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Protests will aim to disrupt Trump inauguration - organisers


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3 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


No, they are protesting against Trump and his policies. 

"the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."


  He hasnt even started his job yet .

So, he hasnt got any policies yet.

They are protesting about him getting elected .

The U.S. Gov is still currently Obama


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10 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  He hasnt even started his job yet .

So, he hasnt got any policies yet.

They are protesting about him getting elected .

The U.S. Gov is still currently Obama



You might want to check what policy means, it can mean things that have been proposed, by the way.  Republicans!

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Just now, Shawn0000 said:


You might want to check what policy means, it can mean things that have been proposed, by the way.  Republicans!


  Point being that it isnt a protest about Trumps actual policies, its a protest about him being elected .

  Im not a Republican BTW .

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15 minutes ago, sanemax said:


  Point being that it isnt a protest about Trumps actual policies, its a protest about him being elected .

  Im not a Republican BTW .


He has, like every president, been elected by his policy, is that really difficult to understand?  They are not against Trump without his policy, the two are a package.

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28 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


He has, like every president, been elected by his policy, is that really difficult to understand?  They are not against Trump without his policy, the two are a package.


   As I didnt follow the build up to the election, only saw the headlines, I didnt ever hear of either of Donalds or Hilarys policies , just a few headline grabbers, but it mainly seemed to be them both stating why people shouldnt vote for the other one .

    Politicians very often give policies that they disregard once they ve become elected .

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22 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   As I didnt follow the build up to the election, only saw the headlines, I didnt ever hear of either of Donalds or Hilarys policies , just a few headline grabbers, but it mainly seemed to be them both stating why people shouldnt vote for the other one .

    Politicians very often give policies that they disregard once they ve become elected .


What is your point, that people should not protest his policies and instead should write him off as a liar?  Would it not be your 1st Amendment right to protest a president you believe to be lying?  Yes, it would.  What ever way you look at this, it is the peoples right to protest, to claim protesting is undemocratic is false and to attempt to take away the right to protest would be to remove one of the fundamentals of democracy.

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19 hours ago, sanemax said:


   The rest of the world really wasnt aghast because USA voted for Donald , although reading the lefty media, you would come to the impression that the only people who  supported Trump were his Family and Putin . 

   Donald had widespread support around the World .

Typical lefty attitude though , only they have the correct opinion and everyone who disagrees with them should be silenced , attacked or verbally abused .


Funny, your last sentence could be describing yourself. Could you provide any evidence on your statement about the "widespread support around the world"?

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4 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


Funny, your last sentence could be describing yourself. Could you provide any evidence on your statement about the "widespread support around the world"?


  In what way could it describe myself ?

I havent suggested that people should be" silenced, verbally or physically attacked"

People have voiced their opinion by way of casting their vote , now they are trying to disrupt the outcome of that vote .

   IMO, voters should accept the outcome of elections .

Right wingers around the world were in favour of a Trump win, I have no idea exactly how many that was,  but I was replying to someone who clammed "the rest of the World was aghast when Trump won"


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I'm sure very few people in the anti-trump resistance think that trump wasn't legally elected in a strictly technical sense.

An election was held.

There is no evidence of technical hacking of the vote count.

trump legally won the electoral college vote and when the electors met, they mostly honored that to put trump over the top. 

That isn't the point.

The point is that something very rotten has happened and assuming he will take power, this clown baby man president must be resisted as much as possible.

Why is a president trump so tragic?

It's his policies. It's his character (or lack thereof). It's his temperament (massively unsuitable for any public office, and certainly not the most powerful on the planet). It's the urine stink of Russian meddling in his favor. It's the way he ran his campaign. Fascist style. Whipping up racists. Dividing the nation more than we've seen since the civil war.

Personally, I want that resistance to be all legal and non-violent but I understand others think differently. 





Rep. John Lewis, a Democratic congressman from Georgia and civil-rights icon, told NBC's Chuck Todd in an interview for Sunday's "Meet the Press" that he believes Russia's alleged hacking aimed at helping Trump in the 2016 race makes Trump an illegitimate president.

