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How our lives fell apart after foreign son-in-law died


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Some people are just not good at managing money. Often its those that find sudden unearned wealth.  It doesn't necessarily mean that they are greedy or deserve punishment for being foolish with their finances. I have adjudicated many civil cases in court where individuals have lost their homes because they didn't plan ahead or ignored property taxes.  It's sad to see anyone fail, even when it's by their own lack of responsibility.

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8 hours ago, ukrules said:

Almost unbelievable, her daughter was obviously a fool, wasted all the money she had and by the looks of it lived beyond her means well after her source of income passed away.


Why this woman is even looking into the legality of being thrown out is beyond me. What did she bring to the table ?



This is an alert for those arrogant Thai women who got  married with farang or have farang boyfriend.

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8 hours ago, ukrules said:

What did she bring to the table ?

Thai culture. Its great to have big dreams in life and try to live them but in the end living beyond your means can come back and bite you. The idea that the breadwinner might die was never considered. Death is always part of life's equation. 

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i have "lady friends" who have idiots sending them 20/30,000 baht a month, thinking they are their girlfriend . yeah right. one was getting 40,000 from an off shore oil worker.good for them i say. and yes, still in the bar.

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19 minutes ago, mercman24 said:

i have "lady friends" who have idiots sending them 20/30,000 baht a month, thinking they are their girlfriend . yeah right. one was getting 40,000 from an off shore oil worker.good for them i say. and yes, still in the bar.

Its almost like a cottage industry here. I know of one case in the family. The sendee gets to sample what he is paying for once a year for a couple months. 

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I do not blame the girls at all- if a person wishes to give away their money like this- that is their desire. The internet; books and other media is full of stories to educate foreigners about the practices of ladies working in the entertainment industry.  I could write a book about the stupidity of foreigners who become involved with Thai women. The interesting thing is that when this happens- the clues to it happening are right in front of them and they refuse to believe it.

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1 hour ago, flyingdoc said:

Masses of speculation !  Any facts?

Yes..... All guessing..............

Have some compassion instead what 90% of these post 'spout out without much thought'........ ie_ thoughtless...............

I had a friend die similar to this and before his death he ran up so many hospital bills which the 'Thai Spouse' was responsible for.... His wife lost the home he had bought and put in her name, and she was 'WRONG' in NO way........ but she did care for him until his last breath.........

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No surprises...the Land department makes the foreigner sign paperwork stating that the property is paid for by the Thai (wife)....so the falang cannot make a claim on it if the spit hits the fan. It's all BS....I bet this place was mortgaged to the hilt, with payments exceeding 25K a month. Let the wife pay for it; that's what is stated in the paperwork. 

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There's only one way you can make a relationship with a Thai woman work... Make it abundantly clear from the outset that she's not going to take a penny of your money, and make sure she has a job paying above the average Thai salary. Otherwise, the financial demands will always increase. Plus, NEVER send any money, or give loans, to any of her relatives. If you're with a woman you met in a bar who would sell anything for money, even her own body daily, then you've only got yourself to blame when she ends up cleaning you out!!!

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...it seems like they got a lot out of him...???


....not enough....???


...no mention of any of his other family members...???


...or how he died....???


...or anything....???


...sounds singularly selfish....???


...and they want what...???





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1 hour ago, mercman24 said:

i have "lady friends" who have idiots sending them 20/30,000 baht a month, thinking they are their girlfriend . yeah right. one was getting 40,000 from an off shore oil worker.good for them i say. and yes, still in the bar.

Talk about striking oil wow these ladies did not even have to drill for it. 

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31 minutes ago, kotsak said:

The mantra here is "Keep getting while the getting is good"..

Gave you a double like. Your right on both points. Even though the males are the sought after sex in Thailand a beautiful girl is a better investment by far. I see it in my immediate family of 3 girls and 1 son. The boy and his g/f are busting their butts in Korea and the 3 daughters have sugar daddies. 

