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How our lives fell apart after foreign son-in-law died


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8 minutes ago, The man from udon said:

wife says don't worry mum we can borrow a million to keep up the life style and I'll pop off to the ponds of Pattaya- Phuket and go fishing for another big one but when she gets there she finds out the ponds have dried up.


But they havent.. You see the same old beaters turning up (ok I am thinking in hua hin ;)) on the same old merry go round of n00b expats.. I am often baffled by how they have any chance but they do. I guess they know to seek out guys with lower self esteem or something, guys who reckon getting a young fast model fresh out the showroom too much challenge. 


hell a neighbour of mine has married honestly one of the ugliest, lowest class, disgusting examples of looks possible, whose a lesbian who constantly is out in karaokes with the local brass, on his dime.. Drunk every day, coming and going entirely as she feel fit.. Built a 140 sqm bungalow at a cost of over 10 million because her family is a builder.. How does this happen ?? 

Edited by LivinLOS
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6 hours ago, ukrules said:

Almost unbelievable, her daughter was obviously a fool, wasted all the money she had and by the looks of it lived beyond her means well after her source of income passed away.


Why this woman is even looking into the legality of being thrown out is beyond me. What did she bring to the table ?



I think it is more like a case where the Husband didn't make provisions for his wife in the event of his death. We all live forever, right?


Yes! I agree this should never had happened. The guy obviously has money to buy those things in the first place. It is probably all tied up in stocks and bonds in some far away bank, with her having no knowledge of where they are or how much. No Life Insurance either, by the looks of things. 

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10 minutes ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

I think it is more like a case where the Husband didn't make provisions for his wife in the event of his death. We all live forever, right?


Yes! I agree this should never had happened. The guy obviously has money to buy those things in the first place. It is probably all tied up in stocks and bonds in some far away bank, with her having no knowledge of where they are or how much. No Life Insurance either, by the looks of things. 



Seen this too.. Nice couple who lived over from me on Phuket, elderly but fit and strong old german guy, with a nice long term wife probably 20 years his jnr (not a mega age gap). Married years, genuine couple, etc etc..


German guys kids never visited, never on the scene.. He dies, all his assets offshore, kids grab the lot, apparently a decent lump multi 100k euros, give the wife nothing, not even a token few 1000 and she doesnt even have money to pay the rent on his rental house next month. 


How fair is that ?? No wonder its grab what you can. 

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For every story of a farang getting screwed over by a Thai woman- I know of one in which a foreigner has screwed around; messed over their Thai wife/family and never provided for them. It is not only Thailand that is awash with broken marriages but the World.  In America the divorce rate is 50%.

Thailand has its own special problems in that there is a basic communication problem and foreigners do not take the time to understand the culture and what they are getting into. Thailand is not for everyone and you can see that from the responses on this board. Many people have had very bad experiences with women in Thailand including myself. However, I don't blame all Thai women or the culture or some other extraneous force. There is definitely a danger in marrying a bar girl because their personality has been warped over the years by degradation and seeing foreigners at their worst- usually drunk and mongering.

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6 hours ago, ukrules said:

Almost unbelievable, her daughter was obviously a fool, wasted all the money she had and by the looks of it lived beyond her means well after her source of income passed away.


Why this woman is even looking into the legality of being thrown out is beyond me. What did she bring to the table ?



Her daughter?

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1 hour ago, Canceraid said:

STOP THAI BASHING!!!!! Enough is enough. It is the bloody foreigners who came here and spoilt the thais and thai culture! Rejected farangs and other misfits from other countries that had perverted tendencies and who could not find mates in their own countries that came here and started this trend of "buying" the locals. To this day it has evolved to become such a norm....we have even office workers who freelance and go for "short trips" to Singapore, Malaysia, etc and some end up having like rejects for example from Singapore, we have the "Ah Bengs" or chinese educated Singaporeans of a lower economic strata, but because of the currency exchange and lower costso f living in Thailand, many are keeping "Thai Girlfirends" or "Wives". Whose fault is it.....the thais were ingrained by the behaviour of the foreigners for many decades, which all were initially started by the farangs and then followed by the other foreigners.

