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A girl has gone online to warn people about habitual use of the pain killer Tramadol


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49 minutes ago, Chip Allen said:

The level of insanity that I see in this thread is off the map. My doctor prescribed Tramadol in the USA for my back pain. He SPECIFICALLY told me that he chose this medicine because it was NOT addictive. The level of imperial hubris that it takes to dismiss the judgement of a qualified physician is beyond the scope of my understanding.



Spot on sir, so many posters on here getting their knickers in a twist about tramadol.

I took tramadol for 3 years, 16th of december ( 4 weeks ago ) i stopped, no problems whatsoever.

Tramadol addictive utter rubbish, been there done that.

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36 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Spot on sir, so many posters on here getting their knickers in a twist about tramadol.

I took tramadol for 3 years, 16th of december ( 4 weeks ago ) i stopped, no problems whatsoever.

Tramadol addictive utter rubbish, been there done that.

This is very dangerous false information to be giving on such a serious subject.

There has to be something you’re not telling us.

Did you taper off this drug or replace it with another opiate-like drug?

Are you taking any other painkillers or medication?

Did you take this drug every day for 3 years?

Just do some simple research and you’ll find the truth.




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6 minutes ago, TheLairdofCockPen said:

This is very dangerous false information to be giving on such a serious subject.


There has to be something you’re not telling us.


Did you taper off this drug or replace it with another opiate-like drug?


Are you taking any other painkillers or medication?


Did you take this drug every day for 3 years?


Just do some simple research and you’ll find the truth.







Why do people spout on about tramadol is addictive????

Yes i took tramadol everyday for 3 years, stopped 4 weeks ago, easy just stopped.

Do not say there is something you are not telling us.

From your reply your are basically calling me a liar. DONT.

I am proof tramadol is not adictive.

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32 minutes ago, colinneil said:

Why do people spout on about tramadol is addictive????

Yes i took tramadol everyday for 3 years, stopped 4 weeks ago, easy just stopped.

Do not say there is something you are not telling us.

From your reply your are basically calling me a liar. DONT.

I am proof tramadol is not adictive.

Because it is very addictive.


May I ask why you said in your first posting here "I have been taking tramadol now for 3 years". This was less than 3 weeks ago, yet you now say you quit 4 weeks ago. Not entirely truthful. :) I call a spade a spade.

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2 minutes ago, TheLairdofCockPen said:

Because it is very addictive.


May I ask why you said in your first posting here "I have been taking tramadol now for 3 years". This was less than 3 weeks ago, yet you now say you quit 4 weeks ago. Not entirely truthful. :) I call a spade a spade.


No point trying to argue with a clown who does not know what he is talking about.

My first posting about taking tramadol was than 3 weeks ago, keep up please.

Edited by colinneil
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On 22/12/2016 at 0:22 PM, colinneil said:

 Why are you posting nonsense !! saying i am taking more than prescribed????

I am taking tramadol and gabapentin exactly as prescribed by qualified doctors.

When i said my wife bought them that was when my prescription was ran out, i only see the doctor every 6 months, and the maximum he will prescribe at any time is 100 tablets.

So use your brain and work it out before you post nonsense.

If I had quit an addictive substance, I would not be saying I was still taking it 1 week after going through withdrawal. 

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On 22/12/2016 at 0:22 PM, colinneil said:

 Why are you posting nonsense !! saying i am taking more than prescribed????

I am taking tramadol and gabapentin exactly as prescribed by qualified doctors.

When i said my wife bought them that was when my prescription was ran out, i only see the doctor every 6 months, and the maximum he will prescribe at any time is 100 tablets.

So use your brain and work it out before you post nonsense.

Is the 22nd of Dec before the 16th?

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12 minutes ago, TheLairdofCockPen said:

Is the 22nd of Dec before the 16th?

You were posting the same rubbish on here before, now you have started a new name on TV.

Is that so you think we dont know:cheesy:

Well you maybe fool others but not me.

You also state you are a criminal !! oops !! clinical physiologist.

What does it cost these days to buy them qualifications on Kao San road???????

