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Another female teacher assault on a young child - but this time the parents buy her excuses


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2 hours ago, TheFishman1 said:

8 yr old child gets abused by teach because he having math problems maybe needs a better math teacher to help him saying that this is Thailand where teacher solution is a stick beat them up Wiw very Sick mind set TIT

I am quiet sure, they don't even get the notion, that different students are good at different things! Some are good and creative writers, some are great at maths, some are good at sports...  Do they even know about things like Dyslexia?  So if you can not spell a word, you get caned?  But I guess, in a country, that is so caught up in uniformity, the ones that stand out (negative or positive) are the ones who need punishment!

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4 hours ago, z42 said:

This is ridiculous, I have worked in education on 4 different continents, and never in any country except Thailand would gross misconduct (basically criminal behaviour against a child) be not only accepted by either the school directors, parents, or relevant educational / law enforcement authorities.

It is simply scandalous for a school's management to sit idly by and allow their staff to abuse the students in such a way without any sanction at all.  By the teacher in question's own words, the assaulted student was behind in mathematics, so surely this would shake a professional teacher into action and bring them to take the student to one side and provide some one to one guidance around different methods the student could use. Shame should be heaped on all parties (except the boy) as the precedent set here is disgusting to put it mildly.

Very well written but don't forget this is thailand 3 Rd world  Country and 30 years behind in just about everything they  done here .


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"I love your child like he was my own. I just punished him to help him focus on his studies because he was getting behind in his mathematics. I meant him no ill will".


Yet another Thai teacher with a small mind, supported by a wide mouth.

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Every Thai, except at the very top, have to watch their every move and know their place in society. And all their life they are sh*t upon by someone supposedly higher up the social scale. No wonder, then, that they in turn take out their frustration on others who are deemed to be weaker. The bullied become the bully. Not rocket science.

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3 hours ago, worgeordie said:

It  seems some shop workers must not have been beaten enough, buy something for 25 Thb,tender 100 Thb, and they use a calculator, maybe the next female teacher ,will use the time of the month,as an excuse, for beating a child.

regards worgeordie

I wonder if the teacher uses a calculator to determine the time of month.  I also wonder how far she would get in maths without a calculator eg 12 x tables. " What is 7 x 9 miss ? "  My maths teacher used to call me a thing of beauty and a joy forever , he was right of course.

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i suspect that this sort of thing is quite common here.


a friend's daughter's hair was cut by a teacher at school. i was horrified and suggested she do something about it - at least raise the issue with the school. typically the mother's response was 'mai pen rai'.


until parents have the strength of character stand up and speak up for themselves to defend their children the children will sadly suffer abuse at the hands of their teachers.

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5 hours ago, z42 said:

This is ridiculous, I have worked in education on 4 different continents, and never in any country except Thailand would gross misconduct (basically criminal behaviour against a child) be not only accepted by either the school directors, parents, or relevant educational / law enforcement authorities.

It is simply scandalous for a school's management to sit idly by and allow their staff to abuse the students in such a way without any sanction at all.  By the teacher in question's own words, the assaulted student was behind in mathematics, so surely this would shake a professional teacher into action and bring them to take the student to one side and provide some one to one guidance around different methods the student could use. Shame should be heaped on all parties (except the boy) as the precedent set here is disgusting to put it mildly.

I grew up in the USA (not that long ago) and in the 1st grade there was a teacher that beat you with a ruler.  One kid could not read very well and many days he was hit over and over again because he could not read.


So whatever "continents" you have worked in please do not include North America.


I learned to read very well to avoid this teachers attention. 

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In my six years here I have never heard a farang doing the same.  Thai female teachers only? What the root of the problem could be?  Lack of normal sexual life, or lack of education? 

These persons are not teachers, especially not pedagogues. They are good only to build a strong resistance against knowledge and dishonest the real teachers. Fake documents (mostly in the circle of a main teacher exporter country), lack of knowledge, aggressive behavior. When these connected to the word "teacher" instead of any positive arguments.....

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6 hours ago, Jimjim1968 said:

I work in a school in Thailand. My fellow teacher saw a Thai teacher trashing a bunch of kids. He watched for a bit, then pulled out his phone and pretended to take photos of her. It was an old phone and didn't even have a camera on it. He just pretended. The Thai teacher went livid, screaming and shouting at him with a face full of rage. Goes to show they know it's wrong.


I'd be very interested to know if your fellow teacher was a Thai or a foreigner.


If a foreigner, his reaction is not surprising and certainly courageous, because he's making a Thai in a position of authority lose face, and the consequences could be dire.


If he is Thai then wow, that indicates not only great courage but also that there is a change for the better going on in Thai society, with regard to all forms of child abuse.


Unlike many on this Forum I am not one to lash out at Thai ways left and right, because I believe there is a lot of good in Thai ways, and we Westerners, whose societies are flawed in so many ways, are in no position to judge.


But if there's one thing I really dislike in this country, it's the lack of respect for children, either when beating them senseless for the stupidest reasons or when treating them like little Lords and Ladies who can do whatever they like. Both attitudes are stupid and highly detrimental not only to the kids themselves but to society as a whole.

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4 hours ago, Lupatria said:

A nation where generations of students were brought up under suppression, violence, and blind obedience is producing a society reflecting exactly this. As a result road rage, killings and domestic violence become a widely accepted normality. Thai version of "c'est la vie".


The nation you are referring to is Great Britain, right ? Last I heard, your definition accurately describes the 'public school' pattern, which added sexual humiliation and abuse of every possible kind.

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6 hours ago, DavisH said:

Of course they do. Every Thai teacher knows it's against the law. But they still do it....they same way they are supposed to wear a helmet when riding a bike. They just don't care about rule of law in this country and leave everything up to fate. 


I completely fail to see the relevance, you're comparing apples and oranges. The main problem in this case isn't breaking a law as such, most of us break numerous minor laws a month/year … often a) not knowing it's a crime or B) not considering it a crime even though the action itself is illegal according to the law.


One of the problems is the behavior, general lack of compassion, empathy and decency in this and similar cases. Doesn't even begin to compare to someone not wearing a helmet while riding a bike, or someone having a wee in the bushes because there's no toilet around (which is also illegal).


Another big problem is that they constantly get away with such behavior, and that it is broadly accepted in the Thai society. It's getting better, albeit slowly.

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