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Drivers urged to turn on headlights during daytime for safety


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4 hours ago, trogers said:

When you can't even get some to turn on their headlights during dusk, you expect them to do so during the day?


Motorcycles have been required by law to do so...and how has that worked?


I come across motorcycles in Bangkok without their headlight, taillight or signal lights working. I was told that when the bulbs burn out they don't get them fixed because either they don't care or they just don't see why they need to waste the money to do so. Sure hard to see them at night and I have almost hit a few running around without any lights.

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I hope this will stick. Cars without headlights during the nice weather is not such a big problem. The problem is during dusk and when it rains. 



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Drivers urged to turn on headlights during daytime for safety


How about at night?


Having proper driving instruction / testing systems / punishment for not having license might also see fewer deaths. Not going to list all the other reasons but this would be a start.

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As said it is always been a police stop offence to have headlights on here during day.  But having experience in South Florida where it is required on route to Keys can say for a fact that it does greatly increase visibility of your vehicle (which is why running lights are now used in most countries).  

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How about corralling into this discussion the brainless inbreds who insist on sitting right up your backside with not only their mis aligned headlights but also their fog lights on making it virtually impossible to see anything.......

Edited by The Dark Lord
Fat fingers
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1 hour ago, Toknarok said:

       In Sweden which has the best vehicle safety record in the World it is compulsory to drive with your headlight on at all times.

I think they come on automatically on Volvos & Saabs.

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57 minutes ago, Psychic said:

Daytime running lights have been proven to help prevent accidents.

It was insane for Thailand not only to not have them but ticket people who turned them on manually.

I hate driving just before night here. It is very difficult to see vehicles with no lights.

While they're at it, another relatively simple way to cut down the carnage, do not put u-turns for both directions in the same place.

At busy locations you're view is blocked unless you go into the oncoming lane. I'd like to see the numbers but I'd think accidents at u-turns have to contribute a lot.

Usually you'll be hit by someone flashing their lights at you instead of using their brakes :-)

In UK, flashing your headlights to someone means 'Come on, I am letting you go'. Not here, it means 'get the <deleted> out of my way'

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1 hour ago, zyphodb said:

I wish they would turn them on at dusk or when its raining, the main problem is that they are convinced that turning the lights on drains their battery, of course they pay no attention to farangs telling them that it doesnt,  maybe a national TV campaign might help.....

Public information films between their slapstick and soaps might be an easy fix, despite TiT! :)

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2 hours ago, ignis said:

 in UK the last one applies to most Benz drivers [maybe they were never shown where the indicators are].... here it appears being a Benz driver gives that driver the right to park where they want..


More than half of the Thai drivers never uses the indicators, they are too stupid or too stubborn to do it.


And now the police is urging to use headlights in daytime :cheesy: and giving free rice to drivers who behave well :cheesy:


Or they REALLY don't understand what's needed or they just try to avoid doing the real job which is fining all offenders. I guess it's the latter.


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Turn on your headlights (low beam, of course) when highway driving during the day. 'See and be seen' as the South Australian road signs say. I do it out of habit when intercity driving like Rayong-Surin, but oh boy, the number of drivers I get flashing their lights at me like I'm doing some wrong or totally dumb! 

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50 minutes ago, wgdanson said:

In UK, flashing your headlights to someone means 'Come on, I am letting you go'. Not here, it means 'get the <deleted> out of my way'

Exactly , they have no way of showing consideration to other drivers . Have you ever tried to exit a side street into the busy main flow of traffic ? even if you want to turn right against the flow they remain bumper to bumper in defiance . This behaviour filters into their normal day to day routines although it may be disguised . Not all but many . 

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Correct me if I am wrong but I was told that in Laos it is unlawful to have daytime headlights . Motorbikes with auto headlights either have to be rewired or the headlight lens has to be masked up .  Fines for noncompliance . 

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7 minutes ago, superal said:

Correct me if I am wrong but I was told that in Laos it is unlawful to have daytime headlights . Motorbikes with auto headlights either have to be rewired or the headlight lens has to be masked up .  Fines for noncompliance . 

I wonder what may be the 'very good reason' for this?

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7 hours ago, Crossy said:

Hmmmm, not so long ago I was ticked off (but not fined) by a cop for driving with my car headlights on during the day, apparently reserved for VIPs and military convoys.


I also understand that after-market running lights are illegal too (along with decent air-horns).


So, a whole new avenue of tea supply for the BiB all with the blessing of The Council of Engineers.



All my German cars lights are ON and OFF automatically when the engine is running and nobody will ever tell me to turn them off.



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14 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

The missus will be dirty with me if I turn the lights in during the daytime as they use electricity and that costs too much to waste.

So lucky you are to live with another genius  <3


The only chance for many Thai to even have their light on at night would be to have them 100% automatic, so even the brainless could turn their lights on at night.




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7 hours ago, plachon said:

I used to lose count of the number of people who would tell me my lights were on in the day time when I used to ride a motorbike. When I said it was for safety reasons, they would retort that it would run down my battery. In the end, I got bored of the hassle and kept them switched off til pitch black night, Thai-style. Seems like  I might just be able to get away with daytime lights these days.......:blink:

Run the battery down! Man they some education on how the electrical system works. It the alternator that runs them.

But if the bike is not running THEN the battery runs the lights. 

But don't think they would believe you.


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I have posted this message several times before that Thai think that driving with their lights on, would increase their electric bill.

Thai still think that when you turn on the lights on your car, they're getting billed by the Electricity Company.

A couple of weeks ago I was drinking with an American, a French and several Thai. We were talking about the new cars and that, for example the new Honda Civic, have daylights at the front on when driving. One Thai said he would not buy such a car as his electric bill would go up. Another Thai answered and laughed: "Mai Pai Lai"... My car registration is still on the old owner's name and address. So the Electric Company would send the bill to the previous owner...





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