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Video: Another example of Thai driving as cop hit on Zebra Crossing


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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

How should he know it's a policeman in that orange raincoat?


I also won't stop if the securityguard (without good uniform) from the cardealer down the road is stopping cars to let customers out..


They just jump on the road without looking and want all to stop, they just have to wait for their turn.


Hmmm. You think the fact it was a zebra crossing with lots of children waiting to cross, he was wearing the type of helmet issued to police, his uniform trousers were visible under the orange raincoat used extensively by police, and he was trying to direct traffic at a zebra crossing might have provided a clue?


Maybe he was too busy on his smart phone, or watching a video, or just far too important to be inconvenienced?


I don't like the red flag idiots jumping out in front of me either - but a zebra crossing, with kids waiting and a policeman giving direction is very different.


He was lucky the cop didn't draw and discharge his weapon. Many would, just think what a US officer would do.

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

How should he know it's a policeman in that orange raincoat?


I also won't stop if the securityguard (without good uniform) from the cardealer down the road is stopping cars to let customers out..


They just jump on the road without looking and want all to stop, they just have to wait for their turn.


People observant enough to deserve a license would see the cops police helmet.

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4 hours ago, rak sa_ngop said:

Banging on the windscreen won't do any good.

A hard thump on the top of the roof is much better. Should scare the 'bejeesus' out of the driver!

He might think twice next time.

carrying a walking stick makes a much louder thump and also your trademark.

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2 minutes ago, hobz said:

Because of car drivers like this hundreds of mptorbike drivers die every week in thailand. They drivw recklessly in their new cars ignoring motorbikes and pedestrians. When they hit a motorbike the car driver survives and the motorbike driver dies.

The death is then blamed on the motorbike driver not wearing a helmet and the cops set up checkpoints to check motorbike drivers helmets while letting cars pass without check..

The statistics make it seem lile the motorbikes are the problem but its the reckless car, van, truck and bus drivers that are the problem, they feel invincible amd drive recklessly, and when shit hits the fan its the motorbike driver that pays


True enough - but I also see many many motorbike drivers completely ignoring all rules of the road, and driving totally without regard to other traffic, wandering all over the place, cutting in, going the wrong way down a road, trying to undercut when your're turning, etc etc etc.


Let's not pretend motorbike drivers are any different.

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1 minute ago, Baerboxer said:

I don't like the red flag idiots jumping out in front of me either - but a zebra crossing, with kids waiting and a policeman giving direction is very different.



They don't even have a red flag and the police has to wear official uniforms ONLY! 


Honestly i see soo many red/blue flashing LED-lights that i even don't look at them anymore. Even pickuptrucks use them as their brakelights and restaurants, motocy's anybody except the police themselves...and even when i see police with running emergencylights they are not in a hurry AT ALL, probably forgot to turn it off or pushed the wrong switch.


I also even don't listen to anybody yelling at me on the streets in BKK....mostly they are people who think they're funny or want to sell me something.


My behaviour is all the results of living in BKK for a very long time...i know the western trafficrules very well but hey this is Thailand and it's anarchy on the roads.

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2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


True enough - but I also see many many motorbike drivers completely ignoring all rules of the road, and driving totally without regard to other traffic, wandering all over the place, cutting in, going the wrong way down a road, trying to undercut when your're turning, etc etc etc.


Let's not pretend motorbike drivers are any different.


Sorry i dont see that, it happens for sure, but its much more rare that i feel a motorbike is threatening my safety. It could be that my perception is wrong or biased,, confirmation bias, i dont know.


Notice how i make a distinction between breaking the rules and doing something threatening.


Maybe because i always drive on the left side of the road and the reckless motorbike drivers are driving on the right side i dont mind them as they are not threatening me. 


Lets just agree on that there's way too many reckless drivers in thailand, motorbike and car!

Edited by hobz
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9 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:


People observant enough to deserve a license would see the cops police helmet.


