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Beijing to set up police squad to combat smog


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Beijing to set up police squad to combat smog




Beijing is to set up a new police division to crack down on activities harming the environment.


It comes amid a period of heavy smog in the Chinese capital and other regions in the country.


State media say the government plans to phase out hundreds of thousands of high-polluting vehicles, and close hundreds of factories as well as the city’s only coal-fired power plant.


Beijing’s deputy Communist Party chief and acting mayor Cai Qi said the environmental police force would tackle illegal practices – including open air barbecues and rubbish incineration where standards were not met.


“Through these measures, we plan to cut coal consumption by 30 percent year on year, to less than seven million tons,” the acting mayor told a media briefing.


On Friday the authorities in many Chinese cities including Beijing extended an orange alert – the second-highest level – for heavy air pollution.


Schools and other institutions have been ordered to stop outdoor activities.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2017-01-09
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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Beijing to set up police squad to combat smog

Boring headlines.

I suggest a more catchy news title:

Beijing Red Flags Smog

China needs a National Enquirer-styled publication that can bring news excitement.

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6 hours ago, trogers said:

Is the police squad large and equipped enough to clear the city of humans? That's the cause of smog...

A lot of flatulation perchance? I was watching Channel News Asia the banner on the bottom. It stated that China would become a world leader in fighting air pollution. Yeah sure. They are only just now bringing out the rolls of band aids to solve the problem. Its the same the world over when the peoples hue and cry reaches a certain pitch they listen. 

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8 hours ago, trogers said:

Is the police squad large and equipped enough to clear the city of humans? That's the cause of smog...


" Schools and other institutions have been ordered to stop outdoor activities. "


apparently they are....  in order to be the world leaders in combating smog, they have been successful in phase one - become the world leaders in producing smog.

Now phase two will swing into action.


but at the moment we are still at the planning stage....

" State media say the government plans to phase out hundreds of thousands of high-polluting vehicles, and close hundreds of factories as well as the city’s only coal-fired power plant. "   At least in PRC they don't bother with the "mulling" or the "urging" which saves a lot of time and fresh air.

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6 hours ago, Grubster said:

What a joke.

Not a joke !


Over the last 2 months 1000s of factories have been shut for environmental reasons. This is already influencing price on raw material. I have been told that china is looking to import raw material from Thailand to make cardboard boxes.

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9 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

A lot of flatulation perchance? I was watching Channel News Asia the banner on the bottom. It stated that China would become a world leader in fighting air pollution. Yeah sure. They are only just now bringing out the rolls of band aids to solve the problem. Its the same the world over when the peoples hue and cry reaches a certain pitch they listen. 

Yes! I agree! They may become the Worlds Leader in fighting air pollution but only because they have to. 


I look at Canada with a population of about 35 Million People that recently came out with a Clean Air Tax. So anything that creates air pollution you are taxed on now. So this adds a new tax on filling up your car with petro, as well as your Electric Bill. But it also increases the cost of food and many fruits and vegetables are hauled by trucks. And who knows now what else? 


Then you go to the other side of the world to China, which has a population of 1.35 Billion People,. They dump whatever they want up to this sky and so bad you can't see your own hand, and nobody says a word or even cares. What a Joke!



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2 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Yes! I agree! They may become the Worlds Leader in fighting air pollution but only because they have to. 


I look at Canada with a population of about 35 Million People that recently came out with a Clean Air Tax. So anything that creates air pollution you are taxed on now. So this adds a new tax on filling up your car with petro, as well as your Electric Bill. But it also increases the cost of food and many fruits and vegetables are hauled by trucks. And who knows now what else? 


Then you go to the other side of the world to China, which has a population of 1.35 Billion People,. They dump whatever they want up to this sky and so bad you can't see your own hand, and nobody says a word or even cares. What a Joke!



And they trade with each supposedly on even terms??. As you outlined its hardly a level playing field and the west has paid a  price with lost jobs. Western countries that are playing by the Marquis of Queensberry pollution rules while China makes up the rules as it goes alone. The whole thing panders to big business and they have no scruples or rules either. They are right at home in China killing the population for profit. 

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11 hours ago, harada said:

 It's no wonder they are trying to buy the world, who would want to live in this soup.:wacko:

They are past trying in a lot of countries. Even the largest windshield manufacturer a Chinese oligarch wants out of the country. He is eyeing the USA to even set up his world headquarters. Wages are up in China and down in the US and soon the twain shall meet. 

