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Trump hits back at Meryl Streep, calls actress 'overrated'


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Just now, Redline said:

If you had a disabled kid, would you say that?  He didn't really win anyway.

Yes he did, he may have got beaten by 2,800,000 in California and New York, but he won by more than 3,000, 000 votes in other parts of America.

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As always the Trumpsters rally round their boy and in true Trump style, attempt to ridicule the "offender".  So much for balanced responses.


Trump thrives on confrontation and that is what the USA can expect from now on.  It is destructive and immature but that seems to reflect the character of many of his supporters, hence their dogged allegiance.

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5 hours ago, guzzi850m2 said:

Meryl Streep is tuning into an old winching bitch and her films the last years is nothing worth writing about.


I used to be a fan of her but not anymore, not so much because of her outburst against D.T. (He is not even in office yet, so give him a chance) but her below average performance in doubtful b-movies.  


How much does she earn on a film? 10-15 mill $ or something like that, so why can't she just go lay on the beach somewhere and shut up.


You sound bored and jaded.  She won't mind if you don't watch, or listen, or read about her.  Look up up how much she makes yourself on the internet.  I believe your using it now!?

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18 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

She is great actress, but I could care less about her political opinions and that goes for most celebrities. Their naivette usually makes me think less of them. 


I agree. My opinion on many celebrities has plummeted.  


It's surprising that they are too naive to realize that making political attacks against the (winning) party they did not support reduces their audience and fame by a huge margin.

Edited by tropo
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5 hours ago, Thakkar said:

Tweet by Gary Kasparov:


Garry Kasparov (‪@Kasparov63‬)

10/1/17, 04:34

Trump has criticized:

Republicans, Democrats, the Pope, US elections, CIA, FBI, NATO, Meryl Streep.

Trump hasn't criticized:

Vladimir Putin.


Ego, and man love

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4 hours ago, LannaGuy said:


yup really intelligent post


'Bring back the good old Cold War days'


There are many in the World who are not so stupid and Putin has actually done much good in the Middle East where Obama did nothing. He's no Angel but Trump is right... better to be friends than enemies and I am NOT a Trump supporter and loathe many of his policies (particularly not letting woman have the right to choose) BUT to paint him as some sort of traitor is utter nonsense.


He's not a traitor, but he is anti American

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I've noticed in my lifetime of watching many movies, that actors ( and actresses ) that get loads of awards do not necessarily make good movies. Most people don't go to many movies, so they are fooled by the glitz into going to mediocre films, which is the whole point of the award system, which is very incestuous.

Some of the best films have been made by actors that will never receive an award.


she has proven herself for the past 30 years.

30 years ago she probably was a great actress, but I can't think of a single one in the last 10 years that was much good.

Perhaps she needs to grow up and stop having hissy fits at inappropriate times.


You people who keeping making comments about Meryl Streep's each and every movie not perfectly pleasing you, thereby attempting to denigrate her ...DO REALIZE don't you, that not only the actor is responsible for the ENTIRE MOVIE???


Also attacking her maturity and attempting to call her very poised and elegant speech,  "a hissy fit" only highlights a person's own insecurities and poor self-image ... people like this build themselves up by tearing others down.  A Trump trait, something commonly found in Trump supporters as we can see in this thread.


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10 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

Get up, accept the award,  make a pointless speech and thank everyone under the sun including your parents, dog, god, landscaper is how it's done.


Just more noise from the leftie snowflakes, hope it has a negative impact on her career.


The real "snowflake" here is Trump, as thin-skinned and immature as they come, can't accept criticism from anyone.  And in this case, Streep never once even uttered his name.  Sensitive, much?

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21 minutes ago, uptheos said:

Yes he did, he may have got beaten by 2,800,000 in California and New York, but he won by more than 3,000, 000 votes in other parts of America.


What?!  That makes no sense at all that you would try to remove California and New York from the argument...12% of the population of the US lives in California alone.  Deal with it.

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Probably not. He did just win a presidential race that pretty much everyone said was unwinnable.


Ummmmm, did you read the news?  Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million, and the Russian government infuenced the election.