He is not a cop, he even doesn't wear a mouthmask or sunglasses and also there's no text with POLICE on his coat. He could also be a carhijacker.

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2 hours ago, fruitman said:

It sure does matter, you can't have every idiot stopping cars at a road...there have to be rules for it.


And zebracrossings don't work at all in Thailand, they won't stop for a zebra....where have you been to not know that?

I see, it's got nothing to do with reckless driving and complete lack of common sense, it's because I've only lived here for ten years and never twigged the situation regarding those stripey things in the road and policemen jumping out in front of me at spot checks.

So let me get this straight. There is a person in uniform in a high-visibility orange cape stopping traffic at a zebra crossing, where there are several children waiting to cross and where several cars are already stopped. Despite all this, because you can't decide whether or not the guy in the cape is a policeman, you'd just ignore him and drive on. What if there was someone laying injured in the road?

Remember, this isn't an unmanned crossing where stopping to let someone cross could cause them to be hit by some idiot passing you, here there was someone in authority stopping the traffic as evidenced by the fact that several cars had already stopped.

I find your attitude irresponsible.

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3 hours ago, See Will said:

He should have shot a tire flat and confiscate the car forever as it is used as a weapon, that is how to handle the traffic idiots in Thailand. 

At one stage it looked like the cop was going for his gun.  That wouldn't have surprised me either.  What a bunch of completely useless <deleted>

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36 minutes ago, fruitman said:


They don't even have a red flag and the police has to wear official uniforms ONLY! 


Honestly i see soo many red/blue flashing LED-lights that i even don't look at them anymore. Even pickuptrucks use them as their brakelights and restaurants, motocy's anybody except the police themselves...and even when i see police with running emergencylights they are not in a hurry AT ALL, probably forgot to turn it off or pushed the wrong switch.


I also even don't listen to anybody yelling at me on the streets in BKK....mostly they are people who think they're funny or want to sell me something.


My behaviour is all the results of living in BKK for a very long time...i know the western trafficrules very well but hey this is Thailand and it's anarchy on the roads.


I've never seen a policeman or volunteer traffic policeman without a uniform on. Ignoring their instructions and/or failing to stop - you do so at your own risk mate.



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My wife always complains if I stop for pedestrians but I usually try and do it so I stop everything as I found that others will cut round me if they can. I just feel sorry for old people and kids trying to cross the road and waiting ages to do so.


Thai driving tests are becoming harder I see and a good thing too, but it's re-educating the drivers who have had licences, possibly acquired by bribery, for some time and never trained and who think driving is making the car or truck go where you want only, signalling and courtesy and safety optional extras not required.

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Every body seems to think that the driver was just behaving in the usual Thai,impatient way.Maybe the guy had stolen the car,maybe he was carrying drugs,or fire arms.Maybe he was wanted for some crime.I think that he wanted to get away from the cop,for a reason.Maybe he was pissed up,maybe he had no license.There are many other reasons in this scenario.If he was legal,then there would be no reason for him not to stop.If he was legal,i cannot believe he would be so stupid to act as he did.

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Some years ago, back when Suukhumvit road did not have so many places where you were not allowed to cross becaue of overpasses and barriers in the center devider, I was nearly hit in a marked Zebra crossing.

I was crossing in a marked Zebra crossing close to a traffic light.

A midddle aged Thai woman was crossing in front of me.

The traffic light changed to green, and trafic began to head toward us.

One taxi in particular was heading at us in an inceasing rate of speed.

The Thai woman in fttont of me reached the street curb and just stopped there.

The taxi kept coming faster, but the Thai woman stood there blocking my way.

I was forced to push her forceably out of the way to avoid the oncoming taxi.

Zebra markings mean nothing to Thai drivers.


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1 hour ago, NanLaew said:

But is there a Thai statute on window tints? I heard that mirror tints and darkened visosrs on motorbike helmets were illegal but not sure if it goes much beyond that.

