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Obama’s legacy in danger


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Obama’s legacy in danger




WASHINGTON: -- After eight years in office -and in the face of deep opposition – Barack Obama has managed to push through controversial laws and advance his policy agenda. Now, he’s defending those causes right to the end of his mandate.




His top priority was the reform of health insurance with the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare , which Donald Trump wants to repeal as soon as he takes office on 20 January.


On 4th January Obama made a rare and highly symbolic visit to Congress, to rally Democrats for what promises to be the first major fight of the Trump presidency.


It has been interpreted as a last push before his departure to try to save a reform that has given some 20 million people unprecedented access to health insurance.


A cold front


A few days before the end of the year, Barack Obama adopted measures expected in Russia.


On 29 December 2016, 35 Russian intelligence officers were expelled and two sites used by them in New York and the state of Maryland were closed.


Washington’s accusations have been followed by further measures against the Kremlin, including blacklists on key Putin allies and further sanctions.


A CIA report blaming Moscow for the hacking of Democratic Party officials’ emails during the presidential elections reinforced these moves.


Some of Obama’s last acts as President appear designed to hamper Trumps hopes of developing closer ties with Russia.


Climate change


Although the Obama administration already ratified the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement (COP21) last September, Obama’s green agenda is not necessarily safe.


Republicans have threatened to pull out of the Paris agreement and revoke environmental measures. At least 35 such measures were enforced using executive power and Trump will be able to erase them all with the stroke of a pen and without congressional approval.


In a last ditch effort to put pressure on his successor, Barack Obama wrote an opinion column in the journal Science on Monday, 9th January. In it, he writes: “I remain convinced that no country is better suited to confront the climate challenge and reap the economic benefits of a low-carbon future than the United States.”


-- © Copyright Euronews 2017-01-11
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There is a very good chance that Donald Trump will erase Obama's agenda within a few days of taking office. With the underhanded way that he forced policies on the public in the first place and the sneaky moves he has made in his last few weeks in office, erasing his legacy will - IMO - be much deserved. Good riddance!

Edited by Ulysses G.
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7 minutes ago, ezzra said:

Egotistical, selfish Barack Obama is the sorest of losers...( Not my words)




Good article. 


"Obama is again tying his opposition up in knots. It is petty, it is spiteful. It is what he does. "

Edited by Ulysses G.
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42 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

There is a very good chance that Donald Trump will erase Obama's agenda within a few days of taking office. With the underhanded way that he forced policies on the public in the first place and the sneaky moves he has made in his last few weeks in office, erasing his legacy will - IMO - be much deserved. Good riddance!

Obama's 'legacy' is that of beating Jimmy Carter in the worst president ever category.

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Hmm I sense a lot of Obama hatred on this topic. As old granny used to say "Be careful what you wish for" The latest Trump polls are falling and he has not even taken office yet. I look forward to the first 100 days. The bar has been set pretty high for the Trumpmeister. He may need a trip or two to the gym to clear the hurdle. 

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I do hope his legacy as the only president to be at war throughout an 8 year tenure is at rick. Can't think of much else he has done….tremendous disappointment. I voted for him in 2008, principally for his promise to expand access to healthcare to the uninsured, then he sold out to the insurance companies and the result, Obamacare or ACA, is a pig's breakfast.

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I also voted for Obama in 2008 as I hope he would give Americans universal healthcare. He did indeed sell out to the Insurance companies and Big Pharma. I, however cannot imagine Trump or most  politicians actually doing what is necessary with healthcare in America. As Bernie Sanders states one must start with the concept that Healthcare is a right that cannot be denied. The only sensible plan that will work is a single payer plan like Medicare open to every American wherever they live and financed by a tax on working Americans. Obama had a Democratic Congress and could have done it but failed in thiss regard. America still has the most expensive healthcare in the World and the highest drug prices and will continue to do so.

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Obama has been a Foreign policy disaster!


Leaving America weaker and less respected  and any area in the world you look at either no better or much worse.


Weakness and indecision has characterised his decision making process.


