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Cheating in police exams - man took 400,000 baht a head in bribes


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4 hours ago, waldroj said:

Will not be surprised if Jeeraphot should have a fatal accident in the near future. 

More like suicide - shot twice in the head with arms tied behind his back -  


clearly and unmistakably took his own life. 

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2 hours ago, smedly said:

well if there was ever a case for the current administration to investigate and expose this is it



Prayuth - are you serious about your fight against corruption - then either (deleted) or get off the pot



This man claims he was providing seating arrangements for candidates and was acting alone - really ? 400k baht for a window seat ? what about the cheating


None so blind as those who cannot see and sometimes appearances are more deceiving than they appear on the surface when looking for needles in rooted haystacks is all I can add other than the word patsy comes to mind.

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22 minutes ago, John Kane said:

Oddly enough in many countries where real pay is extremely low for people we depend on at times for life and death situations corruption is accepted as a way too give more public money to people who are theoretically receiving the actual public service.   We are effectively being taxed (under the table) for breaking the law in some minor way to off set pay for people who can not live on what they get officially.  In Albania, when I drove Albanian friends they had no problem with police stops at lunchtime (for lunch money) as we approached each village.  Why?  Because my friends knew the police were paid, just as Thai police are paid, so little that they deserve (in the minds of the common people) what is effectively considered a reasonable tip.  If the minor corruption is eliminated no one will agree to be a policeman.  Raise the pay and the big corruption can be attacked successfully.   But if the police pay is raised all other workers will clamor for more too.  These are some of the complexities people don't understand when there is demand to just stop corruption as if it can be done by fiat.     

As one famous, now dead , German politician put it, a little corruption oils the wheels of industry. Corruption is world wide, it cant be stopped but one could be a little more discreet about it, in Thailand it's in your face. 

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33 minutes ago, transam said:

Our lad just started on 18,000bht a month. His uniform is provided and so is a "basic" weapon for free. The Government monetary loan system that goes with the job are amazing plus FREE healthcare for him, mum and dad and any family he may have in the future.

That is why folk want their kids to get in the force, salary for life and a pension.

If you don't mind, is there a court time incentive?

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2 hours ago, cracker1 said:

This  cheating in Police Exams here is an "annual event" and it amazes me that the Authorities administering these exams do not fix the problem ?

Every year they loose more face.



The faceless wonders you refer to have nothing to lose but a lot of money to gain !!

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The wife's relative went from a lieutenant to captain in our local police force, he had to remortgage his farm and his mothers. Its a expensive business being a police officer, but there are clearly advantages. 


The idea that corruption will be removed from Thai society is laughable, the people at the top have got there through corruption. Living in a border area with a large number off military personnel it dose not take long to see the boys in green are just as corrupt as the boys in blue. 

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1 hour ago, transam said:

Our lad just started on 18,000bht a month. His uniform is provided and so is a "basic" weapon for free. The Government monetary loan system that goes with the job are amazing plus FREE healthcare for him, mum and dad and any family he may have in the future.

That is why folk want their kids to get in the force, salary for life and a pension.

It would be interesting to know if this the general starting rate for new policemen. The apocryphal stories of extremely low starting pay rates need to be refuted. Whilst 18K is not a fortune it does add to over 600B / day if working 30 days. This post needs verification to educate the public at large

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4 minutes ago, Capt Rob said:

It would be interesting to know if this the general starting rate for new policemen. The apocryphal stories of extremely low starting pay rates need to be refuted. Whilst 18K is not a fortune it does add to over 600B / day if working 30 days. This post needs verification to educate the public at large

There are a zillion branches of the Police force with different rates of pay. You can up your salary by applying to take different exams. If you pass an exam your pay scale alters. Our lad is doing parachute training, if he passes (survives) his pay will go up.

I can tell you that he spent a year in boot camp to get the police job he wanted and passed.. Before that he had to pass a bucket load of tests which probably took a year..

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6 hours ago, Reigntax said:

The RTP's finest are also fakes, are willing to bribe to be in a position of protecting the law.  Who didnt know. Only the top brass apparently.



"Royal" Thai Police? They are an insult and show disrespect to the monarchy and should all be subject to les majeste, the same as if it was any other citizen (or foreigner)! :post-4641-1156693976:


Or is there some form of discrimination being practiced? :whistling:

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1 hour ago, transam said:

There are a zillion branches of the Police force with different rates of pay. You can up your salary by applying to take different exams. If you pass an exam your pay scale alters. Our lad is doing parachute training, if he passes (survives) his pay will go up.

