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Two dead as "quiet guy" walks into Lampang restaurant and starts shooting

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13 hours ago, bbbbooboo said:

hmmmm...... no doubt the usual  mature response to conflict in this country


.Very similar to the "driving skills" I suggest


Mmmmmmm.......... driving skills. An unknown concept I think :whistling:


RIP those killed.



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if he was not a muslim, this incident will be seen in the top headlines as a terrorist attack,

then to have a new episode will be added to the Islamophobic series that began with 11/9. 

Mr trump will say:: I told you that already,, I was right,, and this has to be STOPPED now !!!

but no one head of this crime even many of local Thais ,, unfortunately!!


18 hours ago, zd1 said:

Some more senseless gun deaths, the pro gun lobby will be along in a minute stating that it isn't the guns fault and if there were more guns this type of thing wouldn't happen rubbish.

RIP to the victims of yet another mentally unstable person with a firearm.

Now, Now ..do not be irking the gun proponents as they will try to browbeat you with their pro gun mentality and gun toting attitude....lol

Although they have numerous valid arguments and various facts to present and used to argue with, the fact of the matter is, the world over, where there are more guns there is more gun related violence and more crimes committed with guns.

That is factual and the most important part they conveniently ignore while absolving themselves of any complicity in the proliferation of guns running into the tens of millions of weapons all over the place in the hands of law abiding citizens and of course, the criminals, and a well known hall mark of criminal behavior and perpetrated criminal conduct.

In effect, gun ownership laws facilitates the criminal elements in every society and those who would otherwise not have the ability to do the damage that is and often done with the aid of firearms....a most useful tool used to accomplish their crimes and more so than nearly any other useful tool available to them.

Naturally it is a contentious social issue especially when the public learns of more unnecessary deaths by way of firearms, while who are they to blame????,....more so than others, while the blame ..the anger...and who's fault is it and who created this problem???.... will come to rest on those that supply the guns and or those people that sustain the manufacturing and or supply of firearms and by way of "other people"  buying those "particular and specific products" and easily enough supplied to the public in relatively large numbers.

If there is accountability to be thrust upon "someone"???..... then it is pretty obvious where that accountability and responsibility should rest.

The argument says that if everyone had a gun to protect themselves then the kind of events that this gun related news article discusses would not have occurred ( in theory ) or at least a huge reduction in events such as we are discussing while licensed firearms carrying citizens would in effect be able to police themselves and or attempt to stop any attempted crimes or any crimes in progress. 

In a good number cases and circumstances it is proven true, and no denying that fact while the usefulness and benefits certainly afforded to every individual citizen, who may find themselves in need of a firearm to protect themselves or their family or property,  can not be ignored and a valid argument and part of the bitter reality of the precarious social environment that many live within,  in all too many cases.

However, what is also being witnessed is the ongoing and continuous increase in firearms violence that correlates with the volume of guns being manufactured and supplied and eventually sold and eventually in circulation amongst the public.

In other words, more guns in circulation is not eliminating the rate of gun related violence and or crimes perpetrated with guns used as the tool and means and ways to accomplish those crimes or violent acts....while many are deadly crimes taking the lives of all too many innocent citizens..as seen in this post and its sad subject matter.

Anyhow, I do not deny people the right to buy a gun but I simply do not buy into the argument arming the whole nation and  every law abiding citizens owning and carrying guns will result in a significant drop in incidents involving guns and making for significantly less violence involving guns and the overall amount of crimes and violence perpetrated with guns as the prime tool to do so.

That is not the case overall........not at all.

It helps but the overall amounts of gun related violence and crimes involving guns increases year by year ...and not declining overall.

Just saying.




Knowing that calling the Police or government officials to help curb issues is a wasted effort, it must get frustrating to know that you just "gotta take it"


We had a severe case of Soi Dogs in the area of CM when we lived there and we contacted the Govt dept to have something done about it....

We later found out the a LOT of neighbors have been doing the same (we where the only westerners in that area)


Then one night, we heard a lot of commotion outside in the streets....


Next day, the dog issue had reduced by a huge margin... I am fairly sure the locals just had enough, complained enough and refused to "take it" anymore and resolved the issue themselves, which I am guessing was extremely illegal.

14 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

I can relate to the loud music, the older I get the less I like it !!


As for those relieving themselves in the front of his house shoot them or get a really mean big

 Dog !!