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47 minutes ago, colinneil said:

You were posting the same rubbish on here before, now you have started a new name on TV.

Is that so you think we dont know:cheesy:

Well you maybe fool others but not me.

You also state you are a criminal !! oops !! clinical physiologist.

What does it cost these days to buy them qualifications on Kao San road???????

You are confused.  This is my one and only name here.


One question, which would explain a lot - are you on any psychotropic medication now? Have you had a tramadol since Dec 16th? 


In all honesty, I'd like to help you as I've seen first hand the effects this drug can to to people. 

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On 12/21/2016 at 4:09 PM, Pinot said:

Opiates should always be avoided. 


I've written about this. IMHO, I am not a doctor, the first thing that should be used to fight chronic pain is Gabapentin. It is rarely prescribed and even less often prescribed correctly. I take a maintenance dose everyday and have eliminated the crippling back pain I use to get from degenerating discs. 


IM me if you have questions but this link will explain everything. Check with your doctor but I doubt they'll know much about Gaba. 


Gabapentin is THE drug for chronic pain



Opiates used responsibly are a great resource.  I used Percocet prescribed by the VA in California for 8 years for back pain was written to take 4 per day max.  Usually managed with 2.  I have used Tramadol on and off over the past 3 years living here in Thailand.  2, 50 mg does the trick all day maybe once or twice per week. What I don't like is that they also contain SSRIs.  I've read most of the literature on them.  They can be serious problems with addiction, abuse and withdrawals in certain individuals.


I found it interesting that they are prescribed for cases of premature ejaculation.


To say Opiates should never be used and GABA should be used for chronic pain  is bad advice and a huge generalization.  Although my field is Internal Medicine, I've also had to manage or help manage Chronic Pain cases.  Opiates when used responsibly and managed properly are a very viable choice.


Alcohol should also be used responsibly as well.

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I can see a lot of people on here very defensive of there experience of tramadol saying it's no biggy easy to stop not addictive etc, That is normally the words of someone addicted and not wanting to face up to the facts, I myself no the troubles and benefits of tramadol, It is very good for it's intended purpose but the habitual use can have severe effects. There is no question that tramadol is addictive some people struggle more than others with the addiction but to give all the false statements on here is really misleading to people obviously having troubles with the drug themselves, Just because other users say it's all good that's not a reason to feel better about yourself. This thread has showed us that there are a few people here who need genuine help not ridiculous statements that couldn't be further from the truth. I would say an administrator should put some statement of fact on here to show that it's not supporting the nonsense that it's ok to abuse prescription medications. Anyone with a computer and an in biased opinion can find the true facts behind Tramadol and the damage it can do physically and mentally

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

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30 minutes ago, scottymdt said:

I can see a lot of people on here very defensive of there experience of tramadol saying it's no biggy easy to stop not addictive etc, That is normally the words of someone addicted and not wanting to face up to the facts, I myself no the troubles and benefits of tramadol, It is very good for it's intended purpose but the habitual use can have severe effects. There is no question that tramadol is addictive some people struggle more than others with the addiction but to give all the false statements on here is really misleading to people obviously having troubles with the drug themselves, Just because other users say it's all good that's not a reason to feel better about yourself. This thread has showed us that there are a few people here who need genuine help not ridiculous statements that couldn't be further from the truth. I would say an administrator should put some statement of fact on here to show that it's not supporting the nonsense that it's ok to abuse prescription medications. Anyone with a computer and an in biased opinion can find the true facts behind Tramadol and the damage it can do physically and mentally

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Correct 100%.  Being a Chronic Pain case myself and having taken plenty of "pain meds" over the years, I found the trick for me is to take as little as possible.  That is rarely the prescribed amount.  I do have some suffering because of this approach.  I'd rather "tough it out" as I'm able.


Looking at my own personal family history of substance abuse, mostly on my Mom's side is frightening.  Looking at the disasters with patient addictions over 25 years is tragic.  Never do more than prescribed.  If possible take less.  


The sad truth is the pain just becomes too much, then what?



