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its a New Year ! Best way to lower blood pressure without drugs


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7 hours ago, puukao said:

What science?  Can you read all languages so you understand what every doctor in every country thinks?  Or do you just pick a "good" university in America or the UK and trust that they know what is best for you?  How is this intelligent?  Let me see all your reports and I will then show you reports that say the opposite.  


Yeah, science is limited in its ability to direct you to the best choice of foods, but...


It's a lot more intelligent than walking past food and asking your body what it should eat. Instincts don't work very well for most people, and people with good instincts usually develop them through extensive research and experimentation.


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Diet soda is worst than normal soda. Put it this way... You wouldn't take a shower and use soda to wash yourself would you? It's what you are doing to inside your body. Water is a cleanser, focus on drinking 2 litres a day for good health. The human body won't work right if we put toxic chemicals in it! Focus on real foods like fruits, vegetables and meat/fish. Avoid anything in a packet! Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and stay active. Staying passive (sitting allot) isn't good for your body! Get 7-8 hours of sleep a night before 10pm (your body releases stress hormones if you go to bed after 10pm for most of the next day). If you follow these basic guidelines you will feel 10x better and have more energy. I guarantee it! The problem is breaking the habit which takes at least 21 days!  Good luck!! 


- Personal trainer 

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4 hours ago, oldcarguy said:

and to add to the above , here is a report from the Mayo clinic that Diet soda does NOT raise your blood pressure ,




Of course we are going to believe the report that lets us eat + drink what we like :smile:


Now where is that report the Pizza and Big Macs  are "health foods" :shock1:


It's bullshit. Most of these reports are done by soda companies to get you drinking their products. The classic one is 'wine is good for you cause it has alot of potassium.' Real foods is what our body is design for which also heals our body. The rest is just toxic food which taste good. The corporations don't give a <deleted> about your health, they only want you to be hooked on their toxic food so their pockets will be full of money. 


If you have Netflix, watch 'Food Matters' it will open your eyes! 

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I think the above saying a study is BS  is  one of the problems ,


How are you to know which one is true when there are 2 conflicting reports ?


some of these reports are less than 100 people and some studies are 1000s of 5-10 years


it is so hard to decide which one to believe , and of course you are going to have a bias that fits your lifestyle ,


I would  like to change my diet some , exercise  more , and lose 5kg , hopefully that is doable and  will lower my numbers !

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