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Military impounds vehicles, seizes driving licenses of defiant drink-driving motorists


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" The military has impounded 27 vehicles and seized driving licenses of 87 drivers ..."

"... 788 cases of traffic offences involving motorcycles, buses and personal cars, 500 of which would face legal prosecution."


Who writes this crap!  There's a difference between "would" and "will".  So, are the 500 going to be prosecuted, or have they been given time to make a trip to Big C to purchase some brown envelopes!  I suspect the Big C stock will be running low; looks like 288 may already be in circulation..

Edited by Moti24
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On ‎31‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 9:10 AM, canthai55 said:


Drunk driving is not serious ?  How can you possibly say and/or believe this ?  Deliberate ?  Were they forced to drive at gunpoint ?  My thought - first offence - license gone for one year, fine 300,000 baht. Second time - license gone forever and 5 years in jail. That will make people think.

But only for the plebs - the hi-so's don't have to think about it.

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On 31/12/2016 at 8:08 AM, MaxLee said:

And again,..... the influential rich and their spoilt brats will get a free pass as usual......

Yeh Yeh Yeh and father Christmas gets his free pass as well. How do you know this? Asumptions based on oh well it must be true TV readers say it is. I will be the first to jump if it is reported as fact as has been reported before. I hate DD with a passion I belive they should be hung drawn and quaters but I don't make assumptions I wait for facts.

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