Edited by elgordo38
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5 hours ago, Thaidream said:

A man has passed away and there is absolutely no sympathy shown to the deceased or his family. You truly are a sad lot- filled with hate and obviously a strong dislike of Thailand and its customs. And the interesting thing is that most of you know nothing about the country; the lives and mores of the people and their customs. You base all of your opinions on what you see from and about the bar crowd. Why do you stay here if you so dislike the people and the country?

None of you know anything about this family - the deceased or his family. From the sounds of the article it appears to me that very agresive collectors have possibly broken Thai law and the grandmother is seeking redress. If this is the case- I salute her as she is stepping forward to right a possible wrong.

Some of you people need to get a real attitude adjustment and I am not talking about the kind you get from the government. 


you said it all mate! :thumbsup::clap2::thumbsup:

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6 hours ago, chainarong said:

I know a guy that built a beautiful OZ federation house, the wife died , next day after the funeral the son came down kicked him out , next of Thai kin, he now resides and works in HK and has a residency for life and has re-married, he gets rather upset when anyone mentions Thailand. 



Goes to prove..." You can't cure stupid". 

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5 hours ago, Thaidream said:

A man has passed away and there is absolutely no sympathy shown to the deceased or his family. You truly are a sad lot- filled with hate and obviously a strong dislike of Thailand and its customs. And the interesting thing is that most of you know nothing about the country; the lives and mores of the people and their customs. You base all of your opinions on what you see from and about the bar crowd. Why do you stay here if you so dislike the people and the country?

None of you know anything about this family - the deceased or his family. From the sounds of the article it appears to me that very agresive collectors have possibly broken Thai law and the grandmother is seeking redress. If this is the case- I salute her as she is stepping forward to right a possible wrong.

Some of you people need to get a real attitude adjustment and I am not talking about the kind you get from the government. 


Bang on the mark


And to add, what is it with posters here insinuating that all Thais think and act the same, like they are some kind of hive mind. There is a name for that where I come from, it is called racist bs... and yeah before you get all stupid and tell us that some Thais think all farrangs are the same, we know, they are saying racist bs too...

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6 hours ago, Canceraid said:

STOP THAI BASHING!!!!! Enough is enough. It is the bloody foreigners who came here and spoilt the thais and thai culture! Rejected farangs and other misfits from other countries that had perverted tendencies and who could not find mates in their own countries that came here and started this trend of "buying" the locals. To this day it has evolved to become such a norm....we have even office workers who freelance and go for "short trips" to Singapore, Malaysia, etc and some end up having like rejects for example from Singapore, we have the "Ah Bengs" or chinese educated Singaporeans of a lower economic strata, but because of the currency exchange and lower costso f living in Thailand, many are keeping "Thai Girlfirends" or "Wives". Whose fault is it.....the thais were ingrained by the behaviour of the foreigners for many decades, which all were initially started by the farangs and then followed by the other foreigners.



I believe The Thais are equally to blame

for selling their daughters (sin son) to

the foreigners.  Money, any way you can

get it.

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2 hours ago, Thainess said:

There's only one way you can make a relationship with a Thai woman work... Make it abundantly clear from the outset that she's not going to take a penny of your money, and make sure she has a job paying above the average Thai salary. Otherwise, the financial demands will always increase. Plus, NEVER send any money, or give loans, to any of her relatives. If you're with a woman you met in a bar who would sell anything for money, even her own body daily, then you've only got yourself to blame when she ends up cleaning you out!!!

Yes , yes , yes how true are your words good to read from a smart man like you most are suck in by you know what here in thailand.

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I believe The Thais are equally to blame
for selling their daughters (sin son) to
the foreigners.  Money, any way you can
get it.

But that also happens between Thai's so is, therefor irrelevant

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Just now, PremiumLane said:


Bang on the mark


And to add, what is it with posters here insinuating that all Thais think and act the same, like they are some kind of hive mind. There is a name for that where I come from, it is called racist bs... and yeah before you get all stupid and tell us that some Thais think all farrangs are the same, we know, they are saying racist bs too...


i wouldn't call it racist but the postings in this thread are an excellent basis to extrapolate the general frustration and the narrow minded thinking combined with "schadenfreude" as well as "shared misery is half misery" of the common Farang expat in Thailand. :saai:

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