Well, it's probably just a conspiracy masterminded by the all powerful Hillary, and her worldwide network of influencers.  Nevermind

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Well, IMO he's not wrong about Streep being overrated. I haven't liked any of her films in a very long time.

There is a place for everything and an award ceremony isn't the place to be attacking Trump. It's supposed to be about achievement.

Too many snowflakes around now, constantly moaning about something they can't change.


Really, it's up to her what she says and when.  She doesn't have the need to talk about her acheivements like Donny.  You don't like snowflakes, so you want everyone to be the same?  It's not going to happen.  We are not all sheep

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6 minutes ago, uptheos said:

So,what's the agenda of these left wing progressives?

If they're so passionate about how they feel, give up the glamour life and go into politics and fight people they hate, like President Donald J Trump. None of them not one, would do what Trump is doing, he's got enough money. that empty speeches from old ladies isn't going to bother him and now he's also got the ultimate power. :smile: Anyone on the left willing to take a chance? Come on George you're a good looking guy, how about you Meryl, more Americans would believe you than believe that lying little witch and hey if its a real clown you'd like to run for you then look no further that second rate slob Alec Baldwin.

When are you cry babies going to accept YOU LOST, must hurt calling lying Hillary 'Madame President' a year before the election. Its Donald J for the next 4 years, middle America will get its strength back, so that will be 8 years and who knows what Trump might be in power after that?


I think your post is the type of behavior that Meryl Streep was talking about in general. Nice job of proving the point.

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Just now, Redline said:

Ummmmm, did you read the news?  Trump lost the popular vote by 3 million, and the Russian government infuenced the election.

Well, it's probably just a conspiracy masterminded by the all powerful Hillary, and her worldwide network of influencers.  Nevermind

What news? New YorK Times,Washington Post. Huffington Rag?

Julian Assange might have influenced the election bless him

But I think millions of missing emails and a nobody John Podesta helped'

She sold her soul to the devil.......hmm how do you sell your soul to yourself?

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I've noticed in my lifetime of watching many movies, that actors ( and actresses ) that get loads of awards do not necessarily make good movies. Most people don't go to many movies, so they are fooled by the glitz into going to mediocre films, which is the whole point of the award system, which is very incestuous.

Some of the best films have been made by actors that will never receive an award.


she has proven herself for the past 30 years.

30 years ago she probably was a great actress, but I can't think of a single one in the last 10 years that was much good.

Perhaps she needs to grow up and stop having hissy fits at inappropriate times.


She is an artist, and there is no need to like her.  She has nothing to prove.  But, she can say anything anywhere she wants.  Period

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8 minutes ago, uptheos said:

So,what's the agenda of these left wing progressives?

If they're so passionate about how they feel, give up the glamour life and go into politics and fight people they hate, like President Donald J Trump. None of them not one, would do what Trump is doing, he's got enough money. that empty speeches from old ladies isn't going to bother him and now he's also got the ultimate power. :smile: Anyone on the left willing to take a chance? Come on George you're a good looking guy, how about you Meryl, more Americans would believe you than believe that lying little witch and hey if its a real clown you'd like to run for you then look no further that second rate slob Alec Baldwin.

When are you cry babies going to accept YOU LOST, must hurt calling lying Hillary 'Madame President' a year before the election. Its Donald J for the next 4 years, middle America will get its strength back, so that will be 8 years and who knows what Trump might be in power after that?

Plus it can be pointed out all these Hollywood Progressives who stated they would flee the country if Trump was elected have remained secured in the USA

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3 hours ago, mike324 said:



I agree, there are many good films made by actors that will never receive an award. There are many times were actors are nominated for movies that are crappy, which goes to show critics are rating her acting not based on how popular a mainstream movie is. Which I think is a good representation of some of the awards she has received.


When people attack Trump, they are throwing a hissy fit? what is the president to be on the USA doing on twitter every week? lol hypocrites


Based on your hissy fit statement, you and Ulyssess G has been throwing quite a few fits against Obama too! lol



An actor and a president have very different jobs and resposibilities.  At least she was articulate and intelligent in her speech.  She didn't call anyone names, and I don't believe she used Trump's name.  She make her point, and Donny wrote: "She is a Hillary flunky who lost big."  Who is the flunky?

