept defeat before the game is even finished. "If I lose, yes, I will bla bla bla" They even cornered the guy on the final debate with the stupid question. 


Personally when someone is trying to corner me and force me to answer a question, I'm not gonna answer it because its baited. Straight up loaded question. 

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6 minutes ago, Strange said:


Dont know why people keep hanging on this statement. 


During the campaign, every poll and every media outlet had HRC winning. Trump campaigning, rallying, etc.... So many people thought HRC was gonna win. TVF the same. Basically the world, the same. 


The media, during all this, kept on poking the fire asking him if he would accept defeat, because everyone thought he was going to lose. 


Why, the shit, would you accept defeat before the game is even finished. "If I lose, yes, I will bla bla bla" They even cornered the guy on the final debate with the stupid question. 


Personally when someone is trying to corner me and force me to answer a question, I'm not gonna answer it because its baited. Straight up loaded question. 

Really? A loaded question? And after the election, when he claimed that millions of illegal votes were cast for Hillary Clinton and that he really won the popular vote. And he said this after he had won! Even in victory he couldn't accept the results.  But you seriously maintain that had he lost, he would been a good sport about it and accepted the results?  What utter unbelievable nonsense!

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1 minute ago, ilostmypassword said:

Really? A loaded question? And after the election, when he claimed that millions of illegal votes were cast for Hillary Clinton and that he really won the popular vote. And he said this after he had won! Even in victory he couldn't accept the results.  But you seriously maintain that had he lost, he would been a good sport about it and accepted the results?  What utter unbelievable nonsense!


Yes, really, a loaded question. You answer yes, and you admit the possibility of defeat, you answer no, or "Ill keep you in suspense" and you don't admit the possibility of defeat, but you get people like yourself that think he's a domestic terrorist or something. 


I think that if he had lost, he (or his crew by proxy) probably would be doing the same shit Jill Stein & Co, CIA, FBI, Obama, HRC, MSM, and Democrats as a whole are doing now, but with a lot more cash behind it, and some tweets.  But there wouldn't be riots and people crying about it. 


If you are asking me if I think he would have accepted? Yeah I think he would have. I don't take these things as LITERAL when they are said, but you guys do, and can't seem to understand that. 

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3 hours ago, webfact said:

get rid of regulatory barriers, and have American leadership through innovation."


Sounds a hell of a lot better than having American leadership that completely stale, complacent, patronizing, and out of touch. Cant see anything wrong with that, and even if Gates is simply being a billionaire kiss-ass, thats good too. 

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1 hour ago, Johpa said:



I agree. And having known Gates in his youth he, has the added advantage of having been a bit of a "man baby" himself.

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Really, where and when did you know him? Please be specific.

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2 hours ago, Strange said:


Yes, really, a loaded question. You answer yes, and you admit the possibility of defeat, you answer no, or "Ill keep you in suspense" and you don't admit the possibility of defeat, but you get people like yourself that think he's a domestic terrorist or something. 


I think that if he had lost, he (or his crew by proxy) probably would be doing the same shit Jill Stein & Co, CIA, FBI, Obama, HRC, MSM, and Democrats as a whole are doing now, but with a lot more cash behind it, and some tweets.  But there wouldn't be riots and people crying about it. 


If you are asking me if I think he would have accepted? Yeah I think he would have. I don't take these things as LITERAL when they are said, but you guys do, and can't seem to understand that. 

In other words, you'll believe Trump means whatever you're inclined to believe. Donald Trump, the Rorschach candidate.

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Sounds like an endorsement from a brother billionaire.

Sounds more like Gates understands that with Trump flattery will get you just about anywhere. So why not hope to gain some sliver of positive influence with Trump. A potentially good strategic action on the part of Gates.

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