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5 hours ago, lungnorm said:

You do not know jacj xxxx about Talapia. Its farmed in Vietnam fed on pig shit and dosed with chemicals and antibiotics. It should be banned from being imported into the USA and everywhere else that is dub enough to allow it into their country. This guy as you call him is a dip shit and should be made to answer for his so called diet recomendations. The only good words that came out of his mouth on the video was meat and vegetables. We do not need an idiot to tell us that. Do yourself a favor Google Talapia.

You are mostly correct albeit quite crude in your response.  At best Talapia is quite toxic.  It started out good but demand got so extreme it could only be sustained by toxic fish farming as with 95% of the other seafood in Thailand.  Having said that I'd wager any of the "9 month pregnant types"  would be far more fit following this guys diet and work out routine in 6 months.


Do yourself a favor.  Learn some manners.  This is an academic/practical discussion.

3 hours ago, paulbj2 said:

My doctor managed to get the message across by showing me a risk chart for cardiovascular accidents (heart attacks and strokes). I was in the form of a printed spreadsheet she pointed out that as I smoked 1 to 2 packs of cigarettes a day, drank too much, was overweight, did a sedentary job, didn't exercise and was borderline diabetic my risk of dying of a cardiovascular accident in the next 10 years was about 1 in 5 (I can't remember the exact figure but I can remember that is was VERY scary). I replied that I wasn't that attached to life as I was coming up to retirement and wasn't going to have much to live on, so life was probably going to be pretty miserable, so basically, "bring it on". She said "ah yes, that's all very well, but most people who have a cardiovascular accident don't die of it, they end up crippled for the rest of their lives with partial paralysis or a slowly failing heart but still hang on for a few years of abject misery and pain. Does that appeal to you?" Then she said "If you just stop smoking, that will just about halve your risk, do you reckon you can do it?"


The idea of ending up semi-gaga in a wheelchair for the rest of my life didn't appeal so I stopped smoking (really damned hard!), lost weight and, when I retired, moved to Thailand where I walk most everywhere instead of driving and where my meagre European pension is close to a King's ransom. My weight is still a bit of an issue but not as bad as it was for that visit to the doctor when my BMI was over 30 = clinically obese! However that's down to BMI = 27.6 now; still over weight but better; I am on a diet and I am losing weight pretty fast with a little help from diabetes medication that controls your blood sugar, helps you lose weight and substantially reduces your risk of cardiovascular accidents.


I feel a hell of a lot better and the more weight I lose, the better I feel. Like giving up smoking; dieting and taking exercise is not that difficult unless you are terminally self indulgent. 






Congrats.  I love a success story.  Never give up!!!

13 hours ago, lungnorm said:

Total rubbish. Fancy eating Talapia fish and thinking its healthy. What no fat ? this guy is not up to speed. Low fat is out, good fat is in. Not a healthy diet at all. Cooking for a week then nuking the food in a microwave when you want to eat. Destroys all the nutrients as well as other damage. No mention of Protein intake, which is very important when building muscles. Total crap this guys talking.


Are you still getting the anti-microwave emails that started doing the rounds nearly 20 years ago? I thought all of those myths had been well and truly debunked by real science many years ago. More to the point it had been well demonstrated that the science the anti-microwave crowd were using was pseudo-science. Perhaps Dr Mercola has been emailing you and enticing you to purchase his turbo-oven after explaining how bad microwave ovens are?


Of course, cooking food will reduce its nutritional value, but the same is true for all cooking methods. You have to be careful with microwaves and take it easy because it can superheat some areas of the food and leave other areas unheated. Go slow, stir and wait for the heat to dissipate into the unheated areas. I use a microwave every day, and often, not for cooking, but for reheating. I couldn't live without it.

11 hours ago, tropo said:

Are you still getting the anti-microwave emails that started doing the rounds nearly 20 years ago? I thought all of those myths had been well and truly debunked by real science many years ago. More to the point it had been well demonstrated that the science the anti-microwave crowd were using was pseudo-science. Perhaps Dr Mercola has been emailing you and enticing you to purchase his turbo-oven after explaining how bad microwave ovens are?


Of course, cooking food will reduce its nutritional value, but the same is true for all cooking methods. You have to be careful with microwaves and take it easy because it can superheat some areas of the food and leave other areas unheated. Go slow, stir and wait for the heat to dissipate into the unheated areas. I use a microwave every day, and often, not for cooking, but for reheating. I couldn't live without it.

