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Thai Govt websites down after warning on cyber-attacks


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Govt websites down after warning on cyber-attacks




Authorities on the defensive due to reviled Computer Crime Act.


BANGKOK: -- GOVERNMENT websites were down yesterday after cyber-warriors kicked off a campaign of attacks following the passing of controversial changes to the Computer Crime Law.


The sites hit included Government House, Office of the PM, and the Royal Gazette website.


It was not confirmed if the failure of these sites, which were offline sporadically yesterday, was the result of attacks or a defensive measure by the government. 


Earlier, Major-General Ritthi Intarawut, director of the Army’s cyber centre, warned state agencies to prepare for cyber attacks by hackers angry over changes to the Computer Crime Act, advising them to step up security or even shut down systems temporarily.


Full story: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/national/30302432

-- © Copyright The Nation 2016-12-20
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"...It was not confirmed if the failure of these sites...was the result of attacks or a defensive measure by the government..."


A moot point - the fact they were down at all is a victory by “Opponents of the Single Gateway” over the junta's so-called Computer Crime Law !!!


Meanwhile, Defence Ministry mouthpiece Maj-Gen Kongcheeo Tantravanich said the government had measures to defend against any attack...



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I'd recollect that last time the cracker hordes were on it - the Govt decided to use Cloudflare's Cloud Web Application Firewall, as well multiple scattered CDN(Content Delivery Network) site locations, to shield the sites from the attack - kinda ironic because with single gateway that would've been impossible to do, as the single point of failure would've been the GW for them DDoS attacks :w00t::crazy:

Edited by jabis
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52 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

The Government should hire a highly capable bunch of computer experts to track these vermin down and throw them in the Bangkok Hilton for a very VERY long time ! These a*s*h*l*s are internet anarchists and should be treated as such.

Do you also think hanging should be brought back for shoplifting...?

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56 minutes ago, phantomfiddler said:

The Government should hire a highly capable bunch of computer experts to track these vermin down and throw them in the Bangkok Hilton for a very VERY long time ! These a*s*h*l*s are internet anarchists and should be treated as such.


By "these vermin" , you mean the people that voted for the new computer crime act ?

As you state, they are the internet anarchists , so I sure agree on that !

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4 hours ago, arrowsdawdle said:

The head cyber security guy told agencies to take their sites down rather than get hacked.


Does this give new meaning to waving the white flag and retreating or what?


Looks like a page from the Obama playbook on how to lead from behind.

Maybe if someone threatens to attach Thailand, the Army will simply stay at home until the attackers get bored?

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4 hours ago, Caps said:

How long is temporarily?    Do they think that the hackers will get bored and go away? 

They need time to go through their face saving Roladex cards to come up with an appropriate answer. Sometimes when your facing an opponent with big guns good guerrilla warfare is the answer.  

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1 hour ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

This Government continually blames others for misunderstandings, misinformation, chaos, opposition to its policies, expressing their views, the poor state of the economy, lack of investment, etc etc but never seems to realise that it is its own worst enemy.

Not just the government I'm afraid.

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Do you really.think the government can stop these attacks?  Better think again. Big internet sites have been hacked and taken down such as Yahoo, FB,  banks etc. And these people have very smart IT guys working for them. The hackers are smart  too and seem to be one step ahead of the experts. Try as you may there will always be a hole or backdoor for them to gain access.



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