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Rao Tum Dai: Thai could be world's new english, Prayuth says


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Soon, no longer will expats have the luxury to complain about why English versions of certain contexts are not available to them in foreign countries. Thais will start to complain when restaurant menu's aren't written in Thai, anywhere in the world. How could they?!

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I have to say I do love it when this bloke comes out with this stuff,  and the junta huggers are quiet agian as usual as they very publicly support this bloke and claim his as the hero of the country,  5555555  what a joke.

So I am awear that Thailand has several difering dialects so which one is this pelican suggesting could be the worlds new English if they do as he say's?  

After almost 3 years in total power what are some of his best blabberings?

1. Thai could be the new English.

2. Bangkok tap water won't make you sick.

3. Only ugly lady's can wear bikini's on the beach.

4. No Thai could ever do that.

5. We always respect human rights.

6. If I use my full powers I can have you shot.



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15 hours ago, Crossy said:

I'm sorry, but, "huh!".


English is spoken all over the world as first, second and even third languages.


Thai is spoken in, well, Thailand.


Our illustrious leader has finally lost the plot.


You forgot that they can mostly understand Thai in Laos too.... B-)

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That is funny. Even on an expat forum for Thailand there are a good amount of people that have lived here for years that wouldn't even know what the little catch phrase rao tum dai even means lol. 


That is not to knock anybody here but there is a large amount of people living in Thailand  who don't even find the Thai language relevant. 



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When you see that the world of Engineering, Medicine, Aviation, most other Sciences, great literature, entertainment, and tourism all use English as a common lingua franca, and that nearly two billion Chinese around the world use their language and more are learning English,who will help the General push the Thai dictionary up this very large mountain until it becomes an English or Chinese replacement? Not the Thais, all of whom are busy learning English, Chinese and now Russian to serve their markets. If it wasn't January I would think it's April Fool!

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After living in Thailand for +10 years I am afraid the biggest part of the population would agree with him.

Indeed, Thailand is the best country in the world, hence the Thai language is all you and the rest of the world need.

Dear, oh dear.

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I can see it happening, once Thailand's colonized half the world, people will begin to come round to his way of thinking


Until that time, the quickest way to put Thailand on the world map is to market whatever he's drinking

Edited by grumbleweed
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12 hours ago, Canceraid said:

Yes, ban the use of English and all other foreign languages in Thailand, ban all language school except those teaching Thai.Expel all foreigners, expats, tourists, diplomats, businessmen, investors who cannot speak and read and write Thai. No media is allowed except in Thai. All labelling s, signs etc can only be in Thai. Break off all relations with any countries that cannot speak Thai. Avoid all products that do not have English labels, price tags, brand names in thai. Thailand and thai is number one! Hurrah!

You really shouldn't joke about it in that way - it might actually be on the cards if he has his way! Oh! And replace Western/Arabic numerals 1 2 3 4  5 6 7 8 9 0 with Thai/Kymer numerals https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thai_numerals#Zero_to_ten

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Not many certainties in life - death, the taxman, Mouriniho blaming the ref.


But believing Thai will never ever become the world's dominant number one language - must be up there with them.


Was this really what he said? Is it real? If so, interesting to see if non Thai media pick it up.


With all the doom and gloom in the world we need a few laughs to cheer us up mind.

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