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4 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

And they trade with each supposedly on even terms??. As you outlined its hardly a level playing field and the west has paid a  price with lost jobs. Western countries that are playing by the Marquis of Queensberry pollution rules while China makes up the rules as it goes alone. The whole thing panders to big business and they have no scruples or rules either. They are right at home in China killing the population for profit. 

Excellent post and I agree with you 100%. 


On one side of the Globe you have high safety standards, high wages, and high cost of production due to many environmental rules. On the other side of the Globe you have no safety standards at all, beggar wages or child labor, and nobody who cares what some company dumps up into the sky, who are making everything from American Cars, to Running Shoes.


Then Fine some American Company Millions of Dollars for passing a brown envelope under the table, as in some countries it is the only way of doing business. Fine them only on the pretext this was "Unfair" business practices. Then shake your head and wonder why America is not competitive anymore.


I don't know what I think of Trump yet, but I sure hope he stops this practice from happening. In my book, if you want American Products you pay American Prices. BTW! I am not American!   

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16 hours ago, yankee99 said:

Not a joke !


Over the last 2 months 1000s of factories have been shut for environmental reasons. This is already influencing price on raw material. I have been told that china is looking to import raw material from Thailand to make cardboard boxes.

Thats no surprise China imports many of the worlds raw products and while they turn them into finished products they pollute their Air, and water to an extreme never seen on the planet before.

                     If they do clean up, the price will be massive and they will lose their cheap manufacturing status. I don't think this will work especially when the US and others are going to start to put tariffs on Chinese products to get some manufacturing back in their countries. I would guess the these 1000 or so factories closed is due to economics and nothing to do with the environment. Nice of them to say it is though.

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8 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Excellent post and I agree with you 100%. 


On one side of the Globe you have high safety standards, high wages, and high cost of production due to many environmental rules. On the other side of the Globe you have no safety standards at all, beggar wages or child labor, and nobody who cares what some company dumps up into the sky, who are making everything from American Cars, to Running Shoes.


Then Fine some American Company Millions of Dollars for passing a brown envelope under the table, as in some countries it is the only way of doing business. Fine them only on the pretext this was "Unfair" business practices. Then shake your head and wonder why America is not competitive anymore.


I don't know what I think of Trump yet, but I sure hope he stops this practice from happening. In my book, if you want American Products you pay American Prices. BTW! I am not American!   

The US has allowed foreign countries to dump their products there for many years. You can buy most foreign made cars in the US for less than you can if you live next door to the plant where they make them. Same companies many ex congressmen go to work for when they retire or get voted out. I too hope Trump goes after this hard.

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2 minutes ago, Grubster said:

The US has allowed foreign countries to dump their products there for many years. You can buy most foreign made cars in the US for less than you can if you live next door to the plant where they make them. Same companies many ex congressmen go to work for when they retire or get voted out. I too hope Trump goes after this hard.

To be honest I don't mind so much Japanese Cars being built in America with American Workers and Wages as this keeps America working again. What gets my Goat is Japanese Cars made in China under slave labor laws, no regard to safety or the environment, then dumping them in America at reduced prices. Forcing American Car Dealerships to do the same to be competitive. 


This kind of practice should have been outlawed years ago. Ross Perot brought this to Americas attention years ago also with all of his charts, but nobody listen to that Billionaire then. Hopefully they will now listen to this New Billionaire?

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Crack down on BBQs. Brilliant idea. If the police squad is chasing people making dinner, they can't be doing anything about the real polluters, while pretending to be "doing something".

If they really take thousands of "polluting vehicles" off the road, presumably there will be a transport crisis. Unintended consequences and all that.

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21 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Crack down on BBQs. Brilliant idea. If the police squad is chasing people making dinner, they can't be doing anything about the real polluters, while pretending to be "doing something".

If they really take thousands of "polluting vehicles" off the road, presumably there will be a transport crisis. Unintended consequences and all that.

Yeah! Could you imagine Thailand if they banned all outdoor cooking here? 


Good time to get the Misses to start that Old Food Cart she has been wanting to do.. 

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On 1/9/2017 at 11:22 PM, GOLDBUGGY said:

Yes! I agree! They may become the Worlds Leader in fighting air pollution but only because they have to. 


I look at Canada with a population of about 35 Million People that recently came out with a Clean Air Tax. So anything that creates air pollution you are taxed on now. So this adds a new tax on filling up your car with petro, as well as your Electric Bill. But it also increases the cost of food and many fruits and vegetables are hauled by trucks. And who knows now what else? 


