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1 hour ago, Deepinthailand said:

All this could easily be put to bed. Man and women are equal in the eyes of the law. The problem is most men have grown up thinking  that they are the bosses and women should be chained to the kitchen sink. Once that pathetic misconception has been eliminated and the old crusties who still hold that to be true have departed the world things will change as the younger generation thankfully treat all as equals.

I treat all as equal I dont talk or act diffrently twds women I don't open doors for them I treat them as I would treat anybody else.

You have been deep in Thailand for far too long.

Feminist Jurisprudence has infiltrated Western legislation through stealth over the past four decades and continues similarly today.

Disparity against gender male is primarily evident within many facets of law both civil and criminal.

This phenomena is unilaterally being adopted apart from some predominant Islamic nations.

(I do not ascribe to these Islamic points of view either, my formative years were as an expatriate in the heart of the Middle East).

Thailand itself has gender specific law enacted as evinced on the ThaiVisa thread regarding males being raped.

Folk Guitar got it right with his analogy of pendulum swing, as an egalitarian I would ask "who initially set the pendulum in motion", with the rider "for what purpose".

Oppression of both gender collectively is rampant today as has ever been, gender wars provide deflection.


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On 1/16/2017 at 11:39 AM, jpinx said:

You mean this bit?

".........In essence, why do some men show their contempt for me at times, only to ask for my intellectual company other times? ........."

That has been answered umpteen times already


Yes, but she was lying about that, as would seem obvious. Actually I doubt whether any, or maybe a few nutters, said mean things to her. We have a lot of professional victimism on the forum. Nobody even cares enough to do so; or maybe she's in reality just annoying. Later she revealed, using an intellectually impressive Venn diagram, that the two groups are in fact separate and concluded that, irrespective of her fine appearance and prim behavior, the "bad" guys would just as likely hit on Thai women too. Not that she really knew for certain they were already involved.


One of the more notable wastes of time on the forum.



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22 minutes ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:


I didn't come here for the women either, but did end up marrying one.


BTW I'd be interested to hear how Thai women respond when hearing one is married to a Western woman.  Although that may be a different topic.  


Probably once married the spouse's nationality doesn't really matter all that much anymore. 


Maybe relatively more people (m/f/Thai/Farang) would perceive you as tourists rather than expats. And some other subtle differences.


They don't seem especially bothered either way by what colour my wife is - or to regard us as tourists.

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39 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:


I think a lot of that is nonsense.. The (not true to my experiences at all) stereotype of the submissive asian female..  I note you dont have an asian wife, try it, they get things the way they want them just well enough. They perhaps dont attack the problem head on like a bill in a china shop but its no accident Thai women married to Thai men often control the finances, give the guy an allowance from his salary, and control a lot more than perhaps is assumed. 


Theres no PC sillyness, theres not a revolt against gender roles, theres no stupid like putting women in combat roles (and then having to reduce all the physical tests so they can pass, there isnt the affirmative action.. And yet without this Thailand has a very matriarchal society.. Hell look at who won the last few elections. 


now we are in to women in combat roles, and the notion that gender roles beyond reproduction should remain static. interesting.

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1 minute ago, HooHaa said:


now we are in to women in combat roles, and the notion that gender roles beyond reproduction should remain static. interesting.


In many ways, Thailand has a much more fluid attitude to gender roles than the West. For example, I've never seen a woman working on a building site back home.

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24 minutes ago, Paul Catton said:

You have been deep in Thailand for far too long.

Feminist Jurisprudence has infiltrated Western legislation through stealth over the past four decades and continues similarly today.

Disparity against gender male is primarily evident within many facets of law both civil and criminal.

This phenomena is unilaterally being adopted apart from some predominant Islamic nations.

(I do not ascribe to these Islamic points of view either, my formative years were as an expatriate in the heart of the Middle East).

Thailand itself has gender specific law enacted as evinced on the ThaiVisa thread regarding males being raped.

Folk Guitar got it right with his analogy of pendulum swing, as an egalitarian I would ask "who initially set the pendulum in motion", with the rider "for what purpose".

Oppression of both gender collectively is rampant today as has ever been, gender wars provide deflection.


If you say so I will continue on as I always have.

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32 minutes ago, true blue said:

Imho this discussion has propally put off males in los for everr talking or acknowledging a farang women of a certain age or any age for that matter if they have been reading this blog.