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it would be interesting to know the 'stats' for death when taking tramadol while drinking alcohol.  are the chances of death greater than your chances of being killed in auto accident ? or a plane crash (which is obviously quite rare !!) ?  reading the material from doctors, it sounds like you can just drop dead the first time you take one if you have a few beers.  but i'm aware of quite alot of people that have taken tramadol (or other opiates) while consuming alcohol and no one has dropped dead.  i've witnessed these 'non death' events for 30 years. 


some people get addicted to opiates real quick.  others do not.  it is a sad thing.  i've known two people who died from overdoses of heroin (and they'd stopped drinking alcohol a long time before their death).  they got a taste of opiates at a young age and suffered alot before they were dead 15 to 20 yrs later.  but others i know (and me) had a much different experience.  thankfully.



Edited by buick
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How about that: Let's just all mind our own business. Why anybody who is NOT a pain patient would get so upset about the availability of Tramadol is beyond me. Just don't buy them if you don't need them, it's as simple as that. Restricting access to painkillers will only make them more expensive and, if they're too expensive, create a black or grey market. That will keep it out of the hands of teenagers....

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4 hours ago, buick said:

it would be interesting to know the 'stats' for death when taking tramadol while drinking alcohol.  are the chances of death greater than your chances of being killed in auto accident ? or a plane crash (which is obviously quite rare !!) ?  reading the material from doctors, it sounds like you can just drop dead the first time you take one if you have a few beers.  but i'm aware of quite alot of people that have taken tramadol (or other opiates) while consuming alcohol and no one has dropped dead.  i've witnessed these 'non death' events for 30 years. 


some people get addicted to opiates real quick.  others do not.  it is a sad thing.  i've known two people who died from overdoses of heroin (and they'd stopped drinking alcohol a long time before their death).  they got a taste of opiates at a young age and suffered alot before they were dead 15 to 20 yrs later.  but others i know (and me) had a much different experience.  thankfully.



Up the dosage.  You'll get to witness some deaths.  Guaranteed. 100%


I find your post fascinating.  Due to circumstances, we need to use planes, trains cars for transportation.


Consuming alcohol and narcotics.  Bad idea.  Really.  You might reconsider your choice in friends as well.

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On 12/25/2016 at 5:23 PM, Aggressive said:


No need. Im speaking from experience, on both counts. Wasn't attacking you either. Just want to make it clear that these two things are not even on the same planet. They don't even do the same things in the brain for the most part. Just because its synthetic doesn't mean its better or stronger. 


Can not compare it to Heroin or Morphine you will never get anything close to the effects or danger. 


Not saying Tramadol should be banned or anything either. 


"Can not compare it to Heroin or Morphine you will never get anything close to the effects or danger. "  110% wrong.

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On 12/22/2016 at 3:16 PM, Ai Dteea said:

Lol, that's nearly as funny as the guy who said, "Abuse and misuse cause dependency. As with all drugs."


Get outa here!



No I'm out of here.  These posts are sheer madness...


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27 minutes ago, ezrider62 said:

No serious, no kidding any more recommendations I am not too familiar with what I can get at the pharmacies here. I usually end up with tylenol or ibuprofen

Fair enough, but while I am not as headless chicken as some, they are a powerful drug.


You will need to know what you are doing, doctors advice is recommended.

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On 10/01/2017 at 11:30 PM, joeyg said:

Up the dosage.  You'll get to witness some deaths.  Guaranteed. 100%


I find your post fascinating.  Due to circumstances, we need to use planes, trains cars for transportation.


Consuming alcohol and narcotics.  Bad idea.  Really.  You might reconsider your choice in friends as well.


On a personal note I semi-regularly consume alcohol with a medium to heavy dosage of opiates. I've also had the odd 'big night' ie: birthday included.

While not ideal and I do have to be aware (as much as possible) of the effect it is having on me.

I also suffer from restrictive and central sleep apnea which adds to the problem. While I'm aware that I'm playing with fire I'm more than likely never going to be free of the pain that I take opiates for I refuse to just stop everything in my life, I've done enough of that already.


note: due to circumstances I need to use opiates so the previous post has some relevance to myself.

