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Wife sentenced to death for murder of husband given bail


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On 2016-12-20 at 9:14 PM, djayz said:

I am speechless... 


Sentenced to death but not a flight risk?!?!? I don't see her going back to her "place of work" for the remaining days/weeks of her life. Who would? 


Am I on planet Mars or what? 


I really should drink more before reading the news. 

Great  post

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This is a joke right? Albeit a very sick joke. She is convicted of murder and given the death sentence then she is basically she can go home until they want to execute her.

This has to be a sick (very sick) joke. If not is it any wonder why the rest of the world laughs at the Thai system?

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The Thai legal system wants to be seen as having meted out justice by sentencing her to death for a murder that she clearly arranged.  At the same time, they don't really want to execute her, perhaps because they sympathize with her due to her having been abused by her husband, or perhaps because she is somewhat attractive.  So this is a Thai-style face-saving way of avoiding executing her - by basically inviting her to run away.  And it doesn't hurt that they will also get to pocket a million baht when she absconds.  Everyone wins - well, except for the guy who was murdered.
Or someone was paid 1mil ?

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

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On 12/20/2016 at 9:43 PM, z42 said:

Utterly, utterly ridiculous. Bail isn't an option for drug dealers or mushroom pickers. But for a person convicted of murder and sentenced to death are allowed bail.

The justice system isn't even 3rd world. It is parallel universe stuff. Disgusting in every respect ?

The scales of justice here are fluid depending on many things ........... money and influence being right up there.


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On 6/16/2017 at 3:40 PM, TunnelRat69 said:

Any updates to this one??  Many have said a smart, pretty professional Dr would never be put to death, has it happened, or did she do a runner as lots of people have speculated.


No death penalty here it's just more FACE and the sentence is meaningless 

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On 2016-12-20 at 3:10 PM, webfact said:

She cannot leave the country.

No, off course not! We all know how hard that is to achieve. :cheesy:


On 2016-12-20 at 3:10 PM, webfact said:

The court decided that she represented no risk of flight and had a fixed address and place of work.

Her employer still let´s her keep the work after a murder conviction?? However, what kind of security does a fixed address and a place of work give. Maybe she just not feel like going to work one fine day.

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On 12/22/2016 at 9:34 AM, djayz said:

From the stories we have read about him, he did seem to be a psycho. True, but nobody has the right to take the law into their own hands! 

Can you imagine a society where people go around killing one another just because we think the other person "deserved" it?!?! 

Look at the Philippines! Over 6,000 people shot dead in the space of 6 months because people thought that they deserved it...  

I think she is innocent and her husband deserved what he got. She looks like a nice person.

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On 12/22/2016 at 1:33 PM, Khon Kaen Dave said:

I read that the husband was a wife beater.And i know that women,in this country are treated as mere chattels.I also understand that she was a doctor.It therefore stands that the husband and wife must have been of a hi so level.No woman should be subjected to beatings.Was it not possible,considering her status,that she could have resolved this in another manner? like having someone speak to him regarding his behaviour?A woman can only stand so much physical abuse,and women will turn.Women can be quite vicious in this country,as we are all very much aware.Did she go down other avenues to solve this problem? Did she go to the police,and pay some money to a kindly officer,who could have shown the husband,the error of his ways.She must have been desperate to hire an assasin to rid herself of him.Was there any loss of face that caused the husband to administer beatings? Was there jealousy,of her status,as such, or alcohol problems.It must have taken her to the edge of reason to do what she did.On the other hand this could be absolute bullshit and she could have been a right C### who for some reason wanted her husband off the scene to continue another relationship,or just get his money. Had she killed him whilst he was carrying out one of these beatings,with a pair of scissors or maybe a knife ,then that is another matter.But she paid a man to kill her husband.The fact that she might be beautiful or sexy or hot,is neither here or there.She premeditated an assassination and paid another to carry it out.

As much as i feel for her,she is guilty of a crime that she planned.For that,there is no question innocence.Under any other law,she would be banged up in the slammer and on death row,for how long who knows,but a woman of her means would have the very best of lawyers.No one knows the mental state of this woman,she is a thinker and she's dangerous.Maybe the bail was given as a chance for her to escape.But we from the western world, laugh at this allowing a convicted murderess to be out and about.Its a farce,maybe there are hopes that the husbands family might do for her?Anyway,we will see what we will see.

I think Im this case she deserves a second chance.

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On 12/22/2016 at 6:06 PM, Bluespunk said:



I was stating a fact.


While I do have sympathy with victims of domestic abuse and believe that a victim of domestic violence who kills their abuser in self defence during an attack is justified in their actions.


I would even sympathise with someone who kills after an attack when their abuser is vulnerable.


However they would still be guilty of murder and have to face at the least a trial.


Hiring a hitman to kill someone however is another matter.


I'm not sure the death penalty is a fair verdict but the manner of the killing and the planning behind it does warrant a custodial sentence.

She seems like the victim, In this particular case. She had no other options.

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On 12/22/2016 at 3:08 AM, Bluespunk said:

At what point have I justified murder?


Explain exactly where I am being hypocritical. 


A poster mentioned that they thought domestic violence was behind the murder but others said it wasn't a factor. 


All  I did was confirm domestic violence was mentioned a lot when the original story was covered. 


Now explain how that is justifying murder?

She did the right thing, I agree completely. No one should ever hit a woman. He got exactly what he deserved.

Edited by tedburna
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1 minute ago, tedburna said:

She did the right thing, I agree completely. No one should ever hit a woman. He got ecactly what he deserved.

Again I see your point, if there was domestic violence. 


However, as I say, hiring a hitman is premeditated murder and as such has to carry some sort of sentence. 

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On 12/21/2016 at 11:51 PM, cyberfarang said:

Shame actually, she looks like a pretty girl. I suppose evil can come in all shapes and forms, an angel with the devil inside. It means we can never take people by appearances and face value.

Dont victim blame. she is lucky he did not have her killed.

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