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15 minutes ago, Redline said:

He has an array of mental problems


He has Narcissist Personality Disorder ...it is real and he is not fit for office.


People like this are very destructive parents and spouses ...and to everyone they touch.


I have parent's with NPD and what Trump will do is something I can predict in my sleep.



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45 minutes ago, JackThompson said:


By "pro-white" you mean not "anti-white" enough - right?  Groups with a race-based ideology akin to the KKK, even when directed against whites, do not meet my "MLK Test" of judging individuals by their character.


As to the absurd theory (aka "Fake News") that he was "mocking a disabled reporter" - you would need to believe Trump researched the reporter in question, discovered he was disabled, and decided to "mock" his disability in a public speech.  Does that really seem likely?  You would also need to disregard the fact that he used the same "flustered" routine to describe several other people (who are not disabled), going back to 2005, at least.  The evidence of this is here:





Trump has not disparaged minorities, gays or legal immigrants - more lies told by those who oppose the US Govt looking after the interests of ordinary Americans, for a change. 


"Focus on more important things," boils down to, "Don't respond to lies, and let millions of people believe a false narrative, as a result.  Do not expose the lies that Hollywood disseminates and reveal truth to people." 


And by all means, don't do an end-run around the Transnational-owned US Media by speaking directly to the people with Twitter - that really makes Elites angry.  They spent a lot of money buying up the Media (tv, radio, magazines, newspapers, books, and music), and concentrating ownership of those into 6 entities, to create a unified propaganda front for the promotion of pro-Globalist, anti-American policies.


The problem for the hide-bound ideologues acting as apologist for their muck-covered idol is that most of us have seen the incident where donald mocked the disabled person and most of us have seen it multiple times. It is plainly offensive to those of us who have seen the incident to have some self appointed representative of the 'common man' insult our intelligence with the feeble-minded, appalling and misleading attempts to offer 'explanations'.


It is quite surreal to look at these weak splutterings after watching the news and seeing such stupidly unrealistic talking points parroted and bruited around as gospel. Links to Anne Coulter's nest of nastiness. YouTube links of hand gestures in 2005. And the glorious irony of those peddling fake news lecturing us not to be deceived by fake news.


American nativists have certainly found their hero in donald. A gutless bully. Streep said that disrespect breeds disrespect. Was she wrong? With every tweet, with every insult against citizens whom he is meant to be representing, with every childish, thoughtless and selfish rant he diminishes America and Americans. We see how small the nativist, nihilistic has beens really are.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Another "legend super star in her own mind" speaking for the UK. Well, know, actually she doesn't. She's a private citizen expressing her opinion.


But like all left liberal luvvy PC's she wants to spend your money and inconvenience you, but not her. No siree. She's doing very nicely,  and won't be troubled in the slightest.


Clown Geldorf started this, along with the likes of Sting (Geordie red) and Bono. Pop "stars" wondering what to do next now their loaded but not so popular. Craving the media and still hungry for adulation.


Are you saying she stole our money, and is using it against us?  Well, that's not good, I'm going to write to her now.  You seem a bit jealous of clowns?

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

My criticism is based on the venue she chose to attack Trump, not the attack per se, but I also support Trump when he says she is overrated. Her best days are long past, IMO.


She is going to be devistated when she finds this out

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Totally agree mate. What is it with over paid entertainers - actors, actresses, sports people, that makes them think their political opinions should be heard and appreciated by the rest of us, who finance their wealth one way or another?


Acting, kicking or throwing a ball around fine. Political opinion - who cares what they think.


Simple, give away your TV

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


As many others have.


And we don't know how Meryl will end up yet - probably a political whore by the look of it. UN Ambassador role next like lots of other luvvies? 


Smells of Trump regurgitated

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3 hours ago, nottocus said:

Ummm...u better talk to the anti-Trump and pro-Hilary supporters first about not hurting people.


Oh...and I'm still waiting for that earlier poster to explain to me how T is a misogynist.




Don't wait for anyone, move on with your life.  FYI Hillary is gone, and the rigged election is over.  Trump lost, that's why he is illegitimate, and upset

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