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"Mummy when I grow up can I organize a coup?"


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I think we must look in the context of Thailand gun culture and not try to make comparison with other countries. Thailand has a problem with guns. Just too much guns in hands of adults and kids. Too many cases of kids using guns at the slightest provocation, against rival schools and street gangs and even within family feuds. The government and also previous governments should have the sense to decrease the chance of kids familiarizing with guns; not encouraging like during children day. There are many good themes like education, environment and civil consciousness to chose to inculcate good values in kids. Leave the gun displays to army or navy open house. Children day is a day when you stress the good values for them not guns.   

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5 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

I think we must look in the context of Thailand gun culture and not try to make comparison with other countries. Thailand has a problem with guns. Just too much guns in hands of adults and kids. Too many cases of kids using guns at the slightest provocation, against rival schools and street gangs and even within family feuds. The government and also previous governments should have the sense to decrease the chance of kids familiarizing with guns; not encouraging like during children day. There are many good themes like education, environment and civil consciousness to chose to inculcate good values in kids. Leave the gun displays to army or navy open house. Children day is a day when you stress the good values for them not guns.   

and it would be just as true if you changed Thailand to USA throughout most of the post

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It's not the guns alone - which personally WOULD be enough for me!

It is also an abhorrent education- system, full of para- military activities, goose-stepping at school, indoctrination (national anthem, flag hoisting every morning) and military/ political indoctrination.

On top of that -in case you did not notice- the country is run by the military!

So checks and balances my behind!

When I was a kid, I joined one "open day" at an army base near my hometown (I was 12 or so, my brother 10) and it did me no harm.

A developed a short lived enthusiasms for tanks and ended up, being a conscientious objector.

But then again, I grew up in a society, that also taught us about, what war actually looks like, we learned about WW2 and other wars in school, had open discussions about the 3rd Reich etc. and where the army was a part of society and responsible to the society

We had an educational guidance, that is completely missing in Thailand, where it is just "Army good!" and "Thailand best!"...and that is it!

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19 hours ago, robblok said:

Your totally missing the point, this is an event that has been organised for countless of years on children's day by the army. It predates the coup.


But now these 2 rather bias so called "reporters" are using it to turn it into an anti junta rant. They were bias in the past and still are.


Now your point of letting kids be kids for a few more years.. they are having fun its not military training for them its a fun day out.. a free fun day out that is for some families real important. Now I can understand the sentiment about kids and weapons and so on but I don't see why this had to be turned into anti junta rant by those two. 


"It predates the coup"...Oh? Which coup would that be then? Check the history books. There's been more than one.

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13 hours ago, Shawn0000 said:


Hardly unusual, you might note that in the pictures from France they are all boys, and you might also care to note the picture of the girl with the rifle above.


I didn't say it was unusual to see boys being encouraged to play war games by the military. Unfortunately, across the world the reverse is true.  


Re the photo of the little girl with the rifle: did you note an earlier report about the US military encouraging women to become combat troops?


From little acorns. . . 

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Did the teachers all get to wear cammo and play with guns on Monday (Teacher's Day)?


Can't really blame the military for trying to create brand awareness/loyalty in children; it works for cigarette manufacturers - capture them young, keep them loyal for their lifetime.


Smart really, events like these inculcate the military culture (along with sakdina and kreng jai) in the populace from an early age, and keeps them subservient to the higher powers. Baste liberally with a really poor edumacation system and control is easy.

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17 hours ago, tukkytuktuk said:

Do you know the words of the Thai National Anthem?


If it seems militant, that's because it is. 




In 1939, when the name of the country was changed from Siam to Thailand, a competition was launched to create new lyrics, with those by Luang Saranupraphan winning. Prime minister Phibunsongkhram ordered the anthem to be played every day at 08:00 and 18:00, and ordered the populace to stand up to show respect for the nation. 


And Phibun was the military dictator of the day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plaek_Phibunsongkhram

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4 minutes ago, DrTuner said:


If it seems militant, that's because it is. 




