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'You are fake news!' Trump presides over turbulent news conference


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Aww, did the child PEOTUS get his little feelings hurt? Looks like there is a whole new set of special snowflakes out there now. If the child PEOTUS can't even handle a simple press conference without a meltdown, how will he handle the foreign leaders and foreign press?  


Uncle Hannity will kiss it and make it all better.




Edited by Silurian
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5 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Guess he's had enough of being bashed about by the MSM, eh?


As much as Prayuth has by the "distorted" Thai media, who should stop creating disunity which spoils the happiness of the Thai people.


Same message, different hair.


There is no truth but the truth of the "Dear Leaders".


Lest we forget:






Edited by Enoon
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39 minutes ago, Enoon said:


As much as Prayuth has by the "distorted" Thai media, who should stop creating disunity which spoils the happiness of the Thai people.


Same message, different hair.


There is no truth but the truth of the "Dear Leaders".


Lest we forget:




Snopes.com has said that this quote is a lie. Trump never said it. But I don't believe them because Snopes.com is an evil servant of the leftist media. At least, that seems to be pretty much the unanimous opinion of right wing posters in this forum.


The bizarre thing is that snopes.com traced it back as far as a conservative website:


Edited by ilostmypassword
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5 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I liked when he called BuzzFeed and CNN fake news. Even the New York Times said pretty much the same thing. There's plenty of lies eminating from both sides of the political aisle as far as news coverage goes. 


The CNN article was far from fake news. BuzzFeed went too far releasing that lengthy document of unsubstantiated claims, but the truth of the matter is that document had been circulating through Washington for months. It was going to leak out, the intelligence communities gave Trump a summarized 2 page version of that document to let him know what was being said which was their job. That 2 page document is what the CNN (and most other) articles were based on. And since that was an actual attachment which was given to Trump at the meeting their article was not in any way fake. Calling them a fake news network is an easy way for him to not address it. 


Quite a few bits of untruth in Trump's presser, and CNN fact checked it as always and showed that he was misleading on Carter Page, No Conflict of Interest, and No Deals in Russia claims, while being completely false on the unemployment and tax returns statements. Declaring them as "fake news" is an easy way for him to not address it or take their questions on it. 

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This is a pic from the press conference. Notice that the "file" are props; they are blank. As someone who used to work in television and is still an executive producer, Trump should at least be able to hire a decent prop person.


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1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

Snopes.com has said that this quote is a lie. Trump never said it. But I don't believe them because Snopes.com is an evil servant of the leftist media. At least, that seems to be pretty much the unanimous opinion of right wing posters in this forum.


The bizarre thing is that snopes.com traced it back as far as a conservative website:



Not bizarre. Because, at the time, Trump self identified as a Democrat. 

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6 hours ago, optad said:

The issue of verified reporting, ethical journalism,  is a critical one and something the millennials have not seen as valued in their lifetimes. Buzzfeed is synonymous with this type of product. Easily shared and spread and believed by the cognizant poor.


Trump scores on this one and unfortunately here but as usual only as it suits him today. It should be noted all news organisations had this material but decided against publishing it, on unsubstantiated grounds. Only buzzfeed, then CNN reporting on what buzzfeed had done put it into the public domain.


These are the arguments better news services appealed to all of us to subscribe too, ie NYT, Washington Post, which mostly we didn't and the prevalence social news service is now what we have. Even my local paper uses 80% youtube or facebook orientated news to gather content. Paucity of these times in this area is awful.


Did you  even bother to read what Buzz feed wrote when it released the information? basically, what you are doing now is to  say that when Buzzfeed stated that the information was unverified, and was in the hands of the  security services, that the opposite is true. Which is it?

People like you demand that  the people be allowed to make up their own minds, well they were given that opportunity,


We published the dossier, which Ken Bensinger obtained through his characteristically ferocious reporting, so that, as we wrote, "Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government."

Our presumption is to be transparent in our journalism and to share what we have with our readers. We have always erred on the side of publishing. In this case, the document was in wide circulation at the highest levels of American government and media. It seems to lie behind a set of vague allegations from the Senate Majority Leader to the director of the FBI and a report that intelligence agencies have delivered to the president and president-elect.

As we noted in our story, there is serious reason to doubt the allegations. We have been chasing specific claims in this document for weeks, and will continue to.

Publishing this document was not an easy or simple call, and people of good will may disagree with our choice. But publishing this dossier reflects how we see the job of reporters in 2017.


Trump is picking on CNN, which did nothing wrong. CNN only stated that "compromising personal and financial" allegations have been made against Trump. it DID NOT provide details of the allegations. Trump praised the Washington Post and The New York Times. How is what they did better thanCNN because they both referenced the allagations as "unsubstantiated" but the newspapers published summaries of the most damaging allegations.


