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Systematic military indoctrination of Thai kindergarteners advances police state


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1 hour ago, lemonjelly said:

Read it again, between the lines, the poster has already stated "choosing words wisely"

Well hey, just read between the lines. God I AM so stupid, of course.

Sorry but for me that's just an excuse to write rubbish and then back it up with a not so intelligent or subtle "Ah but you need to read between the lines."  

Such a convenience wouldn't you say?

After the Cambodia-style meltdown perhaps we can share our thoughts without such mechanisms. Then all the "between-the-lines" posters will come out of the closet with a triumphant "told you so!"

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They have also started expanding their network of  loudhailers out of the villages and into the countryside where there are  only a few residents. Now every morning I get what sounds  like North Korean marching type  songs and patriotic crap for 2  hours...cutting the bloody  wire  soon

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2 hours ago, Yann55 said:

Indoctrination can and does take many forms.


The most obvious ones were put in place by the Nazis, by all dictatorships from Europe to Africa and South America, and by all the Communist regimes, from Russia to China via Cuba.


The less obvious ones are to be seen in our Western World and have been in places for centuries. Our Western World which likes to brand itself the 'kingdom of free thought' and is everything but.


Westerners are indoctrinated at school too, where they are taught re-written history that glorifies their country and vilifies others, where they learn to love sports not for the physical achievement it represents but as a form of modern religion where narrow-minded nationalism and parochialism are encouraged.


Westerners are indoctrinated by the movie business, of which Hollywood is the leader. Every big movie that comes out of that huge mind-grinding machine is stuffed with subtle (and often not subtle at all) propaganda that presents the white race and the Western ways as superior, and the US as the country which saves the world over and over again.


Westerners are indoctrinated by the capitalist system and its main ally, advertising, which lead us to believe that consumerism and happiness are naturally linked, and creates fake desires which produce fake joy and eventually real frustration.


Westerners are indoctrinated by religious institutions, who are very much aware of the fact that indoctrinating the young is a lot easier and has much longer-lasting effects, so they massively hijack the 'education' system, for reasons which have nothing to do with Christian charity and everything to do with gaining power by controlling people's thoughts.


Between the two systems of indoctrination, the one without vaseline, and the one with vaseline, the first is of course the most painful, but the second is certainly the most pernicious.


Interestingly, under severe communist or fascist regimes, there is always a form of resistance which has produced a lot of remarkable works of art, and thus proved that human beings, in a system that tries to annihilate their thinking capacity, have a way of keeping it alive that forces respect. On the other hand, in the Western world, there is very little awareness of how heavily conditioned we all are, so in the end, who is the most indoctrinated ?


2 hours ago, George Graham said:

Look up the word indoctrination in the dictionary before you post such drivel.


2 hours ago, Yann55 said:


Do you insult everyone you 'reply' to ?

You did that with a post just above mine, so obviously you have anger issues, George, and perhaps you should address these as a priority ?

The level of incivility on this Forum never ceases to impress me. You and the numerous likes of you who infest TVF need to learn the difference between exchanging arguments and hurling insults. Or is that what you learned in school ?


I rather agree with George. You are talking absolute b*ll*cks. To compare what is reported in the OP with western faith based education, well I can't decide whether it is incredibly naive or just silly. Either way, to use it as a justification, or excuse, for a state which thinks it is acceptable to drill kindergarten children in throwing grenades is deeply objectionable. I don't know of any other society or state which uses its army to teach four year olds infantry combat skills. As a retired professional soldier I find that abhorrent, and deeply perverted.

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2 hours ago, Enoon said:


I think you are expressing sentiments with which those posters who you may feel have been harsh towards you would agree.


That you have expressed them with such a high degree of circumspection (and some irony) may have obscured the extent to which you share their feelings about the situation in your homeland.


Thank you for your contribution.


Nice try Enoon, you should be a diplomat but, and not even a very big but, the words of the post to which you are referring are pretty unequivocal. 

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2 hours ago, kannot said:

They have also started expanding their network of  loudhailers out of the villages and into the countryside where there are  only a few residents. Now every morning I get what sounds  like North Korean marching type  songs and patriotic crap for 2  hours...cutting the bloody  wire  soon


Sticking a needle in it is much better, they will never find it and it causes a short circuit, so no sound...

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4 hours ago, Yann55 said:

Indoctrination can and does take many forms.


The most obvious ones were put in place by the Nazis, by all dictatorships from Europe to Africa and South America, and by all the Communist regimes, from Russia to China via Cuba.