I can tell you that he spent a year in boot camp to get the police job he wanted and passed.. Before that he had to pass a bucket load of tests which probably took a year..


Come on then, spill the beans. We are interested. Never before have we had a reliable source of info.


- how much did he pay to pass the bucket load of tests?


- how much are the monthly "bonus payments".


- how is the money distributed? As in, how much can he keep and how much goes up the chain?


- does he see taking bribes as a right of the police, or corruption?


- what is the point of parachute training, except to get a pair of wings to stitch on to the uniform? Road safety or advanced motorcycle handling would surely be more relevant.

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1 minute ago, 12DrinkMore said:


Come on then, spill the beans. We are interested. Never before have we had a reliable source of info.


- how much did he pay to pass the bucket load of tests?


- how much are the monthly "bonus payments".


- how is the money distributed? As in, how much can he keep and how much goes up the chain?


- does he see taking bribes as a right of the police, or corruption?


- what is the point of parachute training, except to get a pair of wings to stitch on to the uniform? Road safety or advanced motorcycle handling would surely be more relevant.

To pass the bucket load of tests did cost money...Because they are not done in ones home town, so flights, hotels etc on numerous occasions...

You have to pay the Government to enter the exam stuff...


If you stood n front of the lad and accused him of dodgy payments I am sure you would have a problem..

Yes the parachute thing is to give him wings on his daily uniform, plus the effort puts up his salary and respect from other cops..

He has nothing to do with road stuff..Different branch...


Anymore questions....?

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4 hours ago, mikebell said:

Until the RTP are brought to their collective knees, Thailand will continue to be a 3rd World country.  I agree with Smedly above, Prayuth must act decisively, ruthlessly and soon.

Funny that Prayuth has fallen silent over this very important matter. Usually he is in the forefront of even trivial things. Maybe he is busy composing a new song. This event goes up the food chain much higher than we are being privy to. There are some big fish here to fry. The trouble will be to find a frying pan big enough. 

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I agree with others here in that one person could not have achieved this alone. '... He said he knew lots of people such as advisors who were close to the setting of the exams...' and so a nod and wink does it? Unlikely. Requires a thorough investigation to sort it out, which no doubt will happen...yeah, not on this planet!

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4 minutes ago, optad said:

How do Thais who condone and often assist cheating in their schools, find this instance exceptional? 



I don't think they do......Someone high up is making a stance for change.....About time too..

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5 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

Impossible to know what is really going on here. Obviously the money was not being distributed correctly. That is a pretty big payday for an outsider. I think he may be just the fall guy.

As long as he stays the perfect patsy he will be OK. The big guy in your cell is there to protect you. If you develop a case of loose lips well the big guy can play the old don't drop the soap routine. Fear breeds fear. 

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3 hours ago, kingstonkid said:

Might be time for the MP to take over the RTP.  Not to administer military law but to administer Thai law.


This stooge had to have help there are just too many moving parts for this wot work by one person.


Send everyone involved to a different post in the north.


New chain of command military colonel in charge of each precinct. reports to a general who reports to a general who reports to THE GENERAL.


Any corruption in their area costs them their pension.





Here goes someone making sense again time for a headache pill. Your comments are what dreams are made up of but then you wake up you realize you are still in Thailand and not Utopia. 

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In a land full of cheats and corruption what is one supposed to do? break a lance for honesty,  be poor and get yourself killed? It is easy for us to talk, not so easy for those living and relying on the system. Ones friends and colleagues are working the system, to try and be honest would result in you being ostracized, alone and without protection.   

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I do not know if these figures have changed much, but it is clear a police officer needs to top up there salaries if he has borrowed large sums of money to get a job or promotion.


Entry level salaries for police with no university education was 6,800 baht (2012). In June 2015, the Bangkok Post reported that, "Thai police officers are paid around 14,760 baht per month (6,800–8,340 baht for entry level) and have to buy their own guns and even office supplies."[18] He posits that one reason salaries are so low is that the sheer number of officers is staggering, roughly 250,000. This means that an increase of 5,000 baht in every cop's monthly salary would cost the government a politically untenable 15 billion baht annually



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