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Racism, anger and why dual pricing makes sense to Thai people


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10 hours ago, ezflip said:

Anyone who says that foreigner should pay more since they have more money is basically saying that it is ok to scam people.


Since when is it ever ok to scam people? Be it 10 baht or 100 baht or 1000baht... a scam is a scam.


Better to walk away and give your business to honest people.


Okay, let's flip this around a bit . . . 


Is it okay that a major multi-national manufacturer produces a product (shampoo for example) and puts one label on it and sells it in Thailand for $3 and slaps another label on another bottle and sells it for $5 in the US?  


Doesn't any decent business adjust their pricing based on what the market will bear?  


I don't mind national parks and government run tourist attractions that have dual pricing.  I can at least understand the logic.  Thais, in theory, pay taxes and are already paying for these.  


I also understand the argument that those who reside in Thailand, work in Thailand, and pay taxes in Thailand feel this is unfair.  I can certainly respect someone who wants to have a calm, rational conversation about that.  


Then again, given the relatively small difference in prices between Thai rate and foreigner rate, I think many farangs grossly over-react.  


In terms of non-governmental things like street vendors that quote different prices, I try not to give them my business.  Fairly simple solution.  I don't get upset.  They don't get upset at me.  Everybody goes on with their life.  


Someone previously said that it's racist because other Asians are charged the Thai price.  This can be true but it's far more likely the Thais can't tell the difference.  I went with a group of farangs and Thais to the Grand Palace once and one of the people with us was a farang Asian from the US who had a Thai girlfriend.  They charged them both the Thai price until he opened his mouth and then they got all upset and said he had to pay the farang price.  


Also, as the great ASEAN combobulation comes together, I would think that citizens from other ASEAN countries would be entitled to many things typical farangs might not.  Access to jobs.  Different visa requirements.  Yadda, yadda, yadda.  


Not sure it's racist.  I'm sure in some instances it is.  But I also think a lot of farangs are big crybabies who spend a good part of their lives thinking up things to flame the Thais about.  

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33 minutes ago, digibum said:


Okay, let's flip this around a bit . . . 


Is it okay that a major multi-national manufacturer produces a product (shampoo for example) and puts one label on it and sells it in Thailand for $3 and slaps another label on another bottle and sells it for $5 in the US?  


Doesn't any decent business adjust their pricing based on what the market will bear?  


I don't mind national parks and government run tourist attractions that have dual pricing.  I can at least understand the logic.  Thais, in theory, pay taxes and are already paying for these.  


I also understand the argument that those who reside in Thailand, work in Thailand, and pay taxes in Thailand feel this is unfair.  I can certainly respect someone who wants to have a calm, rational conversation about that.  


Then again, given the relatively small difference in prices between Thai rate and foreigner rate, I think many farangs grossly over-react.  


In terms of non-governmental things like street vendors that quote different prices, I try not to give them my business.  Fairly simple solution.  I don't get upset.  They don't get upset at me.  Everybody goes on with their life.  


Someone previously said that it's racist because other Asians are charged the Thai price.  This can be true but it's far more likely the Thais can't tell the difference.  I went with a group of farangs and Thais to the Grand Palace once and one of the people with us was a farang Asian from the US who had a Thai girlfriend.  They charged them both the Thai price until he opened his mouth and then they got all upset and said he had to pay the farang price.  


Also, as the great ASEAN combobulation comes together, I would think that citizens from other ASEAN countries would be entitled to many things typical farangs might not.  Access to jobs.  Different visa requirements.  Yadda, yadda, yadda.  


Not sure it's racist.  I'm sure in some instances it is.  But I also think a lot of farangs are big crybabies who spend a good part of their lives thinking up things to flame the Thais about.  

Horrible comparison, so let's use your example, we'll sell the shampoo in America, but we'll put two prices on it, one for Americans and another for foreign visitors....Or let's say different prices based on race....How well do you think that will be accepted?

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I no longer mind the duel pricing which is out of my control, because I get it back by no longer tipping which is in my control. I used to drive a taxi in the UK and when I picked up a Thai I charged her the normal price. She never tipped me so now I don't tip Thais.

Edited by MRDave
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8 hours ago, laislica said:


There is quite a difference between Racism and Price Gouging. You might also add profiteering?

Better look up the definition and see it's:


Price gouging is a pejorative term referring to when a seller spikes the prices of goods, services or commodities to a level much higher than is considered reasonable or fair, and is considered exploitative, potentially to an unethical extent. Usually this event occurs after a demand or supply shock: common examples include price increases of basic necessities after hurricanes or other natural disasters. In precise, legal usage, it is the name of a crime that applies in some jurisdictions of the United States during civil emergencies. In less precise usage, it can refer either to prices obtained by practices inconsistent with a competitive free market, or to windfall profits. In the former Soviet Union, it was simply included under the single definition of speculation.


This is Racism
    Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior:





I stick with RACIST.

It just fits the bill nicely. :thumbsup:

Thank you. 