I understand your position but nobody forces these Thais to, essentially, prostitute themselves for money or a "better" life, do they?

Edited by saminoz
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Just tell your daughter to find another Farang sucker,and you

will be back on the gravy train,I imagine you held your nose high

and looked down on your neighbours,your daughter having a

Farang ATM machine,they will all be laughing at you now, and

what do you expect the Government to do for you.

regards worgeordie

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6 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:



Seen this too.. Nice couple who lived over from me on Phuket, elderly but fit and strong old german guy, with a nice long term wife probably 20 years his jnr (not a mega age gap). Married years, genuine couple, etc etc..


German guys kids never visited, never on the scene.. He dies, all his assets offshore, kids grab the lot, apparently a decent lump multi 100k euros, give the wife nothing, not even a token few 1000 and she doesnt even have money to pay the rent on his rental house next month. 


How fair is that ?? No wonder its grab what you can. 


I know a girl here who was persuaded after her English husband's fatal heart attack to sign a PoA executor's rights to the guy's brother on the PROMISE that he would give her the proceeds to pay of her husband's mortgage when everything was sorted.


She got nothing and has spent two years paying off the mortgage.  Scum are Scum wherever they are.  Caveat Emptor 

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This article says all we need to know about the expectations of not only the Thai wife of a deceased farang but also the mother-in-law and often other members of the Thai family also.  Sit back and utilise the ATM on legs as long as he is alive and earning and then moan like stink when the ATM closes, even when it is due to the death of the owner of the ATM pin number.


In this case, there may have been a lack of planning by the farang for his wife in the event of his death, but of course we do not know whether he had already been bled dry and unable to afford the additional expense.  At face value at least, the wife does have the house to sell which will give her a fortune most Thai women could only dream about, providing of course that it was not mortgaged to the hilt.  


In any event,  if anyone feels thay have not been treated fairly, it should not be the mother-in-law but the wife.  In other societies, the MIL would have no reason to complain.

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The problem are not the girls and the families. The problem are the old fellas who come here and marry the young Thai chicks and totally spoil them include their families. Uneducated Thais are like children. They need someone who guide them not just throw money at them and think that their brains grow bigger because they have more gold chains and the biggest house in the thai village.

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3 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

This article says all we need to know about the expectations of not only the Thai wife of a deceased farang but also the mother-in-law and often other members of the Thai family also.  Sit back and utilise the ATM on legs as long as he is alive and earning and then moan like stink when the ATM closes, even when it is due to the death of the owner of the ATM pin number.


Meh.. I think thats just more cultural gap.. 


I support my western mum, at one time it was a couple of grand a month (gone down now her pensions kicked in) and so be it, shes my mum.. There have been times I have kicked into wifes family, some as loans (paid as they said it would) but to her mum a gift.. I am bearing in mind as shes aging I will probably have to find a care solution to that, annex house in the garden down the line, something like that.. 


When I arrive at thier houses the best chair is pulled out for me.. The fan pointed at me.. I am fussed over and fed, my glass refilled before its empty.. And generally treated with the highest kind of care for my comfort you could expect. By christ would they give my wife a bollicking if I wasnt fed first, with the choice bits, or given proper wifely duty / respect.. Hell when I had a mia noi for a couple of years, the family said it was her fault, she obviously wasnt taking proper care. 


Yes I provide sometimes... Yes they appear to respect that.. If thats being an ATM on legs then its a deal I can live with..  

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Grow up. You assume to much.

Things can go suddenly go bad easily.

Not everyone has a 'easy life", and grows old happily.

Myself for example, altough I worked for over 40 years and have a U.S. pension from that work now.

I lost my Vietnamese wife and my adopted Vietnamese daughter in April 1975 in Saigon to the communists.

They never got out of Saigon, and I have not been able to locate them since April 1975.

If my wife is still alive she would be 69 years old now, and my daughter would be 42 this year.


