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NLA insists there is no turning back on computer crime bill despite protests - Single Gateway ‘Still Necessary,’ Deputy PM Prawit says


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If I look at what quality of internet service you get here for what kind of money and combine this with the idea that the government wants to eavesdrop into my internet traffic in the future, which will not make the services either cheaper nor faster ...............

For business, reliable fast and economical communication is of survival importance. Seeing how the government censored hundred thousands of websites might explain, why certain companies - relying on communication - are not only not coming to Thailand anymore but moving elsewhere.

As if there there were no other problems to deal with in this country ................ 

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2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Looks like we will be going back to dial up speeds, if a one gateway

comes into operation,with the Government trying to check everything

that passes through,

regards worgeordie

And a single gateway nicely provides a single target to attack and/or hack. I look forward to seeing the Gateway being down or semi-closed more than it is open. And how will the Gateway deal with encryption?

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All bank account data, pins, passwords, credit card numbers and TAN's in one hand.

Central monitoring and documentation of all private and company data?
Poison for business and investment.

Like Yahoo
with 500 million accounts.
Yahoo says the information stolen may include names, email addresses, phone numbers, birthdates and security questions and answers. The company says it believes bank-account information and payment-card data were not affected.

Unfortunately, I do not trust the software developers here much regarding the data security.
Guess that will be then a challenge for all hackers around the world to paralyze the flow of data from a whole country.
If a single gateway is turned off, then good night.
Banksystems, money flows, telephone networks, electricity networks, traffic control networks, factory control systems, etc. will then be brought to the knees.


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5 hours ago, robblok said:

Single gateway is a stupid plan that should be scrapped, hope they are not that stupid. Anyway the junta does not have that long anymore and we all know how long it takes to implement something like this. 


Then again the next government even if PTP might just implement it too because whoever is in power always loves to use these kind of things to punish opponents.


Rob I totally agree - PTP will love this when they get back into power. And they get away scott free as they are simply following the laws laid down by the military. 

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All bank account data, pins, passwords, credit card numbers and TAN's in one hand.

Central monitoring and documentation of all private and company data?

Poison for business and investment.

Like Yahoo with 500 million accounts.

Yahoo says the information stolen may include names, email addresses, phone numbers, birthdates and security questions and answers. The company says it believes bank-account information and payment-card data were not affected.

Unfortunately, I do not trust the software developers here much regarding the data security.

Guess that will be then a challenge for all hackers around the world to paralyze the flow of data from a whole country.

If a single gateway is turned off, then good night.

Banksystems, money flows, telephone networks, electricity networks, traffic control networks, factory control systems, etc. will then be brought to the knees.


Good lord, you're not suggesting that our Internet phobic junta leaders don't understand the likely (inevitable ) results of their cunning plan?

Look on the bright side - it will stop Yingluck Shinawatra posting on Facebook....

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1 minute ago, JAG said:

Good lord, you're not suggesting that our Internet phobic junta leaders don't understand the likely (inevitable ) results of their cunning plan?

Well, I'm only wondering what levels of IT qualifications usually have army and police personnel.
If the leadership is only surrounded with uncritical yes saying  self-appointed experts and policemen start working as consultants for booze companies , yes I fear the worst.

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Perfectly content?
How did you come to that conclusion?
Any form of criticism or protest is illegal.
LM laws can be used with impunity.
An unelected military junta is running the show.
Hardly a benign environment for the masses to protest about these laws being introduced.

Wow, really. Do you really believe that people who fight for their basic rights and freedoms really care about the legality of it. When the people of Egypt rose up against their government did they care whether or not they were breaking the law.
Come on man, really.
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5 hours ago, bobmac10 said:

Perfectly content?

How did you come to that conclusion?

Any form of criticism or protest is illegal.

LM laws can be used with impunity.

An unelected military junta is running the show.

Hardly a benign environment for the masses to protest about these laws being introduced.



The only reason the junta is running the country is because the people will not stand up for their rights and the military is fully aware of this fact. Look how they back down where the people get organised and threaten bloodshed like the circus trying to arrest the monk.


the only difference is the military  have guns and that trumps pitchforks.