Asked whether he would forge a relationship with President-elect Trump, Lewis said, "It's going to be very difficult. I don't see this president-elect as a legitimate president."



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A draft of Donald J Trump's planned inaugural address has been leaked. Be aware that this is only a draft, and written in crayon.


Wee the peeple, the ones who voted for me, will create a better union—and I don't mean trade unions, f@&k those! 


We will do incredible things, terrific things, eye-popping, gob-smacking, hair-raising, pube-curling, bigly things. Believe me, it'll be great.


Even as I speak, my people are in Hawaii, Palm Beach, Acapulco, Tahiti and The Maldives uncovering information about my plans that'll blow your mind and curl your toes. The team in Hawaii are also gonna look for those who went earlier to uncover the fakeness of Obama's birth certificate, and take away their company credit cards.


I am a whizz at presidenting and you guys are gonna love what I do. Iva...I mean Melania and I are gonna bring class back to The Whitehouse, class that's been sorely lacking under the Black guy and his woman. We will start by renaming it The Trump Tavern. The Trump corporation, which I no longer have anything to do with is offering the government a once in a lifetime deal to license the name for pittance. Don't worry yourselves about the actual figure.


[there follows a crayon drawing of The Whitehouse with a neon-lighted "Trump" on the roof]


In the first 100 days, I will repeel Obamacare and replace it with Trumpcare. It'll be the same, but better, because it's got "Trump" in the name. The government's gonna get a great deal on the naming rights. The company's even agreed to throw in a free hat for everyone who signs up—is that a great deal, or what, eh? Trust me, it's a terrific deal.


[the second page is covered in what seems to be urine and is unreadable while the third and final page is drawings of women's genitalia].



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No, they are protesting against Trump and his policies. 
"the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

Protest agenda:-

"Want to shut down."
"Want to see a seething rebellion."
"Disruptive demonstrations."
"Not in favour of a peaceful transition."
"We need to stop it."
"Promises other surprises."
"Concerned with the potential for violent clashes."

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30 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


Protest agenda:-

"Want to shut down."
"Want to see a seething rebellion."
"Disruptive demonstrations."
"Not in favour of a peaceful transition."
"We need to stop it."
"Promises other surprises."
"Concerned with the potential for violent clashes."

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Yes, those groups are on the radical spectrum of the resistance. That can't be denied. I can support resisting trump without supporting tactics of that kind. 

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2 hours ago, LammyTS1 said:


Protest agenda:-

"Want to shut down."
"Want to see a seething rebellion."
"Disruptive demonstrations."
"Not in favour of a peaceful transition."
"We need to stop it."
"Promises other surprises."
"Concerned with the potential for violent clashes."

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Everything except the last line sounds fine, right?  All well within their constitutional right.  And if course you have taken the last line out of context, which should read, "they said they were concerned with the potential for violent clashes with Trump supporters, 'we are definitely worried about our safety' "

Funny how people don't want their constitutional rights as soon as they don't suit their political agenda.

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Everything except the last line sounds fine, right?  All well within their constitutional right.  And if course you have taken the last line out of context, which should read, "they said they were concerned with the potential for violent clashes with Trump supporters, 'we are definitely worried about our safety' "
Funny how people don't want their constitutional rights as soon as they don't suit their political agenda.

Non peaceful demonstrations should not be tolerated.

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13 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


Non peaceful demonstrations should not be tolerated.

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Was it the "not in favour of a peaceful transition to power" that confused you into thinking they plan not to peaceful?   Peaceful transition of power is just another way of saying the inauguration of the next president, it does not mean they intend to make it unpeaceful, just that they are not in favour of a Trump being made president.  And don't worry, it will be Trump supporters who breach the peace, as they do wherever they go following Trump.

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Was it the "not in favour of a peaceful transition to power" that confused you into thinking they plan not to peaceful?   Peaceful transition of power is just another way of saying the inauguration of the next president, it does not mean they intend to make it unpeaceful, just that they are not in favour of a Trump being made president.  And don't worry, it will be Trump supporters who breach the peace, as they do wherever they go following Trump.