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5 hours ago, MadMuhummad said:


On a personal note I semi-regularly consume alcohol with a medium to heavy dosage of opiates. I've also had the odd 'big night' ie: birthday included.

While not ideal and I do have to be aware (as much as possible) of the effect it is having on me.

I also suffer from restrictive and central sleep apnea which adds to the problem. While I'm aware that I'm playing with fire I'm more than likely never going to be free of the pain that I take opiates for I refuse to just stop everything in my life, I've done enough of that already.


note: due to circumstances I need to use opiates so the previous post has some relevance to myself.

Most people think they know something about pain because they once or twice had something painful in their life, usually an accident, surgery or sciatic back pain. But they don't know that chronic pain is something different - it is so much more than just "pain". After months and years of being in pain, being "addicted" doesn't mean the same thing as for a healthy person, since you'll be taking pills daily anyway for the rest of your life. At that stage, what's important is to not build up a tolerance and not damage your organs in the process. Of course, everybody will manage it differently, but it's so frustrating to talk about this with healthy people who think that everyone would be better off by having a few beers instead....

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7 hours ago, MadMuhummad said:


On a personal note I semi-regularly consume alcohol with a medium to heavy dosage of opiates. I've also had the odd 'big night' ie: birthday included.

While not ideal and I do have to be aware (as much as possible) of the effect it is having on me.

I also suffer from restrictive and central sleep apnea which adds to the problem. While I'm aware that I'm playing with fire I'm more than likely never going to be free of the pain that I take opiates for I refuse to just stop everything in my life, I've done enough of that already.


note: due to circumstances I need to use opiates so the previous post has some relevance to myself.

Like I said I am a chronic pain patient.  I suffer sometimes due to purposely taking less meds than prescribed.  Please don't try to make a case for taking alcohol and narcotics together.  It's dangerous and crazy. Choose one or the other.  Of course if one is an alcoholic "blurs" the issue.  Taking both together seems like a real good idea at the time, I guess.


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On 12/21/2016 at 8:33 PM, Aggressive said:

I find it EXTREMELY hard to believe that Tramadol produced the negative effects seen by the Thai dude in the OP picture. 


Then you should read TSF post again , how he tried to get clean . 


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On 1/10/2017 at 10:42 AM, colinneil said:

Why do people spout on about tramadol is addictive????

Yes i took tramadol everyday for 3 years, stopped 4 weeks ago, easy just stopped.


Good for you , then you must be a rare case , take a look at TSF post earlier in this thread how he twice failed to stop using Tramadol and in the end had to seek professional help in Australia. 


We are all different I suppose but a quick google search will tell you Tramadol is addictive. 


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3 hours ago, joeyg said:

Like I said I am a chronic pain patient.  I suffer sometimes due to purposely taking less meds than prescribed.  Please don't try to make a case for taking alcohol and narcotics together.  It's dangerous and crazy. Choose one or the other.  Of course if one is an alcoholic "blurs" the issue.  Taking both together seems like a real good idea at the time, I guess.



I'm in no way trying to make a case 'for' using both merely stating that I choose to and I'm well aware of the circumstances of which I qualified with my 'playing with fire' statement.

Ideally I totally understand your statement of choose one or the other unfortunately I don't have that choice. No pain meds and I cease to operate, period.

Just for the record these were my injuries:

Fractured skull.

Subdural haematoma resulting in acquired brain injury.

Fractured maxillary sinus.

Fractured occipital condyle (base of skull.)

Brachial plexus injury.

7 fractured ribs

Left pneumothorax (punctured lung) sucking chest wound.

Bruised heart.

Ruptured spleen.

Traumatic abdominal hernia.

3 fractured transverse processes.

Left patella fracture.

Left bucket handle tear meniscus.

Puncture wound and fracture of left ankle.

Nerve damage to lower left leg.


so as you can probably understand chronic pain is going to be a massive issue for the rest of my life. And at 39 I'm by no means an alcoholic but I do enjoy a drink every now and then (less than once monthly)



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