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*food Poisoning Alert*


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For the last 48 hours, I've been (at times violently) ill after my dinner at Sizzler's steakhouse at Royal Garden Mall. I had a pork steak with baked potato and 2 visits to the salad bar where I had copious amounts of tuna and macaroni salad. :o

My mate had the same order and also ate from the bar but didn't have any tuna. He's never been happier. :D

I've eaten there dozens of times with no problems other than a very full stomach. Just thought I'd pass this on. Healthy digestion to you (I'm envious right now. What I would give for a solid SH*T)!

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For the last 48 hours, I've been (at times violently) ill after my dinner at Sizzler's steakhouse at Royal Garden Mall. I had a pork steak with baked potato and 2 visits to the salad bar where I had copious amounts of tuna and macaroni salad. :o

My mate had the same order and also ate from the bar but didn't have any tuna. He's never been happier. :D

I've eaten there dozens of times with no problems other than a very full stomach. Just thought I'd pass this on. Healthy digestion to you (I'm envious right now. What I would give for a solid SH*T)!

A friend of mine never eats their due to a case of food poisoning. I've been lucky there so far, but maybe it is a risk not worth taking...especially considering the hundreds of choices in Pattaya.

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For the last 48 hours, I've been (at times violently) ill after my dinner at Sizzler's steakhouse at Royal Garden Mall. I had a pork steak with baked potato and 2 visits to the salad bar where I had copious amounts of tuna and macaroni salad. :o

My mate had the same order and also ate from the bar but didn't have any tuna. He's never been happier. :D

I've eaten there dozens of times with no problems other than a very full stomach. Just thought I'd pass this on. Healthy digestion to you (I'm envious right now. What I would give for a solid SH*T)!

It might not be something you ate, it might be a stomach virus or bacterial enteritis.

Did you experience a fever, how many times did you vomit, describe your stools?

It is easy to jump to the 'food poisoning' explanation, but unless you very, very, sick indeed, then it was probably not Mr Sizzler.

Edited by libya 115
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For the last 48 hours, I've been (at times violently) ill after my dinner at Sizzler's steakhouse at Royal Garden Mall. I had a pork steak with baked potato and 2 visits to the salad bar where I had copious amounts of tuna and macaroni salad. :o

My mate had the same order and also ate from the bar but didn't have any tuna. He's never been happier. :D

I've eaten there dozens of times with no problems other than a very full stomach. Just thought I'd pass this on. Healthy digestion to you (I'm envious right now. What I would give for a solid SH*T)!

It might not be something you ate, it might be a stomach virus or bacterial enteritis.

Did you experience a fever, how many times did you vomit, describe your stools?

It is easy to jump to the 'food poisoning' explanation, but unless you very, very, sick indeed, then it was probably not Mr Sizzler.

Actually I was sitting in Au Bon Pain having a coffee when the suspect food was injested.

Rumor had it few Middle Eastern types were seen digging for gold in their own cracks before handling the tuna salad.

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Actually I was sitting in Au Bon Pain having a coffee when the suspect food was injested.

Rumor had it few Middle Eastern types were seen digging for gold in their own cracks before handling the tuna salad.

Interesting post! However if the above said M.E. gentlemen deposited their fecal fingers in the tuna salad, then there would not have been an optimum time lapse or suitable temperature to yield a good bacterial mass to cause food poisoning.

Hepatitis would be possible, but the human gut, mouth, oesophogus and stomach is excellent at resisting infection from 'poo fingers', otherwise the human race would mass-extinct from unwashed hands.

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some months ago a visiting couple from Europe, my wife and me had dinner at Sizzler's. except for my wife who does not touch seafood those of us who ate shrimps from the salad bar had quite some problems. the lady who visited us was so sick that they had to postpone their onward flight to Australia for two days.


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Anytime that I have been violently ill in Thailand, was immediately following a feed of sea food.