To be honest I do not believe there is.


An example:


My wife's (errant and delinquent 30 yr old) son finally returned the car after having "borrowed" it for two and a half years (long story but not for here) and the window tint is so fricing dark front, side and rear that on cloudy days, dawn and dusk it is an absolute safety risk to all inside and out in terms of visibility.


my wife ( defending her spawn) did not believe me until I opened the window showing how light it was outside when compared to what we could see through the tints.


needless to say the reckless irresponsible git is not happy to stump up to have the tints removed so I told the missus I will not drive the car at any time when I feel the visibility is or is likely to be impaired .


OFC I am the swine in this matter........

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Erratic, impatient driver who clipped traffic cop turns out to also be a cop


By Coconuts Bangkok 




BANGKOK: -- A Honda driver who disobeyed the hand signal of a traffic cop and ended up clipping the officer and escaping on Tuesday turned himself in. It turns out the lawbreaker is also a cop.


In the widely-shared footage of the incident, the Honda driver refuses to stop at a crosswalk in Samut Songkhram, he weaved around other cars and ended up clipping Pol.Sen.Sgt.Maj. Teera Suebtrakul, 44, in the most irresponsible, impatient show of driving.


When the officer tried to stop him for this, he sped off. Pol. Teera said he was on duty, managing traffic at the crosswalk that afternoon because many students needed to cross the road after school, but the Honda driver just drove through the crosswalk and ignored his hand signals.


Full story: http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2017/01/13/erratic-impatient-driver-who-clipped-traffic-cop-turns-out-also-be-cop-video

-- © Copyright Coconuts Bangkok 2017-01-13
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7 hours ago, webfact said:

"Drivers should obey the law for the benefit of all.

Should yes but even you know they do not. Officer I take my hat off to you to take your life in your hands trying to stop cars at a cross walk (they should stop without a cop being there goes to the mentality of drivers here) but again you should know here your life is in danger. Even if the driver is caught he knows the routine. A few baht here and there and he is good to go again. Until the justice system changes in this regard the Wild Wild West of driving here will continue. Examples have to be made not officers paid. 

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4 hours ago, See Will said:

He should have shot a tire flat and confiscate the car forever as it is used as a weapon, that is how to handle the traffic idiots in Thailand. 

That would put about 80% of the country on foot. I think your onto something. Bullets flying all over the place. The next problem would the cop be able to hit the tire or a human ah that is the question. 

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4 hours ago, fruitman said:

How should he know it's a policeman in that orange raincoat?


I also won't stop if the securityguard (without good uniform) from the cardealer down the road is stopping cars to let customers out..


They just jump on the road without looking and want all to stop, they just have to wait for their turn.


Inane.  He had a police helmet on, he did not jump on the road and he was clearly trying to stop cars for pedestrians to cross.  I don't much like the police here because of all the corruption but it is clearly the car in the wrong and just typically selfish and dangerous.

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Pattaya tried zebra crossing for a while but it didn't work. They turned off the electricity to sign posts after 3 month. Too many pedestrian getting hit and to many farang cars getting rear ended by thai drivers since only the farang stopped their vehicles at zebra crossing, as the law state you should.


Even normal intersections in BKK are perilous, nevermind the zebra crossings.

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On 1/13/2017 at 0:58 PM, milesinnz said:

Better to have drawn his gun than banged on the windscreen...

The car still would have been well out of range once he got out from under the raincoat and presumably undone the safety catch,then he could have tried firing suppose maybe hitting somebody innocent.

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5 hours ago, See Will said:

He should have shot a tire flat and confiscate the car forever as it is used as a weapon, that is how to handle the traffic idiots in Thailand. 

Are you crazy?:crazy: He can't just pull out a gun and start shooting at a cars tyres, what about pedestrian safety? Pedestrian safety in Thailand??????????? "what are you thinking about Possum"?:blush:

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