Edited by onemorechang
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11 hours ago, ezflip said:

Anyone who says that foreigner should pay more since they have more money is basically saying that it is ok to scam people.


Since when is it ever ok to scam people? Be it 10 baht or 100 baht or 1000baht... a scam is a scam.


Better to walk away and give your business to honest people.


Quite it is just racism.  Wealthy Thais don't get cheated in this way and the rapidly growing Thai middle class are as well off as many backpackers or other foreign tourists.

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12 minutes ago, ocddave said:

Horrible comparison, so let's use your example, we'll sell the shampoo in America, but we'll put two prices on it, one for Americans and another for foreign visitors....Or let's say different prices based on race....How well do you think that will be accepted?

Actually, if you're looking for a terrible example, you're example would qualify.  


My point was, a business will often offer their product at different price points based on what the consumer can afford despite the fact that the cost to the manufacturer is the same or more to sell to the less expensive market.  


So let me give you some examples that actually address the points you are attempting to raise.  


I live in a city with a lot of tourism.  Many businesses offer "Locals" discounts.  On average, I save about 20% over what tourists pay.  Restaurants, bars, tourist attractions, etc. 


I was recently out in Hawaii and all of the grocery stores accepted a loyalty card that knocked about 15% - 25% off the price of your purchase.  You can only get the card if you have a mailing address in Hawaii.  (shhhhh . . . my buddy owns a condo there so he gave me his card to use while I was on the island).  


Disneyland and other major tourist attractions have rates for locals. 


So, this form of price discrimination goes on all the time. 


If I were running the show in Thailand I would eliminate all fees for parks, religious sites, and such for Thais and charge foreigners double.  It's their country, these things belong to them, so if overly-sensitive farangs get their panties all in a bunch over dual pricing then why not just have one price but people who have a Thai ID don't need to pay at all? 


Problem solved.  


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18 minutes ago, futsukayoi said:


Quite it is just racism.  Wealthy Thais don't get cheated in this way and the rapidly growing Thai middle class are as well off as many backpackers or other foreign tourists.


Tell me how it's racism when it's based strictly on nationality?  


Actually, if you want to point a racist finger, point it at yourself because you only seem to be able to see the world through your own race.  What about all of the Chinese (Asians) who visit Thailand and pay the foreigner rate?  What about the Japanese (Asians) who pay the foreigner rate?  What about the Koreans (Asians) who pay the foreigner rate?  


Thai is not a race.  Thai is an ethnicity. 



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4 minutes ago, digibum said:

Actually, if you're looking for a terrible example, you're example would qualify.  


My point was, a business will often offer their product at different price points based on what the consumer can afford despite the fact that the cost to the manufacturer is the same or more to sell to the less expensive market.  


So let me give you some examples that actually address the points you are attempting to raise.  


I live in a city with a lot of tourism.  Many businesses offer "Locals" discounts.  On average, I save about 20% over what tourists pay.  Restaurants, bars, tourist attractions, etc. 


I was recently out in Hawaii and all of the grocery stores accepted a loyalty card that knocked about 15% - 25% off the price of your purchase.  You can only get the card if you have a mailing address in Hawaii.  (shhhhh . . . my buddy owns a condo there so he gave me his card to use while I was on the island).  


Disneyland and other major tourist attractions have rates for locals. 


So, this form of price discrimination goes on all the time. 


If I were running the show in Thailand I would eliminate all fees for parks, religious sites, and such for Thais and charge foreigners double.  It's their country, these things belong to them, so if overly-sensitive farangs get their panties all in a bunch over dual pricing then why not just have one price but people who have a Thai ID don't need to pay at all? 


Problem solved.  



The best thing we can do is reciprocate, and charge overly inflated prices to foreigners in our home country as well, actually in this case, just for Thai visitors. We can keep this up until both sides decide an eye for an eye, just leaves everyone blind.

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Just now, ocddave said:


The best thing we can do is reciprocate, and charge overly inflated prices to foreigners in our home country as well, actually in this case, just for Thai visitors. We can keep this up until both sides decide an eye for an eye, just leaves everyone blind.


Why just Thais?  Do you really think that Thailand is the only country that makes things cheaper for locals?  I mean, I just gave you three specific examples of where we do it in the US . . . to other Americans as well as foreigners.  


What seems to get you crying like a school girl with a skinned knee is that they actually post the price difference.  They say, "Hey, Thais pay X baht.  Foreigners Y baht."  But the end result isn't any different if I go to a restaurant and at the end of my meal they ask me if I'm a local and i show them my drivers license and get a 25% discount.  


You are living in a fantasy world if you don't think this isn't happening all over the world.  



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1 hour ago, onthesoi said:


A lot like building a wall between the US and Mexico right?


That's funny, thought it was about

better controlling of illegal immigrants,  and also to have better  control of  drug trafficking.


Maybe that's racist in your mind.