No, more like the:-

"Other surprises"

What other surprises? Shouldn't all protest groups detail their actions to the police before hand?

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3 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


No, more like the:-

"Other surprises"

What other surprises? Shouldn't all protest groups detail their actions to the police before hand?

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No, just that they are planning a peaceful protest and where and when, the little details can be a surprise.  Don't let your imagination run wild, perhaps they are bringing along the Red Army Choir, wouldn't that be a lovely surprise for Trumps and his comrades?

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No, just that they are planning a peaceful protest and where and when, the little details can be a surprise.  Don't let your imagination run wild, perhaps they are bringing along the Red Army Choir, wouldn't that be a lovely surprise for Trumps and his comrades?

If violence erupts, who will be to blame?

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1 minute ago, LammyTS1 said:


If violence erupts, who will be to blame?

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That would depend on the specific cases, now wouldn't it? 

There will be passionate people on both sides.

As many have observed, the U.S. is now divided in a way we haven't seen since the civil war. It's pretty predictable that there will some trum-piss-ta vs. resistance violence during the trump era. It's impossible to prevent all of that. 

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That would depend on the specific cases, now wouldn't it? 
There will be passionate people on both sides.
As many have observed, the U.S. is now divided in a way we haven't seen since the civil war. It's pretty predictable that there will some trum-piss-ta vs. resistance violence during the trump era. It's impossible to prevent all of that. 

You have had democracy before now? Yes?

The US has always been divided. As has all other nations with democracy. So long as a country has democracy there will always be division within a nation.

Please don't tell anyone that this election is any different.

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10 minutes ago, LammyTS1 said:


You have had democracy before now? Yes?

The US has always been divided. As has all other nations with democracy. So long as a country has democracy there will always be division within a nation.

Please don't tell anyone that this election is any different.

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This election was very different.

This incoming president is very different. 

We're in unchartered waters now, and if you don't see that, that's your problem. 

I get it. The trump-piss-ta apologist agenda is trying to NORMALIZE the ascension of an American man baby demagogue that is totally unqualified by experience and temperament to hold the most powerful office in the world.

Dude -- most of the world gets it ... this situation is anything but normal. 


To add, I certainly don't support violence on either side, at the inauguration and after as the resistance to trump will continue throughout the trump regime. Just facing the reality, there will be some violence related to trump-piss-tas vs. resistance (there has been already several times during the campaign) and there will be violent actors on BOTH sides.  There is no such thing as a perfect prevention system that can prevent all violent incidents. 


I'm not predicting a literal civil war but I wouldn't totally rule out that possibility either. 

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This election was very different.
This incoming president is very different. 
We're in unchartered waters now, and if you don't see that, that's your problem. 
I get it. The trump-piss-ta apologist agenda is trying to NORMALIZE the ascension of an American man baby demagogue that is totally unqualified by experience and temperament to hold the most powerful office in the world.
Dude -- most of the world gets it ... this situation is anything but normal. 

It's called democracy, nothing else. Trump is no different from the countless precedents before him.

The only difference today is that the media is involved more than ever before. The media will be actively involved more so as the years go forward.

If you think this election winning president elect was wrong to be elected then you must realise that this is absolute nothing compared to what will happen in future years.

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On 1/14/2017 at 0:41 PM, sanemax said:


  Point being that it isnt a protest about Trumps actual policies, its a protest about him being elected .

  Im not a Republican BTW .


One of the biggest protest group is women, the protest is about remarks Trump made against women as well as his future policies on planned parenthood. So its not simply about him being elected.

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On 1/14/2017 at 0:03 PM, sanemax said:


   Stating facts and telling the truth is "twisting" it ?

It was a joke at the end of a speech


It was not a joke when he says he will not accept the election results if he lost, he was still saying it on election day that it may be rigged. I can send you proof if you need it or you can just search online.

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