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Brexit – which way now as UK’s EU ambassador resigns


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5 hours ago, jpinx said:

Well said -- last time I told him how unpleasant his posts were I got a holiday, and he continued with his diatribes about posters intelligence, education, social standing, etc, etc !  haha!!  The truth is that the pro-remain camp are actually out of cogent arguments and resort to trolling with abusive and derogatory commentary based on their biased opinions of self-importance.  There is NO reason to not get behind TM and the negotiating team with constructive commentary about how things could be worked out with the EU bureaurocratic mafia.  The recent very quick replacement of the EU ambassador was a good example of just how easy it is to get on with the job if everyone has a positive outlook.  ThaiVisa is a fun talking shop, but not likely to have any significant impact on government policy -- thank goodness -- but there is NO room for high-handed, holier-than-thou posters to express their inadequacies in such a perverted way in here. 

What abusive or trolling comment have I made? The half a brain remark was from you. I was merely pointing out that the pro Brexit "team" appear rather weak...

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

what you are effectively saying is that people who supported leave are "stupid" only have "half a brain" and spend their days playing childrens games



well we all bend over to your superior intellect, now where did I put my SNAKES and ladders


Oh and if you are considering a holiday any time soon may I recommend Greece where you will pay 10euro for a pint of beer which means you can have 3 a day cos you're only allowed 30 euros a day from an atm, is that the sort of future you want for Scotland - I vote "YES"


The half a brain comment did not originate with me, I merely tossed it back.


I have made the point that the better educated, the more successful tended to be pro remain. So what? You won. But don't expect me to agree with you.


Why you keep going on about Scotland, I don't know. I am from Yorkshire. I do have a property in Edinburgh though.


Why would I want go to Greece? I just spent several weeks in Northern Spain which was remarkably inexpensive but still managing to retain civic pride unlike much of the UK now. 


Frankly, I suggest you vote Farage for president of England and get Trump to make you the 51st state. The rest of us will stay with our European friends and colleagues and continue to enjoy a rather civilised way of life ?

Edited by Grouse
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1 hour ago, Grouse said:

Frankly, I suggest you vote Farage for president of England and get Trump to make you the 51st state. The rest of us will stay with our European friends and colleagues and continue to enjoy a rather civilised way of life ?

Which of the 27 European states are civilized. Please enlighten us. I am sure you will be welcome in some of them. I actually think your suggestion is quite good with Farage and Trump.:jap: as the shower that have been no good so a change is needed.

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