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6 minutes ago, SoFarAndNear said:

The problem are not the girls and the families. The problem are the old fellas who come here and marry the young Thai chicks and totally spoil them include their families. Uneducated Thais are like children. They need someone who guide them not just throw money at them and think that their brains grow bigger because they have more gold chains and the biggest house in the thai village.



Tough task tho.. A whole society which instills class structure from birth.. Hard to make them see potential if you dont get them out of here for long periods. 

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In the article it does seem to say that the daughter sold the house in 2014 and that the agency to which she sold it came to collect the house and the belongings in 2015. Seems to me that this is an internal family issue...

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Just now, JoeW said:

In the article it does seem to say that the daughter sold the house in 2014 and that the agency to which she sold it came to collect the house and the belongings in 2015. Seems to me that this is an internal family issue...


Yeah seems mums gripe is with the daughter, not the company.. 

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My bet, The wife thought she could borrow money to live on until the house sold. Got involved with one of the thousands of people that loan money in order to be able to legally take over the house. They meet at the Land Office. Legally arrange a loan with the house as collateral.  The land office notes this on the Chanute. Now it's near impossible to sell said house. Time of loan expires.  It's all over. Whatever amount the loan is for is what you end up getting for the house. I would guess about a million baht.

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15 minutes ago, flyingdoc said:

Masses of speculation !  Any facts?




Would appear daughter overseas borrowed against it.. Mother doesnt want to leave.. Feels people should just wai her because shes old and has been living in the big house and pesky 'capitalists' should leave her be.. Why is it her fault if they lent money on it.. 


The text describes a far grnader dwelling than the images though.. 3 story, 15m pool and a  questionably large sqm footprint. EDIIT I am wrong.. 3 ngaan... single story, baan chan diow.. 


The contention would seem to be the way it was done, gang of heavies turn up, turf out momma, take furniture jewelry watches gold etc.. There doesnt seem much dispute, daughter got 4.5 mil.. Daughter just didnt tell Mumsie is the way it reads... Emphasis on on a gang of heavies emptying it of valuables. 


Guess no ones going through the courts on this, which is probably the reason its newsworthy. The fast grab for whats there. 

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A few points....


1.  Of course I can get an attractive significant other in my home country, and have over and over

2.  Traveling to see the world is not a bad thing

3.  On the internet, you will first be judged by criminal offenses, then money, and everything else means nothing.  I don't care if you save 100000 people a day, are you rich?

4.  Justifying your existence in Thailand to strangers on the internet is not normal

5.  Even if you have everything, can you speak fluent Thai?  Yes?  But were you born here?  Oh, no, well then nobody cares

6.  50% of posts you think are trolling, are trolling.  but usually it's  a kind-hearted troll

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Could be that the Farlang used his Thai wife`s name to secure a loan for the buying of the house, while he actually made the payments, Farlang dies, payments stop being made, wife has no choice and has to sell not able to maintain the payments, cannot find a buyer quick enough, house becomes repossessed. Seen this happen many times.


Advice for Thai women seeking an old Farlang to maintain them and their families in a middle to upper class lifestyle; ensure that the Farlang is in reasonable health and has a good chance of lasting for at least 15 to 20 years during the marriage, he pays everything upfront, no loans or payments by installments, ensure he has a good bank balance to support her until she finds another old Farlang husband or boyfriend to continue on her financial support after the deceased husband has gone.





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7 hours ago, ukrules said:

Almost unbelievable, her daughter was obviously a fool, wasted all the money she had and by the looks of it lived beyond her means well after her source of income passed away.


Why this woman is even looking into the legality of being thrown out is beyond me. What did she bring to the table ?




Let me guess...the daughter carries the latest iPhone and drives a Honda Jazz.

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Actually under thai law a parent inherits a portion of the property....50% in this case

  1. descendants
  2. parents
  3. brothers and sisters of full blood
  4. brothers and sisters of half blood
  5. grandparents
  6. uncles and aunts
  7. The surviving spouse is a statutory heir, subject to the special provisions of Section 1635 Civil and Commercial Code.
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