To the contrary.  I spotted a Farang woman around lunch time and said 'Hello', with some very light conversation.


I didn't reach intellectual orgasm though, so will have to try again tonight.

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15 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


In many ways, Thailand has a much more fluid attitude to gender roles than the West. For example, I've never seen a woman working on a building site back home.


And how many building sites did you go to back home?

If Fact , in America, at least, many women work in the trades and are present on building sites. Just have to OPEN your eyes!

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1 minute ago, beachproperty said:


And how many building sites did you go to back home?

If Fact , in America, at least, many women work in the trades and are present on building sites. Just have to OPEN your eyes!


I don't go out of my way to visit them in either country.

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4 minutes ago, HooHaa said:


now we are in to women in combat roles, and the notion that gender roles beyond reproduction should remain static. interesting.

Speaking of combat...A long time ago in the UK I had a African girl friend (not girlfriend) and we often use to go martial art school together. She was short, powerful and fast at training but in competition even better. She said that she often dreamed of having a family and I jokingly suggested she might stop beating up the lads in the gym. She did get married and have a family and still happy with the same man.

My point here is choice. Women should be able to choose in an equivalent way to men. Indeed, in an ideal world we'd all like that, I'm sure...but it isn't an ideal world then again things have moved on since 150 years or so ago. One only has to look at the recent History of Astronomy to see how women had to yield.

Having said that, if ones makes a choice one must also pay a price and that goes for men and women.

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21 minutes ago, WinnieTheKhwai said:


I didn't come here for the women either, but did end up marrying one.


BTW I'd be interested to hear how Thai women respond when hearing one is married to a Western woman.  Although that may be a different topic.  


Probably once married the spouse's nationality doesn't really matter all that much anymore. 


Maybe relatively more people (m/f/Thai/Farang) would perceive you as tourists rather than expats. And some other subtle differences.

My sister-in-law, pee sow Aoy has received request to consider a marriage proposal from friends in Phuket towards our eldest niece.

She is adamant that our niece follows her own dream as she on her own familiar terms with an 

14 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


In many ways, Thailand has a much more fluid attitude to gender roles than the West. For example, I've never seen a woman working on a building site back home.

Glass ceiling - Glass basement, funny Dr Google provides innumerous hits on the first, yet the latter is as sparse as the arctic tundra.

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That's very true.I left home some 17 years ago now,but when i visited sites,in my profession as a plumbing engineer,i saw lady plumbers,lady electricians and even a lady plasterer.They weren't in their hundreds but they were on several sites.I believe i saw more on sites run by Sisk and Bovis than i did anywhere else.

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Imagine a good looking female, still very attractive over 50, must have gotten cat calls, rude comments and been hit on in most places in the world, what about 5 times a week since she was 13?

That would be over 9,000 times but she still can't just ignore them.

Have some compassion.

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It's gotta be tough screwing up the fortitude for another trip to Rimping among the old boys wearing big grins, cargo shorts and flip flops, pushing their trolleys around whilst canoodling with a Thai bird half his age.  Week after week.  Month after Month.


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12 minutes ago, amykat said:


Are you sure about that? Who tells you that? The only people I ever hear that from are the female hating men who are part of the anti-feminist movement such as our poster "Paul Catton" who follows such things as "A Voice for Men."


I wonder if the men who follow "A Voice for Men" consider you to be anti-male simply because you are a feminist?  Would that be as biased a viewpoint as you considering him anti-feminist?

Edited by FolkGuitar
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When i divorced my wife,she had no visitation rights at all.Not even supervised,she was that unfit.She was ordered by the department that was created for absent fathers( i cant remember what it was called now,it was 3 letters)to pay me a certain amount of money,because i had full custody,care,and control.I fought against it and refused the payments.I didnt want her to be able to see my daughter ever.They said i HAD to have them.I got a solicitor to make a case for me because she was a violent mare and would the department like to be held responsible for any thing happening to either me or my girl.The payments were cancelled.

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15 minutes ago, FolkGuitar said:


I wonder if the men who follow "A Voice for Men" consider you to be anti-male simply because you are a feminist?  Would that be as biased a viewpoint as you considering him anti-feminist?


A Voice For Men is a group known to be Anti-Feminist ...similar to how the KKK is to blacks


 Let me say this again.  A feminist is for equality for women, for themselves. This is like blacks being for equality for blacks.