The older you get the less you like loud music but violence is primal which won't dissipate like hearing.......got ya!!:passifier:

On 23/12/2016 at 7:13 PM, Get Real said:

Maybe sometime this century the police is getting the bright idea of trying to find out where the people delivering the guns to all maniacs are. That might actually solve some small things that they seem to forget here. In this place it is look for the small things when it´s already to late, and wipe the big things under the carpet. My name is Get Real, it´s time for the authorities the do the same.

the whole region is awash with firearms from multiple wars invasions and insurgencies.  And soft borders everywhere.   But better to be an optimist than a pessimist like me I suppose.

9 hours ago, gemguy said:

Now, Now ..do not be irking the gun proponents as they will try to browbeat you with their pro gun mentality and gun toting attitude....lol

Although they have numerous valid arguments and various facts to present and used to argue with, the fact of the matter is, the world over, where there are more guns there is more gun related violence and more crimes committed with guns.

That is factual and the most important part they conveniently ignore while absolving themselves of any complicity in the proliferation of guns running into the tens of millions of weapons all over the place in the hands of law abiding citizens and of course, the criminals, and a well known hall mark of criminal behavior and perpetrated criminal conduct.

In effect, gun ownership laws facilitates the criminal elements in every society and those who would otherwise not have the ability to do the damage that is and often done with the aid of firearms....a most useful tool used to accomplish their crimes and more so than nearly any other useful tool available to them.

Naturally it is a contentious social issue especially when the public learns of more unnecessary deaths by way of firearms, while who are they to blame????,....more so than others, while the blame ..the anger...and who's fault is it and who created this problem???.... will come to rest on those that supply the guns and or those people that sustain the manufacturing and or supply of firearms and by way of "other people"  buying those "particular and specific products" and easily enough supplied to the public in relatively large numbers.

If there is accountability to be thrust upon "someone"???..... then it is pretty obvious where that accountability and responsibility should rest.

The argument says that if everyone had a gun to protect themselves then the kind of events that this gun related news article discusses would not have occurred ( in theory ) or at least a huge reduction in events such as we are discussing while licensed firearms carrying citizens would in effect be able to police themselves and or attempt to stop any attempted crimes or any crimes in progress. 

In a good number cases and circumstances it is proven true, and no denying that fact while the usefulness and benefits certainly afforded to every individual citizen, who may find themselves in need of a firearm to protect themselves or their family or property,  can not be ignored and a valid argument and part of the bitter reality of the precarious social environment that many live within,  in all too many cases.

However, what is also being witnessed is the ongoing and continuous increase in firearms violence that correlates with the volume of guns being manufactured and supplied and eventually sold and eventually in circulation amongst the public.

In other words, more guns in circulation is not eliminating the rate of gun related violence and or crimes perpetrated with guns used as the tool and means and ways to accomplish those crimes or violent acts....while many are deadly crimes taking the lives of all too many innocent citizens..as seen in this post and its sad subject matter.

Anyhow, I do not deny people the right to buy a gun but I simply do not buy into the argument arming the whole nation and  every law abiding citizens owning and carrying guns will result in a significant drop in incidents involving guns and making for significantly less violence involving guns and the overall amount of crimes and violence perpetrated with guns as the prime tool to do so.

That is not the case overall........not at all.

It helps but the overall amounts of gun related violence and crimes involving guns increases year by year ...and not declining overall.

Just saying.



I agree with a lot of what you say and you present a good argument, yes there are far too many guns being produced and not all of them are going into the right hands, in my opinion there should only be a few people who are allowed to carry guns the military and the police and stiff penalties for anyone else found in possession of one.

In the end of the day it is the weapons manufactures who are to blame for the amount of guns in the world today, but it is big business and big money and they will continue in the trade of death.

A lot of people don't realise that their mental health can be affected by any number of reasons and an otherwise sane normal person can crack at what may seem like not a lot as in the case here, how many instances of these sort of crimes where the people who know the perpetrator say what a nice person they were and that they wouldn't think that this person would be capable of doing something like that.

I know my views aren't that of everybody but I stick by them.

On 22/12/2016 at 9:43 PM, khwaibah said:

Bangkok Post is reporting that he was upset of the load music and people urinating outside his house. Front page Bangkok Post.