I now steer well clear of sea food. It doesn't worry me too much anyway cos Thai tiger prawns are virtually tasteless.

Seafood needs to be properly stored and I fear that standards are rather slack in Thailand.

Sizzler food is sensational but their biggest problem is that the salad bar food is unprotected. You can watch other diners use their fingers to take and sample the food. They talk to each other across the food bar and their spittle sprays everywhere.

Who knows what you are dishing onto your plate in such establishments. :o

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For the last 48 hours, I've been (at times violently) ill after my dinner at Sizzler's steakhouse at Royal Garden Mall. I had a pork steak with baked potato and 2 visits to the salad bar where I had copious amounts of tuna and macaroni salad. :D

My mate had the same order and also ate from the bar but didn't have any tuna. He's never been happier. :D

I've eaten there dozens of times with no problems other than a very full stomach. Just thought I'd pass this on. Healthy digestion to you (I'm envious right now. What I would give for a solid SH*T)!

It might not be something you ate, it might be a stomach virus or bacterial enteritis.

Did you experience a fever, how many times did you vomit, describe your stools?

It is easy to jump to the 'food poisoning' explanation, but unless you very, very, sick indeed, then it was probably not Mr Sizzler.

Actually I was sitting in Au Bon Pain having a coffee when the suspect food was injested.

Rumor had it few Middle Eastern types were seen digging for gold in their own cracks before handling the tuna salad.

Must cause delirium as well, answering a question directed to a different party in the first person. Have you considered alcohol as being a contributory factor. :o

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A month ago or so my lady and I where very sick after eating at the Sizzler and an icecream palour.

I didn’t put the info on this site because I could not be sure, however sizzler then an icecream that was it. All day,

The only one item my lady and I ate the same was the cream mushroom soup. So I put it down to that.

I tell you I was that ill, that I realised when death is near, I wont be sacred, infact I will embrace it.

It took us several days to get over it,

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The only one item my lady and I ate the same was the cream mushroom soup. So I put it down to that.

I tell you I was that ill, that I realised when death is near, I wont be sacred, infact I will embrace it.

It took us several days to get over it,

I also had that soup. Finally better today. Celebrated with spicey Thai food and then did it twice. :o

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What I would give for a solid SH*T)!

We've all been there, OP. Our sympathies to you, and empathies for you. There's a western acronym to help speed up getting back to solid bowels: BRAT

B = bananas

R = rice

A = apple sauce

T = tea

Better n' Immodium or a cork. I haven't found apple sauce in Isaan, but the other three did the trick!

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The only one item my lady and I ate the same was the cream mushroom soup. So I put it down to that.

I tell you I was that ill, that I realised when death is near, I wont be sacred, infact I will embrace it.

It took us several days to get over it,

I also had that soup. Finally better today. Celebrated with spicey Thai food and then did it twice. :D

The mad thing is, i have been back there since, many times, :o even though i believe i was poisoned there

You might be better off eating bland food to begin before getting down to the ring stingers. :D

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I once suffered an acute bout of dysentery after landing in Japan from Singapore. I absolutely REFUSE to go to a doctor in Japan ever again, so I did some research on the internet to pretty much confirm what I had and rode out the storm. I had "explosive diarrhea" every 20 to 30 minutes the first few days. Sleep depravation was part of the parcel. It was ghastly. I existed on yoghurt and fruit, thinking the yoghurt would help repopulate my digestive tract with friendly bacteria, and well, fruit is just so darned good for you.

After I recovered enough (after about six days) I got on a plane to BKK and bee-lined it to Bumrungrad. The doctor said two of the WORST things to eat are dairy and fruit. <sigh....> And, an impromptu way to keep your electrolytes up is to pour salt into Diet Coca Cola. (Regular Coke will also replenish the electrolytes, but the sugar can feed the dysenterey.) I later had a milder brush with food poisioning and tried the salty coke, and it's really not as bad as it sounds. He also recommended plain black tea. He said basically that eating anything solid was a waste of effort until the expulsions started to ease off as very little digestion was possible.