If you are ANTI-Feminists, that means you are trying to keep me from having equality.  What do we call people who try to prevent blacks from having equality?  Do we say blacks who want equality are doing something bad to white people and are anti-white (just on the face of it?)


I think this is what you are asking me.  I am not being biased. He is a member of a group which is openly hostile to women's rights and would like to oppress them I guess. I don't follow them but they are on a warning list of the Southern Poverty Law Center. They were a group that took down the KKK initially, through a series a lawsuits that managed to bankrupt them if I remember correctly. They monitor hate groups.


Read the link guys. Do some research!!


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Amycat. I realise that,that is his posting name and not his real one.But it doesnt do to accuse a fellow poster and mention his name in anger.Compliments are far more acceptable.For instance,i call Transam, Tranny ,because its a pleasant form of terminolgy.Many people on here call me Dave.Its nice to be nice.We are all anonymous here but to cuss a fellow member is not good form because the name is then remembered in the minds of some of the strange,psycho's that post on here.I was brought up to have a certain amount of manners,some people were not.

I have issues with one or two posters on here,that i feel are stupid,ignorant and cowardly,but i would never accuse them of being so in the forum.On the other hand,if he is fool enough to post using his real name,then there are people on here that might know and recognise him.I dont for one minute that your real name is Amycatunless,of course you are a feline that has learnt to read,write and post.:smile:

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34 minutes ago, amykat said:


Well I asked questions to people in MY posts, those are the questions I would like answered.  However, I don't know where you got this strange idea from that women never pay men?  That is simply NOT true.  Wives pay child support, wives pay spousal maintenance, wives share their property, share their retirement benefits, etc.  There are no differences.  You would have to look at a specific jurisdiction I cannot cover the entire Western world.


You have simply made a totally unfounded and ridiculous, untrue statement above.  It wasn't even a completely written out thought but okay I got it.


You know, before you decide to hate everyone and make all your judgements about what is going on in the world, it might be good to actually have a few facts at hand??



Sure they pay.. but a tiny fraction as much as in the reverse.. Britney paid how much to Kevin Ferderline etc.. 


If you think female and male divorce payouts are equal then clearly your either not looking or a biased observer.. Any factual measure shows they are not..


Just one example.. 

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28 minutes ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

When i divorced my wife,she had no visitation rights at all.Not even supervised,she was that unfit.She was ordered by the department that was created for absent fathers( i cant remember what it was called now,it was 3 letters)to pay me a certain amount of money,because i had full custody,care,and control.I fought against it and refused the payments.I didnt want her to be able to see my daughter ever.They said i HAD to have them.I got a solicitor to make a case for me because she was a violent mare and would the department like to be held responsible for any thing happening to either me or my girl.The payments were cancelled.


apropos of nothing at all.


thanks for sharing.

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4 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:


you mean this isnt true ?? Or is perfectly normal examples of modern feminism merely representing equality.


Schools offer ‘safe spaces’ to combat ‘toxic masculinity’




Nothing anti male in these then ?? This is modern snowflake generation feminism.. 



You're upset about people merely discussing the idea of male privilege?


Seems like you're the delicate snowflake here. 

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1 hour ago, SoiBiker said:


In many ways, Thailand has a much more fluid attitude to gender roles than the West. For example, I've never seen a woman working on a building site back home.

Good grief!  What victorian culture do you call home?  ;) 

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1 hour ago, Khon Kaen Dave said:

Paul Catton.

Regarding your final words on your last posting regarding glass ceilings etc.
in the quiet words of the Virgin Mary "come again?"


 Was not on proper hardware interface for response, apologies for disjointing, hopefully sentiment was evident.

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I know of guys here who regularly receive financial support from ex-wives back in the home country.  


And I could tell you a few heart-warming tales of ex-wives in the home country who have really pulled thru when an old guy was diagnosed with a terminal condition, had a few weeks to live and decided that it was time to mend fences and go back one last time to see his kids, grandkids and "make it up" to his ex.  


But, someone said they think all my little stories are Walter Mitty stories.  So be it.


Actually, about half the time when I call an ex- in the home country, hoping she'll help the old guy dying without funds in Chiang Mai, I'm treated to a real earful.  (Note:  I always make these type of calls with the permission of the person I'm assisting) and the news that he's getting what he deserves.  Every so often, the ex's will remain calm long enough to hear how bad off he is, how much pain he's in, how his TGF has left him and then I get the earful.  I think those women get more satisfaction. 

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