If that is the case he has my sympathy. Imagine not being able to sleep and you smell the stank of urine outside your windows. I think if more people do this shooting the Thais will tune down their stupid music.

Thais learn the hard way. It is rather unforgiving, if you are stupid you die.

Playing loud music is stupid so you die.

On 23/12/2016 at 4:55 PM, darren84310 said:


Me thinks a few of those tack style nails might do the trick. Good luck.

Oh, no, don't put tack style nails because they would know you did it and they take revenge even when they were wrong in the first place. One fine evening you come out of the pub you had it. And police say can you prove that it's them that did it? You are on drip in hosptial , blind in one eye, is that worth it?

You are dealing with low class scums who are evil to say the least.


not just taught to suppress feelings......

there's also theTheory of Mind stuff... fancy words for acquiring a broader perspective on life, how people of different cultures think and feel....but quite dangerous if the purpose of education is to inculcate the EXACT opposite goal.  so a really big dilemma but obvious to farlang.

which you get by ****talking**** in the classroom, after being called on, instead of just sitting there in a quiet state.... yes???....  and by reading lots of books especially nonfiction.


USA examples. The Hardy Boys...

and quite apropro in the 1960's and still is novels such as Cry The Beloved Country where the reader surrogate is a black man. here it would be lots of western novels....

... and The Hardy Boys!!!!!!!!!!!! [and for learning how to figure out basic idioms on your own instead of memorizing them].

p.s. if I am guilty of using the farlang word.... and the irony of my mentioning Cry The Beloved Country.....  I'm sorry.... but I've been here for too long. here it is normal and quite different to how we think at home of course, but at least I am ****quite**** aware of all of that...... in my gut.... actually ... and you too also, eh?



On 23/12/2016 at 11:31 PM, gchurch259 said:

I can relate to the loud music, the older I get the less I like it !!


As for those relieving themselves in the front of his house shoot them or get a really mean big

 Dog !!

Or lay some mains voltage bare wires under the dirt for them to pee on?

On 12/23/2016 at 2:59 PM, realenglish1 said:

This may be the result of the teachings in Thailand Everyone is taught   to  hold in their emotions and not show them

So when they do it explodes like this



Yeah, like these shootings don't happen anywhere else.  What a ridiculous explanation. 

On 23/12/2559 at 3:59 PM, Bangkok Barry said:


Yep. As Popeye used to say before pulling out his can of spinach, "That's all I can takes, I can't takes no more."  Then boom!





So he just became a mass murderer because someone urinated outside his house and they played loud music.  I really hope there is more to this story , or else we're all in danger . 

Maybe better to just stay home . 





YES do stay inside, over the new years, as the police when drinking like to shot their weapons into the night sky.

On 12/24/2016 at 2:16 PM, Nasrullah said:

The older you get the less you like loud music but violence is primal which won't dissipate like hearing.......got ya!!:passifier:

Loud music is violence , an unwanted assault on others ears !!


More music on the way...sadly... especially challenging when the singers are bad, and you are forced to listen...


So ... Criminals and Nutcases can have guns, gotten illegally or not, but I - a law abiding citizen can not have one to protect myself and my family from said persons ... ask yourself how much sense this makes.

On 12/28/2016 at 4:40 PM, gchurch259 said:

Loud music is violence , an unwanted assault on others ears !!


A little research is in order -

Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation", although the group acknowledges that the inclusion of "the use of power" in its definition expands on the conventional understanding of the word.

1 hour ago, canthai55 said:


A little research is in order -

Violence is defined by the World Health Organization as "the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment, or deprivation", although the group acknowledges that the inclusion of "the use of power" in its definition expands on the conventional understanding of the word.


I agree a little research into the dicbel level which will lead to ear damage is in order, that does include the psycholological damage of involuntary exposure to noise.


Canthai might indicate a Canadian in the LOS ? Have a Happy New Year !!

On 12/23/2016 at 1:32 PM, onthesoi said:


Teachings?  & where exactly are all Thais taught these teachings?


It's not something I've heard about or seen any evidence of....excluding a random jai yen yen here and there.


Sounds like the sort of myth perpetrated by and for falang that have only been to Pattaya and other such shitholes, but feel they have a deep understanding of the thai psyche..

exactly.  They are NOT taught good manners towards others.  They live in a tough society under a lot of imperial pressure and like other people, when they get a chance to non conform or act independently they will do it.

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