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Several dead and wounded in US airport shooting


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Several dead and wounded in US airport shooting




At least five people have been killed in a shooting at an airport in the United States.


Eight people were wounded in the attack at Fort Lauderdale International Airport in Florida.


The alleged attacker has been arrested and is being questioned by police and FBI agents.


He is said to have been carrying a military identity card.


“Five people have succumbed to their wounds and tragically are dead. We are not releasing any information on any of the victims until we identify them which is going to take some time. We have the shooter in custody, he is unharmed, no law enforcement fired any shots. The subject is being interviewed by a team of FBI agents and Broward Sheriff’s office homicide detectives,” Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel told reporters.



The alarm was raised just before 1 pm in the afternoon local time when shots were fired in the baggage reclaim area of Terminal 2.


Passengers were shepherded onto the apron away from the terminal building.



-- © Copyright Euronews 2017-01-07


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It was repotted that the man has pulled a gun from his luggage went to the bathroom and loaded it came back to the luggage collection area and start firing point black at people, Now, don't they scan the check in luggage before loading it onto the plane?  if not, well, there's your problem, and now everyone will scurry around to start scanning the check in  luggage ... hindsight is always 20/20.... 

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1 hour ago, ezzra said:

It was repotted that the man has pulled a gun from his luggage went to

the bathroom and loaded it came back to the luggage collection area

and start firing point black at people,

Now, don't they scan the check in luggage before loading it onto the plane?

if not, well, there's your problem, and now everyone will scurry around

to start scanning the check in luggage... hindsight is always 20/20.... 


It is legal for airline passengers to travel with guns and ammunition as long as the firearms are put in a checked bag - not a carry-on - and are unloaded and locked in a hard-sided container. Guns must be declared to the airline at check-in. 


URL from member "Shot"





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1 hour ago, Shot said:

^^^ This story is full of holes. Please read more at the link below:





An Army veteran who complained that the government was controlling his mind drew a gun from his checked luggage on arrival at the Fort Lauderdale airport  ...


Obviously the TSA's automated scanning of checked luggage is a pointless farce.


As far as the government attempts to control one's mind is concerned, wait until after January 20 when Il Duce takes office.



Edited by Suradit69
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1 hour ago, JustNo said:

Another shooting incident in the highly developed free society. How many mass shootings were there in Europe last year I wonder... 

And still Europeans immigrate to the US and hardly any US people immigrate to Europe, go figure.

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

It was repotted that the man has pulled a gun from his luggage went to the bathroom and loaded it came back to the luggage collection area and start firing point black at people, Now, don't they scan the check in luggage before loading it onto the plane?  if not, well, there's your problem, and now everyone will scurry around to start scanning the check in  luggage ... hindsight is always 20/20.... 

Scan for what? He declared the weapon when checking his luggage.

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

It was repotted that the man has pulled a gun from his luggage went to the bathroom and loaded it came back to the luggage collection area and start firing point black at people, Now, don't they scan the check in luggage before loading it onto the plane?  if not, well, there's your problem, and now everyone will scurry around to start scanning the check in  luggage ... hindsight is always 20/20.... 

Yes they scan all luggage, they knew the gun was in there before they scanned it.  Take it up with the national rifle association. Good luck on that battle. 

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1 hour ago, JustNo said:

Another shooting incident in the highly developed free society. How many mass shootings were there in Europe last year I wonder... 



The following is a chart of mass shooting statistics, when corrected for population. It shows that the U.S. has comparable frequency to other nations when accounting for its large population size.


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24 minutes ago, Grubster said:

Yes they scan all luggage, they knew the gun was in there before they scanned it.  Take it up with the national rifle association. Good luck on that battle. 


Well they were probably reassured if/when he told them the government was controlling his mind. 

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2 minutes ago, rijb said:


It's easier for people to feel superior when they don't bother with facts.

I'm hardcore anti-gun.  But like you say, facts are facts.  Either way, it's a terrible thing and needs to be dealt with.  I'm amazed the US hasn't dealt with this properly. 


P.S. Grew up in a gun family, so know about this quite well. 

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14 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:


15 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

The following is a chart of mass shooting statistics, when corrected for population. It shows that the U.S. has comparable frequency to other nations when accounting for its large population size.


But the US is miles ahead when it come to death by gun shootings if you don't get hung up on the definition of "mass shootings."




Americans are 10 times more likely to be killed by guns than people in other developed countries, a new study finds.

Even though it has half the population of the other 22 nations combined, the United States accounted for 82 percent of all gun deaths. The United States also accounted for 90 percent of all women killed by guns, the study found. Ninety-one percent of children under 14 who died by gun violence were in the United States. And 92 percent of young people between ages 15 and 24 killed by guns were in the United States, the study found.



The study was published online Feb. 1 in The American Journal of Medicine.

