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Yingluck Angry For Being Followed by Plainclothes Police While on Vacation


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1 minute ago, onthesoi said:

If she has nothing to hide then why does she care?

Some people might view this as an invasion of personal privacy as in the case  of Diana Spencer although her experience in no way compares with Yingluck's pathetic experience - bu it is the thin edge of the wedge.  

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11 minutes ago, Bureaucrat said:

Some people might view this as an invasion of personal privacy as in the case  of Diana Spencer although her experience in no way compares with Yingluck's pathetic experience - bu it is the thin edge of the wedge.  


& similarly, Diana was only too willing to have her privacy invaded when promoting her celebrity status in the public sphere....when it suited her agenda.


Although, I'm not sure you can compare the two, as Diana wasn't out on bail pending criminal charges pertaining to huge amounts of public money going missing, nor did she have family members on the run from the police.

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3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:


Prayut has apologized to Yingluck. Her defination of proof was spot on. 


Prayutt did not confirm the people in the back ground were police officers he simply offered a generic apology & even if he did confirm they were, a pic with some unidentified people circled in red pen, is not, as per her claim, proof in any way shape or form ....btw you might want to check your defination of definition.

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1 minute ago, onthesoi said:


Prayutt did not confirm the people in the back ground were police officers he simply offered a generic apology & even if he did confirm they were, a pic with some unidentified people circled in red pen, is not, as per her claim, proof in any way shape or form ....btw you might want to check your defination of definition.

 Are you a comedian. 

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5 minutes ago, jayboy said:

I suppose for the same reason that anyone would object to goons following them around.



But, she is not just anyone

She is a celebrity who is out on bail from maybe the biggest government corruption trial in the country's history not to mention her close family members on the run from the law.


Or are you saying the police should not be allowed to follow & investigate criminals ...lest they get all pouty and whine on twitter to their fan club?

Edited by onthesoi
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What does she expect? She now lives in a Totalitarian state run by fascists, who shamefully have some cheerleaders on this forum.


Bet they wouldn't be singing the same tune if it happened in their country would they? But it's OK for the Thais apparently.

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2 minutes ago, sharecropper said:

Bet they wouldn't be singing the same tune if it happened in their country would they? But it's OK for the Thais apparently.


That is a bet you would lose ..if my government started going after the rich, powerful and corrupt within government, they would receive a standing ovation from me followed by many calls for encore.



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Just now, onthesoi said:


That is a bet you would lose ..if my government started going after the rich, powerful and corrupt within government, they would receive a standing ovation from me followed by many calls for encore.




But that's probably just you. Dictatorships in foreign countries (for the avoidance of doubt, there's not one here, of course) don't generally get a warm hand on their entrance.

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42 minutes ago, onthesoi said:

If she has nothing to hide then why does she care?


She maybe concerned that public money is being wasted on paying people to spy on her...


But there again, she may want to slip over the boarder with a few truckloads of dosh, or have a clandestine meeting or two with enemies of the government.

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But, she is not just anyone

She is a celebrity who is out on bail from maybe the biggest government corruption trial in the country's history not to mention her close family members on the run from the law.
Or are you saying the police should not be allowed to follow & investigate criminals ...lest they get all pouty and whine on twitter to their fan club?

She is not a "celebrity", just the country's most popular politician.She is not out on bail.It is not a corruption trial.Her brother's exile is nothing to do with her.She is not a criminal not least because she has not been found guilty of anything.She is not being investigated.Prayuth has apologised for the goons' intrusiveness.

Your comment in summary was so ignorant and foolish that a period of quiet reflection is recommended.Difficult I know for someone suffused with hate and on the evidence not the sharpest knife in the toolbox.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect
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2 hours ago, onthesoi said:


& similarly, Diana was only too willing to have her privacy invaded when promoting her celebrity status in the public sphere....when it suited her agenda.


Although, I'm not sure you can compare the two, as Diana wasn't out on bail pending criminal charges pertaining to huge amounts of public money going missing, nor did she have family members on the run from the police.

A very good example of victim blame - you are just a mindless hater.

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Please, be charitable, tolerant, let the Shins' fans be a bit over-agitated, like a bunch of catfish for a handfull of pellets, the poor guys hadn't had anything to feed on recently, you know, and their gale must be full of bile they need to evacuate.

Sad for Yingluck though, on the pictures taken during her 'private' holydays of yore, there was always an organised group of people around her, some with red roses and so, and look at her now: all alone at a table, only one cup with the teapot... One wonders whether the poor guy(?) who had to take this picture for her even got a small bottle of water to drink... Tsss. Even her son, this 'private' holyday is said to have been all about, had something more interesting to do at the time the picture was taken...

...Or was this 'private' holyday picture put in scene, too, for a propaganda purpose, like in all the so many other photo-ops, she will probably, and hopefully only, remain famous for?

'Sic transit Gloria Mundi'? LOL


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8 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Yes that's sarcasm.

regards Worgeordie

Is that Thai Sarcasm or Thailand 4 stupidity

give it A Rest You Have Worn Out This subject

Time To Move On

We should be living in the First world but alass this is Thailand heading for the 4th world


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I'm in need of some history on this subject. seems to be two sides to this story among the TV Farang?  She is a <deleted> to me.  So she has never been taken to trial for anything?  I guess her brother took some money and fled.  She comes from HISO.   What type of person represent the millions who like her?


thanks for some history lessons.

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1 hour ago, Elkski said:

I'm in need of some history on this subject. seems to be two sides to this story among the TV Farang?  She is a <deleted> to me.  So she has never been taken to trial for anything?  I guess her brother took some money and fled.  She comes from HISO.   What type of person represent the millions who like her?


thanks for some history lessons.

Wikipedia, Google search, ......

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3 hours ago, candide said:

Wikipedia, Google search, ......

Three books published overseas by expat journalists who lived here for many years with extensive contacts in the upper echelons of Thail politics and society, combined with the verbatim extracts from USA diplomatic communications from Thai embassy.

sorry cannot give titles, they are banned here.

Look Kindle.

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Sum Num Na you fascist,!!


She didn't seem bothered when she brought the riot squad into parliament to remove the opposition so that her corrupt team could try and pass an amnesty bill to let her brother and 25,000 other corrupt cases be swept under the table.

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