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Trump adopting same behavior he criticized Clinton for


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No doubt about it- people voted for change just as 8 years prior- Obama represented change. Obama caved into to big business and his healthcare program is a disaster.  Trump's changes will no doubt create jobs; help some of the poor and middle class but not enough to stop the obscene transfer of money from the poor and middle class to the wealthy. That is the real issue. Big Business will continue to operate on the theory that 'greed is good' and the wealthy will become super wealthy and in another 4 years the 'forgotten man' will still be forgotten because when prices continue to increase and the purchases of homes and other big ticket items continue to be out of reach of the average person- the populace will want change again.


This cycle will be repeated over and over again until America gets real reform in how elections are run and candidates nominated. The only real change agent I have ever seen come forward was Bernie Sanders- who realized how corrupt the American system is and how greedy business has become. America now operates on materialistic capitalism and the only way to stop it is to get people elected who think progressively and understand that keeping power in the hands of the 1% will eventually destroy America just as every prior civilization that clung to power in the same manner has been destroyed.


The current system is not sustainable when you have the business elite making millions of dollars each year and the actual workers making minimum wage; when healthcare costs so much the average person cannot pay their hospital bill or get life sustaining medicines; or when a college education costs so much that a student becomes an indentured servant to the state for 20 years.  Will Donald Trump change any of this?

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34 minutes ago, Enoon said:


"Politics is when you say you are going to to one thing while intending to do another.  Then you do neither what you said nor what you intended"   


Saddam Hussein.



"In politics, you have to give what you do not have, and promise what you can not give."

(Louis XI )

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5 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I'd be embarrassed if I voted for Trump. 

You are not the only one. Quite a few people who did vote for Trump are very sorry and most embarrassed. Wait for few more years and there will be plenty more. It was the worse choice that the American people made for a long, long time, although the majority of the people voted against him.

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He will do much worse.

All you had to do was pay attention during the campaign to know trump is a world class CON MAN. Most Americans got that as Hillary Clinton won three million more votes than trump. But tragically, we're stuck with this damaging embarrassment. 



David Frum, conservative Republican and ex-Bush speechwriter, has been very explicit about what he expects from the Trump White House: corruption and authoritarianism. In a series of tweets the day after the election, Frum predicted that Trump will engage in “massive self-enrichment” and, once the media and Democrats begin investigating and criticizing his actions, he will retaliate “by means fair or foul,” utilizing the powers of the presidency and aided and abetted by a compliant Republican Congress.

“Construction of the apparatus of revenge and repression will begin opportunistically and haphazardly,” Frum wrote. “It will accelerate methodically.”




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Also from the same source shared above 

" The naifs who voted for Trump believed his promises to fight on their behalf against the corporate lobbyists, Wall Street and the political establishment. Well, what do you know?

Donald Trump is doing exactly what establishment Republicans have done for decades: gin up fear among Americans of modest means to get their votes, then, once elected, serve the interests of the monied class."


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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


306 electoral votes compared to 227 - for a man who almost everyone predicted would lose in a big way - seems pretty overwhelming to me.

Which would make it the 46th largest gap out of the 58 presidential elections. Hardly overwhelming. Meanwhile Clinton's 2.9 million vote edge in the popular vote was the largest in history for a losing candidate.

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4 minutes ago, jcsmith said:

Which would make it the 46th largest gap out of the 58 presidential elections. Hardly overwhelming. Meanwhile Clinton's 2.9 million vote edge in the popular vote was the largest in history for a losing candidate.

OVER 3 million now. trump not only didn't get a landslide (which he lies about like he lies about almost everything) but he didn't even win a mandate. No president that doesn't win the popular vote has won a mandate, and he lost it BIGLY. 

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2 hours ago, KarenBravo said:


No, not delusional supporters.........desperate voters.

HRC, definitely more of the same.

The Don, possible change.


That's the point of the article though...for all his talk about change, he's bringing in the people from Goldman Sachs and others who are just going to be looking out for their own (= Wall St., big business) best interests. A lot of Trump supporters won't address these issues though, probably still too early. 
Having said that, I think he may well herald the forces for change but it won't be until the next election that we see it. 

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I abstained from voting in the election. I would never have voted for Clinton despite being a one time supporter of her. Her performance as Secretary of State was as bad as any within living memory. A known warmonger.

Having said that I couldn't cast a vote for Trump despite him saying encouraging things about my number one issue, US warmongering. I had a feeling he would change his tune if he got elected and his tweet about starting a new nuclear arms race  isn't exactly what I had hoped to hear.

Is it any surprise that politicians lie to get into office as they get at least 4 years in power to enrich themselves and their mates, and there is no possibility of recalling them. It would be nice to have a recall procedure for those whom fail to implement the agenda that they got elected on.

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15 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

OVER 3 million now. trump not only didn't get a landslide (which he lies about like he lies about almost everything) but he didn't even win a mandate. No president that doesn't win the popular vote has won a mandate, and he lost it BIGLY. 