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7 hours ago, robblok said:

Single gateway is a stupid plan that should be scrapped, hope they are not that stupid. Anyway the junta does not have that long anymore and we all know how long it takes to implement something like this. 


Then again the next government even if PTP might just implement it too because whoever is in power always loves to use these kind of things to punish opponents.


They aren't bothered about the detail, or what effect it might have on Joe Public.


But there have been plenty of inconvenient issues brought to public attention via social media. Whilst the usual avoiding of real accountability and actually doing anything about it is applied, it does cause some time and effort to be spent in denials, mock investigations, and thinking up ludicrous explanations. Think of nepotism, misuse of assets, lavish spending of public money. One thing that unites all "politicians" - their dislike of the public being informed of such "secrets".


Far better to stop at source. Saves all that wasted effort and maybe some tiny loss of face. Or gawd forbid, the public might want something changing.







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5 hours ago, Caveat Emptor said:

Possibly taking a leaf out of the Kymer Rouge's handbook and re-setting the year to one of their choice such as Zero !


A former disgraced PM suggested that one already. He wanted to wipe the slate clean (how surprising!) and start afresh. Called it "zeroing the clock".



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4 hours ago, Beats56 said:

How could a single gateway handle all the traffic with things like netflix, youtube, Skype, sports and other streaming online services. I don't think it could. The internet will chock to a crawl.



You think they give two figs about the speed of internet for the minions?


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"New bodies called Computer Data Filtering Committees will be given the power to petition courts to prevent dissemination of such material."


Love the name CD Filtering Committees. Conjures up all sorts of images...



I believe Thailand already has some of the slowest Internet connection speeds in the ASEAN region. Watch companies move if it is controlled and worsens!

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The computer crimes law is offensive to one and all who use the web and when they try to implement it against foreigners who do or say something in their own countries then later visit Thailand they arrest them. A story on this will break soon!! Thailand today is using the web for illegal reasons one being Shut Up The World. Very soon One day soon there will be no internet as in North Korea. We the world are getting fed up with stupid little people trying to be big and powerful yet have not or even could not win a war if they tried as history shows.

The Single Gateway

Those here at IT ? have little knowledge about how it all works and that is for sure, They even lie to someone who does know how it works and say they know best as Foreigners. are idiots and cannot be trusted. Sorry Thailand has never given anything to the internet but simple abused it.


The gateway will bring big trouble for Thailands Business owners, and as for the tourists they are starting to realise just how bad this place is now. With social media limited and asked for when you arrive here, no wonder the only ones coming here are Chinese and by the sound of things they have had enought. so who will replace them i wonder.


The Big Man can say what he wants but due you think the world will take one bit of notice of our dear footballer who I expect knows more game than us foreigners. We love and care for Thailand but will never visit again due to stupid people with pea brains and no commonsense.


It only takes a few idiots to wreck a business and a country we all know who did this to Thailand from about 2014. But politicians fill their pockets then the Military then the  politicians try to grab it back then the Military take everything from us all.


Thailand single gateway means no internet for business to compete with as 1985 speeds and no security, so gone is your bank deposit, Um maybe with the tourists not coming they have to find another way to get the cash


Thailand very soon to be another North Korea and you watch those who have the money then bail out via a gateway.


Miss you Thailand but wish you Good Luck On This


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Not mentioned is that for a single gateway to be effective to monitor and control all internet traffic, VPN either will be banned or require registration with the government with sufficient detail to allow monitoring for content. That will make a digital economy very short-lived.

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26 minutes ago, Srikcir said:

Not mentioned is that for a single gateway to be effective to monitor and control all internet traffic, VPN either will be banned or require registration with the government with sufficient detail to allow monitoring for content. That will make a digital economy very short-lived.

Frankly, I doubt that they have thought it through that far.

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10 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

No...they still believe that Thailand is the centre of the universe....and all the bad people in the world, want to send bad news....

Unfortunately other countries (and cultures) also think they're the centre of the universe. 

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