Sorry, but you like Trump haven't bothered to do your homework. The man is deficient and a hothead.


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10 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:


Did you  even bother to read what Buzz feed wrote when it released the information? basically, what you are doing now is to  say that when Buzzfeed stated that the information was unverified, and was in the hands of the  security services, that the opposite is true. Which is it?

People like you demand that  the people be allowed to make up their own minds, well they were given that opportunity,


We published the dossier, which Ken Bensinger obtained through his characteristically ferocious reporting, so that, as we wrote, "Americans can make up their own minds about allegations about the president-elect that have circulated at the highest levels of the US government."

Our presumption is to be transparent in our journalism and to share what we have with our readers. We have always erred on the side of publishing. In this case, the document was in wide circulation at the highest levels of American government and media. It seems to lie behind a set of vague allegations from the Senate Majority Leader to the director of the FBI and a report that intelligence agencies have delivered to the president and president-elect.

As we noted in our story, there is serious reason to doubt the allegations. We have been chasing specific claims in this document for weeks, and will continue to.

Publishing this document was not an easy or simple call, and people of good will may disagree with our choice. But publishing this dossier reflects how we see the job of reporters in 2017.


Trump is picking on CNN, which did nothing wrong. CNN only stated that "compromising personal and financial" allegations have been made against Trump. it DID NOT provide details of the allegations. Trump praised the Washington Post and The New York Times. How is what they did better thanCNN because they both referenced the allagations as "unsubstantiated" but the newspapers published summaries of the most damaging allegations.


Sorry, but you like Trump haven't bothered to do your homework. The man is deficient and a hothead.


You are completely out of whack. Reread my post more closely pal before launching your misguided vitriol.


I stated that unverified reporting is endemic generally and lamented this point in journalistic terms. A sign of our technological times. Post truth world generally. Buzzfeed is one of the worst because of it frequency and reach.


It seems you picked one line where i suggest Trump might have point even if the conjectured articles are correct. I made no comment on whether they were or were not correct  just the practice of not providing evidential material before publishing. Unverified articles were not published at this level in past and should not be into the future. The public should not make up their minds on "unsubstantiated" comment. ie rumor.


Publishing innuendo and saying their are still looking for sources is a double standard. 


Check your biases 'hothead'




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It's just so tragic to watch.   


If you get a chance, check out the Seth Myers interview with Kellyanne Conway, Trump's chief explainer.  


You can see what Trump is all about by watching her being interviewed.  Anything about Trump immediately gets spun around about how the Democrats are just sore losers.  They own nothing.  Everything is how everyone is out to get them.  


Like she was asked about why Trump, a guy who basically sold himself on draining the swamp, ethics, Hillary's lack of ethics, etc, wants to push through his cabinet picks before they've had background checks or passed an ethics review and she spins it around saying Democrats had already approved 7 of Obama's cabinet picks before he even took office.  Completely ignoring the fact that the reason they were approved was because he submitted them for background checks and ethics review very early which meant that they went to the Senate already vetted.  


I would have an easier time respecting the administration if they said, "Hey, we're not government wonks.  It took us a little while to come up to speed with all of this."   I can buy that.  That's legit.  


But to completely spin it back around and make it like everyone gets a free pass and Trump is a victim . . . <deleted>?!?! 


It's so funny too because Seth tries to be very polite to her but he's been very, very critical of Trump and so he gets in the zingers.  She was talking about Trump was too busy working on putting the government together to do a press conference before today so Seth says, "You mean busy meeting with Kanye?"  




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These press conferences are not 'free for alls' where anyone can ask any question any time. CNN were alloted a question during the conference but to a different reporter.

The CNN reporter in question was rudely interrupting the president elect and got chewed out.

Now, had a reporter done the same to Clinton or Obama, everyone would be pointing the finger at the reporter....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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6 hours ago, craigt3365 said:

It's also nonsense to say CNN is a fake news site.  It's far from that.


CNN is the only US news channel I can receive (Truevisions) and I can only say that for every political discussion they always had on the panel people on opposite sides of the spectrum 

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I liked when he called BuzzFeed and CNN fake news. Even the New York Times said pretty much the same thing. There's plenty of lies eminating from both sides of the political aisle as far as news coverage goes. 


Even Fox News takes the defense of CNN in this matter ....you must now really feel like an idiot


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Just now, fvw53 said:


CNN is the only US news channel I can receive (Truevisions) and I can only say that for every political discussion they always had on the panel people on opposite sides of the spectrum 


Geez watching Wolf and Namby Andy must really do your brain in?

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