 Just cling to your popular vote victory, not that it means anything. Do you think your hate and bile will sustain you for the next eight years? Anyways have a Happy New Year.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

Incoming small business administrator Linda McMahon gave $7.5 million to a super PAC backing Trump, more than a third of the money collected by the political action committee.

I am sure she was expecting some kind of reward in the overall scheme of things. She has put many celebrities in the ring over the years. Maybe she could get the Donald to don a set of spandex and jump in with say Haystack Calhoun oopps sorry he is dead. To bad. One good belly slam from Haystack and the Donald would be bringing up bullshit by the barrel full. 

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6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

I'd be embarrassed if I voted for Trump. 

You might be they are not. The Trumpamaniacs will hang in till the bitter end thinking that what their prophet is doing has some kind of silver lining. Politics is getting to be like wrestling entertaining but we know it is fixed. Hulk Hogan for president next time. What an entertainer. I have a lot of his films.  

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14 minutes ago, Gary A said:

 Just cling to your popular vote victory, not that it means anything. Do you think your hate and bile will sustain you for the next eight years? Anyways have a Happy New Year.

These precious lefty snowflakes will try to cling onto anything - the louder they roar the easier it is to ignore them and laugh.


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6 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

You might be they are not. The Trumpamaniacs will hang in till the bitter end thinking that what their prophet is doing has some kind of silver lining. Politics is getting to be like wrestling entertaining but we know it is fixed. Hulk Hogan for president next time. What an entertainer. I have a lot of his films.  

And on the left who'll be on the ticket ?


Rosie O'Donnell 55555555

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4 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Your time frame is to generous. He will have ruined the Republican brand by then. 

Well, it's pretty much a given he is going to be massively corrupt and likely there will be some impeachable crimes to go after him with. But for an impeachment to happen some republicans are going to have to go rogue on their own party. There is definitely hope for that, but hardly any assurance. 


Of course for progressives an impeached trump would be a very bitter pill as well. Then we would get Pence ... a right wing extremist but at least seemingly not particularly corrupt or with trump's mental health issues. 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

. After an interview with the family appeared on "60 Minutes," her jewelry company, Ivanka Trump Fine Jewelry, blasted out an email promoting the $10,800 gold bangle bracelet that she had worn during the appearance. The company later said they were "proactively discussing new policies and procedures."


Ivanka is also auctioning off a private coffee meeting with her to benefit her brother's foundation. The meeting is valued at $50,000, with the current top bid coming in at $25,000.

A shill is a shill regardless. Wake up people! the Trump's are in this for themselves brand advancement/enhancement currying favor. He is listed as being involved with 500 companies in 25 countries do you honestly think he can act in a non judgmental/profit manner? Do you really think his ego is like a hot air balloon that can deflated and carted away in a matter of hours. Yes his ego is full of hot air. His whole campaign was a dog and pony show. I am truly stunned that such a large majority of Americans can still be sold a bill of goods time and again every 4 years. 

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Rabid democrats should ponder this definition;


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


Albert Einstein


Trump was elected because the citizens were totally sick of the same thing over and over again.

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9 minutes ago, Gary A said:

Rabid democrats should ponder this definition;


Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


Albert Einstein


Trump was elected because the citizens were totally sick of the same thing over and over again.

But it looks like they're getting it anyway: rule by and for the super wealthy.

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I'd be proud if I was a US citizen and voted for Trump. Deeply ashamed if I was a lefty, PC riddled Clinton supporter. Although lefties don't do shame do they.

Sure it must be fun for non-Americans to watch the U.S. melt down by electing a man baby demagogue.
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I would be happy if we had a President that actually thought about helping the poor and middle class in real ways and not with  lies; boasts; and jingoistic rheteric. How about  real universal health care in which everyone gets it paid for by the government and not insurance companies and Big Pharma who care only about making money. How about a President that  would provide a free university education instead of using banks to provide loans at inflated interest rates and keeping people in debt for the next 20 years.  How about a President that will reduce the defense budget and get rid of overlapping intelligence agencies and use the saved funds to actually provide high paying jobs to Americans.

The American people have been so brainwashed by decades of politicians that lie, cheat and steal their way to the top promising all kinds of benefits that never happen and when they complain  the political machine falls back on taking care of veterans; keeping America a World Power and all other nonsense that is simply a smokescreen for making the wealthy more wealthy and really doing nothing for the average person.

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23 minutes ago, jesimps said:

I'd be proud if I was a US citizen and voted for Trump. Deeply ashamed if I was a lefty, PC riddled Clinton supporter. Although lefties don't do shame do they.


I'm a strong believer in voting.  It's a huge part of what democracy is all about.  I had some issues voting from here, so in the end, didn't vote.  I'd have voted for one of the underdogs rather than for Trump or Hillary.  Protest vote.

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13 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Wow! Name calling. Is that all you've got. By the way, I believe the guy you are picturing here voted for Clinton.

That's why I posted it. He IS a liberal, but he does know about today's kids. Very few kids have ever heard about working their way through college. They take no fail courses that are basically useless for a career and want it for free. They expect that they will never have to repay the loans they take out and many make no attempt to pay. The US has semi literate graduates.

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