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Obama "vows retaliation" against Russia


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27 minutes ago, Morch said:

How is he tougher or wiser, with respect to Russia, then?

What you're asking for is faith. Not overly convincing.


What would you like to see? I mean Russia is a capable country on all fronts. The US is just as guilty of trolling other countries, Russia included. Remember its not like we had 50 of americas best minds to choose from here. Its was just HRC and Trump. I would prefer to see how Trump plays out rather than HRC. If a huge amount of americans see a pandering, condescending, lying, patronizing windbag when she is addressing our own country, how could she ever be taken seriously by Russia? 


Im not advocating selling out, not by a long shot, but we don't need another war by sitting here blaming Russia for all the USA's problems when largely they are our own fault and we are guilty of the same shit we are accusing Russia for. 

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1 minute ago, Chicog said:

Er... it's isn't my rulebook and they aren't my ideas.


It's what nations have evolved to use as a means of dealing with each other.

Is there something wrong with you?


If it isn't your rulebook, and not your ideas then whatcha wingin about? 


Edited by Strange
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Just now, Strange said:


If they aren't your rulebook, and not your ideas then whatcha wingin about? 


I think you're the one doing the whinging. I'm simply offering an opinion.

After his comments about Taiwan, this was obviously a test of his response, and he's responded in the same juvenile "ner ner ne ner ner" manner as you seem to reply to posts.

No wonder you like him so much.



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3 minutes ago, Chicog said:

I think you're the one doing the whinging. I'm simply offering an opinion.

After his comments about Taiwan, this was obviously a test of his response, and he's responded in the same juvenile "ner ner ne ner ner" manner as you seem to reply to posts.

No wonder you like him so much.


Like him even more based on the fact that the English hate him so much. 



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12 minutes ago, Strange said:


Like him even more based on the fact that the English hate him so much. 




Not all Brits. There are some excellent examples of such on this forum that want Trump to do well. I think you are referring to the far left loons that will hate him no matter what he does.

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7 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Not all Brits. There are some excellent examples of such on this forum that want Trump to do well. I think you are referring to the far left loons that will hate him no matter what he does.


What has he done so far that has impressed you?

I mean the cabinet picks aren't exactly "draining the swamp" are they?


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34 minutes ago, Chicog said:


What has he done so far that has impressed you?



Forgiven Hillary, been civil to both Obama's and praised them (despite lots of bad blood) promised to declare Jeruselem the capital of Israel, talked to the president of Taiwan. A number of things.

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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Forgiven Hillary, been civil to both Obama's and praised them (despite lots of bad blood) promised to declare Jeruselem the capital of Israel, talked to the president of Taiwan. A number of things.

Exactly what right does the POTUS have to declare Jerusalem the Capital of Israel??

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

Forgiven Hillary


Naa. Just backtracked on another one of his steaming piles of BS used to rile up the Lemmings.

It was always just empty gibberish. As was virtually everything else the con-man spewed since getting into the race.


Just now, Ulysses G. said:

been civil to both Obama's and praised them (despite lots of bad blood)


Been civil?

Well isn't that special. Quite out of the norm for the Huckster that is Trump.


Just now, Ulysses G. said:

promised to declare Jeruselem the capital of Israel


:wacko: Promised. :cheesy:

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11 hours ago, Strange said:


So there is proof that Putin, Russia, etc. themselves are directly responsible for the DNC hack & releasing the emails via Wikileaks? 


Not denying involvement in some form or another, but directly responsible? Orchestrated it all? 

Don't stretch my comment.  There is proof somebody in Russia did the hack of the DNC server.  No proof Putin did it.  But considering Wikileaks released the data, then there's proof Russia gave the data to them.  Somebody in Russia.


I've posted the details many times.

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15 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Don't stretch my comment.  There is proof somebody in Russia did the hack of the DNC server.  No proof Putin did it.  But considering Wikileaks released the data, then there's proof Russia gave the data to them.  Somebody in Russia.


I've posted the details many times.


Maybe I should have worded it better, but it was in question form and I wasn't stretching. Its just going through these pages and some posters are stating, like its fact, that "Russia Hacked the DNC Server" in a way that clearly reads they are the ones responsible and should be retaliated against. 


When in fact, just like I have been reading, that its more likely to be a person or group of persons in Russia rather than the Kremlin it self orchestrating it all. 

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Isn't constant baiting against Thai Visa rules?


Does anyone really believe that Obama will "retaliate" against Russia in a significant way?

Of course no one believes it and I'm sure Putin is shaking in his boots and losing sleep at night over it.

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14 hours ago, Strange said:


What would you like to see? I mean Russia is a capable country on all fronts. The US is just as guilty of trolling other countries, Russia included. Remember its not like we had 50 of americas best minds to choose from here. Its was just HRC and Trump. I would prefer to see how Trump plays out rather than HRC. If a huge amount of americans see a pandering, condescending, lying, patronizing windbag when she is addressing our own country, how could she ever be taken seriously by Russia? 


Im not advocating selling out, not by a long shot, but we don't need another war by sitting here blaming Russia for all the USA's problems when largely they are our own fault and we are guilty of the same shit we are accusing Russia for. 


What are you on about? UG said Trump is (or will be, sometimes hard to keep up with the current version) tougher and wiser. I'm asking how exactly? If he already done something meriting this, do share, if he didn't - then it's faith rather than fact.


I think HRC was taken much more seriously (if not positively) by Putin (and by extension, Russia). Otherwise, it would be hard to account for the propaganda effort invested in Trump, not only outside of Russia but domestically as well. If she was considered the weaker of the two, what would have been the Putin's interest at having a more capable rival?


If you're not advocating selling out, what then? Can't talk about it, can't investigate it, can't even acknowledge it. Nobody is going to war over this, so why bring it up?

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16 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Isn't constant baiting against Thai Visa rules?


Does anyone really believe that Obama will "retaliate" against Russia in a significant way?


Be risky to do so, if cyber is the planned response. Why would you want to tell your foe your capabilities and what you've already got into?

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He has 3 weeks left - in order to inflict as much damage as possible



Talk about 'spit the dummy' :passifier: that his plot might still fail...


Civil war still on the cards, as the best way he has left to stay in power as absolute ruler.



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On 12/20/2016 at 1:45 AM, Ulysses G. said:

Isn't constant baiting against Thai Visa rules?


Does anyone really believe that Obama will "retaliate" against Russia in a significant way?

Certainly not.  The man is nothing but an astute Leader who thus far has made no missteps. :smile:

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