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Do they have the same meaning? Are they same?

Once in a while I hear people making statements such as "the Thais are very superstitious people"...

Is there anyone here who thinks the same? If yes, what do you think of people who are Catholics, Christians, Muslims or whatsoever.......

It seems to me if people believe in farang Gods, they are religious.

If they believe in Asian Gods, they are superstitious.

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Hi meemiathai,

Yes, Thai's are sort of superstituous. Sometimes to their own disadvantage. I cite you an example of a Bangkok baht bus driver who fired an employee for doing a good deed, can't remember the exact facts, but whatever the employee did the driver didn't care and morality faded for me in this example. What a mentality?

Yes, the sacked employee was looking out for the public. The incident was about a year ago and I found the whole episode unsettling. No one can seem to do good in the country without upsetting one another. Just my observation of course....

Examining religion I care not thank you. Everyone has their point of view and no one care's to agree on facts unless it is dismissive or negative in nature. Take the topic of Muslims, it usually comes down to bashing Muslim's on no moral grounds.

My point of concern is actions are judged to be immoral or distasteful when they are sidelined against other cultures. Thankfully basics are basics and we can all draw the line at terrorism, correct?

Who really believes America is the center of Christianty? Not me and just my observation of course....

Meemiathai, i'm an athiast and on the whole don't believe in deities but see Buddha as temple for learning, a tool if you like. That can only be good, right?

Some foreigner's, not all, are more religious when they are in times of trouble, anyone? You will definetely find when there are rules to be followed in religion they are usually the ones that are predominantly perpetuated. This is definite I believe?

Religion is probably the curse of our times. Don't you find that to be true....

(Watch the negative comments mount) Thaimee.


My interpretation would be that religion is an organised system of beliefs, in most cases based on the idea of a supreme being in one form or another. Superstition is belief in events, or circumstances..such as that certain numbers are lucky or unlucky, or that our destinies are influenced by our birthdates, or by the position of the stars and planets. As an active Christian who has lived for many years in Hong Kong and Thailand, and also in Tonga, I would say that the Christian church has been prejudiced against the possibility that non-Christian people might have had a yearning or even a revelation of God, in some way. It is interesting to note that the Catholic Church allows Chinese Catholics to show respect for their ancestors whilst retaining their communion in the Church...some Christians might say that this is unacceptable, but I happen to think that the Catholic Church has it right here. Some Christians accept that all traditions and customs are valid in terms of our yearning to understand life and creation and so on. One thing is for certain, God by whatever name we use, is far greater than our human intelligence can understand!!


Thaimee, I believe that relion is the root to all the evil in world, the only non violent faith I have come across is the Bhudists, I was born and raised a Christian, but now my faith is the gentle lifestyle of the Bhudists.


one must distinguish between ritual and religion/faith/superstition. The cycle of birth, marriage, death is usually commemorated in some way by folks all over the world and should be respected wherever one happens to live. The other bits are personal and are usually held as such by most folks except for evangelical Christians, Mormons and Jehovahs Witnesses that insist upon protelysizing. Never seen no muslims ever try and convert me to Islam after some years living in the Middle East.


Tutsi, then you have been lucky, I spend 30 years in Muslim countries around the Middle East, and in the end lost my job as an Airline Pilot because I refused to convert to Islam


Sontaya...do you reckon that the insistance that you convert to Islam was company policy or BS perpetrated by a supervisor to have you removed in favor of one of his friends? I have heard of that sort of arrangement before. It's rather distastefully described as the Omanization of the industry...nothing to do with religion...


I know a few non-muslim pilots that work for Saudi Airlines, Emirates, Qatar and Gulf Air.

I tend to agree with Tuts, I would think that there was more to the decision than just your religion.


Superstition has a lot to do with believing in nature and things being animated by ghosts or supernatural forces that cause things to happen. So in the west the believe a black cat crossing your path bringing misfortune, or number 13 being unlucky. Believing in God and Jesus, or Allah and Mohammad classify as religion.

Superstition is much ridiculed by Christianity and scientific education, so many westerners will say they do not believe in ghosts, and at the same time be afraid of them.


