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A taxi driver worth avoiding - whatever his name is!


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7 minutes ago, ChangMaiSausage said:

Taxi drivers get a hard time but to be fair not all of them are out to rob you, there are good guys out there. 



My sentiments as well. 

I've never been ripped off by a taxi in Thailand. Only time I have was once in Australia, and an attempted rip off in Vietnam.

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7 minutes ago, ChangMaiSausage said:

Funnily enough I  commented to the wife over the festive season on how much the taxis had improved we had no issues travelling around Thailand (including several trips to the airport and back) no arguments over the meter, always turned on without prompt (Maybe we were lucky?) 


Taxi drivers get a hard time but to be fair not all of them are out to rob you, there are good guys out there. 




I agree. I take many taxis every day when I'm in Bangkok and yes many are fine but there are still many incidents of rogue, cheating and impolite taxis.


I live in Chiang Mai, I have never yet had a driver use the meter, and many times a demand for just outrageous fares.


Just 3 weeks ago some visiting work colleagues from Germany got in a taxi called in by their hotel bellboy (not a taxi parked outside), they showed the driver a map, their destination was less than 2 kilometres. The bellboy told the visitors 'should be about 60 to 80 Baht'.


As soon as the car was away from hotel the taxi driver announced in fair English 'bellboy wrong, minimum for foreigners 200 Baht'.


The visitors had been warned by other work colleagues so they demanded the taxi stop. Driver tried to change the discussion but they insisted he stop. Driver then demanded 100 Baht to unlock the doors.


They paid. They also recorded the number on the inside of the door and noted the rego plate as the taxi took off, all reported by the company office staff to the LTO.

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2 hours ago, manhood said:

Well if you feel like the meter is wrong and you are overcharged: just get the ID in the front of the taxi (take it out)

and go with this to the next police!!!!!!!111

Sounds good in theory but lets calculate time and cost to go to the police and then how much it would cost you for the police to do anything. Waste of time and effort to go to the police plus they would want some money to even consider looking into the problem. Have you ever as a farang tried to get assistance from Thai police. An absolute joke unless you are flashing nung pahn notes

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I don't know why people are so worried or get upset. It must be frustrating for the Military authorities to have to keep telling you everything's on track and that they've cracked down on the day-to-day problems caused by previous administrations.  Everything's hunky-dory by now. Isn't it?

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1 minute ago, scorecard said:


I agree. I take many taxis every day when I'm in Bangkok and yes many are fine but there are still many incidents of rogue, cheating and impolite taxis.


I live in Chiang Mai, I have never yet had a driver use the meter, and many times a demand for just outrageous fares.


Just 3 weeks ago some visiting work colleagues from Germany got in a taxi called in by their hotel bellboy (not a taxi parked outside), they showed the driver a map, their destination was less than 2 kilometres. The bellboy told the visitors 'should be about 60 to 80 Baht'.


As soon as the car was away from hotel the taxi driver announced in fair English 'bellboy wrong, minimum for foreigners 200 Baht'.


The visitors had been warned by other work colleagues so they demanded the taxi stop. Driver tried to change the discussion but they insisted he stop. Driver then demanded 100 Baht to unlock the doors.


They paid. They also recorded the number on the inside of the door and noted the rego plate as the taxi took off, all reported by the company office staff to the LTO.

Just out of interest did anything come of their report. I would be absolutely amazed if it did. Why should the LTO care. Just asking

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Just now, Geoff Snell said:

Just out of interest did anything come of their report. I would be absolutely amazed if it did. Why should the LTO care. Just asking


I did ask if the LTO ever called back. Answer NO.


The LTO should care (and the police also of course). The LTO is the governing authority for taxis, in fact there's a specific LTO hotline to report problems with taxis.

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1 minute ago, scorecard said:


I did ask if the LTO ever called back. Answer NO.


The LTO should care (and the police also of course). The LTO is the governing authority for taxis, in fact there's a specific LTO hotline to report problems with taxis.

You are totally right and I so respect your trying to make a minor case via notification but please don't forget this is Thailand and any problem in any circumstance will fall on deaf ears unless you are a walking mobile ATM machine

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Happened to me between Don Muang and Bangkok, a long time ago (when Don Muang was the only airport).


I quickly noticed that something was wrong and told the taxi that I would NOT pay according to meter but according to what I usually paid. Luckily I could say it in Thai and also, all these years back, taxi drivers were less dangerous and aggressive.