Based on the incubation period and when I first felt the queasy feelings on the plane, we deduced the time period when I contracted the dysenterey to be when I ate at a food court in Singapore. I was SOOOO lucky that I made it to my room in Japan before the diarrhea began!

(I could write pages on why I refuse to see a doctor in Japan, but this is a Thai forum...)

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The doctor said two of the WORST things to eat are dairy and fruit. <sigh....>

I've heard by some health practitioners that Yakult, or other probiotics might help balance the nasty bacteria in the bowel...but that has sugar, so maybe it's not a good idea??

I know in the US you can get probiotics in powder, or pure liquid form...I wonder if it can be found here?

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Sorry to hear of your plight. It prompts me to reiterate the observation below......

If you eat western food in Thailand especially buffet food you are much more likely to get food poisoning.

Edited by wilko
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I have found the same problem the few times I visit Sizzler and for that matter Pizza hut..I enjoy the meal but later the meal does not enjoy me if you get my drift. You would think I would learn my lesson but everytime I go back I try and hope and boom and I mean that in a bad way more offen then not its find me the nearest toilet and I hope its not a squat one please. :o

Edited by Minburi
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Ffor a couple of yers I was building Su'boom Airport, then in Singapore, so I was home (Pattaya) most weekends. My wife and daughter consider Sizzlers to be the top of Western cuisine and like to go there each time I come home. (Now that I'm back in Saudi that means once every three months). The last time we went there was the last time. We were all sick afterwards, although to different degrees. We all ate different food, but the salads were probably similar.

Anyway - no more. I'll spend more if necessary, but there are many alternatives that give good value for money - search this forum a year or two ago, when there was a whole raft of recommendations from Patty residents.

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My diet for the "3 days near the toilet" was fruit yogurt. I went over to Carrefour and bought loads of it. It was soothing for both ends. :D

Of note: Large yogurt containers cannot be purchased at Carrefour. :o

In Iran cases of diarrheoa (sp??) :D were common - the 20-metre trots, the 100-metre trots defined the 'safe' working distance from a toilet. For months our surveyor had the 20-centi trots - when he stood up and reached for the handle, he had to sit down again :D

But we took plain yoghourt and rice as a filler that would stay inside. The only thing that worked.

And the plain yoghourt was bought in kiddies seaside buckets that one took back and channged when empty. The entire population had yoghourt at almost every meal. Great stuff. Had never eaten it before going to Iran, but have consumed tonnes of it since.

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Seems like Sizzlers has a problem going by the numbers getting sick ,i like going to eat there,but have noticed the food is only warm at best, suggesting they might be holding it at the wrong temp for to long

Or in my case, the mayo in the tuna salad probably went bad as well as the tuna possibly. :o

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I have eaten at 'Sizzlers' once, many moons ago. I ate from the buffet, but I did not return for 2nd 3rd and 4th helpings, (that seems so atavistic, for a farang.)

I did not suffer from any poisoning, but myself and my coterie were so disappointed with the quality of the ordered 'main' fare, that none of us have returned (to my knowledge) since.

I rate it; as an eatery: 2/10.


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A couple of years ago I was staying in Chaweng (when you could get a beach room for 450 baht) and every day would have an evening meal with 2 poms staying in rooms either side of me. One evening I wandered in and asked where we would eat tonight....they both looked a bit sheepish and admitted to having a MacDonalds. They added that knowing my views on the place, I wouldn't have wanted to go, which was absolutely true.

They both ended up with food poisoning, the girl ended delaying her flight back to Blighty and the guy spent 2 days in his room. The Macker was just about the only thing that we all hadn't eaten together for a period of about 5 days.

Without stringent care western food can quickly develop high bacterial and toxin levels in this climate. It relies on low temperature storage for long periods before it is cooked or served...this is a receipe for disaster - literally

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