Then you go to the other side of the world to China, which has a population of 1.35 Billion People,. They dump whatever they want up to this sky and so bad you can't see your own hand, and nobody says a word or even cares. What a Joke!



There's a concept in economics which you are clearly unfamiliar with: it's called the commons. Basically, things like the atmosphere are the common property of all. No one gets to own it.  Which makes for a problem. How do you stop certain parties from damaging it. By creating laws and imposing taxes, fines and even jail sentences where necessary. In addition what you seem to disregard are the expenses created by air pollution.  Lot of increased health spending, for one.

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38 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

There's a concept in economics which you are clearly unfamiliar with: it's called the commons. Basically, things like the atmosphere are the common property of all. No one gets to own it.  Which makes for a problem. How do you stop certain parties from damaging it. By creating laws and imposing taxes, fines and even jail sentences where necessary. In addition what you seem to disregard are the expenses created by air pollution.  Lot of increased health spending, for one.

How do you stop certain parties from damaging the air? 


I think the term governments use is called "Embargo". Stop supplying the coal they burn to supply electricity, and you have less air pollution. Stop supplying the Rubber to make Car Tires, and you have less air pollution. Stop supplying the Oil or Diesel Fuel for cars, and you have less smog. China cannot provide all these materials themselves so somebody is selling them to them.


I am not saying start a war with China. I am only saying get some real commitment on there part, if we all share this same sky. LNG can easily be imported and although far from perfect it is a much cleaner fuel than coal. It is just that coal is cheaper and why they use that instead.


I am not against Canada taken some action to reduce air pollution, even though they are far from anywhere close to being the worst offenders. Sitting on your hands does nothing either. But sitting at a huge round table almost by yourself and trying to change a world policy like this is just a Joke. One that may cost you the next election because of the stupidity of it all.    

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2 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

How do you stop certain parties from damaging the air? 


I think the term governments use is called "Embargo". Stop supplying the coal they burn to supply electricity, and you have less air pollution. Stop supplying the Rubber to make Car Tires, and you have less air pollution. Stop supplying the Oil or Diesel Fuel for cars, and you have less smog. China cannot provide all these materials themselves so somebody is selling them to them.


I am not saying start a war with China. I am only saying get some real commitment on there part, if we all share this same sky. LNG can easily be imported and although far from perfect it is a much cleaner fuel than coal. It is just that coal is cheaper and why they use that instead.


I am not against Canada taken some action to reduce air pollution, even though they are far from anywhere close to being the worst offenders. Sitting on your hands does nothing either. But sitting at a huge round table almost by yourself and trying to change a world policy like this is just a Joke. One that may cost you the next election because of the stupidity of it all.    

Does the Canadian government crackdown on anything polluting extend to selling oil produced from the tarsands? Theoretically, they should tax it till no one wants to buy any of it.

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1 minute ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Does the Canadian government crackdown on anything polluting extend to selling oil produced from the tarsands? Theoretically, they should tax it till no one wants to buy any of it.


Tarsand oil production is just the oil industry cleaning up natures greatest oil spill. :smile:

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9 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Does the Canadian government crackdown on anything polluting extend to selling oil produced from the tarsands? Theoretically, they should tax it till no one wants to buy any of it.

This may surprise you but the Tar Sand Companies have done plenty to clean up there act over the years. I know because I worked their.

One example is that a byproduct of Tar Sands is Coke, which is like coal. It burns like coal to. Since it is a byproduct it is free fuel, but is also a dirty fuel with high fly ash and high SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide Emissions, which causes Acid Rain).  


Since then they have installed traps to catch the fly ash (Precipitators) and chemically scrub and clean out the SO2, so now very little Sulfur Dioxide is put into the air. From this chemical cleaning they make Sulfur used in many industries, or make Sulfuric Acid. I have seen the sand from the Tar Sands returned to the mine. It is as clean as Beach Sand. They are closely monitored by the government and any violation brings an immediate fine.


No, it is not perfect. Far from it. But at least it is something.


To be honest I don't know how this new tax applies to companies like that, as everyone is taxed at the pump. No point taxing Canadian too much for all this oil as a lot ends up going to the States, and their sky is not to far from ours. But until they invent bicycles that you can drive in -40 C in a Canadian Winter, and through 1 meter of snow, the car will be around for a long while their.  

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