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Step-father bit young girl all over her body because she was crying


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All we can say is, he is nothing but a dog! :ph34r:


Should be treated as attempted murder and put a life sentence.


Government should step-in about the step-fathers, otherwise number of little kids will be stamped on like this little girl.


Thai's women are getting totally hopeless step fathers, this is not the first time. :shock1:

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12 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

What the #%€¥ is going on in this country at the moment. 


The price of most things is rising at an amazing rate but not wages.

Many people are short of money but are driven crazy by the WANT for new stuff like cars, m/c's, smart phones etc.

Advertising on the TV is very powerful and hard to resist, not to mention peer pressure.


Then there's the unpleasant weather.

It's either raining too much or it's the hot season, unless of course, it's the extremely HOT season, the smoky season.....


There seems to be a steady increase in the overall rage in the general population and it is spilling over wherever it can!

IMHO, it will continue to get worse because there is little that can be done to change the root causes of the rage.



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This world is really getting f..... up


I wonder if bigger fines and tougher sentencing would get the laws of the country into some of these think heads....

This cruel act is just beyond imagination.....  ***speechless***

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Nobody appears to have noticed the earlier signs of this abuse and yet surely those horrific wounds were not all inflicted in a single day. Did this poor girl never take a supervised shower? It seems as if initial abuses are ignored to the point where the victim's life might be at risk and then (sometimes) the mother or a relative takes positive action. In a normal family, any small wound on a young child would be noticed almost immediately and enquiries made resulting in appropriate action, medical at least.

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7 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

Nobody appears to have noticed the earlier signs of this abuse and yet surely those horrific wounds were not all inflicted in a single day. Did this poor girl never take a supervised shower? It seems as if initial abuses are ignored to the point where the victim's life might be at risk and then (sometimes) the mother or a relative takes positive action. In a normal family, any small wound on a young child would be noticed almost immediately and enquiries made resulting in appropriate action, medical at least.

No mention of any previous injuries on the post?

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13 hours ago, Mook23 said:


  • Repeated exposure to crystal meth seems to increase aggressive behaviour.
  • People who use crystal meth can become aggressive if they perceive that they are threatened.
  • Crystal meth can provoke episodes of psychosis, which, in some cases, can lead to aggressive behaviour.

I think that METH/YABA is often involved when we read these sicko stories. *many* of my thai friends have urged me NOT to be out, after dark, into villages surrounding my town. i'm not in a major town and surely no touristy town. things used to be here very relax and peaceful. last 5 years there's an increase in violence, shoot-outs, aids (my buddy works at health center and there has been a substantial INCREASE amongst teenagers!), etc. a lot of stuff is kept locally (domestic violence, rape, child abuse, etc) where village honchos try to solve matters WITHOUT involving the law. there's also a sort of omerta where villagers all know what is going on but don't dare to speak out, ie. mind their own business AKA mai bpen rai. 


and honestly, i also think thai society is more and more getting dysfunctional because of all underlying social issues and the advent of social media increasing rage, hatred, jelousy, etc.

Right on!! Dysfunctional THAI society!!! And these folks here simply won't learn from the example of the West,  where many decades of economic success, high standards of living and godly morals has practically eliminated "rage, hatred, jelousy, etc" + corruption, greed, child abuse, elder abuse, violence, war, exploitation etc etc etc etc

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I am an optimist.


I just hope that someone beats the c**p out of this oxygen thief to within an inch of death. He deserves nothing less! "Official" deterrents/punishments DO NOT work.


Psycho he may be and that may be the reason but it cannot be used as an excuse for his animalistic behaviour! You reap what you sow.

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What's seldomly discussed when it comes to these horror stories is the role of the "mother". No, the mothers aren't committing the violence, but they sure seem to be picking some real keepers when it comes to their partners. :rolleyes:

The poor little girl: who's the next scumbag that mom is gonna shack up with.

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4 hours ago, British Bulldog said:

Ha ! What did I say a couple of days ago about 'Step Fathers', still yet to find out if the father who stabbed the young daughter the other day was a step father or not ... a terrible situation in both cases ... and yet Mothers never seem to suspect anything ???


Desperation can override common sense at times

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