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Belfast couple raped and robbed on holiday from hell in Phuket

Jonathan Fairfield

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1 hour ago, IamNoone88 said:

Sounds like a load of BS and more like a stab at their insurance company, which seems to be their primary concern in the story.


I agree story sounds fishing, they didn't even mention anything about possible suspects that they drank with or could possibly spike it.

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30 minutes ago, catman20 said:

id like to know how people get their selves in all these bad situations?????????????

For me I was drinking a coke outside of a burger king on my laptop (around 3pm I recall), the lid off. And 2 middle aged women started talking to me in front, and then later 2 younger women came who they knew, they must have popped it into my coke some time during then 

Edited by JustNo
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4 minutes ago, JustNo said:

For me I was drinking a coke outside of a burger king on my laptop (around 3pm I recall), the lid off. And 2 middle aged women started talking to me in front, and then later 2 younger women came who they knew, they must have popped it into my coke some time during then 

and then ???????????

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Just now, catman20 said:

and then ???????????

I remember going to a bar for some drinks as they said it was the youngest girls 18th birthday (yeah right) and I remember a few snippets walking to another place but after that I woke up in a guest house alone. Wallet empty, macbook gone and nobody helped. I went back to my place where I was saying with a friend after going to the police. My friend said I looked like a zombie with red eyes and pale skin, I pretty much stayed in bed for 2 days semi conscious 

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1 hour ago, TankerWeams said:

Gerald is clearly short for Geraldine. How can they both be male, the article said they were married .

Unfortunately, the British government allow homosexual marriages.

Edited by possum1931
changed words.
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1 minute ago, JustNo said:

I remember going to a bar for some drinks as they said it was the youngest girls 18th birthday (yeah right) and I remember a few snippets walking to another place but after that I woke up in a guest house alone. Wallet empty, macbook gone and nobody helped. I went back to my place where I was saying with a friend after going to the police. My friend said I looked like a zombie with red eyes and pale skin, I pretty much stayed in bed for 2 days semi conscious 

and TAT talks of attracting  more tourists . get the house in order for heavens' sake.

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Just now, sahibji said:

and TAT talks of attracting  more tourists . get the house in order for heavens' sake.

This was back in 2010 though, but it sure as hell still happens. The police said that gangs of women go around doing this and they probably already skipped town. It happened in HH in case you wondered where

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2 hours ago, Aachen said:

"Gerald and Michael - both 33 - returned to Belfast on Wednesday before undergoing medical tests with their own GP which confirmed they had been raped. "


Ahem... Interesting...

please share which part you find amusing.

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1 minute ago, JustNo said:

I remember going to a bar for some drinks as they said it was the youngest girls 18th birthday (yeah right) and I remember a few snippets walking to another place but after that I woke up in a guest house alone. Wallet empty, macbook gone and nobody helped. I went back to my place where I was saying with a friend after going to the police. My friend said I looked like a zombie with red eyes and pale skin, I pretty much stayed in bed for 2 days semi conscious 

i am not being rude or offensive, im a big guy and work out a lot, these things never happen to me. i think these scum bags choose there victims on appearances.

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Just now, Cockwomble said:

I was told many years ago by an Irish expat that "there are no gays in Ulster ", seems he was wrong.

Sent from my SM-G920F using Thaivisa Connect mobile app

Seems impossible,they are Roman Catholics after all and there are lots of priests, maybe he meant lots of homosexuals but they don't seem very gay about it

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2 hours ago, Kerryd said:

I call BS on the whole story.


Allegedly drugged, raped and robbed of all their money (and phones) on New Years Eve. 


Spend 5 days trying to get their insurance provider to tell them which hospital to go to. (<deleted> !??!).


Finally go to a hospital that (allegedly) wouldn't accept their insurance paperwork, then their insurance company tells them to go to a "private" hospital.

"On the fifth day my family back in Belfast got in touch with the British Embassy in Bangkok and we finally got sent to a hospital, but the hospital wouldn't accept our insurance documents. We then got sent to a private hospital, which insurance companies don't usually do, but because of our case they got us into this facility. The insurance company also said they would cover all charges, because they knew we had no money after being robbed."


So their insurance company gets them into this "private" hospital and agrees to cover all their costs, but then tells them to skip out on the bill?

("Gerald also claimed OUL Direct told the couple to leave the hospital without paying, as long as they still had possession of their passports.")


The police in Phuket just laughed at their story and said it happens all the time ?!?!?

(Uh huh. Conveniently that means no police report and no local news report apparently.)


They returned to Ireland on the 11th and, 11 days after the alleged incident, their doctor was still able to confirm they'd been raped ?!??!?


Funny how they only seem to be pissed off about their insurance provider though. Not overly upset about being raped/robbed. Not overly upset about the Thai police allegedly laughing at them. Supposedly someone drugs 2 men in a bar, gets them out of the bar, (presumably) rapes/robs them and dumps them somewhere (details very vague) and their main beef is with their insurance provider.


I wonder what the CCTV images from their hotel would show. I wonder if they, like previous alleged rape victims, skipped out on their hotel bill. I wonder if maybe they just blew all their money (literally) and then sold some BS story to the newspaper to try and recoup some of it. 

(There are organizations in the UK that offer to pay people's vacation costs if they have a "good" story to tell that the organization can then spice up and resell to other media outlets).


Kerry in the absence of knowing all the facts is it fair to be judgemental.

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Would any of the doubters or people finding it amusing be the same towards 2 young girls... Grow up

If and it's a big if it is an insurance fraud there is no need for that Rape story and additional parts to the story.  A simple mugging would of been an easier lie to remember and sell so unless anyone has any evidence to the contrary how about showing some compassion. 

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2 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

Yes, thats because its  a news summary.


These guys are claiming to have been robbed and raped. Everything should be done to catch the people that did it. Your comment is simply moronic.


I never understand Thailand. When you hear stories like this where the police just dont give a shit well Thailand is going to keep suffering falls in tourism and its reputation just continues to decline.


I hope these guys can just get on with life and put it behind them.

But tourist figures keep going up!!!

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