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PM assures netizens’ rights and liberties are intact from computer bill


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PM assures netizens’ rights and liberties are intact from computer bill




BANGKOK: -- Prime Minister Prayut Chan-ocha assured on Thursday that the Computer Crime Bill which is pending with the parliament will not deprive netizens of their rights and liberties of free expressions.


He, however, defended that the bill is necessary to block negative information from abroad which may pose a threat to national security and public peace.


Speaking to reporters during an inspection trip in Songkhla to observe flooding situation and relief efforts, the prime minister insisted that his government had no intention whatsoever to take away the rights and liberties of netizens in accessing to online information or expressing their views online.


He also assured that the bill did not advocate the idea of single gateway dreaded by netizens.


Pol Gen Chatchaval Suksomchit, chairman of the scrutiny committee on the Computer Crime Bill, said that the bill did not include the single gateway idea which appears in another bill.


He assured that the bill did not seek to give excessive powers to authorities as feared.


Full story: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/pm-assures-netizens-rights-liberties-intact-computer-bill/

-- © Copyright Thai PBS 2016-12-16
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I wonder the validity/value of a junta leader that has continuously broken "assurances" on several issues and now the CC act and single gate way?

Now coz these blokes love poll's so much, it wold be interesting to see the numbers of support for this little chest nut...

Where have all his supporters on TVF gone???  were are ya fella's?  come out and defend this.     All quiet as usual.

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"...Prayut Chan-ocha assured on Thursday that the Computer Crime Bill which is pending with the parliament will not deprive netizens of their rights and liberties of free expressions..."


Constitutionally, with this statement, Prayut is showing just how ambidextrous he is in his "handling" of the Thai people - giving with one hand and taking with the other !!!


give take.jpg


Firstly, on the one hand according to Section 25 of the "people's" Constitution that everyone wanted (but nobody read), we are told:


Where provisions of the Constitution are specifically enacted to protect the rights and liberties of the Thai people and no act is prohibited or restricted by the Constitution or other laws, a person shall have right and liberty to commit such act and be protected under the Constitution in so far as the exercise of such right or liberty does not affect or harm to the security of the State, public order or good morals of people , and is not in violation of the rights and liberties of other persons.


However, on the other hand, Section 34 we find out that:


A person shall enjoy the liberty to express his opinion, make speech, write, print, publicize, and make expression by other means. Restriction on such liberty shall not be permitted, except by virtue of the provisions of the law specifically enacted for the purpose of maintaining the security of the State, protecting the rights or liberties of other persons, maintaining public order or good morals of people, or safeguarding the health of the people.


So, the junta can truly say they will not deprive netizens of their rights and liberties of free expressions at the same time claiming they need restrictions to maintain the security of the State, protect the rights or liberties of other persons, maintain public order or good morals of people, and safeguard the health of the people.


Nothing underhanded here !!!


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2 hours ago, aussieinthailand said:

I wonder the validity/value of a junta leader that has continuously broken "assurances" on several issues and now the CC act and single gate way?

Now coz these blokes love poll's so much, it wold be interesting to see the numbers of support for this little chest nut...

Where have all his supporters on TVF gone???  were are ya fella's?  come out and defend this.     All quiet as usual.

Maybe they can't get online? Internet suddenly goes slow?

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We all have rights of freedom of exp[ession and freedom of information unless of course the Thai Govt deems that it could harm the people or the country. UNFORTUNATELY they always look externally never internally , which is where most of the negativity is emanating from.

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"He, however, defended that the bill is necessary to block negative information from abroad which may pose a threat to national security and public peace. "


Which are what exactly ?  What sort of magical words can topple the Thai Government ?  The vagueness of his comments curtail rights. The other part is he couldn't care less about the average Thai person's rights.       

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He, however, defended that the bill is necessary to block negative information from abroad which may pose a threat to national security and public peace. Yet again who interprets threats to national security. Prawit states the gateway is coming come hell or high water yet the PM here seems to imply no. Lets get on the same page boys. 

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6 hours ago, baboon said:

"PM assures netizens’ rights and liberties are intact from computer bill."


Baboon assures netizens' rights and liberties are under threat from computer bill.

Take your pick...

"Protecting our liberties", don't look up I wouldn't like you to be hit in the eye with the flying pig poop! :post-4641-1156693976::ph34r::wai:

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18 hours ago, webfact said:

'... Prayut Chan-ocha assured on Thursday that the Computer Crime Bill which is pending with the parliament will not deprive netizens of their rights and liberties of free expressions.'


'He, however, defended that the bill is necessary to block negative information from abroad which may pose a threat to national security and public peace.'


BS! Twice over.

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