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Motor vehicles used to be the biggest killer.  Regulation and technology have really helped to reduce the death rate.


To reduce the unacceptable toll of death and injury, firearms must be regulated for health and safety just as we regulate motor vehicles and all other consumer products.


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2 hours ago, JustNo said:

Another shooting incident in the highly developed free society. How many mass shootings were there in Europe last year I wonder... 

There were many. Do you live under a rock in Isarn?  

RIP to the five INNOCENT people just arriving in sunny Florida for a Winter holiday.  

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Well.......Supposedly , according to the gun proponents this would not have happened if ALL the other citizens were armed.

Sometimes it works that way and proven as so when an armed assailant or robber is thwarted by another person or persons carrying a legally registered  gun and they use that gun to stop the crime in progress from continuing any further or often enough shoot the perpetrator and end the crime in that manner.

That is commonly a true factor as to one means of stopping crime if all ( said to be ) law abiding citizens were to be armed and they can protect themselves and or stop crimes where needing to be stopped.

That is a strong argument and difficult to ignore.

On the other hand, every country that has large amounts of firearms in the hands of the law abiding citizens reveals there is a relevant or said to be proportionate amount of crime or violence committed with those guns in circulation and or deaths occurring by way of the sheer volumes of guns in circulation and readily available to the public and end up in someway, somehow being used in any number of heinous crimes  and or gun related accidents and incidents.

In the USA a notable amount of the citizens do have person firearms while there is a good percent of those citizens carrying those firearms with them and in public but the guns are concealed.

If an when need be those armed citizens can be there to thwart crime if they so choose to do so but at the risk of harm to themselves when the armed assailants start fighting or shooting or shoot at the armed citizen who draws his firearm in an attempt to stop the crime in progress.

Statistically there includes the numerous failed attempts to stop crime by armed citizens who brandish their weapon and begin to use that weapon as the means to stop a crime but they end up getting shot dead or wounded as the armed assailants commonly do not or will not stop their criminal actions and start shooting, while a fire fight of sorts occurs and then other innocent bystanders could be and sometimes are struck by a bullet.....and brings into question the virtues of having armed citizens taking action against criminal activities and self appointed crime stopping on their part.

When the criminals do not have a gun themselves then yes...armed citizens having a gun can effectively stop a crime about to happen or in the process of happening and therefore is a valid reason for having the citizens armed and in effect a citizens police force of sorts.

Meantime, all the police are armed with guns, as everyone well knows ...but that fact does not stop the all too many armed assailants and criminals from proceeding do to what ever they intended to do with the use of a gun as the means to achieve their heinous or criminal conduct......although it could be argued it does help to thwart crimes knowing that the police are armed.

In the USA you witness an alarming number of gun related crimes regardless of the police force in every city and throughout the country being armed also.

For the USA it is far too late so you can understand why so many citizens will be wanting to buy a gun and believe they will be needing a gun to protect themselves and their family and or their property from all the otherwise law abiding citizens better known as criminals and thugs and nut cases with guns and bent on doing harm to someone. 

But, over all, when there are a large number of guns in circulation in any country you are going to have to live with the fact that there will be a notable amount of deaths occurring by way of gun related deaths and that fact can not be ignored while arming all the more citizens and in effect all the more guns in circulation is not going to lower the amount of gun related deaths in the USA rather increase the amount of deaths overall, as already proven and witnessed in the USA.

Yes, a percent of the people can prove that being armed when a crime is been perpetrated upon them or in near vicinity to them can be the effectively proven way to stop a crime being perpetrated but those individual and personal incidents do not make up for all the rest of the crime being committed with firarms in the hands of all too many criminals who know well that some of the citizens are armed and could stand up to their criminal conduct ...but that has not stopped them at all from proceeding with their criminal conduct...such is the minds and mentality of people with a GUN in their hands.


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It never ceases to amaze me that some of the morons on ThaiVisa make irrelevant and ill-informed comments without reading the whole story and processing the facts.  It is legal to carry guns in checked, locked, hard cased luggage, as long as you declare it and that is exactly what this man did.  So now we have established that lets not bother with that subject any more and discuss the matter at hand like sensible, intelligent adults.  Sadly, I think that might be a problem. My condolences to the families and friends of the dead. RIP. 

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5 hours ago, Suradit69 said:



Obviously the TSA's automated scanning of checked luggage is a pointless farce.


As far as the government attempts to control one's mind is concerned, wait until after January 20 when Il Duce takes office.



What proof do you have of the new presidents Ill will? Do you just like to annoy others with your 'clairvoyance'? Clinton lost.