I have not used a microwave oven for about 30yrs ever since I reheated some Christmas dinner leftovers and a piece of turkey stuck in my throat. It took ages for me to get it out and there was blood everywhere. On examination of the piece of turkey it was a shred of meat that the microwave had turned hard into a bone like structure not unlike one half of a wishbone. I just thought if a microwave oven can do that what else is it doing to the food. And sir there is still a lot of credible evidence they are not good to cook food in. Russia banned them in 1976 and the ban stayed in effect until the early 90's and Peristroika. There is a line of thought that the obesity factor we are plagued with is partly caused by eating too many calories and not enough nutrients. This is precisely why you should not use microwave ovens to cook or reheat food in. May as well go to McDonalds and eat their Franken food.

19 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

I have not used a microwave oven for about 30yrs ever since I reheated some Christmas dinner leftovers and a piece of turkey stuck in my throat. It took ages for me to get it out and there was blood everywhere. On examination of the piece of turkey it was a shred of meat that the microwave had turned hard into a bone like structure not unlike one half of a wishbone. I just thought if a microwave oven can do that what else is it doing to the food.



Sounds like ya shoulda nuked that turkey for about 30 minutes less !!

Just now, Don Mega said:



Sounds like ya shoulda nuked that turkey for about 30 minutes less !!

Precisely the point dried up piece of meat absent of any nutrients.

2 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

Precisely the point dried up piece of meat absent of any nutrients.



You do know microwaves do there thing a lot quicker than a conventional oven don't you ?


2 minutes will have most things pulled from the fridge up to a edible temperature, nuking them until they turn to stone is pure stupidity.

2 minutes ago, Don Mega said:



You do know microwaves do there thing a lot quicker than a conventional oven don't you ?


2 minutes will have most things pulled from the fridge up to a edible temperature, nuking them until they turn to stone is pure stupidity.

Are you suggesting I was stupid enough to over cook the left overs? FYI the mash potato's and veggies  were done perfect. One day someone will cook your Goose.

Just now, lungnorm said:

Are you suggesting I was stupid enough to over cook the left overs? FYI the mash potato's and veggies  were done perfect. One day someone will cook your Goose.



If you nuked the turkey to the point it was dry and sharp enough to puncture your throat then Yes, iam suggesting exactly that.

19 hours ago, joeyg said:

Congrats.  I love a success story.  Never give up!!!

Try the Paleo diet. So easy and it works. Not just to lose weight but to get vry healthy at the same time.

1 minute ago, Don Mega said:



If you nuked the turkey to the point it was dry and sharp enough to puncture your throat then Yes, iam suggesting exactly that.

It was hidden in the mash potato's which were cooked ok. Maybe it was already hard who knows but to suggest I overcooked it is taking a bit of a liberty on your part.

3 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

It was hidden in the mash potato's which were cooked ok. Maybe it was already hard who knows but to suggest I overcooked it is taking a bit of a liberty on your part.



Maybe it was the mashed potato's that sucked all the moisture from it and turned it into a throat slashing weapon, Good to hear you are no longer blaming the microwave though :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


Anywho enough of the off topic before we upset the mods, lets get back to hanging shit on them fatties with titties !!

1 hour ago, lungnorm said:

I have not used a microwave oven for about 30yrs ever since I reheated some Christmas dinner leftovers and a piece of turkey stuck in my throat. It took ages for me to get it out and there was blood everywhere. On examination of the piece of turkey it was a shred of meat that the microwave had turned hard into a bone like structure not unlike one half of a wishbone. I just thought if a microwave oven can do that what else is it doing to the food. And sir there is still a lot of credible evidence they are not good to cook food in. Russia banned them in 1976 and the ban stayed in effect until the early 90's and Peristroika. There is a line of thought that the obesity factor we are plagued with is partly caused by eating too many calories and not enough nutrients. This is precisely why you should not use microwave ovens to cook or reheat food in. May as well go to McDonalds and eat their Franken food.


I would suggest you buy a good microwave oven and make up for lost time... and learn how to use it too. 


Russia did not ban microwave ovens. That's part of the nonsense contained in the article circulated by the "Microwave Militia" over the Internet for years.


Most of the misinformation is here: (the hidden hazards of microwave cooking): http://msgboard.snopes.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=104;t=000239;p=0


I would suggest you read this blog (link below) which debunks all the main "microwave are bad" myths. Scientific references are included. When you finally find out the truth you'll probably laugh (or cry because you lost out on 30 years of convenient heating/cooking), the myths are that ridiculous to anyone with a basic understanding of science.




You'll get more vitamins from vegetables cooked in the microwave compared to boiling, and similar to steaming.


36 minutes ago, Don Mega said:



Maybe it was the mashed potato's that sucked all the moisture from it and turned it into a throat slashing weapon, Good to hear you are no longer blaming the microwave though :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


Anywho enough of the off topic before we upset the mods, lets get back to hanging shit on them fatties with titties !!


