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Protests will aim to disrupt Trump inauguration - organisers


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4 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:

What will you do when you hear the words 


I Donald John Trump .......


i sense a meltdown 5555555555 try to wear something bright so "if" the news picks it up and runs with "Bunch of Loonies outside Embassy" I know which one is you lol 

Thank you for making my point so quickly.

As usual, hot air and nothing of substance - just repeat the phony lies and make small caliber insults.           Sin huevos. 

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   The irony of that is that you are using a quote from someone else thats 100 years old or so .

   You can hardly claim to take the higher ground, intelligence wise, when you use other peoples old quotes to try to get your point across

Could have been worse, could have quoted something from Hillary 55555

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3 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   The irony of that is that you are using a quote from someone else thats 100 years old or so .

   You can hardly claim to take the higher ground, intelligence wise, when you use other peoples old quotes to try to get your point across


555, here's a quote, as Joe Biden once said quoting his mother I believe "Who died and left you in charge?"

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Whiney, entitled little "Snowflakes" crawling out of their parent's basements like cockroaches out of the sewers.


It has been suggested that "Generation Snowflake" is derived from the term "snowflake",[3] which has been used to make reference to parents reportedly raising their children as "special" and "precious" snowflakes.[4][5] This usage of "snowflake" may originate from Chuck Palahniuk's 1996 novel Fight Club, which became a hit film in 1999. Both the novel and the film include the line "You are not special. You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake.

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22 minutes ago, sanemax said:


    That is going a bit far, you seem hysterical .

Trump is not "run by Russia"

Now calm, down , put your red revolutionary flags away 

If you want to live in a democracy, you have to accept democratic results

People who lose elections. just have to accept it


You're not quite getting the whole democracy thing, protest being a fundamental right!

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23 minutes ago, LatPhrao said:


I'm taking up the fight right here. One empty minded poster at a time.   And the numbers and the outrage are growing.  Stay tuned.   See you outside the US Embassy on January 20th.  Bring your Hypocrite sign so we know who you are.


   So, let me get this straight:

A Democrat  who lives in a Non democratic Country will be protesting against a democratic election result in his home Country in the name of democracy .

   Have I missed anything ?

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I'm conflicted about what to think about this radical tactic. Of course the inaugauration of trump will be one of the most tragically dark days in American history, but the question I have is what is the best way to resist him? Very few people want an actual literal civil war with blood in the streets although it's clear there is already a soft civil war of feelings going on. How to resolve this divide and weaken trump as much as possible? I don't know, wish I did, but suspect this kind of radical tactic isn't it. 

The best way (admittedly eventually) is for the Democrats to start coming up with policies that help ordinary people.


Trump was politically astute enough to realise that too many people felt disenfranchised, and so played to that audience.


Threatening to disrupt the inauguration is only 'winding up' those who voted for him, and can only increase the divide IMO.

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14 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Show me a president who did more.




Good luck getting a response to that. It amazes me that people will say Obama did nothing, when he all but saved the economy after the collapse under Bush's watch. The tea party did everything they could to prevent him from doing much of anything.

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9 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


You're not quite getting the whole democracy thing, protest being a fundamental right!


   Yes, but its a protest against a democratic voting process , people have the right to protest in democracies, but this protest is trying to take away peoples democratic rights , which, if successful, will take away their rights to live in a democracy.

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1 minute ago, jcsmith said:


Good luck getting a response to that. It amazes me that people will say Obama did nothing, when he all but saved the economy after the collapse under Bush's watch. The tea party did everything they could to prevent him from doing much of anything.

Not only America was effected by the 2008 disaster....


Other countries affected have also managed to get back on track - or at least the wealthy have largely emerged unscathed as a result of various governments' policies that mitigated the banks' losses.

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15 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   Yes, but its a protest against a democratic voting process , people have the right to protest in democracies, but this protest is trying to take away peoples democratic rights , which, if successful, will take away their rights to live in a democracy.


Nonsense, they are not starting a revolution, they are planning an authorised and therefore legal, protest, you can't just start and stop democracy wherever it suits your agenda, people have the right to protest, end of.

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2 hours ago, kevkev1888 said:


You can't judge Obama's performance after 8 years, but you can judge Trump's before he takes office. 55555 :cheesy:

Based on Trump's 40 years in the spotlight, I think anyone with more than two brain cells could form a fairly accurate opinion of his character. He has conned, cheated, and mistreated thousands of people over the years right up through the campaign, and there is nothing in that history that suggests he will be any different in the White House. 

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57 minutes ago, Luckysilk said:


55555555 sure Dude


Taking the baht bus ?


i seriously cannot think of one issue you lefties scream about that I really care about so enjoy your little get together and don't forget to wear sunscreen. 

Nothing to do with left or right. A lot to do with ability and common decency. Let's face it, Trump is not there because he has an innate ability to manage or to understand wider issues, diplomatic and others. He is not there because of his ability to choose talented people and manage them. He is there because of 1) his money 2) his narcissistic personality and 3) because of his ability to scare others into believing how powerful and able he is. Sadly he is a disaster waiting to happen and in my personal view he has a serious mental disorder. Off course there are people, too many, who are easily manipulated by people like Trump. More fool them but the real sadness is the effect he will have on his own country. In my opinion: A horrible man and I would say this whatever party he was in.