Edited by sabaii69
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U.S. military Veterans are being cheated out of just claims for medical care every minute of the day. This causes the suicide rate of Vets to be one (or more) dead every HOUR. This is the American system of rewarding Veterans Admin. workers for 'clearing' claims successfully against Veterans. They are given promotions and bonuses for assisting the Vets demise. We, I am a Vet, are hoping that Trump (not my choice for POTUS) will help Vets as promised. YouTube has Obama's 2008 Veterans promises that he had no intention of keeping. Keep training people to kill, injure them, break your promises to help them and then be so surprised when they do some terrible deed.

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4 hours ago, IAMHERE said:

And still Europeans immigrate to the US and hardly any US people immigrate to Europe, go figure.

do you not mean that Europeans emigrate to the US and hardly any US people emigrate to Europe or do you really mean that Europeans immigrate from the US and hardly any US people immigrate from Europe. Still figuring.


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47 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Yes the NRA will weigh in on this for sure. 


Yes....and they will be pointing out if the other people had a gun at the time then those having a gun could have defended themselves and others from the crazy guy........ with a gun.

Their agenda is to have as many gun toting Americans as possible being paying ( as in profits ) members of their organisation while advocating that guns in the hands of law abiding citizens are needed to thwart crimes being perpetrated upon innocent law abiding citizens.

They are not wrong but is it not somewhat ironic that the people need a gun to stop the gun related crimes besides the crimes perpetrated without a gun....while a gun is the preferred ways and means and long confirmed most effective tool to conduct crimes with. 

Had someone or several people been there with a gun of their own they could have stopped the killer from beginning to kill anyone or most likely less people would have been shot before the killer had the time to do so, before being stopped by someone else with a gun ..In theory and supposedly.......

But still, it is gun related violence creating all the more gun related violence regardless of who is designated the bad guys verses the good guys, so to speak...but it was guns that were specifically chosen as the tool and means that creates the mayhem and carnage and death.

Meantime, the more guns there are in the hands of American citizens the more it suits the agenda of the NRA and makes them money while they are best of buddies with the firearms manufactures in the USA.

Living in any environment loaded with guns is always going to be far more precarious than living in an environment with out any guns at all but the NRA advocates that more guns are better while all the deaths from guns are ignored while they absolve themselves of the complicit part they play in any deaths occurring by way of a gun being the chosen instrument used to kill another person.



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2 hours ago, gemguy said:


Yes....and they will be pointing out if the other people had a gun at the time then those having a gun could have defended themselves and others from the crazy guy........ with a gun.

Their agenda is to have as many gun toting Americans as possible being paying ( as in profits ) members of their organisation while advocating that guns in the hands of law abiding citizens are needed to thwart crimes being perpetrated upon innocent law abiding citizens.

They are not wrong but is it not somewhat ironic that the people need a gun to stop the gun related crimes besides the crimes perpetrated without a gun....while a gun is the preferred ways and means and long confirmed most effective tool to conduct crimes with. 

Had someone or several people been there with a gun of their own they could have stopped the killer from beginning to kill anyone or most likely less people would have been shot before the killer had the time to do so, before being stopped by someone else with a gun ..In theory and supposedly.......

But still, it is gun related violence creating all the more gun related violence regardless of who is designated the bad guys verses the good guys, so to speak...but it was guns that were specifically chosen as the tool and means that creates the mayhem and carnage and death.

Meantime, the more guns there are in the hands of American citizens the more it suits the agenda of the NRA and makes them money while they are best of buddies with the firearms manufactures in the USA.

Living in any environment loaded with guns is always going to be far more precarious than living in an environment with out any guns at all but the NRA advocates that more guns are better while all the deaths from guns are ignored while they absolve themselves of the complicit part they play in any deaths occurring by way of a gun being the chosen instrument used to kill another person.



Had to give you a like after that. Yes its true what you say plus he caught people in an airport where gun carrying would be almost non existent. This could start a new terrorist trend. Maybe the VA came up short in treating this fellow. If one were to back track on this to its true origin George Bush would be swinging from the gallows right about now. Its so sad that so many people sent their children off to protect the land of life and liberty and then loose them because some crackpot president had an agenda. It just amazes me that the ones that make the SB's in life hand them off to other to risk their life with. Watching war movies the general always stands at the front of his troops for a do or die talk and after the attack starts they fades into the background. One truly wonders that if there were an attack would the lives of these so called rulers of the free world really be worth saving ahead of others??

Edited by elgordo38
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1 minute ago, gemguy said:

Thanks for posting...but that factual and informative attachment of yours will not stop ( farcanell ) from blindly arguing and defending his beliefs about more guns being the solution to the gun problems, as that is in effect what he implies.

Hence the phrase "post truth"

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10 minutes ago, stevenl said:

He is not a muslim, so he must have psychological problems.


Really?  just another mass killer in the USA.  I am sure he will nail his colours onto some organisation, they usually do.  Of course he has psychological problems, like many of the gun toting Americans.

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