His reaction at the time was not to attack me but to drive like a madman for the rest of the trip. Of course I pretended not to care, but it was terrifying and I learnt something about the local culture : the guy was willing to risk not only my worthless farang life but also his, just to vent his anger and frustration for being caught cheating.


I hasten to add that I would act totally differently nowadays. I would not utter a word and once near my destination, I would try to catch the attention of a cop. Filming can turn out to be dangerous, and you'd have to do it discreetly, as these guys can be total nutcases, high on Redbull (at best), and rendered hysterical by Bangkok traffic. On that particular point I must say I sympathize with them. Keeping cool and remaining a normal person after years of driving in that hell is certainly not easy.

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I'm here sience 10 Years,was never ripped by a Taxidriver. Thailand isn't better or bader in this case than any Country i've been. Tricky losers you'll find all over the World,it's not a specific Thai thing,but a welcome Story for Thaibashers.

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I agree. I take many taxis every day when I'm in Bangkok and yes many are fine but there are still many incidents of rogue, cheating and impolite taxis.
I live in Chiang Mai, I have never yet had a driver use the meter, and many times a demand for just outrageous fares.
Just 3 weeks ago some visiting work colleagues from Germany got in a taxi called in by their hotel bellboy (not a taxi parked outside), they showed the driver a map, their destination was less than 2 kilometres. The bellboy told the visitors 'should be about 60 to 80 Baht'.
As soon as the car was away from hotel the taxi driver announced in fair English 'bellboy wrong, minimum for foreigners 200 Baht'.
The visitors had been warned by other work colleagues so they demanded the taxi stop. Driver tried to change the discussion but they insisted he stop. Driver then demanded 100 Baht to unlock the doors.
They paid. They also recorded the number on the inside of the door and noted the rego plate as the taxi took off, all reported by the company office staff to the LTO.

So double standard tariff not only in national park's, since the driver said "200 bht for foreigners"....
But maybe that's just another clever way to attract the quality tourists Thailand seem to be gagging for....can't be the Chinese...they're already on a bus

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

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On 1/4/2017 at 8:29 AM, oldcarguy said:


last year the Taxi meter was about 30% over and my normal 28KM trip was 42 KM , of course the driver would not believe anything was odd !


Just like the Caltex pump that managed to put 12 liters into my 8 litre can. Or the Shell station that put 4 litres into my 3 liter motorcycle tank. Or the calculator that said 220 for 10 items at 20 each. The machine can NEVER be wrong.

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On 04/01/2017 at 10:56 AM, psyvolt said:

My sentiments as well. 

I've never been ripped off by a taxi in Thailand. Only time I have was once in Australia, and an attempted rip off in Vietnam.


Never been refused a trip?

Never had a driver refuse to turn the meter on?

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Since Bangkok got taxis with meters, it has happened to me 3 times that I recall and that I am aware of. So in my experience, it can happen but is extremely rare.


Once was a random taxi on Rama IV and the other two from the official rank at Suvarnabhumi.


In each case, after being sprung, the driver was eager to accept any amount and not cause a fuss. 

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On 1/4/2017 at 1:05 AM, Chao Lao Beach said:

I have been in many meters that went up dodgy,

it happened to me once, went from the airport to Silom area which should have been under 300 baht but when he stopped it was 600, i paid even though i knew i had been scammed 

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For all I know it might happen much more often. If the meter was only 10-20% over what it should be, doubt I would notice most of the time and really I wouldn't care. IMHO taxis are too cheap in BKK and that is partly what creates the problem with fare refusal.


To and from Suvarnabhumi I always pay the meter price rounded up to the nearest hundred, plus 100 tip, plus change out of a hundred note for the tolls. For me that comes to about THB600 total. Where in the world could I go almost 50km in a taxi for USD17?


But in the case of Suvarnabhumi I happen to know that the distance to my house is precisely 49km so when the meter says 72km it is so blatant that it is hard not to at least make the driver squirm a bit.

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On 1/4/2017 at 9:18 AM, Revolutionary said:

Used 5 taxi trips over the New Year holiday period. No problem. Every one used the meter, fare prices were all what I would expect. Not sure what some of you are doing to be treated like you are!!! 


They are probably traveling sober, paying attention and left their rose tinted glasses at home. ;-)


Seriously, the meter problem and taxi woes are well documented by foreigners and Thais alike. To pretend there is nothing wrong, or that the issue is with the passenger is absurd. 


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