The less obvious ones are to be seen in our Western World and have been in places for centuries. Our Western World which likes to brand itself the 'kingdom of free thought' and is everything but.


Westerners are indoctrinated at school too, where they are taught re-written history that glorifies their country and vilifies others, where they learn to love sports not for the physical achievement it represents but as a form of modern religion where narrow-minded nationalism and parochialism are encouraged.


Westerners are indoctrinated by the movie business, of which Hollywood is the leader. Every big movie that comes out of that huge mind-grinding machine is stuffed with subtle (and often not subtle at all) propaganda that presents the white race and the Western ways as superior, and the US as the country which saves the world over and over again.


Westerners are indoctrinated by the capitalist system and its main ally, advertising, which lead us to believe that consumerism and happiness are naturally linked, and creates fake desires which produce fake joy and eventually real frustration.


Westerners are indoctrinated by religious institutions, who are very much aware of the fact that indoctrinating the young is a lot easier and has much longer-lasting effects, so they massively hijack the 'education' system, for reasons which have nothing to do with Christian charity and everything to do with gaining power by controlling people's thoughts.


Between the two systems of indoctrination, the one without vaseline, and the one with vaseline, the first is of course the most painful, but the second is certainly the most pernicious.


Interestingly, under severe communist or fascist regimes, there is always a form of resistance which has produced a lot of remarkable works of art, and thus proved that human beings, in a system that tries to annihilate their thinking capacity, have a way of keeping it alive that forces respect. On the other hand, in the Western world, there is very little awareness of how heavily conditioned we all are, so in the end, who is the most indoctrinated ?

This is the best post I've seen in quite a while on TVF.

Unlike some (indoctrinated?) posters I don't see this as condoning the militarisation of little children but rather a condemnation of all types of indoctrination.


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5 hours ago, elliworld said:

Seems you are too stupid to read between the line, you are naive and I used language to say what is in my mind, stupid man!


I understood your post. 

It was well written, though I was afraid to repost it to comment. 

The fellow that criticised your post, quite obviously did not understand a word that you said. 


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Well, the old elites have gone all in. It's all or nothing for them, and it looks like their gamble just might pay off. The best chance to prevent Thailand's slide into fascism may have already passed.


On the other hand, they have taken the scorched-earth battle to another level entirely, attempting to co-opt, disrupt or dismantle every aspect of society that was contributing to the decline if their power--fair elections, freedom of political speech, social media, etc. One has to consider what their opponents' next move might entail, if there ever is one...

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50 minutes ago, debate101 said:

Well, the old elites have gone all in. It's all or nothing for them, and it looks like their gamble just might pay off. The best chance to prevent Thailand's slide into fascism may have already passed.


On the other hand, they have taken the scorched-earth battle to another level entirely, attempting to co-opt, disrupt or dismantle every aspect of society that was contributing to the decline if their power--fair elections, freedom of political speech, social media, etc. One has to consider what their opponents' next move might entail, if there ever is one...

I feel sure it is more when than if...

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7 hours ago, Enoon said:


Religious indoctrination in the West? 


In the 17th century sure, but now it's the heartland of Atheism.


In Thailand they get plenty of religious indoctrination,  and as much of the other stuff as Westerners do.


It's not that they get one system rather than the other.


They get both!






The new religion of the West is Political Correctness and Healthism. The propaganda and indoctrination flies thick and fast, for the most part based on the Frankfurt School philosophy and its fellow traveller Common Purpose.

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8 hours ago, elliworld said:

Seems you are too stupid to read between the line, you are naive and I used language to say what is in my mind, stupid man!


Insults are the weapons of the lazy & inarticulate. 

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12 hours ago, Yann55 said:


Do you insult everyone you 'reply' to ?

You did that with a post just above mine, so obviously you have anger issues, George, and perhaps you should address these as a priority ?

The level of incivility on this Forum never ceases to impress me. You and the numerous likes of you who infest TVF need to learn the difference between exchanging arguments and hurling insults. Or is that what you learned in school ?

Should i repeat "you are indoctrinated" at the start of every paragraph, if addressing your post? its just rude and not good arguing, its more like...............ummm trying to indoctrinate.

So here I go again: lets talk about every other country in world indoctrination methods before we address the ones HERE in Thailand on a THAI centric forum!

You go first....


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12 hours ago, scorecard said:



Is the photo / person in the photo relevant? Just asking, please share?


somebody outted John....


A little discipline a little fun playing army...most little boys desires...to play... 


John sorry bro, go back to teaching English and debate...

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