I am superstitious to a degree. I always pick up coins no matter how small; it is good luck. I won't walk under ladders; bad luck. I don't believe in breaking things up that are in threes. The odd black cat crossing in the street in front of me won't

turn me back home, but it will make me more alert to possible oncoming danger.


Religion seems to be a thing nowadays used by poorer counties( people at least)

as a means of reassurance,sense of belonging,well being.

look at china,indonesia,india all have large amounts of poor people and religion in these countries is still very strong,

look at england,america,australia.

a dwindling religious following.heard on the news today that the church in england is finding it hard to enrole priests(maybe their tighter checks on phedaphiles)

anyway,westerners find more security from cares,tv, playstations etc.

only in times of trouble do we look to God to help us.

relating to Thailand....well its still a very religious country,but look at the modern youths and you will see it leaving thai society.


I have enormous respect for Buddhism, and the character of Thai people.

However, the one thing I have forbidden my mother in law to discuss with my children is ghosts. It has no other effect than to perpetuate superstition in this country.

I have read many books on buddhism and nowhere does it talk of the spirit that has no home. This is an anathema to Thai buddhism, and whilst makes for interesting fun for the grand parents to see the little kids pull a face at the word "pee-lork", it is nothing more than the bogey man and I will not allow it.



Thai Buddhists are extremely supertitious of Kuman Tong. Some Thais will have them in their homes and others recoil in horror from them. I'd like to get a couple of the "boys" for our new home but my wife won't hear of it! :o


somtamgai...bringing in the ghosts is effective when the kids have been naughty and need to be straightened out...useful for the grandparents who ain't got the energy to give 'em a flogging...

with my sister's kids back in the US I had the story of 'the ugly man in the old pick up' that collected kids and put them in the back maybe never to see their folks again if they did not behave...very effective

I don't believe in breaking things up that are in threes.

Good one, Mbkudu. I'm sure you don't.

I mean, up to the time the foursome is there,... :o

with my sister's kids back in the US I had the story of 'the ugly man in the old pick up' that collected kids and put them in the back maybe never to see their folks again if they did not behave...very effective

..and very lucrative for the therapist who will help remove the trauma in adulthood. A therapist, btw is neither a ghost nor a god.

More of a witchdoctor, actually..



natee...you are correct. When the kids became adults they went on to traumatise others.

'BBBut katarina, your boyfriend just commited suicide and the note said because he had lost your love...'

'all in the manner and taste of uncle tutsi' she sneered back

ghosts and ugly men in pick ups require selective application in the effort to discipline unruly children


Tutsi, it was not a company policy, but our new "boss" Yahya Sheibani who was one of my old students, did remember my response when he wanted me to convert to Islam 12 years earlier, that cost me my job.


sonthaya...sounds like a 'the worm turns' scenario and not associated with muslim proselytising.

How I would love to be in the same situation with some of the instructors when I was doing my engineering degree...

'Mr tuts, you are lazy...'...

'but I satisfied all the requirements discussed the first day of class...' (just barely, tutsi always liked having a drink)

'I DON'T CARE!...you shall repeat the class or forget about graduating from this program...'

tutsi...trembling with rage and powerless

human nature I guess, take the above and switch some of the roles around and you have basic human injustice, before and after...


That's what keeps puzzling me: Tutsi and his (human) nature.

The one time I totally disagree with you and the other time I just like the way you put things into perspective, and this I want you to know. :D

By the way does anyone know something about the pilots from China Airlines? Not their religion but their qualifications. :D

I'm flying this week with this company from amsterdam to thailand for the first time. In the worste case scenario I wil never reach my destination and the rescue team wil only find 2 black boxes but no piece of my body to send back to my family.

Considering that I really believe a funeral and the blessings of a prister are essential to get me to heaven, I'll be stuk with a religious problem as wel.

There you are religion can be a hassle ( but also an asset in times of distress) :o



By the way does anyone know something about the pilots from China Airlines? Not their religion but their qualifications.

Allow me to quell your fears,I saw an advert in the classified section and it asked for airplane drivers,no experience neccessary as on the job training would be given.

I don't believe in breaking things up that are in threes.

Good one, Mbkudu. I'm sure you don't.

I mean, up to the time the foursome is there,... :o

Here, Kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty... you can come out, nobody's gonna hurt ya.

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