Don't worry about it. This is the "Farang Pub - fun, entertainment and Expat Life" forum. We can have some fun here too.:smile:



be fair much of it is genetic. I have friends who can eat 'anything' and be thin as a rake. My father was always 'stocky' as am I


the Apple does not fall far from the Apple tree

3 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

be fair much of it is genetic. I have friends who can eat 'anything' and be thin as a rake. My father was always 'stocky' as am I


the Apple does not fall far from the Apple tree

Partly right.. sure you (and I) have more problems staying lean than those guys. However it still not impossible just a bit harder. Your not locked into your genetics. You can always improve and keep it off if you want. But sure life is not fair.. girls i date can sometimes eat more than me and stay lean. 


I am sure if someone like you lifts some weights he would get nice results better than those can eat anything friends. We are all gifted and handicapped in different ways but its not so that it means we have to be overweight. 

5 minutes ago, LannaGuy said:

be fair much of it is genetic. I have friends who can eat 'anything' and be thin as a rake. My father was always 'stocky' as am I


the Apple does not fall far from the Apple tree


Sure, genetics can play a role, but there's no way a person will stay as "thin as a rake" if they stuff their faces with sufficient calories and lots of alcohol.


You may find these people who can eat anything don't eat as much as you think over the whole day. Perhaps they have smaller appetites.

2 hours ago, tropo said:

I would suggest you buy a good microwave oven and make up for lost time... and learn how to use it too. 


Russia did not ban microwave ovens. That's part of the nonsense contained in the article circulated by the "Microwave Militia" over the Internet for years.


Most of the misinformation is here: (the hidden hazards of microwave cooking): http://msgboard.snopes.com/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=104;t=000239;p=0


I would suggest you read this blog (link below) which debunks all the main "microwave are bad" myths. Scientific references are included. When you finally find out the truth you'll probably laugh (or cry because you lost out on 30 years of convenient heating/cooking), the myths are that ridiculous to anyone with a basic understanding of science.




You'll get more vitamins from vegetables cooked in the microwave compared to boiling, and similar to steaming.


Absolute crap.

4 minutes ago, lungnorm said:

Absolute crap.



And you know this from your vast usage of a microwave oven  I assume, did that piece of sharp breast turkey pierce your brain as well as your throat ?

1 minute ago, Don Mega said:



And you know this from your vast usage of a microwave oven  I assume, did that piece of sharp breast turkey pierce your brain as well as your throat ?


1 minute ago, Don Mega said:



And you know this from your vast usage of a microwave oven  I assume, did that piece of sharp breast turkey pierce your brain as well as your throat ?

Really the stuff that's coming out of your brain suggests you are related to the Magpie's as you spout nothing but gabble and shxx. 

Just now, lungnorm said:


Really the stuff that's coming out of your brain suggests you are related to the Magpie's as you spout nothing but gabble and shxx. 



Your the genius  that nuked a piece of poultry flesh to the point it could have used as a shiv by an  inmate at the local prison, not me. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

1 minute ago, Don Mega said:



Your the genius  that nuked a piece of poultry flesh to the point it could have used as a shiv by an  inmate at the local prison, not me. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

How do you know that piece of info ? been there done that huh ?

Just now, lungnorm said:

How do you know that piece of info ? been there done that huh ?


Nah prisons aint not my thing but you could make good money in the kitchen selling shivs you made in the microwave :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


On 1/1/2017 at 3:15 PM, Don Mega said:



Your the genius  that nuked a piece of poultry flesh to the point it could have used as a shiv by an  inmate at the local prison, not me. :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:


It is funny, but as long as people use the word "nuke" in relation to microwave ovens, people will be scared of them.


The microwaves cause the water in the food to vibrate, thus creating friction from heat, then the created heat dissipates throughout the food.


Microwaves cannot ionise atoms. That's when electrons are removed from atoms. You need X-rays and gamma rays to do that.  


One scientific institute offered $1 million to anyone that could distinguish a difference between microwaved and un-microwaved water. No one has taken up the offer.

Just now, tropo said:

It is funny, but as long as people use the word "nuke" in relation to microwave ovens, people will be scared of them.


The microwaves cause the water in the food to vibrate, thus creating friction from heat, then the created heat dissipates throughout the food.


There is no ionising radiation created. That's when electrons are removed from atoms. You need X-rays and gamma rays to do that. Microwaves cannot do that.


One scientific institute offered $1 million to anyone that could distinguish a difference between microwaved and un-microwaved water. No one has taken up the offer.


I reckon lungnum was well scared of 20th  century technology long before I mentioned nuke !!

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