Good ridence!!

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38 minutes ago, twix38 said:

Obama has been a Foreign policy disaster!


Leaving America weaker and less respected  and any area in the world you look at either no better or much worse.


Weakness and indecision has characterised his decision making process.


Good ridence!!

Not true. Iran love and respect Mr.Obama. His government sent them estimated more than 30 billion dollars in the last 2 years. I think that is 30,000,000,000 they can buy lots of anything with that sort of money.


Edited by TankerWeams
add link to prove Obamas generosity
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Obama is a man with a good and compassionate heart. For sure he is not perfect... But who is?!?


trumpy is a man (is he?) with money, no compassion and a lot of vague (bulshit) promises... He will <deleted> up usa BIG time! But he is 'democratically' chosen, and I sincerely  hope he keeps his s**t in his own country, and leaves the rest of the world in peace.


Yes, I am not american, but trumpy is effecting unfortunately also my life (and the life of many others!), so I DO have a right of speaking up :smile:

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On 1/11/2017 at 5:31 AM, JulesMad said:

Obama is a man with a good and compassionate heart. For sure he is not perfect... But who is?!?


trumpy is a man (is he?) with money, no compassion and a lot of vague (bulshit) promises... He will <deleted> up usa BIG time! But he is 'democratically' chosen, and I sincerely  hope he keeps his s**t in his own country, and leaves the rest of the world in peace.


Yes, I am not american, but trumpy is effecting unfortunately also my life (and the life of many others!), so I DO have a right of speaking up :smile:


If only feelings were all that mattered. I like Obama. I think he is smart and charismatic but was a very ineffective president who could have done so much more. He rode to power on his "Audacity Of Hope" but there is nothing audacious about him.


I sympathize and agree with your worst concerns regarding a Trump presidency but the facts are that he has''t broken any of his promises YET and Obama broke very many specific promises he made to the American people.


I wish we could choose our presidents on the "people I'd enjoy having a beer with" metric, but that hasn't worked out so well historically.


I think this guy sums up Obama's legacy pretty well:




Who knew that being a more hip version of what the Republicans offered wouldn't win the Democrats the presidency?

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28 minutes ago, lannarebirth said:


If only feelings were all that mattered. I like Obama. I think he is smart and charismatic but was a very ineffective president who could have done so much more. He rode to power on his "Audacity Of Hope" but there is nothing audacious about him.


I sympathize and agree with your worst concerns regarding a Trump presidency but the facts are that he has''t broken any of his promises YET and Obama broke very many specific promises he made to the American people.


I wish we could choose our presidents on the "people I'd enjoy having a beer with" metric, but that hasn't worked out so well historically.


I think this guy sums up Obama's legacy pretty well:




Who knew that being a more hip version of what the Republicans offered wouldn't win the Democrats the presidency?


Good post as usual. I agree with you on just about everything other than liking Obama. He did too many things that I thought were just plain asinine to like the guy and the sneaky crap he has pulled his last few weeks in office makes me dislike him even more. I am glad that he - his surrogate - lost the election and glad to see him go.

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10 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

He rode to power on his "Audacity Of Hope" but there is nothing audacious about him.


I thought he rode to power on the promise of a "rost-racial" America.




It never happened of course, and in his farewell address he admitted as such. Of course he didn't put it that way, he didn't admit that what so many people who voted for him wanted, hoped for or expected, never happened.


All he said was that visions of a "post-racial America" following his election were "never realistic."


What a pity he didn't say that before  he got elected.


As for his, "race relations are better than they were 10 years ago"... ridiculous. Is he really that detached from the real world?


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Obama's legacy is NOT in danger at all!

What has occurred during his presidency will only be judged by History,

not by you and not by me.

Was he the first black president?  Was he the first to start as on the path to universal coverage?

Did he navigate us out of the worst economic disaster in capitalist history?

That's his Legacy and nothing you, me, or Trump can say or do can take it back.

I know, I know, you will say," but he never grabbed women by the pussy because he could "

Well I guess noone is perfect.


Edited by sirineou
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