And Phibun was the military dictator of the day: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plaek_Phibunsongkhram



Quite common isn't it to have some mention of military in the national anthem? considering one of the main purposes of the nation is to offer citizens protection from foreign invasion is it not actually to be expected?


US: And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air

UK: Scatter our enemies, And make them fall! 

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1 minute ago, Shawn0000 said:

Quite common isn't it to have some mention of military in the national anthem? considering one of the main purposes of the nation is to offer citizens protection from foreign invasion is it not actually to be expected?


US: And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air

UK: Scatter our enemies, And make them fall! 


Depends I suppose. Mine doesn't have any "come hither and we'll chop your head off" stuff though:

Oh our land, Finland, fatherland,
ring, golden word!
No valley, no hill,
no water, shore more dear
Than this northern homeland,
the dear land of our fathers


I guess that tells something about the country itself.

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6 minutes ago, DrTuner said:


Depends I suppose. Mine doesn't have any "come hither and we'll chop your head off" stuff though:


I guess that tells something about the country itself.


Theres mention of war later on.


This nation's battles who can tell them, who?

When a war sounded in our valleys,

and frost brought the pain of hunger,

who measured the blood

and its sufferings?

Who tells, of all the fights, the tale,

In which this folk withstood,

When war did rage from dale to dale,

When frost set in, with hunger’s wail?

Who measured all their pouring blood,

And all their patience good?



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9 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

Theres mention of war later on.

I'll be damned. Didn't even know there was an earlier version, those verses came from some original poem. Many people have hard time remembering even the first verse in the anthem, perhaps they should put some head chopping in there to keep 'em awake. 


I'm not a big fan of the concept of a nation in general, I'd much rather have a set of services like security, law enforcement, etc that I could subscribe to on a customer basis than being force fed whatever is available in the geographic area I happen to be in. Never mind the brainwashing the nations do on their citizens, I ain't buying that.

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Blogger Richard Barrow and the BBC's Jonathan Head were in agreement that it was not a good idea, reported Manager in Thailand.
I don't see it as being particularly harmful, kids love that stuff. One thing I do know is that anything Jonathan Head is opposed to might be something that I would look on favorably.

A journalist reports the news without bias. A travel blogger reports about travelling. Time to go back to your day jobs.
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7 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

I'll be damned. Didn't even know there was an earlier version, those verses came from some original poem. Many people have hard time remembering even the first verse in the anthem, perhaps they should put some head chopping in there to keep 'em awake. 


I'm not a big fan of the concept of a nation in general, I'd much rather have a set of services like security, law enforcement, etc that I could subscribe to on a customer basis than being force fed whatever is available in the geographic area I happen to be in. Never mind the brainwashing the nations do on their citizens, I ain't buying that.


You would?  That would enable rich people to have a private security force the size of an army while regular people were forced to try to protect their families with whatever they could scrape together in the tool shed.  There is a name for it, we call it feudal, we've been there and done that in the medieval days and it wasn't much fun for many.

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7 minutes ago, tukkytuktuk said:

A journalist reports the news without bias. A travel blogger reports about travelling. Time to go back to your day jobs.


You do realize that both the main political parties hate him, it is only some real sad people who try to pretend that he is a Red supporter.

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2 minutes ago, Shawn0000 said:

You would?  That would enable rich people to have a private security force the size of an army while regular people were forced to try to protect their families with whatever they could scrape together in the tool shed.  There is a name for it, we call it feudal, we've been there and done that in the medieval days and it wasn't much fun for many.

Well, I'm in Thailand aren't I? A paying customer in a basically feudal society.

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I don't know...kids have guns everywhere. Been to Chicago lately?  What about ISIS, hundreds of kids were killed a few weeks back in the Battle for Mosul - If you have the stones you can watch this video but I WARN you now. This is ISIS training children, real training.  http://heavy.com/news/2016/12/isis-islamic-state-amaq-news-my-father-told-me-video-syrian-arab-army-saa-turkey-turkish-soldiers-mass-execution-gay-man-thrown-full-roof-execution-full-uncensored/

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