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Had the same kind of protest been organized for Obama's inauguration, the organizers most likely would have been labeled intolerant fascists, or worse.

It seems to me that these "ends justify the means" types are pathetic losers, applying this logic if and only if the outcome supports their goals. 

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14 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


Nonsense, they are not starting a revolution, they are planning an authorised and therefore legal, protest, you can't just start and stop democracy wherever it suits your agenda, people have the right to protest, end of.


   It is quite clear what the intentions of the protest is "

"We want to shut down the inauguration," organizer David Thurston told a news conference. "We want to see a seething rebellion develop in this city and across the country. "

     They want to stop Donald being made POTUS , the intention of this protest is to stop the democratic process 

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20 minutes ago, ianf said:

Nothing to do with left or right. A lot to do with ability and common decency. Let's face it, Trump is not there because he has an innate ability to manage or to understand wider issues, diplomatic and others. He is not there because of his ability to choose talented people and manage them. He is there because of 1) his money 2) his narcissistic personality and 3) because of his ability to scare others into believing how powerful and able he is. Sadly he is a disaster waiting to happen and in my personal view he has a serious mental disorder. Off course there are people, too many, who are easily manipulated by people like Trump. More fool them but the real sadness is the effect he will have on his own country. In my opinion: A horrible man and I would say this whatever party he was in.

I disagree insofar as I think he's in this position because politicians (on both sides) have alienated too many voters.


Given the choice between 'more of the same' or a complete wild card that MAY possibly change the status quo, many of those who have lost out as a result of politicians policies, decided to vote for the wild card.


Those trying to disrupt the inauguration will only increase the divide IMO.

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23 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   It is quite clear what the intentions of the protest is "

"We want to shut down the inauguration," organizer David Thurston told a news conference. "We want to see a seething rebellion develop in this city and across the country. "

     They want to stop Donald being made POTUS , the intention of this protest is to stop the democratic process 


To attempt to stop the celebration is not to stop him being made president, everyone in their right mind wants to stop him being president, but they can't do that but what they can do is shame him at his inauguration, that is their democratic right whether you like it or not.

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2 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Don't even bother with such B.S. The resistance to trump is never going to shut up. Deal with that like an adult. The supporters of man baby trump call the resistance crybabies. That's rich. 


Boo hoo, if it did come to a civil war it would not go well for the crybabies, who are all for democracy and tolerance, as long as they win, and as long as nobody disagrees with them. Don't get their own way and it's tears threats and so called 'resistance', very liberal i don't think




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50 minutes ago, DrDave said:

Had the same kind of protest been organized for Obama's inauguration, the organizers most likely would have been labeled intolerant fascists, or worse.

It seems to me that these "ends justify the means" types are pathetic losers, applying this logic if and only if the outcome supports their goals. 

I don't get why it's so hard to understand the difference between Obama and Trump. Whether you like Obama or not, he wasn't presenting policies that were based on hatred for other Americans. His cabinet wasn't saying that the religious group of a large number of citizens was a cancer, threatening to ban a religious group from entering the country, nor was he appointing people to his cabinet with shady backgrounds and little experience at all related to the jobs they were doing. Obama was certainly a democrat, but he wasn't a radical. He wasn't taunting republican citizens, ridiculing Bush every chance he got, he was trying to bring people together. He wasn't defending a foreign government who tried to hack the American election system, attacking the press, or giving Christmas greetings to all of his "many enemies who fought him and lost so badly that they don't know what to do." He wasn't threatening to break up families whose children were American citizens. Nor was he routinely lying to the American people, calling into question the intelligence community. He wasn't riding into office on a campaign built on hateful rhetoric. Etc.


That's a wee bit different than what we're seeing from Trump.  To many people Trump's rhetoric is a direct threat to their way of life. And that inspires a bit more passion and resistance than someone who they simply disagree with. 

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12 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


To attempt to stop the celebration is not to stop him being made president, everyone in their right mind wants to stop him being president, but they can't do that but what they can do is shame him at his inauguration, that is their democratic right whether you like it or not.


   You say they just want to stop the celebration, they say they want to stop the process , they are not trying to "shame him" or stop any celebration they are trying to stop him from taking office .

    He got voted in and people are trying to stop a democratic process from happening


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Just now, sanemax said:


   You say they just want to stop the celebration, they say they want to stop the process , they are not trying to "shame him" or stop any celebration they are trying to stop him from taking office .

    He got voted in and people are trying to stop a democratic process from happening


That's ridiculous. They can't stop him from taking office. What they can do is remind him that they exist, and that more of them oppose him than support him. 

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26 minutes ago, dick dasterdly said:

I disagree insofar as I think he's in this position because politicians (on both sides) have alienated too many voters.


Given the choice between 'more of the same' or a complete wild card that MAY possibly change the status quo, many of those who have lost out as a result of politicians policies, decided to vote for the wild card.


Those trying to disrupt the inauguration will only increase the divide IMO.


While I understand this reasoning--at least from some of the Trump supporters--and the idea of wanting to vote for a "wild card," all I can say is "Why Trump?"  Heck, some unknown homeless guy with a few marbles missing would do less damage than Trump will.  And before some start saying "wait and see," just look at what he's already doing to the free press and the morale of the Intel community....for starters.  But sure, I'll wait and see. 

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