You have a nice day :stoner:




Edited by onemorechang
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13 hours ago, ramrod711 said:

Normally dual pricing doesn't bother me very much, but recently I went for a haircut, there is no price list so I assumed the usual price of 200 baht was in effect. When I was just about finished the woman asked her boss or coworker 200 or 250 Baht for farang?  I said I always pay 200baht, she said that she had raised the price for the new year, not knowing that I could understand their conversation. I will vote with my wallet as I usually do, they have seen the last of me.

Just go where the prices are posted. In Pattaya I pay 80 baht.

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12 hours ago, fruitman said:


Banggood.com has much more, use their search function...i even don't know what they all have, that much. 


And for me it's just 3 clicks and my purchases are underway.


It's in Hongkong, not in Thailand...that's why it's such a nice shop. Everything is 2-3 times cheaper than in Thailand and free shipping.

"Bang Good" I do wonder what else they offer for sale on their website :cheesy:

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3 minutes ago, khunano said:

"Bang Good" I do wonder what else they offer for sale on their website :cheesy:


That shop is soooo huge i still haven't seen all they sell...maybe somewhere in the back-alleys they even have something for a dirty mind as yours.


www.banggood.com is the perfect answer to scamming thai....let's see who has the longest breath...banggood is used worldwide now, that's why they became so huge.

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7 minutes ago, fruitman said:


That shop is soooo huge i still haven't seen all they sell...maybe somewhere in the back-alleys they even have something for a dirty mind as yours.


www.banggood.com is the perfect answer to scamming thai....let's see who has the longest breath...banggood is used worldwide now, that's why they became so huge.

Thanks for your response, I will delve into the back-alleys of this online shop to find the objects of my desire :tongue:


Besides I agree with you; online shopping is indeed the perfect answer to avoid scammers and enjoy a much larger range of goods than available in most shops in Thailand especially if one does not live in Bangkok.

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5 hours ago, DM07 said:

Soooooo....one argument is: the locals think you are rich, because you spend your holiday here! Do they also think, you steal their soul, if you take picture of them?
What century is this?

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


What a strange post, as if understanding that tourists coming to Thailand have substantially more money than the average Thai is some sort of very old fashioned belief.  The average income in Thailand is less than income support in the UK, we are rich in comparison.

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30 minutes ago, onemorechang said:


That's funny, thought it was about

better controlling of illegal immigrants,  and also to have better  control of  drug trafficking.


Maybe that's racist in your mind.

You have a nice day :stoner:





Did you?  You weren't the only one who who fooled, no, it is was only about getting votes.

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We can beat this topic to death. Debate the yes and no of the practice.  BOTTOM LINE...IT'S WRONG.

NOW... imagine every Thai would traveled abroad sharing stories of being told prices are higher for foreigners.  There would be a a flood of press, about which countries are ripping them off.  

HAVING, said that... the tourist quickly learn of this practice, yet...like lemmings, they line up in droves.

FURTHERMORE... it's no wonder, many tourist have no respect for culture, the environment etc. when the drive is TOURISM in hyperdrive.  

Thailand has never marketed itself as an Eco-Tourist destination.  It's draw is shopping, partying, and I won't mention the other vices. 


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11 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:


What a strange post, as if understanding that tourists coming to Thailand have substantially more money than the average Thai is some sort of very old fashioned belief.  The average income in Thailand is less than income support in the UK, we are rich in comparison.

I think, you did not quiet catch my drift!

I think "they think we are rich- therefore it is okay to cheat us" is a stupid argument!

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1 hour ago, ocddave said:


You and the PM would get along great, next thing you know, they will be charging two rates in the Taxi's (one rate for Thai's, another 10 times the price to reflect foreigners home country rates), that should go over well.


I went with my wife to a local museum, they charged Thai's 30 baht, foreigners 300 baht, nice! Pretty soon using your logic, we will be paying the same prices as in our home lands, no need to come to Thailand anymore, we can just stay home, and avoid the pollution, corruption, safety issues, price gouging, and racism.


What are you even talking about, bro?  What does what I said have to do with the politics of the PM?  Did dual pricing start under him?  


You sound unhinged when you go off on tangents like that.  Stick to the facts.  


And the fact you can't seem to wrap your head around is:


Dual pricing happens everywhere and is widespread.  


It's not a Thai thing.  It's not racist.  



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33 minutes ago, Borzandy said:

The authorities promote this racism, particularly in national parks


Racism.  Explain exactly how offering a lower price on something based on citizenship is racism.  


I have a feeling you have no idea what racism is.  It's just an emotionally charged word you thought you would throw in because you're butt-hurt you have to pay more.  

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2 hours ago, ocddave said:


You and the PM would get along great, next thing you know, they will be charging two rates in the Taxi's (one rate for Thai's, another 10 times the price to reflect foreigners home country rates), that should go over well.


I went with my wife to a local museum, they charged Thai's 30 baht, foreigners 300 baht, nice! Pretty soon using your logic, we will be paying the same prices as in our home lands, no need to come to Thailand anymore, we can just stay home, and avoid the pollution, corruption, safety issues, price gouging, and racism.


Are you happy being able to buy cheap medicine here with all the R&D having been subsidized by charging more in the West or do you want to call racism and pay the rate you would pay back home?

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